The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 30, 1906, Image 4

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Alf Rycraft o' Alsea was a Cor
vallis visitor Tuesday and Wed
nesday. A masquerade skating carnival
is announced for tbis .evening at
the gopera house. Maskers only
will b- allowed on the floor until
8:15. Grand march 7:30.
Rev. T. S. Handsaker will
preach at Mountain View scho 1
uouse next Sunday afternoon at 3:
Miss Agnes von der Hellen
who is teacbing the young idea
how to shoot at Yaquina came out
Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving
with M ss Srace Huff.
' Miss Mabel Withycombe left
yesterday morning for Portland,
where he served as bridesmaid at
the wedding of Miss Bertine Arm
strong and Henry C Prudhomrne
occunng in that city las', evening.
Miss Camille Carrol, an in
structor at the University r f Oreg
on, spent Thanksgiving in Corvsll
is with her aunt, Mrs. Carrol, who
occupis the Lee residence at Third
and Jefferson street.
Glen Ireland was the lucky
man in the raffle for the saddle
horse, Robin Lightfoot. put up by
W. O. Trine. One hundred und
fifty chances at a dollar each were
C i t Brown who has been n
Corvalnast-versl wtes takingtraai
ment for a o oken leg and an ad
vance stage of kidney trouble, is
much improved, and the apprehen
sion of his friends is much allayed.,
Rev. Donald Cameron, will con
duct services in the Congregational
church morning and evening. In
ihe even;ng the subject will . be
" Steps to Fieedom" tracing the
growth historically of Construction
al Ammcan freedom.
Extensive improvements are
peing made to the Fie t residence
at the cornor of Fifth and Madison
street-. A two-story L is to be the North of the main build
ing. Next Sunday will be C'' W. B,
M. day at the Christian church.
Tfce Woman's missionary society
will have charge of the services.
In ihe morning the pas or will speak
on "Woman? Debt to Chr stianity"
In the evening the women of the
church will give a program co -sisting
of special music and short ed
dresses. Many Benton county friends
were pleased to meet Judge Hamil
ton who presdied at thej term of
court which closed Monday. It
had been some time since he held
court here. Judge Harris having
presided in this par of the juipcial
district. Among the Corvallis im
proves nt which J dHamiltcn
particnlarly noticed is the new
mountain water system in praise of
which he was enthusiastic.
Nolan and Son have a verp
attractive football window. It is
made up largely of O. A, C. ban
ners, tootball caricatures, and
bmnersin the colors of U. of O.,
Harvard, Yle, Cornell, Universi y
'of California, Princeton, 'Pennsyl
vania, WashingtonD. C, Vassar,
and others. AH of "vnch are
beautifully lettered. The ho!e is
a f.tting recognition 01 iue spirit of
the time. :
Thomas Peters is among the
sorely afflicted of the city. Ten
davs ago. while at the Woods saw
mill he was bi ten upon the hand
by a cat. Soon afterwaid the
hand and forearm swelled to such
an alarming: extent that Mr. Peters
deemed it best to consult a phys
ician and eatse to . town for that
purpose, Tuesday the affected mem
ber was lanced and wHle it is still
swollen and painful, it is thought
to be improving,
-W. J. Day, of Fisher, was in
tuwn Wednesday on business. Since
early in the past summ r Mr.
Day has been engaged in baulk g
cream to Alsea from Five Rivers
district and intervening ranches.
From Alsea the product is hauled
to Cotvallis creameries by W. H.
Malone's freight teams. However
during the past three or four weeks
tbeFive Rivers and Lobster streams
have been at impassable stage-,
aud for that length of time the
dairying business was practica'ly
at a standstill.
Always Keeps Chamoerlain's Ccmgn
Remedy in His House. ;
"Wo would not be without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand contin
ually in our home," says W. W. Ke&rney,
editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo.
That is just what every family should do.
When kept at hand ready for instant use, a
cold may be checked at the outset and cured
in much less time than after it has become
jettled in the system. This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and
will prevent the attack when given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand. , For
sale by Graham & Worthan);
J. B Horner is a Portland vis
itor. Mrs. Clara Fisher-Rand of Or
egon City, is visiting relatives and
friends in tbis city. ...
Victor Spencer returns to Rai
nier tomorrow after a Thankegivng
visit with hi6 parents.
Mre. Whitetaom and Mrs. Bur
nett arrived laet night from a
weeks visit to Portland. '
Mr. and Mrs. I,. L. Porter of
Oregon City spent Thanksgiving at
tieSpangler home.
Mies Mary Wann ot Salem, at
tended the Thanksgiving hop at
t ie armory.
V. A. Vidito moved Wed. into
tbe residence which he recently pur
chased from the city. . '
Mr. and Mrs. Evan McLennan
left Wednesday for a Thanksgiving
visit In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buxton
entertained Wednesday evening in
honor of their guest Miss Minnie
Buxton. '. ''
Mrs. Moses Kline and young
son of Portland, are expected to ar
rive today for a visit with Miss
Pauline Klin?. ,
Mayme Crawford left today for
Portland whither she goes to accept
a position in a jewelry establish
ment. . ' ; '
Mr. and Mrs. T." Callahan and
M'88 Helen Crawford are Portland
visdtore. They return tomorrow.
Married, at Albany, yesterday
noon, Otto M. Locke, of Benton
county, and Lona Grace Nanney,
of Albany. ' ' "
Mr. and Mr? . Eldrid Knizenga
nee Mies' Anna Allen spent Thanks
giying with tbe lattter's parents in
this city. '- 7'y'.
Harry Fryer and ; Bush Davis
of Portland, attended the Thanks
giving hop at the armory. ; j
A turnip from the farm of D.
B. Farley, in Southern Benton, Is
oa exhibition at the office of Am
bler and Waltf rs. Its weight is 23
p junds aud its circumference is 4i
inches. " -: ' ; ' '.: ; " ,
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Gatcb of
Salem, accompanied by their daugh
ter, Miss Rjth, arrived Wednesday.
They are guets of President and
Mrs. Gatch for a few days.
At a regular convocation of Or
egon Council No. 2, Royal and Se
lect Masters, Wednesday evening,
the following : officers were elected
and installed to serve for tbe ensu
ing Masonic year: Th. Tll. M, S.
L. Kline; D. M , S. M. Woodcock;
P. C. W.V 31 B. Horner; C. C , Z,
H. Davie; C G., J. Fred Yatee;
treasurer, E. Holgate; . recorder, E.
B. Horning; steward. S. N. Lilly,
feotinel, J. R.Rowland.
Co:ich . Norcross is to leave
Sunday or Monday for Seattle
whfra he has accepted a position
with a railroad company. He en
joyes the distinction of having per
formed the almost incredible feat cf
developing from new mnterlal in a
single season a football team that
has taken rank " in .'. the first-class,
and th t has tLy;d to a star d still
every team tbat it has gon against.
On the field and off of it, Mr. .Nor
cross has been not only an extreme
ly successful coach at football, but
a coach in tbe ethics of manhood
and gentlemanly conduct. , Tbe im
pression he has left upon his play
ers and upon the student body, at
the college has been : distinctly
beneficial from every, standpoint.
His services for. the future feBon as
coach are universally and earnestly
sought at O. A. C. with some doubt
as to whether or not be will accept.
C . .- Watch this space
25 acres near small town 12 acres in cultivation,; ballance pasture and
timber, good house, barn, chicken house, good orchard near school, a nice, ,
little home, price $1,250. ;;. : ;;"V fc-
Good stroe and dwelling combined, barn with windmill 3 acres of
with fruit; a fine location for small business, in little town, price. $1,000. ; !
; 26 acres 1 8 in cult, balance timber and pasture, house and bam, soil "
sandy loam Located near, .own of Queensjjury, Warren County New '
York price $1 ,000, will trade for Oregon land, j-, ,;t i
Choice Meats
- Here is a BARGAIN for YOU.' With eveiy ten dollar
worth of goods purchased from our GROCERY DEPART
MENT before December 1st. we will give, absolutely FREE,
one pound of good twenty-cent coffee, or one 25c can of guar-
ameea jv. . DaKing powaer.
Harlan :& Schwingler.
The fastening of a wire cable
to a log gave way in Frank Prices
logging camp on the Luckiamute,
Wednesday, and Jack Hamar was
struck. His arm was broken near
the wrist. Dr. Cathey of Corvallis,
went out and reduced tbe fracture.
Among those who went to Sa
lem to see the football game yester
day were Mayor Johnson and
daughtere, H. H. Croniee, Profs.
Cornley, Knieely, Bercbtold, Mc
Louth, McDougal, Mr. and Mrs.
Horner, Mr. and Mrs. Trine, Mr.
and Mrs. Mo&ier, Ed Smith, Mel
Elgin, Fred Fischer, Mr.' and Mrs.
Continued from page I.
tbe shot, though it was only a lOx
12 foot room, with a small window
nailed down and a cumin over tbe
narrow door.
The Jennings children ere of the
stolid, unflinching mountaineer
stock, to whom tears are a thing al
most unknown. An evidence of
this was shown in the fact that Do
ra and a yoang man enjoyed a wa
termelon on the back step when tbe
inquest over her father's body was
being held in the cabin. : And , the
men who dug the old man's grave
were brought a basket of melons
and other good , things by Jasper,
the boy sitting down with them to
enjoy the sweets,' letting his feet
dangle in the grave where his father
was to be buried. i .
Tbe case is tbe most peculiar and
perplexing ever known in Southern
Oregon and bids fair to remain al?
ways a mystery,-; j
Sold on Merit
Always the Same .
n . 1 jet .'" '
i. ft. U. I
. jan Jrrancisco
. Two of a Kind. .
A reckiess young chauffeur of Kiel
Wa sneeding his automobiel, .
When a venturesome calf
Tr ed to use more than half
Of tbe road.' And now be is viel.
A handsome young maiden of Lisle
Resolved to be dressed upin . Btisl-;
So she purcbesyd lisle hose,
. Lisle shoes and lisle close,
Then wondert-d what made the men
smile. V, .". ., . . : , : .', .
for Bargins in ?: -
and Groceries
WE SeU Flour.
: Spice
1 erreci
Always found at the store of
Special 5, 10 and 15c
Sale Now on.
Bring all your eggs and butter to
Have You Bought that Winter
Suit Yet?
If not. come and let us figure with you. We have
a fine line of ready-to-wear clothing also a Jarge line
of samples we take your measure and guarantee a fit.
Give us a call.
The only exclusive Mens Furnishing Store in Town.
The Grocer,
We are not inclined
writing advertisements
and customers speak for
i tin V
Greatest of ' all -
on the Market.
In Serving. Can be bought at
MOSES and get the highest
to spend much 'time in 5
we prefer to let our goods
Food Productions
Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
to the late Hong Wo Tonir, of Albany,
Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medicine to all. The undersigned
recommends bim and guarantees satis
faction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec-
JO A A r
.." ... ; , Jim Westfall.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that th6 undersigned
has been duly appointed the executor ot the es
tate of Add Compton, deceased, by the county
court of the state ot Oregon, for Bentoa county,
AU persous having clplins agalutt Bald estate
are notified to present the same duly verified as
by law required within six montha from the
date hereof, to tbe uuderslRned at the olllce ot .
R. Bryaoo, lu the city ol Corvallis, Oro?on.
Executor ot the estate ot Ann Compton, dec'sd
Economy fruit jars at Thatcher
& Johnson's.
CLOTHES CLEANED and pressed at
lowest prices one door soutu of mart
ble shop on Main street.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Blag. Honrsi
lO to 1a and a to 4.
: I Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Office 1011 Main st Ind 204-1
Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389.
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right
Corvallis, ' Oregon.
Zierolf Building. ;
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Res
idence on the corner of Madison and
Seventh et. Phone at honse and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office OVfir nnstofHA. H(wirlanna Hni-
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
Li a. m., 1 to 4 p. ra. urders may be
eft at Graham & ham's drug store.
Xeave orders at Zierolfs for fresh
Yaquina bay oysters for delivery Sat
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
Fresh Yaquina Bay oysters at
Zierolfs every Saturday. Ieave
orders now.
Chicago 17 Hours' Nearer via this Pop
ular Columbia River Route..
Fianklin was right when he
said, " Lost time is never found a
gain. " The O. R. N. in addition
to giving you 200 miles "along the
matchless Columbia River, saves
you 17 hours to Chicago. It is the
, Short Line to Lewiston.
, Short Line to jPalouse country.
Short Line to' Spokane, ;;
Short line to thejcouer d'Alene
country,-- -:
Short Line to Sail wake City
bhort to l,ine Denver
Short Line to Omaha ' ,
Short Linfr to Chicago.
Short Line to all points east , J'
''. Three trains east daily, : o: to a.
in. 6:t5 8:15 p.m. . The'Chicago
fortiana special is as line as toe
finest. - Every comfort of home.;
V For particulars ask any agent of
th Southern. Pacific Company or
write .'
1 ' Wm. McMurray, ;
f;i:ft;y:';V;'V;: Gen. Pass. Agent;
; -v v : :.: Portland, Orego n
. Banking Company
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
,' Exchange.
Bnys County, City and Scbool . '
Principal Correspondents.
The Bank o
NEW YOKK-Hessrs. J. P. DforRaja A Co;
CHICAGO National Bank of llie Krpub
Ho. ,
LOHSOH, ENG. N M RothachUd ft Sona
CANADA .Unlet Bank of Ctrte