The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 20, 1906, Image 3

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In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
Minnie Clegg, Plaintiff )
vs. J.
John Arthur Clesg, Defendant )
To John Arthur Clesrg, th aoove named defendant
In the name of of the Stute of Oregon you are here
by summoned and required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled Court now on file with the
Clerk of said Court on or before six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this summons, to
wit. on or before the 23rd, day of November A. D.
And you flre iK.tifiiu that if you fail so to arpear
and answer the (.il complaint as herein requir.d
the plaintiff wi:l apply to the above Court for the
relief praved for in said complaint, towit, for a de
'.-ree of said Court tlisoivin.' and annulling the mar
riapje contract now eM-ting between you and the
pti.iu i!; :tnu awarding tu plaintiff the care anu cus
tody f Jessie Cleg. the issue of said marriage,
and for her costy and d'sbumemcnts herein.
This summons is publisr-td in tfie Carvallis
Times once a week for six successive and consecu
tive weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
Wyith the issue of October 12, 1906, and ending
" w'-H th of November 23rd, 11HX!, in pursuance
of an order marie by the Hon. E. Woodward, Coun
ty J ndge of Benton Countv. State of Oregon, dated
the 12th day of October 1906.
The date of the first publication hereof is Octo
ber lsth, I9C6.
McFadden & Brvson,
Attorneys for Haintiff .
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County:
Minnie Johnson, Plaintiff,
W. J. Johnson, Christopher C.John
son, and Delia Johmon, his wife.
To W. J. Johnson the above named defendant:
In the Hume of the Biate of Oregon, you are
hereby fummoned and required to appear, and
anwer the amended complaint of the plaintiff
Is the ab' ve entitled suit, In the above entitled
court, now on file In the office of the clerk of
said court, on or before the last day of the time
prescribed in the order for publication of this
summons, made by the county judge of Benton
county, state of Oregon (wblch order Is herein
after referred to) to-wit: November 23, 1906, and
you are hereby notified that if you fail so to ap
pear, and answer the said complaint as herein
required, forwant thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the above entitled court for the relief de
manded In her said amended complaint, name
ly: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimo
ny, now existing between plaintiff and defend
ant W . J. Johnson, and that the defendant W. J.
Johnson be compelled to pay to the plaintiff, the
sum of one thousand five hundred dollars for
her support, and the support of their minor
child, aud that the certain deed made by the
said defendant W. J. Johnson, to the said de
fendant Christopher C. Johnson, on the 3d day
of April. 1906, and recolded on the 12th day of
Hay, 1906, at page 212, Book 15, deed records of
Benton county, Oregon, Jbe canceled and set
aside, and that the lands described In said deed
be decreed to belong to said w. J, Johnson, and
that one-third thereof, be Set aside to sal' plain
tiff, as her Individual property, and that plain
tiff be given the core, custody and control of the
minor child of plaintiff ana defendant w. J
Johnson. Flossie Johnson, and for her costs and
disbursements to be taxed," and for such other
and further rule order and relief, as In equity
may seem just and proper.
This summons Is published In the Corvallis
Times, once a week for Mx successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the Issue of Oc
tober 12, 1906 and ending with the Issue of No
vember 23, 1906, under aud in pursuance of the
directions contained lu an order made by the
Hon. E, Woodward, county judge of Benton
county, Oregon, being the- county where the
above entitled suit i-i pending, in the above en
titled circuit court; dated, October 12, 19C6. Date
of first publication hereof. October 12, 1906.
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
Wonderful Coat Values, $10.56
Just received a large shipment of Novelty, Tourist and 50
inch Women's Coats, later fabrics which we will place on sale
MONDAY AT $10.56, Regular $15.00.
S. L.
The People's Store. .
Established 1864
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Miss Ethel Linville left Sun
day for Carlton, for a week's visit
with her sister, Mrs. A. Morrison.
Charles Schoel. who conduct
ed a meat market for some time at
Springfield and later reH'kd at Al
bany, has returned to Corvallis to
locate permanently.
It may be of interest to Cor
vallis theatre-goers to know that
Manager. Groves refused to book
five companies last month and three
already this month, on account of
his policy of engaging only first
class attractions.
A. J. Cator, who was acrid -
ently that through the ankle last
week, has been brought to Corval
lis, where treatment will De more
convenient. The bullet passed
diagonally through the ankle joint
crushing several bones. A piece of
bone twice the size of a marble was
removed yesterday morning. Dr.
Pernot, who has the case, has hopes
of saving the limb.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
K. L. Taylor, Plaintiff )
vs. f
Abbey Taylor, Defendant f
To Abbey Taylor, the above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you are here
by summcned and required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled Court now on file with the
Clerk of said Court on or before six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this Summons, towit,
on or before the 23rd day of November, A. D. 1906,
And you are notified that if you fail so to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein required
the plaintiff will apply to the ahove Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint, towit: for a de
cree of said Court dissolving and annulling the mar
riage contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for the costs and disbursements of
th is suit.
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and consecu
tive wee ks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
with the issue of October 12th, 1906, and ending
with the issue of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance
of an order made by the Hon. E. Woodward, Coun
ty Judge of Benton Countv, State of Oregon, dated
the 12th day of October. 1906.
The date of the first publication hereof is Oetober
iztn, iaue.
McFadden & Brvson,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
WE CAN FILL your wants. Write
us. JJo ou want to sell your
property, farms, or business. Call
on us. We furnish partners
and cash. Loan your money
Sparkman & Company Main St,
Corvallis. Oreg.
I f wook icr name in strap g
1 fm
III f 'S
I v
r mm
m 'sr-it.'-tjc.'i'fcS-.i..-.. ts
'Jfcff-".- -1-.: ,-i 19
When You see it in Our Ad
IT'S so.
You Want
To Know
Made & Guaranteed by IT
B. Kuppenheimer & Co.
America s Leading V
Makers .
jpqT A clothc!
8 m&H
( Copyright, 1903, by B. KUPPENHEIMER & CO?
What Saiartly Dressed Men Will
Wear this Season, CALL ON U
Conforming to Fashion's Latest
Decrees, Designed by Aatist Tailors
Frshioned by Master Workmen, Are
Some of the Reasons Why
Clothing ... .
F. L Miller
Corvallis, Oregon
George Taylor living west of
town, sold sixteen pigs the other
day to a local buyer for $219.
Their average was seven months.
Their only feed was 100 bushels of
cracked wheat, worth 56 cents a
bushel and the chopping. They
were sold at five and three fourths
on foot. Hogs are a paying crop
in Willamette.
On a back street the other
night, a citizen, carrying a lantern
was engaged in a search for some
thing, he had apparently lost.
Around and around in the vicinity
of a certain spot he kept searching
A passerby came along, and stop
ping on the sidewalk, observed the
lonely searcher. At last his inter
est got the better ot him and lift
ing his voice, he inquired : "What
have you lost there, neighbor?"
Holding his lantern aloft and gaz
ing searchingly around, the seeker
replied, "Theie's a street light here
somewhere, and I am trying to find
it." .
There is very general satis
faction over the increase by the
council of the salary of Night Of
ficer Usburn trom 950 to Sbo per
month. The vote for the advance
was unanimous and was made on
the ground of the higher price of
necessities and the corresponding
increase in the cost of living.. It
was also made because Mr. Osburn
is a faithful and extremely capable
officer, one of the best Corvallis
has ever had. Though, as exper
ience has proven, an officer's life is
often in great hazard, Mr. Osburn s
salary now is no more than that re
ceived by laborers.
Benton county is sending ap
ples to Portland to use in proving
that Willamette apples are as good
as those grown at Hood River.
The show is at the instigation of
Millard Lownsdale. and was born
of the discussion of Willamette ap
ples as compared with Hood River,
which discussion was precipitated
by the Times. The shipment of
Kenton apples lor participation in
the show went down yesterday.
They are consignments from the
or h rds of George Armstrong,
from the Meeker orchard, and sev
eral boxes contributed by Frank
Groves. :
Miss Tlrla Tnnps rf 'RrnnVs ie n !
guest at the Withycombe home.
Mrs. Satah Elgin left Saturday
for Portland, where she expects to
remain a month.
Mrs. A. J. Metagar was the
guest over Sunday of Portland rela
Jas. Fl tt returned today
from a few doysbu iness at New
port. Mrs. C; K. II jut has is
sued invitations (or a ' tea" next
Saturday afteiiioou.
Pat: " What be yer charge for a
funeral notice in yer paper?"
Editor: " Half a crown an inch"
"Gool heavens! A'n me poor
brother was six feet high."
About twenty chinamen came
out from the bay this morning on
their way to Pottland. They had
been working at Yaquina in the
cannery duriDg the fishing season
just closed.
Coach Norcross, Manager Mc
Allister nd Tom Nolan went to
Eugene Frday evening with the
expectation of witnessing the Wash
ington Eugene game. They re
turned Sunday.
Dr. A. C. SUckla and Bruce
Shorts have been accepted as of
ficials for Staurdays football game
between Eugene and O. A. C.
"That," said the teacher"is what
is called an 'idiom'. Now can any
little bov or girl explain wnat an
idiom is?"
'"Yes'm," promptly replied Tom
my Skrapps, "dat's w'at mom sez
pop is most o' de time."
Look for name in strap
The Kendal
Brains evolved the Kendal.
. There's not an iota in its
material and make that
doesn't represent
' skilled shoe
craft and shot'
lacs boot.
seal tojS,
he nan
ho wants
o enjoy the
benefit ot
the best
. shoe-
applied for his
comfort should
wear the Kendal
Most styles are 95
Quality Store
J. M. Nolan 6c Son
No Prizes go with our
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Sanborn High Grade
Chase k
The statement is that no ex
cursion of students will come down
from Eugene for the OAC-U. of O
annual game on College field next
Saturday. An effort to- sell 100
excursion tickets is said to have
failed. Of course there is yet plenty
of time to get up an excursion, and
it is possible that one might be ar
ranged. Such is the siory of a
Corvallis man who came down from
Eugene Sunday. A feeling of per
fect confidence in a sweeping vict
ory ;s said to pervade University
circles. Of course, the Eugene
men have by far the best end of
the contest by reason of the veter
an players in their team as corn-
pared with the OAC team with
but one player handed down from a
past season.
There is apparently going to
be a big run on the keyless boxes
that will be the equipment of the
new postoffice. They are the latest
thing, being newly improved over
all others in use on the Pacific
Coast. They have many advantag
es. They are self.lockers. They
are so simple a child can work
them if armed with the combina
tion. The combination device ii so
fine that nobody can study out the
combination or get into a neighbors
box. The boxes are capable of
millions of different combinations,
no two being the same. Deposits,
in the new office will have to be
made for keys. It is surmised that
nearly all the people will ; use the
keyless boxes.
Corvallis Kan Visits old Scenes Lives
in Icy. North Thomas Jeffreys.
Thomas Jeffreys, lawyer, ex
member of the legislature, ex Cor
vallisite, dropped into town yester
day after an ab-ence of twelve
years. He came to visit his sou
who is a student at OAC. He is
scarcely changed at all in personal
appearance in spile of the added
winters. He is a resident of Nome
City, where he is engaged in the
practice of law. He has been there
seven years, all the winters but one
having been spent there. He cattle
down to the States a month lago,
and will spend the winter in Port
land. It is understood that he has
a largelaw prac'.ice and that he
has cleaned up a handsome compe
tence. He is attorney for five of
the biggest mining corporations in
the Nome country. After another
year at Nome, he expects to return
to Oregon to reside.
Nome is a city of 4,000 in the
winter, and 8,coj to 15,000 in the
summer. It has wooden buildings,
and a water system, which freezes
up after four months of summer
weather and remains frozen the
rest of the year. Water is hauled
and peddled around town from
neighboring creeks during eight
months freeze up. A good electric
light system, a telephone system
extending to all parts of the coun
try, and a wireless telegraph system
to St. Michael, are among the con
veniences. The wires of the wire
less telegraph system are never
down, but the wire system to which
it is connected at St. Michael is
down at least two days in the week
Mr. Jeffreys says.
Mr. Jeffreys observes great and
favorable growth in Corvallis. He
left today for Portland.
Buy your Thanksgiving table
linensand napkins at Nolans, long
range for selection. Special prices
this month.
FOR SALE. Clean vetch and
cheat seed. Matthew Thomson, C.
and E. crossing, Corvallis.
OWNER of Portland Real Estse
if you want to sell write me at
once. John B. Matthews, ?22
Chamber 'of Commerce, Portlaad
-nu nn-
And see our large new, line of Pocket Knives,
Razors, Sissors etc. ' A large line of Footballs
and all kinds of Sporting Goods always on hand
Umbrellas Covered and Repaired.
The water cases, which it was
expected wonld be heard at the
coming term of the circuit court,
are to go over to the serine ierm.
Stipulations by the attorneys today
provided for the postponement. The
cases are two in number, one in
which Dr. Farra seeks to enjoin the
city from taking water from Rock
Creek on account of the sawmill he
owns tear Philomath. The other
case is condemnation proceedings
brought by the Water Board for
taking water out of Rock Creek in
which Dr. Farra is named as de
fendant. The l?ght and water commit;
tee of the council is keeping an
eye on the electric lights these
nights. Whether or not it was one
nf the committee that hunted with
h lantern 1 he other night for a street
iight and couldn't find it, is not
Known but some people aver that
it was. ' The city council refer; ed
last month's- light bill to the coin
mittee. Complaint ' has been made
that the lights are not what they
were before the long franchise was
granted, and far short of what they
used to be when Johnson Poiter
ran the establishment. , : Thev w ere
excellent lights that Mr. 'P..iter
gave Corvallis. They burned
steady and gave a strong, clear
FOR SALE. My fine silver span
gled Hamburg pullets and cocker
els at $1 each. Mrs C. Wood
ward Corvallis Phone 55 Philom
ath line.
WANTED, A position to do
house work. Enquire Mrs. Lizzie
Hacker Philomath Oregon.
DON'T FORGET the auction sale
each Saturday at the Red Front
scales. Apply
pair of platform
to Victor Moses.
Four Divorces on the List Regular
Term Begins Next Monday.
The regular November term of
the circuit court for Benton county
begins next Monday.. It is prob
able that there will ; be the usual
preliminary session next Saturday,
though no notice of it has yet been j
given. The docket is a very light
one, the water cee being perhaps
the one of greatest importance
There are four divorce cases on the
list. So far as made up, the dock
et is as follows:
Garrison Sheldon vs. E'da W.
Sheldon. Divorce.
Minnie Johnson plff. vs. J. W.
Johnson et al defts. Complaint.
State of Oregon plff. vs. ' James
Gulley deft. Transcript from J. P.
court. .
J. W. Melville plff. vs. Frank
Hale et atr defts. Suit , to perfect
R. L- Tylor plff. ,vs. Abbey
Taylor, deft. (! Divorce.
Minnie Clegg plff vs. J. A.
Clegg dett. Divorce. :,
W. S. Matt plff. vs. Sarah Bald
win and Edith Baldwin, defts. Ac
J. N. McFadden plff. vs. Agnes
McElroy and L. G. . McElroy et al,
defts. Action.
Samuel E. Young plff. vs. Cnr-
LOST Thursday afternoon a green
hand-bag containing gold thimble
scissors, purse with $2.00, and
other trinkets. Finder leave at
S. L. .Klines store Reward.
LOST. A bunch of keys, valuable
only to the owner. Finder plaase
leave at Times office nd receive
FOR turkeys of mammoih Bronze
sto k enquire at Jese Brown's,
10 miles sauth of Co'va I's, Ore.
1 Address CorvallU H. F. D. 4.
FOUND. A telephone watch
charm. Owner can obtain the
same at the Times office by pay
ing for this notice.
WANTED. Men to cut 300 cords
of wood by Mike L- grand. For
information apply at Win.Brnders.
WANTED. Oak lops from 16 to
26 inches in di meter from two
feet long up. Enquire Central
Plaining M ils, Corvallis.
light that was satisfactory to ev- Uss Beers, Hattie Beers, et al, deft
erybody. There are ' councilmen
who think the company ought to
be required to give as good lights
as Porter did, or . that their- p?y
ought to be withheld. The light
and water committee is Covell,
Holmes and Lilly.
Action for money.
Halvers Harrison plff. vs. W.
W. McDonald and wf. defts. Suit
foreclosure mortgage.
R. E. Fawver plff. vs. John W.
Fawver, William Fawver, defts.
WANTED a salesman. Many
make $100 to $150 per month.
Some even more. Stock clean:
grown on Reservation, far from
old orchards. Cash advanced
weekly. Choice of territory, Ad
dress Washington Company, Top
penish, Washington.
WANTED, 60 tons of clean vetch
seed and oats in car lots. Highest,
market price paid. Load at near
est R. R. station. Wanted, clean
Italian and English Rye grass.
L. L. Brooks. " "