Vol. XlX.-No. 3 CORVALLIS, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20. 1900. B.F. IRVFWB KditOI Summons. In the Circuit Court ot the state of Oregon, for Beaton county: J. W. Wkitsman. ' Plaintiff, 1 vs. J. R. Rainwater and tncy Rainwater, his wife; William Kaiowater and Surah Italnwaier. his wile; Anna Kling and Peter Kling, .her hus band; Daniel Rainwater and Emma Kalnwaler. his wife ; Kmraett Rain water and Mary Rainwater, his wife; Mary Clark and Merlon Clirk. ber husband ; Anna Duley and Frank Iu ley ber husband; Emma Laughhead and 0. H. Laugbead, her husband ; and Leo Cohen, Bessie Muller and Paul Muller her husband, defendants. a 1 To Bessie Muller, Emmett Rainwater, and Mary Rainwater, his wife, the above named de fendants: In the name ot the state nt Oregon, you and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above entitled suit now on file with the clerk of the above entitled court, on or be fore the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication of this summons, herein after referred to, to-wit, on or before November 23, 1906, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plain tiff will applv to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in his said complaint, to-wit: that he be decreed to be the owner In fee simple of the following described real property, to-wit: Beginning at the N W corner of the D. L. C, of A. M. Rainwater. Not. No. 697, CI. 61 fc 39 in T. 11 S. R. 3 and 4 W., of Will. Mer., Benton county, Oregon, and running thence S- 26.94 chains, thence E. 12 27 chains, thence B. 88 deg., E. 3.10 chains, thesce U, 29.14 chains to the N. bounda ry ot said claim, thence S. 82 deg. 15 mln. W. along Said N. boundary to place of beginning, containing 4:!. 20 acres, more or less, all in Ben ton county. Oregon, save and except 13.18 acres heretofore sold and conveyed to 9. E. Rainwater oescrlbed as follows: Beginning at N W corner of D. I. C. Not. 697, CI. 61 aud 39 T. 11 S. R. 3 and 4 W. Will. Mer., Benton county, Oregon, and running thence N. 82 deg. 15 mm. E. along N. boundary of said claim 10.10 chains, thence S. to the N. boundary of W. V. & C. R. B. Co's right ot way, thence westerly along said North boundary to the west boundary of said claim tbence N along said weft boundary to place of beginning, containing 13.18 acres, more or less: that the defendants be required to perfect the title of said land by making, executing, ac knowledging and delivering a deed thereto to the plain till, or that in the event they fail so to do that the decree ot said court shall operate In lieu of such deed, and that plaintiff have his costs and disbursements, and for general relief: This summons Is published In The Corvallis Times newspaper once a week, tor biz successive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the Issue ot October 12, 1906. and ending with the issue of November 23, 1906, under and In pursuance of the directions contained lu an order made by the Hon E. Woodward, judge or tne couni; rourt of Benton countv. state of Oreen. datei October 11. 1906. Date of first publication hereof is October 12, i06. L. H. MONTANYE & E. E. WILSON, Attorneys tor Waimiff. Winter Rates To Yaquina Bay. A low round trip rate of fe:5o from Albany and $3 :2s from Corvallis and Philomath to Yaquina has been put in effect by tbe Corvalli9 & Eastern dur ing the entire winter and spring, until May 31, i9o7. Tickets good for return 63 days from date of sale. Splendid acc ommodations for all. at low rates, g Full information from G. & E. Agents or Conductors, of J. C. -Mayo, Gen. Pass A . t Albany. Tickets on sale daily. E. E. WILSON, A TTORNEY Al LA W. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Benton couuty: Garrison Sheldon, plaintiff, I: I Ella W. Sheldon, defendant, To Ella W. Sheldon, the above named defend ant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and . answer tbe complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court now on file in tbe office of the clerk of said court, on or before tlx weeks fiom the day ot tee nrst . publication nereoi, to-wit on or before November 13, 1906, and you are hereby notified that if you fall so to appear and answer the said complaint as here in required, for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded tn his said complaint, namely, for a decree of divorce from the said delendant. for ever dissolving the marriage contract existing between the nlaintifl' and defendant, and for such other further and different rule, order or relief as to the couit may seem, proper. Tbis summons is published in the Corvallis Times newspaper once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue of said newspaper of October 2. 1906. and enclng with the issue ef November 13, 1906, under and In pursuance of the directions contained in an order made by the Hon. E. Woodward, county judge of Benio 1 county. Oregon, being the eoun 1 ty were the above entitled suit is pending in ine aDove eatmed circuit court, dated Septem ber 28, 1900. Tne date of the first publication neieoi is ucioDer z, iyub. E. E. WILSON, - Attorney for Plaintiff. B. R. Bryson, Attorney At Law. Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul and the East. 2 Trainsi Daily 2 Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, Four dally trains between Portland aid Seattle Pullman First-class sleeping cars. Pullman Tourist sleeping cars, Dlulng cars night and day, Observation and Parlor cars. The regular Yellowstone Park B,ute via. Liv ingston aud Gardiner, Mont., the government official entrance to the Park. Park season June 1st to September 20th. See Europe If yon will but see America first. Start right. See Yellowstone National Park Nature's greatest wonderland. Wonderland Th9 famous Northern Pacific book can be had tor the asking or six cents by mail. The Route of the "North Ooart Lsmited" the Only Electric Lighted ModHrn Train from Port land to the East. The ticket office at Portland Is at 255 Morrison street, corner Thirds A. D. Carlton, Assistant . General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Exceeds all Former Purchasing IN I Quantity, Quality & Variety Our store has never held such a line in some of our Departments. Received this week a big line of Mens' Clothing, the quality higher than any of, our former buys. These goods are good fitters and the price will be .right. , , .. -; . Our line of Men and Boys Shoes fill the department " to overflow; you can always find in our shoe depart ment all the latest novelties from two of the largest factories in the United States. We are receiving new goods every day and Jwill be glad to have you call and inspect our store. 1. Corvallis, Og oways It will pay you to come in and see ply. We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture. Furniture, Stoves, Ranges Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. Watch Friday's paper for Price. Highest Market Price Paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs. North east Cor. 2nd and New Goods, Latest Designs and PRETTIEST PATTERNS Our Fall Lines of Jewelry and Silverware are beginning to arrive and will be tbe largest and most complete line ever shown in Corvallis. "Swastikos," the Japanese lucky charm and the latest thing in the novelty line, to be had in Fobs, Hat Pins, Lace Pins, Cuff Buttons and 0. A. C. Pins of all kinds. Alarm Clocks $U Fountain Pens $1. At E. W. S. PRATT'S The Jeweler and Optician. New Sporting Goods Store. A new and complete line consisting of Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries In fact anything the sportsman need can be. found, at my store Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop. All Work Guaranteed. M. M Ind. Phone 126. Oregon Store us before buying your winter sup Money to Loan on all Kinds of Security. Monroe Sts, Corvallis, Or. LONG'S Corvallis," Oregon. MRS CREFFIELD WIFE .OF HOLY ROLLER LEADER, DIES IN HER CELL OF HEART DISEASE. Girl Who Slew Her Brother Holds Lifeless Form for Half an hour in Her Arms, but Shows ; No Grief Other News. I Seattle, Nov. 16. Mrs. Maud .Creffield, held in the King county 'jail as an accomplice in tbe murdei of George Mitchell, m the Union station, July 12, died suddenly- in ber cell at Il:i5 toDight. Although it was suepected at first that the woman committeed suicide, a search of the jail by Sheriff Smith and deputies failed to discover any ev idence that ehe bad poisen in the corcpartment she occupied. t- Esther Mitchell, who shot her brother, was in the same bed witb Mrs.- Creffield when the latter was stricken. Esther shed no teare when she realized that the woman who had been her accomplice in the murder of ber brother, was dead , For half an hour she clung to the lifeless torm aod kissed the cold lip&, but was not consumed with grief and answered in a clear voice all questions aeked of her. Deputy Coroner S. F. Wiltsie be lieves tbe woman died from heart failure. Mrs. Creffield was found insane by a commission of three doctors and Judge Frater had ordered her deportation to the state or Oregon, which had been ber home. The county attorney had taken an appeal to the supreme court, af ter which, if he had won, he intend ed to try her for the murder of Gecrge Mitchell. Portland, Nov. 18. Sanday Or- eeonian: O. V. Hurt, father of Mrs. Maud Hurt Creffield, who died in prison at Seattle, arrived in Portland last night from the family home in Corvallis and will leave for Seattle this morning to attend the final disposition of his daugh ter'e body. He is accompanied by his daughter, Miss Mae Hurt, Mr. Hurt was first lofoimed of the death of Mrs. Creffield early yeslerday morning by a telegram from the sheriff of King county, Washington, conveying the simple announcement of ber death. That Mrs. Creffield held the thought that she might soon die, however, is shown by tbe fact that on last Sunday she asked of her father and moiher, who were then visiting her in tbe Seattle jail, that if anything should happen to her ehe should be buried beside ber huebaod. In accordance with tbis wish the body will be buried in Ss altle. Mr. Hurt said last night: "My wife aod I visited Maud last week, spending all of Saturday and Sun day with ber. At that time she seemed deepordant' and depressed, due, I think, to the delay in the set tlement of her deportation care be fore tbe tupreme court. We all bad expected it settled long before now, and it is certain that it would have been decided within a few days. I do net thick, however, she entertained any thought of suicide although ehe did ask her mother thui if anything did happen to her that she be buried beside Cref field. "I think she died from grief and a broken heart. When Creffield wai killed Maud felt that all her life had been taken from her and she thought eo until her death. She told us repeatedly she had nothing more to live for. Maua tailed In bealtb consider ably while confined in jail in fact she dropped from 207 to 125 pound in weight. , "I believe that if the courts had rendered their decision before her death and that she had been re moved to tbe asylum, where she would have had some degree of lib erty andisomethinz to cccupy her attention and keep her from brood ing, ehe would be alive today. "In accordance with her wishes, we will bury her in Seattle, and the interment will probably be odMod- day. . ,. , . .,, Seattle, Nov. 16. Tbe heavy rainfall of Wednesday, 2.48 inches in four hours, and ' tbe ' Chinook wind which melted, the tecent freeh nows in the Caacade mountains coming simultaneously are the caus es of the most disastrous, floods in tbe history of the Puget Sound re gion. The valleys of the White, Cedar, Duwamish, Green, Stuck, Black and Payallup rivers are un der water, flooding 200 square miles of territory. This includes practi cally every acre of low-lying land back of the eastern Bhorea of tbe sound and extending from Seattle toTacoma.' So far as known but ve deaths directly attributable to the floods have occurred north of Stuck river. The property Iobb will be heavy exceeding half a mil lion. All traffic over the Northern Pa cific and Tacoma- Seattle Interur- ban lines is at a standstill. A week or more will be required to repair the damage after tbe waters subside. The damage done to the fields and herds run into hundreds of thous ands of dollars; To tbe north tbe Skagit river is on a rampage and railroad traffic in that direction is at a standstill. The greatest loss by the streams was to tbe lumbering interests, mil- ions of feet of logs, and shingle bolts being carried into the sound and out to sea. Hundreds of farm houses are submerged to the second stories and many people are home less. A light rain began falling throughout King county this morn ing and continued during the day. In Southeastern Washington some damage was done, but the water did not nearly attain the height or force of the floods of last spring. In Yakima- Valley damage was done to railroad and other proper ty. The farmers also lost heavily. The greatest damage in Southern Washing in appear to have occur red along the Cowlitz river, which is a mighty torrent and is sweep ing houses, barns, bridges and otb er property betore it and carrying away millions of feet of logs to the Columbia.. Hundreds of people in tbe vicinity of KeUo, Castle Bock, Oitrander and Lexington were forced to flee to high ground with little or no -covering aa protection against the wind and rain and with little food. The Northern Pacific has sustain ed serious damage and several of Its important bridges are reported im passible. No trains are moving northward and tne situation is a precarious one. bo tar no lose of life bas been reported anywhere in Southern Washington. North Yakima, Wash., Nov. 16 Twenty men, one woman and four children "were marooned last night on a temporary scaffolding on an island at the bead of tbe Sunny side canal. They belonged to the reclamation service, and their bitu ation was not considered unsafe un til last night when rescuing parties went to the scene. Boats were se cured and they were taken from their perilous position this morning to dry land. Members ot tne parly tell harrowing tales of suffering during tbe night, and how difficult it was to save themselves from a watery grave; ' The lblacd became eubmerged in water and men had to woik waist deep to build a scaffolding to get the party above the swiftly flowing current that ran across tbe island. San Francisco, Nov. 16 Judge Seawell today decided that Abra ham Ruef has no legal right to the office of district attorney to which he was appointed by Acting Mayor Gallagher after tbe board of super visors had pretended to suspend W. H. Langdon. The courts opinion was oral. Ha said; "I am clearly of the opiuicn that the conditions of tbe charter do not apply to the district aitorcey's of fice and that the mayor and super visors bave no power of removal in regard to that officp." Seattle, Waeh., Nov. 17. If the continued on page 4. r Watch this space for Bargins in REAL ESTATE Something new every week. A Sherman county wheat farm of 320 acres to ex change for Benton county dairy or stock ranch. A fine 20 acre ti act value $1200 adjoining good town to trade for foot hill ranch. A fine home in Portland, value a Benton county stock or dairy ranch. If you have anything to trade, let AMBLER 6c ABOUT OREGON AS IT IS SEEN BY A NEW AR RIVAL FROM THE EAST. And Published in an Iowa Newspa per Tbe Writer Has Pur chased a Home Near Cor vallis Other News. N. T. Young, who purchased a tract of land out of the Haman Lewis place near Corvallis a few days ago, bas written his impres sions of Oregon to an Iowa friend, and the letter has been published in the Casnovla Herald. The arti cle is excellently written and gives Oregon a good send off. In part, Mr. Young says: "Oregon contains 61,549,200 acres or 3,030 , square miles more than Illinois and Indiana. One bundred miles inland from the Pacific Coast the Cascade mountains stretch in ao unbroken line trom tbe Colum bia gorge south Into California. Close along the ocean and parallel with it is the coast range ot lower elevation. Between these mountain ranges lies the Willamette Valley, about 150 miles in length with an average width of 50 miles. In the heart of this valley is Benton coun ty, containing 440,000 acres of land. Benton county is bounded on the east by the Willamette river which is navigable thirty-five miles above Corvallis. Corvallis is the county seat of Benton county, lo cated 44 degrees 20 minutes west, longitude west, and has a popula tion of 3.500 inhabitants. The soils of tbe Willamette valley are of a sandy loam on the river bottomp, black and light colored on the prai rie and red or mulatto soil on tbe uplands. These lands except email portions of what is termed white lands are a deep and rich warm soil and will wear for many years without artificial fertilizers and yield excellent crops. The Boil in the valley is for the greater portion alluvial. The climate seems to be free from extremes and at this time there is a proij&ion of flowers, and vegetation is as fresh as in Michigan in tbe month of June, and there is scarcely a garden that is not a peifect flower bed, displaying the finest roses and other flowers of every description. The lands of this valley seem to be notable for abundance of crops, wheat yielding from 20 to 4o bushels per acre, oats 3o to 60 of plump, heavy grain, oats often weighing 38 to 40 pounds to the measured bushel; clover yieldiog from two to three tons per acre and yielding from four to nine bushels of seed to the acre- One man here bas just threshed bis clover seed and obtain ed 90 bushels from 10 acres of Al syke clover. Dairying is yet in its infancy. However, it is paying large dividends, as the rows can be kept on gieen feed nearly tLe whole year, arid the creamery here reports an average butter test of fiom 5 1-2 per cent, to 6.7 per cent., with but ter at this time bringing 33 cents per pound with an average uf 27.8 cents for tbe year. Land prices range from $lo to $loo per acre ac cording to location and improve ments. I will give a few prices on produce and then close for thi6 time as I presume youwill be tired out by the time you have finished this. However, if this proves en tertaining I will write you a more complete description in tbe future. Oats, 31 and 32 cents; hogs, live, 5 1-4 to 5 1-2-.-; veat, 6 1 2 to 7c; cattle on hoof, 2 1-2 to 40; hay, baled, $4.50 to $5; butier.creamery 33c; dairy, 25s to 30c; eggs. 32j: ) clover teed, $7 to $9 per bushel. Yours in V. L. & T. N.T. Young. Corvallis.'Or. $2500 to trade as part payment ... . us have it. WAITERS on 1 J (