The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 30, 1906, Image 3

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    Notice to Creditors.
In tbe M-.tter ol the Estate
Jasper Haymmj, Deceased
a.) -
! Notice 1b herebv given to al! persons concerned
that the unuerfigned has been duly appointed
. administratrix ot tbe estate of Jasper Hayden,
, deceased, by the county court of ttie stete ol Or-
egon for Benton county. AH persons baring
; claims against said estate of
ceased, are hereby .required to preaout tbe same
.. with the proper voucners duly veribefl asbi' law
required within six months irura the date here
of to the undersigned t her re&ldeiice in Alsea
j V lley in Benton county. Oregon, or .at the law
ofHee of E. E. WIN-ni. in Coivaliis, Olegon,
Dated Novem bur u, 1U06.
- Admlnli-tratrix of the estate of Jasper Hayden,
deceased. - ' " '
Oregon's Great Recreation and Health
Resort at tbe Newport Beaches. ;
, Ticket Sales Resumed Nov.
V 1st to May 31st, 1907.
As a winter health and recreation resort to
Newport Is the one par excellence.' Recognizing
this, the Southern Pacific and Corvallis & East
ern hare resumed the sale of tickets through to
Yaquina. From all S. V. points, tickets will be
sold throughout the winter .and spring until
' May 31st, every
Wednesday and Saturday
and from Albany, Coivaliis and Philomath on
j the CUirvallls & Eastern, tii kets will be sold to
Yaquina and Newport DAILY.
The rates will be the same as during the sum
mer, and. will be good for return 60 days from
date of sale.
Dr. Minthorn's Sanitary Baths
Will "be In operation during the entire winter,
and treatments will be .given daily.; h; ':! '
Other HealthlResorts Closed.
, . During the winter nearly all other health ire-
sorts are closed or difficult to reach, and none
of them have the advantages of Newport and
vicinity as regards climate, potnts of Interest,
recreation, and amusement..; For parties desir
lng to enjoy fishing, hunting, or seeing the
oaean in sunshine or in storm, the famous resort
is unequalled, the surroundings are ideal
beautiful scenery, climate mild, healthful and
Invigorating.' Cottages' for rent cheap. Fresh
vegetables, milk, honey,. fruit at lowest possible
cost, fish and the famous rock oysters to be had
for the trouble of securing them. '
Full Information from any S. P. or C. & E.
Agent, or from the General Passenger .Agent of
' either company. ' '"
Rate from Corvallis to. Yogulna, $3.25. . .
Rate from Corvallis to Newport $3.76.
f f-
Job Printing
is the Best
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
The First National Bank of Corval
lis, Oregon, transacts a general
j conservative banking business
- Loan money on approved eecU'
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
money traoeferredto tbe principal
cities of the .United States, Eu
rope and foreign countries.
NOTICE.1 The Corvallis Brick &
... r Tile Works will not receive orders
.,. for. brick until orders :
... are filled. - .,'. ..;
WE CAN FILL your wants. Write
.us. Do jou want' to sell ' your
'-'property, fartus, or business. .Call
on us. We : furnish" partners
' and cash. Loan your -money,
Sparkman & Cc mpany- Main St
-: Corvallis, Oreg '
Look for name in strep
The Kendal
Brains evolved the Kendal.' -There's
not an iota in its
material and make that
doesn t represent
skilled shoe?
craft and shoe
experience Patent
lacei boot,
seal top,
h e a v y
The man
wh6 '' wants
to erioy the
benefit of
the' best
Quality Store
J. M. Nolan & Son
I Jtmi
I knowledge
I apphedforhi Irffl
I comfort should r"! '
, wear the Kendal. .. ,-, ? ? . ... ,
;- Most styles are $5
We will
dozen sold,
Call and see
values, all ned
The Pebple'sT Store.
Established 1864; JlJASV : l:
Hercules'i suits
WhensYou see
Made & Guaranteed b
B. Kuppenheimer & Co.1
menca s Leading
Clothes Makcra .
Oicag t
l v.
Copyright, 190a, by B. KUPFBNHBIHBK & CO.J
:-vW:U.j :!t.. c .- v. :'
No Prizes
v H
JA 1
Chase & S
In factinothirts gbpR with our coffee but cream; sugar and
P. jyi -
Cnase & S
i l
And see our large new line of Pocket Knives,
Razors, Sissors etc. A large line of Footballs
aud all kinds of Sporting Goods always on hand
.Umbrellas Coyered and Repaired.
give FREE a boy's suit with each
ages 3 to 8, 9 to 1 3," 14 to 20 yrsl
the different styles, extra gooi
stock, and,
one FREE!
' ' ; ' Corvallis, Oregon
included in this
it ih
Our Ad
If YOII Wflllt
" 1 VU "UIU
B LWhat Smartly Dressed Men Will
Wear ihis Jeason CALL ON j '
' , - "
" ! 'i '.;-'
Conforming to Fashion's Latest
Decrees, Designed by Aatist Tailors
Frshioned by Master Workmen, Are
Some of the Reasons Why ' ;
Clothing .r.
F. L Millem
Corvallis, Oregon
go with our
anborn Higb Grade
agent for , ;!. , v;
anborn High Grade
For advertisements in this column the rate
of lSents per line will be charged. j
Hi H... Kralz, the piano tuner ' is
at the hotel Coivaliis for a few
days. ' ' ' ' ', .',.'-!,;' '. ;
Tom Nolan-atteeded -the Mlt-
nomahEugene football game iri
Portland yesterday; 1
, Miss .Weberly ,of , Portland,'
was the guest of Miss Paulii.e Pay
is. WednesdaVj, evening., ". . ' s i
Invitations are out ' for : tl e
marriage on the rslh. of Miss 'Ma
ble Davis and Dow-VUi Waker, u
Miss Nichols arid Miss Allison
of Portland are guests of the form
er's brother, Roy Nichols. V, i . .,
i Miss Gartrude McBae left yes-;
terday for a few days i visit - rwith
Salem relatives. ; ; ; il h-o
Corvallis lodge No 14 A:: P.
& A. M., is preparing ' to celebrate
anuary ist the ' fiftieth anniver
sary of its organization: "
Miss Mary Jones, who is. now
a teacher in the Silyerton ; . public
school, arrived : Thursday, evening
for a.few days visit k at the home pt
ier; parents, ; --.jih 1 l.:,.i iUI! ,,,;.Sio
Misses Mamie'Stevens h 'and
Lillian Cleek of Albany, arrived
Wednesday for a tew days', , visit
with Miss Edna Ailen. ----- -
Victor Spencer 'spent Thanks
giving in Corvallis witn nis par
ents, Mr. and Mrs J, Jesse Spencer.;
He is employ id m a drug store at
Ranier and is much, pleased with
his 'situation.!
Services at the I Bapiist church
tomorrow are as follows: 10 a. in.
Sunday schsol; 1 1 a4u.J serm6n,
subjects-' 'TherdChristian ? Watch
word,- go : Forward!" "'7:30. sermon
by the pastor; -: 1 M
. ;Fred Ewkrt, a student the col
lege; has the " contract for ! wiring
the new postomce building, and ne
has begun the task so as to utiliz
the Thanksgiving vacation. Mr,
Ewart submitted the plans jto Ar-i
chiteci Pugti-They were at once
adopted and recommended to A; J.
Johnson, the builder, with ; the as4
surance that Mr. Ewart': evidently
understands the business! Fred
is a son of Charles EwarC a lormer
Corvallis resident and contractor! ' ;
Mrs. Charles E. Hriut enter
tained on Saturday in honor of the
fifteenth anniversary of ;her mar
riage. Drawings from - memory to
fit nursery rhymes proved much
merriment, i Mrs. George Coote
was declared to be best artist. Mrs
McCausland, the least proficient
and eacq wai awarded a very pret
ty prizef An elaborate luncheon
closed the afternoon. . Tbe guests
were'. Mesdames -McCausland,!
Strange, Coote, Savage, Cauthorn,!
Fulton, P. Avery, Harris, Flett,!
Martha Avery,.. Irvine, Davis,
Lake; Misses Pauline Kline and.
N, Wilkihs is Vhbme' , from
Vancouver ' whither,, he had been
engaged in fitting up ' the 'under
taking business which he recently;
purchased in that city, The .quar
ters in which, the business is now
located however, are" temporary.
Mr. Wilkins states that 'he has pur
chased ground upon ' which he in
tends to erect for undertaking pur-
poses, 30 by 60 teet, a building
witli ;t worstories-and a- basementr
is to be fitted up in all respects in
modern style. He. : already, has : a
n w tuneral car. a hearse ana am-
bulance. wagon, anda larger new
stock of all that is ' required in the
business. A barn in which . sever-
al horses are to be kept in connect
ion, is another of the improvements
decided upon by Mr, Wilkins, all
ot which it is said, Js demanded by
the trade of , Vancouver and, vicin
ity. Mr". Wilkinf is to remain here
for an indefinite " period. ; Mean
while,' a first class undertaker is in
charge of the Vancouver business.
Buy your Thanksgiving table
linens and napkins at Nolans , long
range for . selection.- Special pr ices
this moi f . ' .! ; '
OWNER' of Portland Real" Fstae
if you want to sen . ; write mel af
once.". John B. Matthewp, ,722
" 'Chamber Jof Commerce, Portland
- Oregon.1 - i"io -'-) "
WANTED.-;Two morecar f loads
of vetch seed for Spring deli very;
veicn nay. jc or sate or trade a
.6 year old horse, clean clover
seedsjjind ajl kinds of farm s teds
see samples at Welslher &'ji ay's
"store. Lt. L,. Brooks.
FRESH OYSTERS Daily at the
Maqle Shade Lunch Counter,
Patrons should place their orders
. half a dayt-in advance. A. Assell
Oregon Aggies Lost at Salem Score
Mi&s four to Naught in a Beautiful
Game. . .
In a game resplender't with the
specticular and affording extreme
interest from the .moment it.opened
till time was, called Willamette Uni
versity defeated UAC $t football at
Salem y, stercay. The, score was
tour to naught; and ca'nr through
Coleman's drop kick " made ' from
the 23 yard lii.e after 17' minutes
of play.!'' Tnrke befote Willamette
had been under the, shadow ' of the
OAC goal pos s..i A. penalization
at .otfe time put Salem on their sev
n'yard line, and there the ' "Nor
cross Green Bunch" stubbornly
held and took' the ball on downs.
abater tne iortunes ot tne game
again let Willamette within a couple
of vards of the Agaic's ; goal aod
again the latter with an unconquer
aDie spirit retusea to be rushed ov
er, taking the ball from their op- j
ponents on downs and punting . out
of danger. The ; resistance , saved
to the Aggies the distinction of be
ing the only team in Oregon whose
goal ltne has not been crossed this
year, and along with Pullman the
only two teams in the Northwest
to enjoy that distinction. v ! '.
The game was played on a dry
field., ! The. Willamette team is one
of the strongest in the Northwest.
It is composed of veteran players,
and outweighed the Agnes 12
pounds to the man.; Among the
Willamette aggregation is Thomas
and Russell last year on the Idaho
eleven, Owens of Multnomah,1 Prof
Boyer of Willamette, now a medico
in that institution, and several oth
er football .stars. . Besides having a
heavy team, .Willamette has an ex
excellent punter in Coleman, who
was: fully equal to Wolff in that de
partment,-, Io the earlier .part of
the game Salem displayed greater
strength at line bucking, but tms
superiority disappeared in the last
half, 'i The teams were evenly
matched and if ; there were - other
contests between them, the honors
would be as likely to fall - with one
as the other, althougb . it may be
possible that Salem may have a very
slender superiority. - The'Willa"m-f
ette men fought desperately to car
ry the ball over the goal line that
has not been crossed this year.
They tiled the project until the
' 'little green bunch' ' took the ball
away from them twice . and then
were cotent to try for field goals.
The best part of the" whole incid
ent was the spirit displayed by the
Agrics after the game. A badd of
200 OAC students marched down
State ; street ' and down - Com
mercial singing college Isongsi and
giving OAC yells. There was no
kick, no growl, but a spirit of fine
fellowship' and good humor a sho.v
irig in 'Striking', contrast with" ."that
ient out from that great and. over
whelming institution at which there
Is rendezvous' for 4 d many'' 'great.'
footbalL players. ' All who saw the
sight were pleased with ' the' spirit
of true ' 'sportsmahship; displayed,
which was a fitting climax to a sea
sob of football made notable by the
development by Coach NOrcross of
"a team from raw players, which Is
in the first class, abreast' , of any of
them, " 'and with as ' mucK title" to
the championship! , nonorS as' any
other team,' save Pullman! " '
'-' An excursion' bf nearly oo1 stud
ents accompanied the team to Salem
The OAC cadet band furnished mu
It-ji3Trat"the;game nct'&ttractedTHuch
favorable comment by reason" of its
excellent-renditions. The story of
the game is as .follows: , .
- O. A. C i kicked off and j the ball
was returned to the center of the
field. , On the next play the Agric3
- , Were penalized five 'yards for. off
side. - In the three formations Wil
lamette made first down and Nace '
got away fur, 25 .yards:and Uid the
ball on the ' Agrics" j$ . yard ; line.
OAC was again penalized five yards
for off side and ; after couple of
formations Willamette had the ball
on the Aggies ,even yard line.
OAC held and punted, to Willam
ette's 27 yard line. iSalem fumbled
and it was OAC s ball on the 25
yard line Iiooney made five yards
a-,-d Wolff punted to Willamette's j
45 yard line.'- Nace got away on a
lake end ran. to OAC's 25 yard
linei-; Willamette tr ed two forma- i
tions with -but small -gains - and
Coleman attempted a drop kick bnt
failed! Wolff free kicked from the
25 yard line and ; an exchange o'.
j. punts followed , and Willameiteliah
the ball to OAC's r2, yard line, O
AC .held and got away'and got" the
ball on her own two yard line ' and
Wolff punted to the'o 'yatd line.
After;two formations Coleman made
a place kick. The score came aft
er seventeen 'minu es of play.- '
I Wolff kicked off t 1 Willamette's
20 yard line. Willamette was
forced to punt, and OAC took the
ball on her 40 yard line and return
ed the kick, recovering her own
punt on Willamette's 55 yard line.
After a short run and a punt by
balem the half ended.
In the second half. Willamette
kicked off and the ball was return
ed to the 25 yard . ; lin., r. IOoney
got away and tan 30 yards to the
center of the field. WkIET panted
and Willamette returned the ball
to her io. yard line. Willamette
punted to OA.Cs 35 yard line and
after two downs OAC printed to
center and Salem returned it. Wil
lamette blocked OAC's punt "aud
got the ball on OAC's 15 ynrd line.
Willamette tried a drop kick -and
the Aggies blocked it a' d got - the
ball on the 25 yard line. OAC
punted to the 50 yard lioe and" in
the next play was penalized .' five .
yards-.. Willamette punted to the
Agric's" 30 yard line and Willamette
got Gagnon's quaiterback klc k
OAC was penalized five yards and
Willamette tried drop kick. Woiff
kicked to the 37 yard line and Wil
lamette was penalized . five yards.
"Willamette ' tried " two formations
losses and punted. Wolff ran" fifteen
yards on a fake punt, L,ooney got
12 yards On a forward pass carry
ing the ball to Salem's 45 yard line.
Wolff mrde yardage On the next
play and a fnmble cost tbe Agrics
20 yards. Wolff punted from tbe
center of the field and trom her'- 30
yard line Willamette made 12 yards
on a fake. After two plays Wil
lamette punted and Gagnon made
a fair catch. Wolff made a
kick to Willamette's 18 yard line
and Coleman punted and OAC ran
in the ball to Willamette's 25 yard
line,! Willamette got 20 yards on
a fake. In au exchange of punts
O AC recovered her 11 own punt on
Willamette's 28 yard line. OAC
was penalized 15 yards for holding,
and Wolff punted to Willamette's
io yard line and Salem returned
the ball to her 20 - yard line where
the half ended. - - -
Was, Unable to Rally from Operation
Little Mary Miller. . . ;
" Friday morning the "news' of the
death "of Mary Irene Miller was
announced, on the street,, and it
was with much sadness that the
tidings were received. Her age
was 7 years', 8. months and 7 days.
She had been ill three weeks, and
on Tuesday the child underwent
an operation for apoedicib.s which
terminated fatally at Z;30 o'clock
Friday morning. The little one
suffered greatly throughout her ill
ness, but was unconscious from
Friday morning until death came
to her. relief. Deep sympathy is
manifest for-- the - bereaved family,
arid there is much sorrow at the
early demise of little Mary whose
gentle disposition had won for her
a warm, place in the hearts of all
in the neighborhood of , her home
and of her. acquaintances. She
Was the" daughter of :H. C. Milier,
deceased, ; and Marry Miller,'
whose home is at Monroe " and
Ninth, street, and from , where the
funeral sendee will be conducted
Saturday- morning at 10 o'clock
by Rev. G. H. Feese. ' ; Burial
will be at I. O. O. F. cemeteryT
WANTED 20 tons of choice bailed
: vetch hay. . r.
FOR SALE. Choice hefef calves
' Ind. phone, 258.' Address Cor
- vallis. R. F, D. No; 1. Walter
Taylor. - ; '- -' ; ;:-"'--;
FOR SALE. . Newly, finished
6 room house and barn and two
lots with fine garden and frnit.
Close in- vey cheap- on easy
terms. Phone - Ind. 149. ,
WANTED. Men o cut 360 cords
of wood by Mi-e L grand.' For
information apply at Wm.Broders.
DON'T FORGET the auction sale
each Saturday at the. Red. Front
Barn. : "." -' - - ;
LOST.' ' A bunch of keys, valuab e
. only tp tbe owner. Finder plaase
-' leave af Times offic-j find receive
reward. ' ''
" More"
goods all the , time at
People having Second Hand
goods of any kind for sale, drop a
postal to 6. Rogoway, Corvallis
Ore., dV.e will . v .x.