The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 20, 1906, Image 4

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    r vf
After a visit with Corvallis
relatives. Mr. and Mr. J. C. Johnson
left yeslerday for their home in
Tbe story of the "Upper End'
anl "Jobs Addition" football
garce published else wher was writ
ten by an eleven year old correspon
dent. The name cf the man ho
played the newspaper part in the
Royal Slavejis Hoit. . The little
girl who played the juvenilecharacter
is his adopted daughter.
"The Children's Cantata, "The
Fairy Queen", "Tbe May Pole",
and "The Tom Thumb Wedding"
will be given in the opera house
Friday night. A good time is as
sured to all. Reserved seats, adults
25cts, children 15 cts. on sale at
Graham & Wortharn's.
Crook County Journal: A
bro her of B. F. Shepherd, the
murderer, who is sentenced to be
b anged November 30, is circulating
a "petition for a pardon for the un
fortunate man. Thedocurnentfsets
forth that it is the belief of the pe
tition rs that Shepherd is of un
sound mind and that at the lime he
committed the murder he wasinsane.
The committee of the council
that has the claim of Mrs. Thomas
under consideration will report at
the next council meeting. Mrs.
Thomas' husband was killed while
working on the eservoir of the
city wat r works. She offers to
sette the o'aim on a basis of $450
and the uatt-r has been referred to
a special committee consisting of
Mayor Johnson, city Attorney Bry
son, and Councllmen Wiles and
Ed Aldrich an O. A. C. grad
uate is now c ty editor of the East
Oregonian, the principal paper of
Eastern Or gon, and has just
succeeded to the publication of tbe
Senator, the official magazine of
the Knights of Pythias ot the
Northwest. An improvement in
The Senator end a further exten
tion of its usefulness it announced
by Mr. Aldrich, who is capab'e
of adding to its attractiveness.
The Royal Slave at the op ra
house Saturday night attracted a
very large audience, one of tke
largest of the season. The per
formance was excellent, being in
line with the announcement made
by Manager Groves at the openirg
of thi season that only standard
companies would be booked. . The
play is remarkable for the beauty
of its diction and oftentimes the
auditor -lost the plot and the perfor
mer in a study ot the sweet flowing
At the Presbyterian church
Thursday evening, a concert is to
be given by John Clare Monteith
baritone, ai d Mordaunt Goodnongh
pianist, under the management of
Jack Kilpack, a well known form
er Corvallis boy. The programme
is varied and the numbers wiU be
attractive. Mr, Goodnough is well
known as a pianist and there will
be many who will be anxious to
observe the improvement he has
made during his absence from Cor
vallis. Mr. Monteith is a baritone
of much ability.
The Ireland grocery store at
the corner of Main and "Monroe has
changed hands. It has been pur
chased, and 'yesterday it went into
the possession, T. A. Bolden,
' arrived about six weeks ago
wn 1
from i
Nebraska. Mr. Ireland has not
yet decided what he will do, but
it is understood that he contem
plates engaging in the hop business,
Mr. Bolden is a son of Thomas
Bolden. -
Two football games were play-,
ed on college field Saturday after
noon. One was between the juniors
'seniors and was won by the juniors,
five to naught. Tbe other was be
tween the second team and the fin t
team of the State Normal. The
latter was evenly contested and
was a good game of ball. The
Monmouth men were trained by
Zopbar Tbarp, phyeical dir ctor at
the State Normal and a former O
A C man. Several of the Normal
players were excellent men and
the game was well played,
on both sides. It was won by the
Aggies in a score of two to naught
There is talk of a return gme.
- The floods with their disasters
acd destruction of life and property
in Washington had sympathetic
rise in the waters of Oregon. The
Willamette rose to a height of 14
feet, a stage unusually high so
early in the season. The bigheht
point was touched Sunday night.
A fall set in early yesterday mo o
ing acd by midday the river had
receded 18 inches. No damage
was done beyond heavy washing
in the "Cutoff which may turn
out to be a benefit. For several
days the Mathloma could not wort
on account of the high water. She
resumed operations yesterday morn'
ing, working up the river. .
-Earl Rinehart, V 3, arrived to
day for a few days visit. . . .
Miss Mamie Crawford baa re
tomed from a week's visit in Port
land. Mr and Mrs. George Simpson
of Albany, have betn guests fcr a
week of Corvallis relatives.
After a visit at the home of her
daughter, Mr?. John Allen, Mrs.
Francis has ieiumed to ber home
in Portland.
Mrs. Butler, who has been a
guest of M Si Bertha Divis for sev
eral day?, returned to ber home at
Independence yesterday.
Mrs. Alfred Schmidt and Mrs.
James Wilson of Albany, were
guests at the party given by Miss
Kline Saturday afternoon.
Mise. O. C. Wilson acd Archie
R. Kieer were married at the court
house Saturday. Rev. Merchant
S. Bush officiated.
Saturday afternoon tbe Mult
npmabs defeated Willamette 18 to
5. Whitman defeated Idaho at
Walla Walla. Tbe great game of
tbe east was Princeton and Yale, a
tie. ' ; .
-Albany Democrat: A subscriber
declares tbat having knocked out
the booze in Albany an effort is be
ing made now to knock out tbe wa
ter so nothing can be drunk but
The game of basket ball be
tween 0. A. C. and Monmouth State
Normal girls scheduled for last Sat
urday night was postponed on ac
count of the football game between
the same institutions. It is totake
place at Monmouth Friday night of
this week.
A house belDg built by Fritz
Beck on five acres recently bought
ol G. F. Rice west of town is rapid
ly nearing completion., Mr. Beck
came from Arkansas a few weeks
ago, and paid Mr. Rice $l,5oo for
tbe five acres. Mr. Beck is a Ger
man and a very estimable person.
In the probate court: G. C.
Peek has been appointed guardian
of A. M. Peek, insane, with a bond
fixed at $250; December 8th is the
date set for hearing tbe final ac
count in the estate of B. B.Loomis;
tbe inventory of tbe eetate of Ann
Comp'oa has been filed by tbe ad
ministrator. The value is $3563.
Id the estate of Andrew Hart, the
administratrix has been ordered to
pay tbe cash on hand to tbe widow.
It is often remarked that an
unaccustomed traveler will get on
pretty well if he will keep his eyes
and ears open. A uative of Ireland
landed at Greenock and wanted to
take the train to Glasgow. Never
Laving been in a railroad station,
he did not know bow to get bis tick
et; but be saw a lady goinp in, and
determined to follow her lead. The
lady went to the ticket box, and,
putting down her money, said,
"Maryhill, single." . The ticket
was duly handed to her, and she
walked away. Patpromptly plank
ed down his money and said, "Pat
rick Murphy, married."
Speaking of the Willamette
Valley CompaDy, which owns ihe
electric light in Corvallis, and the
water system in Eugete, the Eugene
Register saye: "We believe of the
people of Eugene tbat the patience
tbey have displayed in calmly and
serenely waiting for reconstruction
and equipment of tbe water system
has been a remarkable exemplifica
tion of fortitude and forbearance
that will, pventnallv. nease to be a
rlr t ii arA rtnlaoQ '.t Va avainm ic fl n
isbed up speedily and put in such
condition that repetition of the
dangerous situation that has pre
vailed during the past 48 hours,
will not be repeated, criticism will
be jost aud merited. We are of the
opinioa that public leniency in this
matter, has about reached lb limit,
and it is up to the company to fin
ish its work promptly and at once.
Real1 Estate Transfers
Gerard Taillandier and wife to
Mrs. H. B. Tripp, two lots in Job's
addition, $1; Balvary " Logan and
husbaod to John Wbitaker, tract ol
land, $250; J. P. Simpson and wife
to R. Dunn et si, land in Kings
Valley, $1;W. H. Averhoff and wife
to Fratsk G. HaIIer,J15o acres near
Albany, $4,000; United btates to Ji-
noch Cone, 16j acres southwest ot
Philomath; 8. S. Ewing and with to
H. Hurhberg, I60 acres southwest
of Philomath, $1; H. Hirshberg to
tbe Indeptndence National Bank,
160 acres, southwest of rbilomatb,
$1; United Spates to S. S. Ewing,
16o acres southwest of Philomath;
First National bank to John Heezei
two lots in block 8, N. B. end P.
Avery's addition, $840; Olive C.
King and husband to John Heezei,
lots in Avery and Wells addition,
$2ei5; G. C. Peek and wife to D. D.
LoDgbottom, one acre in Alsea, $1;
F. R. Reynolds and wife to D. D.
Longbottom, 8 acres in Alsea, $loo;
Lilla Smith to Independence Na
tional, Bank, 163 acres, southwest
of Philomath, $609; United States
to Lilla Smith, 160 acres southwest
of Philomath.
-Mrs. A. L. Knieely is to enter
tain the Ladies Whist Club tomor
row afternoon at her home on Col
lege bill.
-Fifty-five ladies attended an af
ternoon at the home of Mite Pau
line Kline Saturday, many coming
from neighboring cities. The house
was decrrated with chrysanthe
mums. Each lady took an instru
ment and tLere were many musical
numbers, a Punch was served
throughout the afternoon.
Continued from page I.
supreme court of this state decides
that Esther Mitchell cannot be de
ported to Oregon as an insane per
son, and she is sent to trial for tbe
murder of her brother, George, tbe
slayer of Joshua Creffield, the Holy
Roller leader, Mrs. Maud Hurt
Creffield's death about midnight
last night will remove any hesitan
cy Miss Mitchell's attorneys had
about shouldering the responsibili
ty upon Mra Creffield.
The county attorney now expects
that Mrs Creffield will be made re
sponsible for the tragedy, Miss
Mitchell's attorney insisting tbat
ebe was entirely under the influence
of Joshua and later, of his wife.
An autopsy wag performed on
Mre. C.effield todey and her organs
found to be in good condition. An
alysis of her stomach will not be
completed for a day or two acd the
possibility of poisoning will not be
settled for that lergth of time. Bat
a verdict of a natural death seems
Dr. Eamee, one of tbe three phy
sicians who examined Mrs. Crtffield
for her sanity, declared tonight tbat
the autopa? showing tbe woman's
organs in a normal condition did
not. indicate anything. He said
tbat thre are daily ie ports ut deaths
from bart disease where a subse
quent examination of that organ
showed it to be in a normal condi
tion. He says the brain does not
show in death the softening indicat
ed in life. ' .
Dr. Eames entirely discredits the
report of tbe autopsy and insists
that Mrs Creffield was insane.
. New line of men and boys suits,
over coats, rain coats and W. L.
Duglas shoes just receivedat Nolars.
NOTICE. The Corvallis Brick &
Tile Works will not receive orders
for brick until orders already in
are filled.
Job Printing
is the Best
Rogo way's Second Hand Store.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Mutter of tbe Estate )
Jasper Havden, Deceased. J
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the undersigned has been duly appointed
administratrix 01 me estate 01 jasper riayaen,
deceased, by the county court of tbe state of Or
egon for Benton county. AU persons baying
claims against said estate or JaBper Hayclen, de
ceased, are hereby reauired to present the same
with the proper youcners duly verified as by law
r quired within six months Horn the date nere
i f to the undersigned at her residence in Alsea
V lley in Benton county. Oregon, or at the law
otflce of E. E. Wilson, In Corvallis, Olegon,
Dated November 9, 1906.
Administratrix of the estate of Jasper Hayden,
Oregon's Great Recreation and Health
Resort at the Newport Beaches.
Ticket Sales . Resumed Nov.
1st to May 31st, 1907. ;
As a winter health and recreation resort to
Newport is the one par excellenceRecognizing
this, the Southern Pacific and Corvallis & East
ern have resumed the sale of tickets through to
Yaqulna. From all S. P. points, tickets Rill be
sold throughout the winter and spring until
May 81st, every
Wednesday and Saturday
and from Albany, Coivallis and Philomath on
the Corvallis & Eastern, tickets will be sold to
Yaqulna and Newport DAILY.
The rates will be the same as during the sum
mer, and will be good for return 60 days from
date of sale.
Dr. Minthorn's Sanitary Baths
Will be in operation during the entire, winter,
and treatments will be given daily.
Other Health Resorts Closed.
During the winter nearly all other health re-
sorts are closed or iltfticult to reach, and none
of them have the advantages of Newport and
vicinity as regards climate, rotuts of interest
recreation, and amusement. For parties deair
lng to enjoy fishing, hunting, or seeing the
ocean in sunshine or In storm, the famous resort
Is unequalled, the surroundings are ideal
beautiful scenery, climate mild, healthful and
invigorating. Cottages for rent cheap, Fresh
vegetables, n Ilk, honey, fruit at lowest possible
cOBt, fish and the famous rock oysters to be had
for the trouble of securing them.
Full Information from any S. P. or C. & E.
Agent, or from the General Passenger Agent of
either company. , . , ,
Kate from Corvallis to Yaquina, $3.2",.
Rate from Corvallis to Newport 13 "5.
Always found at the store of
Speca 5, 10 and 15c
Sale Nov 19 to 24 inc.
Special Sale Rubber
Boots November 17.
Bring all your eggs and butter to MOSES and get the highest
market price.
Have You Bought that Winter
Suit Yet?
If not. come and let us figure with you. We have
a fine line of ready-to-wear clothing also a tlarge line
of samples we take your measure and guarantee a fit.
Give us a call.
The only exclusive Mens Furnishing Store in Town.
B doming,
The Grocer.
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
Greatest of all
on the Market.
In Serving. Can be bought at
Food Productions
Mr. T. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
to the late Hong Wo Ton?, of Albany ,
Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medicine to all. The undersigned
recommends him and guarantees satis
faction. - --
Call or write him at No. H7 West Sec
ond Street, Albany, Oregon.
Jim Westfall.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is herebv (riven that the undersigned
has been duly appoiuted the executor of the es
tate of Ann Compton, deceased, by the county
court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county.
All persons having claims against said estate
are uoiined to present the same duly verified as
by law rrqulied within six montbs from the
date bereol,to the uudersigued at tbe office ot .
14. Bryson, In the city of Corvallis, Oregon
J AMP-S i. ILtTl ,
Executor of the estate of Ann Compton, dec'sd
Economy fruit
jars at Thatche
& Johnson's.
CLOTHES CLEANED and pressed at
lowest prices one door soatu ot mar
ble shop on Main street.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK BIdg. Hours
10 to ia and 2 to 4.
'Phone, office 83. Residenea SSI .
Corvallis, Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Office 1011 Main st Ind 204
Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389.
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Zierolf Building.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Kea
idence on the corner of Madison and
Seventh st. Phone at house and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over TiostofScs. Ttpsiripnra Hnr.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v 'ham's drug store.
Leave orders at Zierolfs for fresh
Yaqnina bay oysters for delivery Sat
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
Fresh Yaquina Bay oysters at
Zierolfs every Saturday. Leave
orders now.
Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via this Pop
ular Columbia River Route..
Fianklin was right when he
said, ' ' Lost time is never found a
gain. " The O. R. N. in addition
to giving you 200 miles along the
matchless Columbia River, saves
you 1 7 hours to Chicago. It is the
Short Line to Lewiston.
Short Line to Palouse country.
Short Lin e to Spokane,
-Short line to the couer d'Alene
Short Line to Sai
Short to Line D
Short Line to Omaha
i Short .Line , to Chicago.
: Short Line to all points east
; Three trains east daily, 9:128.
m. and 8:35 p.m. The "Chicago
Portland Special is as fine as the
finest. Every comfort of home.
For particulars ask any agent of
the Southern Pacific Company or
write J
Wm, McMurray,
Gen. Pass. Agent
Portland, Orego n
Banking 7 Company
OBv'...i, Obecom.
Responsibility, $100,000
7 - r'p ' v
: Deals in Foreign &nd Domestic
Boys County, City and School
Principal Correspondents
The Bank o
SEW TOKK-Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co. -CHICAGO
National Bank of The Kepnb
- lie.
LONDON, ENG. N M KothaehjldB ft fcong
CANABA . Cnlcc T!aDk I Cacsoa