The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 16, 1906, Image 3

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In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
Minnie Clegg, Plaintiff )
vs. V
John Arthur Cleig, Defendant)
To John Arthur Clerg, the aoove named defend ant
In the name of of the State of Oregon you are here
by summoned and required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled Court now on file with the
Clerk of said Court on or before six Weeks from the
date of the first publication of this, summons, to
wit. on or before the 23rd, day of November A. D.
And you ur'AZul that if you fail so to ar pear
and answer the sai'i complaint as herein requh.d
the plaintiff wiil ip.'y to the above Court for the
relief prayed for in aid complaint, toit, for a de
cree of said Court d'ssi.-lving and annulling the mar
riage contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff awarair-g to plaintiff the care ana cus
tody of Je-isie Clegg. the issue of said marriage,
and for her costs arid d stmrsamnts herein.
This suium ons is pulrisl'td in the Corvallis
Times on'-e a week for six successive and consecu
tive weeks and in seven irm.s thereof, beginning
with the issue of October 12, 1906, and ending
A-'1" th of November &ird, 1906, in pursuance
of a'i order made by the Hoi K. Woodward, Coun
ty Jutlge of Benton Countv. State of Oregon, dated
the lliih day of October 1900.
The date of the first publication hereof is Octo
ber 12th, 10M.
McFadden & Bryson,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County:
Minnie Johnson,' Plaintiff, ' r
W. J. Johnson, CbrlstopherC. John
Bon, and Delia Johnton, his wife.
To W. J. Johnson the above named defendant:
In the nsme of the Slate of Oregon, you are
htreby summoned and required to appear, and
an.-wt-r the amended complaint of tho plaintlfl
)s the Hb ve entitled suit, in the above entitled
court, now on file in the office of the cleik of
said court, on or before the Inst day of the time
prescribed in the order for publication of this
summons, made by the county judge of Benton
county, state of Oregon (wblch order Is herein
after teferred to) to-wit: November 23, 1906, and
you are hereby notified that if you fail so to ap
pear, and answer the said complaint as herein
required, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the above entitled court for the relief de
manded in her said amended complaint, namely:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimo
ny, now existing between plaintiff and defend
ant W J. Johnson, and that the defendant W. J.
JohnBon be compelled to pay to the plaintiff, the
sum of one thousand five hundred dollars for
her support, and the support ol ' their minor
child, aud that the ccrtalu deed made by the
said defendant W. J. Johnson, to the said de
fendant Christopher G. Johnson, on the 3d day
of Aptil, 1906, and recoided on the 12th day of
May, 1906, at page 212, Book 45, deed records of
Benton county, Oregon, Ibe canceled and set
aside, and that the lands described In said deed
be decreed to belong to said w. J. Johnson, and
that one-third thereof, be Set aside to sal-1 plain
tiff, as her individual property, and that plain
tiff be given the core, custody and control of the
minor cnua oi planum ana defendant w. J.
Johnson, Flossie Johnson, and for her costs and
disbursements to be taxed, and for such other
and further rule order and relief, as in equity
msy seem just aud proper.
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Times, once a wpek lor tlx successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Oc
tober 12, 1906 aud ending with the issue of No
vember 23, 1906, under and in pursuance of the
directions contained In an order made bv tiie
Hon. E. woodward, county judae of Benton
county, Oregon, being the county wheie the
above entitled salt impending, in the above ea
titled circuit court; dated, Oi-tober 12, J'IC6. Date
of first pnblicnii m hereof. October 12, lt06
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Wonderful Coat Values, $10.56
Just received a large shipment of Novelty, Tourist and 50
inch Women's Coats, later fabrics which we will place on sale
MONDAY AT $10.56, Regular $15.00.
The People's Store.
Established 1864
When You see it in Our Ad
IT'S so.
'Made&GnarliKMiiV If Villi WfUlt
B. Kuppenheimer & Co." 11 J .
m erica1 s Leading
Clothes Makers .
In the Circfiit Court of the State nf Oregon
Kenton countv.
H. L. Taylor, Plaintiff V - , .
vs. '
Abbey Taylor, Defendant f
To Abbey Taylor, the ab ve named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you are here
by sum UK ned and requ'red to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled Court now on file with the
Clerk of saiu Court on or before six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this Summons, towit,
on or before the 23rd day of November, A. D. 1906,
And you are notified that if you fail so to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein required
the plaintiff will apply to the alove Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint, to wit: for a de
cree of said Court dissolving and annulling the mar
riapr contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for the costs and disbursements of
th is suit.
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and consecu
tive wee ks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
with the issue of October 12th, 1906, and ending
with the issue of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance
of an order made by the Hon. K. Woodward, Coun
ty Judge of Benton County, State of Oregon, dated
ine lain aay oi ucLODer. iiwo.
The date of the first publication hereof is October
12th, 1906.
SIcFaddes & Bryson,
Attorneys for .Plaintiff.
WE CAN FILL your wants. Write
us. Do ou want to sell your
property, farms, or business. Call
on us. We furnish partners
and cash. Loan your money.
Sparkman & Company Main St,
CorvaUis. Oreg.
53 II W5niSe!U-eVTK
1 JkemMO
Copyright, igw, by B. KUPPENHEIMER & CO,
What Smartly pressed Men Will
WearlthislSeason, CALLWU .
3 Conforming to Fashion's Latest
Decrees, Designed by Aatist Tailors
Frshioned by Master Workmen, Are
Some of the Reasons Why
Clothing ....
F. L Miller
Corvallis, Oregon
Look for name in strap M
1 fKflrm
Coffee club party tonight.
Miss Gail Hare of Albany at
tended the funeral of Charles Lee
Oregon wool batts for comforts
at Nol n?.
Rev. Donald Cannan of Tuala
tin, will conduct services at tne
Congregational church Sunday,
both morning and evening. Special
music at eacn service, sunaay
school and C. K. st usual hours. '
"How to Hold out Faithful"
will be the morning subject at the
Christian church Sundav. ' ' 'Seek
ing God" will be the evening theme.
The male chorus will sing at the
evening service.
Those who send to the Chica
go mail order houses for goods will
find something to interest them on
the grst page of this paper. It will
also interest general readers.
The bride My husband loves
me better than he loves his life.
Her friend Did he tell you so.
The bride N-no; bat he eats
the things I cook.
A former Corvallisite was in
dicted at Eugene for selling liquor
He is Hermann Breyer. and along
with him four others have true bills
returned against them on the same
count. Among them is Charles
Mayhew, once a Corvallis resident.
Albany Democrat: A good
sized audience appreciated the mer
its of A Royal Slave at the Opera
House last night. The costumes
were elaborate and the acting good
A newspaper man was' the hero of
the story, and of course was an in
teresting character in the midst of
Willie 'Papa, if I was twins
would you buy the other boy
banana too'"
Papa "Certaily, my son."
Willie Well, Papa, you surely
aint eoine to cheat me out of an
other banana just 'cause J'm all in
one piecce?
The OAC basket ball girls go
to Monmouth tomorrow to play the
Oregon State Normal school team.
The members of the team are, Miss
Moore, center; Miss Roderick and
Miss Holgate, forwards; Miss Pel
land and Miss Scoggin, guards.
The game will be the first of the
The Reynolds house and four
lots in Job's addition near the No
vell home has been purchased by
S. W. Bowser, formerly of the vi
cinity of Bruce. Mr. Bowser will
build a new house on the property.
The deal was negotiated by J. L-
Lewis. .
The 34 acre tract of land north
of town, formerly the property of
the Buffington heirs, has been sold
to two new arrivals from Iowa.
The price paid is supposed to have
been about $2,500. The purchas
ers are Mr. Young and Mr. Bailey,
and they will divide the property
and occupy it. The tract was form
erly a part of the Hainan Lewis
donation claim. The sale was
made by J. L. Lewis.
T. D. Campbell, late of Cor
vallis, is now a partner in the City
Transfer & Storage Company, with
offices at 103 Front street, Portland.
Mrs. B. W. Johnson has been
confined at home with illness sever
al days. Her position "at the
postoffice is being filled by Mr".
Tohn Withvcombs. who has
been taking treatment for his eyes
for two or weeks, arrived
from Portland today.
The Westside came in - today
two and a half hours lite, due to
the preseuce f f so many irains on
the line and the delay at meeting
points. Ten to a dozen trains were
on the Westside this forenoon, all
hurrying into Portland as fast as
steam would carry and the crowded
condition of track permit.
They keep the railroad offices
at both stations open all night now
on account of the train situation.
Ernest Miller did extra service for
time at the S. P. station and Mr.
Albin of Philomath is at the C. &
E. Mr. Miller's place in the West
ern Union office was filled by Eric
Butler, son of Fred Butl r across
the Willamette.
Walter Green, aged 36 and un
married, was taken to the asylum
Wednesday by Officer Wells. A
year and a half ago he was com
mitted to the asylum from this
county, and in the month of Aug
ust last year, was discharged. Of
late he has been found with poisons
in his possession and there were
fears that he intended to use them
for self destruction, tiis borne is
with his parents in Job's addition.
The Independent people give
it out that service on their lines for
a few weeks must uot be expected
to be up to their well known stand
ard. A big gang of workmen is
stringing new cables and the con
tact and disturbance ot wires can
not be avoided, which means that
central service and phone efficiency
will be more or less interfered with
After the improvements are com
pleted though, look out. The new
cable means that storms cannot
molest or bad weather make afraid.
Cables cannot be prostrated by ev
ery passing zephyr.
And on Most Roads The TortusKK.
way to Salem now It a Long
Trip for Booze.
The train passenger for Salem
from Corvallis now travels in every
direction on the compass arid gels,
on most of the railroads in Oregon
so to speak. His first ride is its
Albany over the C & E. There he
trusters to another train end goes,
to Shelbum over the C. & E. Thsssr
he transfers to another railroad Hss:
and goes to Silver ton located JLl-git
18 miles east of Salem. From ipr&
he goes to Woodburn. a - long e
the northward of Salem. TiIcee?-
he takes a new train and starts foer
Salem over another railroad divJs-
iou. The last transfer carries t&e
pasrenger back to where he started
from which means that he has ar
rived at Salem. The long ritfe
doesn't cost a cent more than il.
used to cost when the train west
straight through. If a man car
rying a grip was enroute from diry
Corvallis, and had to go so fas
around to Salem to get a drop f:
the Crayther, his tongue would be
mightily parched before he coaler
get a drink in one of the saloons isss
the capital.
No Prjzes go with our
Chase & Sanborn
High Grade
The Kendal
Brains evolved the Kendal.
There's not an iota in its
material and make that
coesn t represent
skilled shoe?
craft and shot'
Isce boot,
seal top
sion sole.
The man
who wants
to enjoy the
benefit oi
the best
knowledge &&Cjm 'jhoe-
applied tor his "
comfort should
wear the Kendal
Most styles are'$S
Quality Store
J, M. Nolan 6c Son
In fact nothins gos with our coffee but cream, sugar and
! : Sole agent for .
Chase & S
anborn Higb Grade
And see our large new line of Pocket Knives,
Razors, Sissors etc, -A large line of Footballs
and all kinds of Sporting Goods always on hand
Umbrellas Covered and Repaired.
The annual game of foatball
between O. A. C, and U. of O
takes place at Corvallis on Satur
day of next woek, and Coach Nor
cross is much disc urag'd with th
outlook. Cady a crack halfback
was injured in The Dalles game
and c innot possibly be in the line
up. The same is probably true of
Darby. Beside this, there are oth
er discouraging features tbat have
put a gloomy phase on a situation
that a week ago was quite cheery.
The only hope is that the remnants
of the team will get together with
"an old guard" fighting spirit and
even yet be able to make a fitting
defense of OAC's best tradition?.
But a Lawyer Didn't Know the EXf
ference A Conversation Over
the Phone.
There have been many coot
plaints about the electric ligb&c
since it passed into the hands
the Willamette Valley people- bat
so far as known no case of kicking:
has been so striking as happened in
the following instance. It was it,
conversation by phone, with CSy;
Attorney Bryson at one end. assail
the office of the Ight company aV
the other. The talk ran like tbas:
Bryson "HHlo there; is this Slhe
light company?"
Yes; this is the Electric Ligat
office," was the reply.
Bryson "Say, I can't see wo-He.
a cent by this Hght of yours; caa't-
you make it better?
Light Office "Why, there has,
been an accident and the ligbis.
have been out for two hour-?."
Bryson "Oh, is that so? Why
nobody could tell it, it ha
seemed much darker than it was ,
before. G'Kidbve "
Light Office "Goodbye."'
Aud a gurgle ot a laugnlrom Ijae
girl who was listening at the con
versation floated., over. the wire. j
Miss Adelade Greff z, former
ly a well known Corvallis girl is in
Pa-is France. She left New York
jhe 25th of October and is supposed
to have reached the French capital
several days ago. Her trip is large
ly a visit to her f-ither, P. P. Gref
foz, former! v a popular Corvallis
jeweller, but in pari she goes in
hope of finding relief for ill health
which she has suffered of l-ite, an
rand in which she has the earnest
sympathy of many Corballis friends-
The . Spencer brothers farm
at Blodgett, changed hands Tues
day. It was purchased by C. R.
York, lately of Alberta, Canada,
but now a resident of Dundee, Ore
gon.- The place comprises 357
acres and the price paid for it was
$4,500. The buyer is to take im
mediate possession. The deal was
made bv Stevenson & Robinson
Eli Speucer has also disposed of his
i lty properly in Corvallis. Wilhim
ani-i KU Spencer are both working
at the carpenter trade at Cheha'is,
L- L. Brooks has sold bisstiaw
stacks and 100 tons of hay to a
cattle feeder with the stipulation
that it is to be fed on his farm. Mr.
Brooks bel eves that the hay -and
straw made iuto manure will eq'ial
$300 in fertilizer. His plan ia - to
spread the manure on his vitch
field, plow it under, and theD'ow
the land to clover. By this trtat
ment, Mr. Brooks claims the soil
will be almost as productive as
when first plowed. Mr, Brooks is
authority for the st?tement that
his farm that six years .ago. world
produce but six bushels, this year
yielded four tons of- vetch, alsike,
and red clover per acre.
And big Passenger Trains Again Using
Westside Tracks Three Trains
of U. S. Troops.
Five big passenger trains, of
which four were overlands from
California, passed through town
this morning, coming over the C.
& E. from Albany and going down
the Westside to Portland. They be
gan to arrive at four o'clock and
had all passed by nine. One of the
trains was the Cottage Grove local.
Another was the regular Califor
nia overland. Three othes were
troop trains, carrying United Stales
soldiers from San 1'iancisco
WANTED, A position to &
hoase work. Enquire Mrs. Lizzie
- Hacker Philomath Oregon.
DON'T FORGET the auction sale
each Saturday at the Red Frost
scales. Apply
pair of platforai.
to Victor Moses
LOST Thursday afternoon a greeax
.hand-bag containing gold thkalsfc
scissors, purse with $2.00, andL
other trinkets. Finder leave at
S. L. Klines store Reward-.
LOST. A bunch of keys, valaablfc
only to the owner. Finder piaase
leave at Times office nd receiver
FOR" turkeys of mammo'h Broaie:
sto k enquire at Jese Brown's
10 miles south of Corva !s Ore
to., Address Corvalli? R F. D. 4.
Portland, whence it is supposed
they are to go the Vancouver bar
racks. Of the rroops there were
about 1,200
. In the last few days, the Eastside
trains have'not been using the West
side, but have been reaching Port
land via Albany, Shelburn and
Woodburn. The latter route is
said to be shorter by 17 miles than
via Corvallis. About midnight last
night however, a rail at the Shel-
born siding turned while a heavy
lreight train was passing over it
and!" locomotive and three cars
were ditched. A wrecking train
has been sent to the scene, and unr
til the pile up is cleared away and
the track restored the Eastside will
be used by all,, eastside trains. Jhe
eastside line will probably be le
stored some time today.
FOUND. A telephone watch
charm. Owner can obtain tbe
same at the Times office by pay
ing for this notice.
WANTED. Men to cut 300 cords
of wood by Mie L grand. Far
information apply at Wm .Brodets
OWNER of Portland Real Estae
if you want to sell write me at
.; once. John B. Matthew?, 722
Chamber 'of, Commerce, Portland
. Oregon. '
FOR SALE. My fine silver span
gled Hamburg pullets and cocker
els at $r each. Mrs C. Wood
ward Corvallis Phone 55 Philom
ath line,
WANTED: Oak legs from 16 to
26 inches in diameter from two
feet long np. Enquire Central
Plaining M lis, Corvallis.
WANTED a salesman. Many
make $100 to I150 per months
Some even 'more. Stock cleaar
grown on Reservation, far from
old forchards. Cash advanced,
weekly. Choice of territory, Ad-z
dress'Washington Company, Top
penish, Washington. ,
WANTED, 60 tons of clean vete3
seed and oats in car lots. Highest
,tnarket price paid. Load at a ear
nest R. R. station. Wanted, clean
Italian and English Rye grass.
L. L. Brooks. ... . -