3) Summons. Id the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Benton County. Minnie Clegg, Plaintiff ) vs. J. John Arthur Cle?g, Defendant ) To John Arthur Clerg. the aoove named defend ant In the name of of the State of Oregon you are here by summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of laint;ff in the aoove entitle'l suit in the above entitled Court now on fi'a wth the Clerk of said Court on or tiefore six weeks from the date of the first publication of tbi- BuniT.ous, to wit. ou or before the 23rd, day of Kortnsber A. D. 1000. And vou are not'"'.'' tint if you fal sotoarncar and answer the? id cjiis.tlaint 'as h'-L-i:l requir.d the pia'nteff i 1 app'v to tlio rbovo Court for the relief pravetl frn i i o.ud -nnlairit, toit, fjr a de crce oi sa:tl Court -d!s 'nvii: and annulling ti.e mar riae contract nf;w cxi.-linjj tctwiei you and the plainuii" nnJ un:i:!;i plaii.tiff tho care aim cu.--tody cf Jc :;-c ;:. -gs. the L.:tie of suH marriya, and ft'r ncr co-ts ai.il d;sb!ls-:-mr.ts herein. Thi-s si.n::i! om is p;.li iM ,c5 in the CMvallis Time cure a week for six su. oesive and consecu tive vp.Lkn and in seven i-tu-s thereof, beginning with the issue of October 12, 1000, and ending h of Xovembpr lOOfl.in pursuance of an order made by the Hon 1-;. Woodward, Coun ty J ud;te of Benton County, Sute of Oregon, dated the lL'th day of October lSWfi. The out of the f; pubHc-.tion hereof is Octo ber lth, I9ii(j. McF.ddf.x & Pttvsox, Aiturneys for Haiiitiff. Summons. In tbe Circuit court of the State of Oregon for Benton County: Minnie Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. W. J. Johnson, Christopher C. John son, and Delia Johmon, his wif, Defendants. To W. J. Johnson the above named defendant: in the name of the B:ate of Oregon, yon are here' y 'umroned and required tn appear, and answer the amended complaint of the plaiulifl Jk he ly ve entitled suit, in the above entitled cou.i, uowon file in the office of the clerk of said court, on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order tor publication oi this summons, made by the county judge of Benton county. stHte of Oregon (which order is berein aTter referred to) to wn: November 23, 1906, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to ap pear, and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the above entitled court for the relief de manded in her said amended complaint, name ly: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimo ny, now existing between plaintiff and defend ant W. J. Johnson, and that the defendant W. J. Johnson be compelled to pay to the plaintiff, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars for her suppoi , and the support of their minor child, aud that the certain deed made by the said defendant W. J. Johnson, to the said de fendant Christopher C. Johnson, on the 3d day of April. 1906, and recotded on the 12th day of May, 1S06, at page 212, Book 45, deed records of Benton county, Oregon, be canceled and set aside, and that tbe lands described in said deed be decreed to belong to said w. J, Johnson, and that one-third thereof, be Set aside to sal' plain tiff, as her individual property, and that plain tiff be given the care, custody and control of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant W. J. Johnson, Flossie Johnson, and for her costs and disbursements to be taxed, and for such other and further rule order and relief, as in -equity msy seem just and proper. This summons is published in the Corvallis Times, once a week for six successive and con secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Oc tober 12, 1906 aud ending with the issue of No vember 23, 1906, under and In pursuance of the directions contained in an order made by ihe Hon. E. Woodward, county judge of Benton county, Oregon, being' th c mniy whe:" the above entitled uit is vending, iu the above en titled tit. n't "'.irt; oaf-ii, 0 tuber 12, ! G. Date of torn yi r ica'i-i!i hereoi. Octnncr 12, 1:8 WEATHEKFORD & WYATT. '. F. YATES. PlalntiffV. Attorneys. Summons. In the Circuit Cou.t of the State of Oregon for R. L. Taylor, i'lamliS ) Abbey Ta..!or, Defendant f To Abbey Taylor, the ab ive named de'endant In the minio of t.he LU?.te of Oregon you are here- Dv summi ned an' roirrea ti appear and answer the complaint oi plaintiff in the above entitled suit in the above entitled Court now on file with the Clerk of said Court on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, towit, on or bc.'ore the 23rd day of November, A. D. 1906, And you are notified that if you fail so to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required the plaintiff will apply to the alove Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, towit: for a de cree of said Court dissolving and annulling: the mar riage contract now existing between you and the plaintiff, and for the costs and disbursements of th is suit. This summons is published in the Corvallis Times once a week for six successive and consecu the weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginning with the issue of October 12th. 1906. and endioff with the issue of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance of an order made by the Hon. K. Woodward, Coun ty Judge of Benton Countv, State of Oregon, dated the 12th day of October, 1990. The date "of the first publication hereof is Oetober 12th, 1906. McFadpex & Brvsox, Attorneys for Haintiff. WE CAN FILL your wants. Write us. Do ou want to sell your property, farms, or business. Call od us. We furnish partners and cash. Loan your money. Sparkman & Ccmpany Main St. Corvallis. Oreg. Look for name in strap The Kendal - Brains evolved the Kendal. There's net an iota in its material and make thst doesn t represent illed shoe- craft and shoe experience Patent leather lace boot, genuine seal top, h e a vy sole, narrow to e The r.i a n o wants to enjoy the benefit oi the best knowledge t. shoe- applied for his comfort should wear the Kendal Most styles are $5 Quality Store J. M. Nolan'6c Son 1 lag8gm Gambling in Shoes Is just as unprofitable as any other form of gambling for you are bound to lose in the long run Ypu take no 1 1 1 .1 TIT . 11 - rvi a i cnanees v?nen ouymg me vvaiK The People's Store. Established 1864. Just Received Some New Fall When You see Mde&Gu.r.nedb B. Kuppenhcimer tc Co? America's Leading V Copyright, 190a, by B. KUPPBHRBIMBK & Cfe No Prizes I iCl 1 Chase I Se COFFEE In fact nothins g-oes with our coffee but cream, sugar and SATISFACTION P. M. ZIEROLF. Sole agent for Chase & COFFEE an- -an ; COME IN : And see our large new line of Pocket Knives, Razors, Sissors etc. A large line of Footballs and all kinds of Sporting Goods always on hand Umbrellas Covered and Repaired. one. Price $3.50 and $4.00. Exclusive Agents for Corvallis and Vicinity. KLINE Corvallis, Oregon Styles and a Special OAC Shoe it in Our Ad IT'S SO. If YOU YVcHlt 11 WIV11I. " ToIKnovv What Smartly Dressed MenWill Wearthis Season, CALL CN U S. Conforming to Fashion's Latest Decrees, Designed by Aatist Tailors Frshioned by Master Workmen, Are Some of the Reasons Why aSeii Kuppenheimer Clothing . . . . IS THE BEST. . F L. SOLE AGENT Corvallis, Oregon 20 with our uver bnoe, ask any nborn Higb Grade Sanborn High Grade ana nH- LOCAL LORE. For advertisements la tfcls column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. Charles Chipman and family left yesterday for Chehalis to reside. The ladies of the Catholic church will give a fair and supper on December 5th. Miss Edna Thrasher was the guest of Portland relatives over Sunday- Miss Mabel Withycombe leaves tomorrow for a brief visit in Salem. Things have been found, and bargains are offered. Read about them in the Times classified column. Miss Florence Wicks, senior nurse at Good Samaritan hospital, arrived Saturday for a month's stay at the home of her mother, Mrs Alice Wicks. Claud Cate of Hillsboro. left today after a few days' visit with relatives in Corvallis. An operation for appendicitis was performed on Norma Greffoz. st Marysville, California, last "Fri day, and at last accounts, the pa- tient was improving. Miss Sophia Elgin is nursing her., The Chonian literary society was entertained by the Athenian society at the college Saturday ev enine. Music, recitations and read ings, were the entertaining features of the evening. Herman Hector especially deserves credit for his piano selections rendered. At the close 01 the program, social con versation was enioyed for a short time, and then all repaired to tbe reception room where light refresh ments were served. Erwin Dubois, who with his father was for a time iu Jhe Benton jail in 1904 was the subject of a let ter received at the sheriffs office Monday. He and his brother Floyd have been in custody insane coun ty. Both figured a number of years asro in the theft of articles from Newport cottages. Their father was also accused, and for a time was held in tbe Benton coun ty jail for the offense. The circuit court at Toledo, however, though it sent Erwio to the peniten tiary for a year, failed to convict the father. Erwin served out his sentence and in due time fell into the hands of the Eugene author ities. If a house contains six bureaus eleven armories, seven chiffoniers and fifty three miscellaneous draw ers, now many ot em is tne nus- band entitled to, and how many is the wife ?" asked the young club man. The second clubman laughed harshly. "You are young and have much to learn," he said. "You may as well understand first as last that if there were in your house a mile of bureaus, three acres of armories and 16,000 drawers, all of these would still be stuffed full of veils, ruching, hatpins, ribbons, silk stockings, petticoats, powder puffs and safety pins and the best course for you to pursue would be to wrap your own things your shirt$; underclothes, and so on, in a newspaper and keep them under the bed." A lonely bachelor, " at the age of 72, married ayoung wife. A Sua- day or two after the wedding a widower asked the , minister .. who had officiated at the wedding of the bachelor, to pray for him, as his own wife had just died. The minister in his prayer, therefore, did Dot fail to remember, "our aged and grieving brother, upon whom the heavy hand of sore af fliction has so lately fallen." At these words the old bride groom, red and snorting with rage, rose from beside his girl wife. "It may be a sore affliction" he growled 1 audibly as he left the church, "but I'll be hanged if any man's going to pray s for "me in j public that way." There is a renewal of anitation for a Commercial Club for Corval lis, one that provides, not only com mercial but social features. A com mittee is working on the scheme. Plns were discussed at a meeting ot ttic Ci'izeos league the- other night. To obtain a suitsble home with facilities for games and other means of spending a social evening were described as desirable feature. The matter had been canvassed a. few months ago, and a committee then appointed from the League was well provided with information gathered during the canvass of the situation. The information sho a--ed that $3,500 would be required to fit up a proper home and , that a considerable income would be nec essary tor maintainance. A mem bership of 100 was suggested wiih an initiation fee of $20 or $25 and monthly dues of $1. .The com--mittee is headed by. Mayor Johnson and is to report at the next regular meeting of the League. Evangelical church, C. T. Hurd, pastor: Regular services. Subjects," a. m. '"A Friend of God;" p. m.. "A Father's Anxiety" Friends in this city have re ceived news that Thomas SkiDton. a former Corvallisite, djw living in Salem, sustained a fracture of the thigh bone last week. The committee appointed by the League to finance the big fair to be held in Co; .'a;li, next year, begins its canvass of '"orvallis to morrow. The coenmi tee is, Super intendent Denman, S. L. Kline, R. Smith, A. K. Russ and A. B. Cordlev. James Flett is a candidate for a pair ot crutches. The story of how ne went to a lootball game and on the. way sustained a fall and a sprained ankle was recently told in the Times, For a week his limb was twice its natural size, and Mr. Flett was not much more than able to move. He is setting better now and with crutches expects to visit the haunts on Main street. -At a meeting! of the members of the First Baptist church Sunday Rev. F. W. Carsten was called to serve as pastor until a permanent supply can be obtained. Rev. Car- stens, who was pastor of the church at Medford for three years, left that congregation to accept a chair in McMinnville college. He is one of the strongest men in ' Oregon. Hereafter there will regular serv ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sun day school at 10 a. m. and Young Peoples meeting at 6: 30 p. m. Ev erybody welcome. Fifty five dollars in prizes has been contributed by I. E. Richard son, president of the Corvallis Busi ness College, to be awarded at the big three days fair to be, held in Corvallis next year The prizes comprise paid up courses in the Corvallis, Albany or Portland busi ness colleges under the manage ment ot Mr. Richardson and are to be awarded for best penmanship and best essays bv pupils on their own garien work- Thfreis prom ise ot an extraordinary list ot prizes and this will incite the youngsters ot the county into intense compe tition and insure a great fair. BILL ALLOWED. List of Warrpnts Ordered Paid at the November Term of County Court. The following bills were allowed by the county court at the Nov ember term of 1906. B. F. Ellsworth bridge work S 9 co A. N. Harlan ' 21 25 R. E. Pugh road supplies 4 50 M. P. Fruit sal ferryman 49 50 City Water Works water 531 Kilham Sta. & P. Co. station ary .3 65 Cor. Ind. Tel. Co. phones for . c. h. 4 70 Ernest Brown work on poor farm 2 00 E. Bennett med. care co. poor 1 s 00 Chas. Smith bridge work 4 00 G. S. Garrett road work 1 50 Hope Grange hall rent (elec tions) 7 50 H. H. Glasstord salary janitor 43 50 A. M. Gray road work , 15 00 Mrs. David Huggins care co. poor 147 70 Corvallis Times printing 23 00 C. A. Woods bridge work 3 00 Wil. Valley Co. light c. h. 5 65 Bethers & Kerr painting roof, tower, etc, of c. h. 181 50 A. J. Fenton road gravel 1 1 70 Viaito Bros, livery team 300 I. H. Jackson wood 86 25 Corvallis Mill Co. bridge iumb 6 60 Corvallis Transfer Co. drayage 1 50 Charles Baird road work 3 00' Fay Porter 1 2 o 1 JNed .Norton 2 00 1 Wilson Scott road gravel W. P. Taylor bridge lumb W. G. Lane care of the poor Hary Bowen road work W. P. Smith bridge ' 1 29 90 50 17 50 3 o 18 75 Benton Co. L. Co. bridge lumber 28 98 M. P. Morgan stationery 5 75 James Nelan road work 13 50 B. F. Ellsworth 36 o " " -bridge work 19 75 1), d. rarley ro id wore 2 50 E. E. Kester bridge work 6 00 1 Roy Bethers 17 50 John Carpenter road work 239 90 D. B. Farley " 9 50 Tho?. Halsteai " ' . 1800 I pan Taylor " 3 00 L. M. Kir by ' 1625 R. E. Walden " 2 00 L. M. Ray bridge work : 9 00 F. M. Taylor " 20 00 A. Wilhelm & Sons road sup plies and gravel : 8406 E- E. Kester road gravel 9 60 B, 5. 1. & T. Co. telephone 4 05 Gene Tortora road work 1 50 3 90 2 00 1 50 E. Holgate justice fees J. D. Wells constable fees Manly Buckingham wit" fees Thos. V- Vidito : " " Glass & Prudhomme & Co sup 150 c. h. 185 co D. C. Montgomery gravel for ; ferry 18 15 Gove & Son bridge lumber 36 60 C. J. Ralls roan gravel Robt Richardson M. L. Barnett " Chas. Cartwright Wm. Huggins road gravel Jas. Bailey road supplies Mrs. E. Halcomb road eravel 5 or 1 8o 4 5 17 ir 8 22" Ross E. Moore & Oo. supplies for c h. 3 10 Gove & Son bridge lumber 22 go C. A. Frantz " 10 oo Geo. W. Smith srl com etc Peter Rickard ' T. B. Williamson road work 15 00. 5 40 17 50 Harry St. Clair brdge work T. T. Vincent, 7 50 Clerk. GOT IT AT CORVALLIS. What They Neve had Before A Licking for The Dalles Football Men. The Dalles Athletic Club which came to town with its unbroken record of victories at lootball, met its Waterloo Saturday. The scorewas OAC, nine, The Dalles, o. The beat worse than the score showed for in each instance the half cloied with OAC headed for the goal of the Bunch Grassers and on the lat- ters' 30-yard line., A little more time m each half would have made the score two touchdo wns more for the collegians. The men from Bunch Grass did not make yardage once, while OAC rushed them for 160 yards of ground. A fifteen yard run each by Looney. Hanan and Fhn and a place kick by Wolff, were feat ures. Line bucking by Wolff when he learns a bit more about how to hit a line will be future features. Wolff is a Portland boy, and if he does what he is capable of will be a strong candidate for all Northwest honors at full back. Other work that was noticed by sideliners, was the fighting power of Pendergrass always manifest, and Harding's efforts in breaking up plays that came his way. More speed and more clock work precision in launch ing formations is needed, and in time Coach Nor cross will have it in his men if tireless labor and rare capacity can accomplish it. The next game of the season is on OAC field a week from Saturday, and it will be the annual struggle with Eugene. In Saturday's game sprained ankles sustained by each, very early in tha play haudicapped Cady and Hanan, and materially lessened OAC's aggressive power. The lineup of the collegians was as usual. NEW ADS TODAY. WANTED. Men to cut 300 cords of wood by Mike L grand. For information apply at Wm.Broders. FOUND, a ladies fur. Call at the Times offioe and pay tnis notice. WANTED. WANTED. Oak legs from 16 to 26 inches in diameter from two feet long up. Enquire Central Plaining Mills, Corvallis. WANTED a salesman. Many make $100 to $150 per month. Some even more. Stock clean: grown on Reservation, far from old forchard. Cash advanced weekly. Choice of territory, Ad dress Washing ton Company, Top penish, Washington. WANTED, 60 ton of clean ve'ch seed and oaisin c-ir lots. Highest market price paid. Load at near est R. R. ttation. Wanted, clean Italian and English Rye grass. L. L. Brooks. FOR. SALE. FOR SALE. My fine silver span gled Hamburg pullets and cocker els at $1 each. Mrs C. Wood ward Corvallis Phone 55 Philom ath line, NOTICE. The Corvallis Brick & Tile Works will nr t receive orders for brick until orders alrtady in are filled. OWNER of Portland Real Es'.ae if you want to sell write me at once. Jobn B. Matthew, ?22 Chamber "of Commerce, Portland! Oregon. FOR SALE. Clean vetch fnd cheat seed. Matthew Thomson, C. . and E. crossing, Corvallis. S. L. Klioe arrived lt niebt 01 the San Fraccifoo overland from a bneinees trio to Portland. Good and Extra Gocd Boys School Suits at'Nolan's.