The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 06, 1906, Image 1

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    v.. C .f- ' i.. !. - L
Vol. XIX-No. 3
In the Circnlt Court ot the state of Oregon, for
BenVm dpunty: r ;'
J. WV WMtsman.T; j Plaintiff, 1
"I ? VS. - ,1
J. R;' Rainwater ami Wcy Halnwator,
Mb wife; -.Wlllfain --Rainwater and
Httah Iilnaser. his wife; Anna
Kling and Peter Kling, ber bus
band ; DameMiaiawater and Emma
. Kainw.Hlt-r, hi w:fe,- Kramett Rain
water nnd Mary Rainwater,! his wife:
Mary Clrk aiid Melton -Cllirk. her 1
hui-baiid : Anna Dulej- and frank Du- f
ley. tier husband; Emma taughbead
and C. li. l,a,nghead, her husband; j '-,
and Leo Coitt-n, Jieasie .Mnlk-r and
Paul Alulier her busbiiud, defendant, j
T6!Besie Jlnller, fimmett Rainwater, and
Mary RHlnivaterAns wife, the above named de
fendants:. ,;. J 4 i
Inthe name of the pthteVrf Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby sbnvnioned and requirnd
to appear and answer theobm'plaiutof the piaiD
titr in the above entitled suit 'now on file with
the clerk of the above-emitled court, on or be
fore the Jabt day of the time prescribed in the
order for publication ot this summons, herein
after referred to, to-wlt, on or before November
23, 1906, and you are hereby notified that it you
fail so to appear and answer the taid complaint
as herein required, f r want thereof the plain
tiff will atply to the above entitled court for the
relief demanded in his said complaint, to-wit:
that he be decreed to be the owner in fee simple
of the following described real property, to-wit:
Beginning at tbe K W corner ol the l. L. Cr Of
A. M Rainwater. Not. No. 697, CI. 61 fe 39 In T.
11 3, R. 3 and 4 W., of Will. Mcr., Benton county,
Oregon, and running thence S-; 26.94 ' chains,
thence E. 1? 27 chain, thence S. 83 deg., E. 3.10
chaiiis, thence 5, 29 14 chains to the N. bounda
ry of snid claim, thence S. b2 deg. 15 mln'. W.
along Suld N. boundary to place of beglunlng,
containing 13.20 acres, more or less, all in Ben
ton county, Oregon, save and except K 18 acres
heretofore sold and conveyed to 8. E. Rainwater
Described as follows: Beginning atrN W corner1
of D, L. O Not. 697. CI. fl aud :)9 T. 11 3. R. 3 and
4 W.: Will. Mer., Benton county, Oregon, and
running thence N. 82 deg. 15 min. E. along N.
boundary of said claim ..10. 10 chains, thence S.
to the N. boundary ot W. V. & C. R. B. Co's right
ol way, thence westerly alorgsaid North
boundary to the west boundary of .said claim
thence N along said wen boundary to place oi
beginning, containing l:i.l8 acres, more' or less:
that the defendants be required to perfect the
title of said land by making, executing,- ac
knowledging and delivering a deed thereto to
the plaintiff, or that in the event they fail so to
do that the oer roe of said court shall operate In
lieu of such deed, and that plaintiff .have his
costs and disbursements, anl for general relief:
Ttiis summons is published la The Oorvalus
Times newspaper once a week, for six succealve
and consecutive wesks, beginning with the Issue
of October 12, 1906. and enaing with the issue of
November L'iJ, 19C6, under and in pursuance of
the directions contained in an order made by
the Hou-Bi' Woodward,; Judge of nthe: county
court of Benton county, state of Oregn. dated
October 11. 1906. Date of first pnblication hereof
is October 12, iijus.
Attorneys for PlainUd'. .
Chamberlain a salve.
This salve is intended especially for , sore
nipples, burns, trost bites, chapped Hands.
itching piles, chronic sore byes, granulated
eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases ol
the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring
worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch,
scabies,, or itch and eczema. It has met
with unparalleled success in the treatment
of these diseases.'' Price 25 cents per box.
Try it. ' For sale by Graham & AVortham
;;;E;E. WILSON,;;-1
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
xwiuuu county:
Gahbisos Sheldon, plaintiff,
Ell W. Sheldon, defendant,
To E1U W. Sheldon, the above named defend
In tne name of the state of Oreg n, you are
nerer.y summoned and reqntren Hti,ear nnd
answer tbe complaint f the piahiul! In the
above entitled suit in 'he above entitled court,
now on file in the office of the clerk of said
court, on or before lx weeks f'om the day
of r.e first publication hereof, to-wit:
on or before November 13, 1906, and
you are hereby notified that if you tall so to
appear and answer the said complaint as here
in required, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the above entitled court lor th relief
demanded In his said e mplalnt, namely, for a
decree of divorce from the said deiendant, for
ever dissolving the marriage contract existing
between tke nlainlltt' and defendant, and for
such other further and different rule, order or
relief as to the cout t may seem proper, -
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Times newspaper once a week for six succesbive
and consecutive weeks, beginning with the isue
of 8td newspaper of October 2. 1906. and enrlng
with the issue ef November 13, 1906, under and
In puisuance of the clrcctlons contained in an
order made by the Hon. E. Woodward, county
judge of Ben-.o county, Oregon, being theeoun
ty wh ere the above entitleo suit Is pending In
the above entitled circuit court, dated Septem
ber 28. 1900. The date of the first publication
hertol is October 2, 1906. .
' E. E, WILSON, ;
Attorney for PlainUff. '
E. R. Bryson
Attorney At Law.
Northern Pacific.
2 Daily, Trains 2 .
Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul
and the East.
2 Trains i Daily 2
Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan
sas City St. Louis and East,
Four dairy trains between Portland and Seattle
Pullman First-class sleeping cars. Pullman
"Bourist sleeping cars, Dining cars night and day.
Observation ami Parlor cars.
The regular Yellowstone Park Hcsute via. Liv
ingston and Gardiner, Mont., tne government
official entrance to the Park.
Park season June 1st to September Mtn.
See Europe if yon will but see America first.
Start right See Yellowstone National Park
nature s greatest wonderland. - ,
Wonderland The famous Northern Pacific
oook uau ds naa ior we asKing or six cents by
The Route of the "North Ooart Lsmlted" the
Only Electric Lighted Mbdnrn Train from Poit-
iana to tne ast. ' .
The ticket office at Portland la at 255 Morrison
street, corner. Third; A. x Carlton, Assistant
vrwwrai r-aaeougur Agent, rortiand, ur.
mb nil do ph 1 1 nn nn
- -
I -'V V:,',
Excs all:;
Former Purchasin d
) i
T Til
Our store has never held such a line
..... .. .
r 1 z .'in some of our:.Departments.. f r i 1
Received, this i week a big line of Mens' Clotbinp;,
, the quality higher than any of our,former buys.
1 These goods are good fitters
. right. ,.r
f i
Our line of Men and Boys Shoes fill the - department
to overflow; you can always find in our shoe depart
ment all the latest novelties from two of the largest
factories in the United States. y - .5
' "t We areeceiving new goods- every day and Swill be
glad to have you call and inspect our store&i
Corvallis, 0
It will pay you to come in and see us before buying your winter sup
ply. We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture. 4
Furniture, Stoves, Ranges
Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware.5 1 'Witch. -'-'Friday's
V'-!" - paper for
Hihest Market. Price Paid for f
. j; Hides, Pelts and Furs.
North east Cor. 2nd and
New Go(k$;:Latest Designs and F
i PREix-riEis-r i patterns c :;.-'
K,-; Our Fall Lines of Jewelry and Silverware are beginning to arrive and
will be tbe largest and most complete line ever shown in Corvallis. .
' : ' "Swastikos," the Japanese lucky charm and the latest thing in . the
novelty line, to be had in Fobs, Hat Pins, Lace Pins, Cuff Buttons jand 6.
;Al C. Pins of all kinds. Alarm Clocks $1. Fountain Peru $1 At -V -
; ;; , E. :W. S;: PRTT'S;:The:jeweier and Optician.
:New Sporting Goods Store.
) A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. . : - : -' -.' - "
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,
-Knives,' Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman need can
be found at my store.
Bicycles and Gung for rent. GeneraJ.Eeipaiit Shopj
All Work Guaranteed.,., J -
Ind. Phone 1261 "
.i ill
and the price : will
-I! I-
sb mom
; -;
Money to Loan on all Kinds
1 of Security. '"-
Monroe Sts, Corvallts, Qtv
r Corvallis," Oregon'.'
Corpse 6f Portland Woman -buried
Sixteen Years Ago Easily Re-
cognized When Extiumed '
:i :, Statutes j Carved by . ;
' - ' : Nature. ;, .- , .,
; Portland, Nov. 4. Portland Or-
fgonian: tsoaies ounea id Mount
(Cilvary cemetery turn to stone
within a few years. This is the
startling diecovery. recently made
by gravediggers employed in re
moviDg the dead from one part of
the cemelery to another. . In the
cate of a grave opened last meek,
tbe body of a w ell-known Portland
woman tit'o died and . was buried
in the oemetery 16 years - ago ' was
found to. have become completely
petrified. Though the. coffio and
tbe grave-clothes had crumbled to
duet, tbe body, in appearance, was
unchanged, and the features were
Dlai nl v jrecrcnizible. ;,: V, ."
In one oi her instance a body bur-j
led in a d;iisent part of tbe hallowed
ground was found to - have. - uoder
gone a similar alteration;, and . air
thoBgh at first the structural change
wiae ascribed to the action of water
teeping into the soil from a leaking
standpipe, it is now admitted that
the soil -itself. possesses the p3cliar
property of petiifying bodies buried
in it? " Ii isp08eible,if not probable,
that tbe bodies of a? large ' majority
Of the hundreds of dead who now
sleep beneath the Eod of Mount Cal
vary have been carved into statues
pf enduring stone by the eculptor
band of nature. .. .
i Although it was not generally
known; the- fact ' that: the soil of
Mount Calvary cemetery: posFesses
the etrange property rientioned was
fjret-'f ospected aroot' three years
ago, wnen. ine ooay 01 Irene jviarv
Owens, a 'girl ;ol4 iy ekre. who was
buried ,ia tb I (ea3etery in 1895, wss
exhtimed ior reinterment in another
lot, and was found to have ; been
strangely preserved from : natural
decay. To tbe astonishment of An
gus N. McGregor, the eextob,-; and
his assistants, when tbe grave was
opened the coffin was fouud intact.
When the workmen attempted to
raie the casket to tbe surface it was
found to be mnch heavier than it
should have been, but this was at
tributed to. the presence xf water in
the coffin. Tha caeket beicg opened
however, it was found that the body
was p trifled. :i:,.;'r y-1 - r-
It seemed' that a crust about an
inch thick had become petrified Over
the entire ;,body forming a stony
shell, and the' corpse was in as per
fect conditlon'otherwise as it was
the day. it. was bnried. ...The features
were well preserved, decay bad not
marred the r contour and relatives
who saw the body'declared it easily
recognizable. In moving. tbe body
the rigbt arm was bfoken, owing to
its brittle; nature, and tbe flesh was
to be seen plainly. :It was not in a
natural state, but presented a woqdy,
fibrous - appearance . and - perfectly
dry. Tbe.6ntire body' was in the
s me condition, bo: far as it could
be judged without " breaking - the
shell of stone.'Tr" - :
One singular f( ature was the total
ahshtt'g pf 'clothing and .there, was
uu irace of the dust of the fabric in
the comn. - - .
At the time- this body ' was ex
numea u was round that toe- grave
bad continually been kept full of
water bv the seepage irooj a stt d
pipe. Tq this was attributed the
petrifaction. Iter developments
have disproven this theory, and now
those, whoiiave.eeen the bodies ex
humed and who have put forward
different theories for the wondeiful
state of their preservation are at a
loss to account for the petrifaction, be due to chemical proper
ties of the earth V
On Thursday of ..list . week tbe
grave of. Mre.;Lpuise:. Allehcff,. in
the same cemetery j-was opened for
the purpose of removing -tbe body
to" a different pirt of .the grounds.
The work was done -nnderthe di
rection of a son. Mrs. Allehoff died
and was buried 16 years ago, and it
was expected that tbe " body had
crumbled: to duBt-When tbe grave
was opened, bowever, it was foand
to bencomparatively dry. The
rough outride box ts well as the
coffin, had fallen to pieces from de
cay, .and .there lay .the body .;6a
6. 1900.
woman whose weight in life was
about ,160 pounds.- The features
were well preserved and
the body was perfect in form,
but, strange to say, it was seeming
ly of stone of a dark grayish color.
It resembled a : statue carved from
very fine sandstone. ' -
It lay as it had been buried, but
not a vestige o clothing remained.
The hair wa in its natural state,
except that it had turned a reddish
gray. The hmba were of natural
appearance and the' bands were
crossed, just as they ware when'the
body was buried.
.-,The head, owing to the decay of
the pillow beneath, bad fallen back,
cracking the throat squarely acioss,
though tbe bead was still a part of
the body of stone. The crack looked
as though it might have. been made
when the body was in the first stag
es of petrifaction.
Five strong men could bardly
lift the body from the grave and it
was regarded with wonder by those
who raired it' from the deaths in
which it bad' undergone this re
markable change. The hair, while
not petrified, was as well rooted as
in life. " ' -- ' - ;- '
Judging from the appeaarnce of
the body, the clothing had fallen
into dust, and adhering to the doc y
bad petrified with it, giving the pe
culiar dark color' There were but
fe w eif ns of decays and tbe son easi
ly recognized in the featuiesof stone
tbe face of the mother he had buried
16 years before. '
The . eyelashes, fingernails and
other portions of the body -which
ordinarily are first io' decay, were
in excellent preservation and were
turned to stone with the rest of the
body. The tei th - and gams, ex
posed in the elightly opened mouth,
were as perfect aB in life, but also
converted into stone.
TLe only thing which gave the
body any resemblance to ; a ,corpFe
waB tbe mould which is -generally
to be seen on a body after - it has
been interred for some time. This
in the present case covered the body.
It disappearadj, bowever, a tittle
wbile after the corpse was 'exposed
to the air, aid'--'left the stone dry
and bard. :v: - ' -
The grave was located in a low
lying portion of thecemetery, which
received most of the surface water
from the winter rains, and it may
be due to tbls fact that petrification
set in.
- Other bodies buried in -Mount
Calvary (emetery in years "gone by
have presents dan unusual appear
ance on being exhumed,- but these
two-ca?es . are the most notable.
When the body of Johann L. Jung
nickel three weekB ago was removed
from the grave after having lain for
14 years in Mount Calvary, it was
foand that the fleeb bad become
duBt but; tbe; skeleton: was intact.
The strange feature was the fact
that the clothing was in condition
as perfect as on the day of, the fun
eral. Even the; creases remained
in tbe trousers, not a sf am was rip
ped or decayed, and tbe check in
the pattern of the cloth was plainly
discemable. " Exposure to the air
did not seem to effect the fabric and
tbe body was teinterred, just ias t it
was found. , f, ,
It is said by those who profess to
know and is asserted by Sexton Mc
Gregor, that woolen clothing is
practically indistructible,. the , wool
retaining its form in the ground fcr
many years When buried.' Only tbe
seams give way,' :jth.e i .'."cotton ' thread
decaying quickly.., ' "'. , ; -. . --;'.
Aibunt . Calvary is. the Catholic
Cemetery of the city and lit s" about
four miles west of the city.. It is a
beautiful spot and many old-tirxe
residents of Portland sleep their
last sleep in its quietsbades. 7 1
.'- Notice to Creditors. ' v i
In the Matter of tbe Estate .", '
. ' of- . ' - . . - ., '
John McGee, Deceased "
'Notice Is hereby given to all persons coBCerr
ed that the undersigned has befD duly nppolut
ed admlstraior of ibe es'ie of John McGee, de
e iHsvd, by the councy court of the stataof Ore
pon for Benton county. .. All. persons bavin?
claims salust srfid estate of JolinMcGe'j cceaEe l,
are hereby required to present tbe same with ihe
proper vouctn-rs duly verifled as by law requu
ed within six moTiihs from thedat.herenl to the
underigred at his ie?idence;one mill ; oulo of Or r
vallU, in Benton county, Oregon, oral the law
office of E. Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated this November 9, 1206.:
F. 3 McGEE, '
Administrator ot the estate of. John WeGee, de
- ceased- ------
. a Notice to Creditors.
m the Matter of the Pstats
: of :
Jasper Hayden, Deceased.) .- -. -
Notice Is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the Hncerttgned has been duly appointed
aum'iisiratrix or ine- estate oi jasper nayaen,
deceased, by the coanty court of the state of Or
egon for Benton county. All persons having
claims against sua estate or jasper nayaen, de
ceased, are hereby reaulred to present the same
with tbe proper vouchers duly- verified asbv law
reauired within six months from the da 3 here
r f to the undersigned at her residence in Alsea
v uey in centon county. Oregon. or,ai tqo law
ofBce of E. E. Wilson, In Corvallis, Oiegon, -
Dated Hovambcr. ,,190fl. -.. ..
. . . , ..-, .1. - -'X8NE3 AYDENi
AdminHtratrix of the estate-tJsper Hayden
and Prop.;elo
Storm Prevents His Advance Re-k'
turns Short of Food and Has
to Eat Dog-Meat Some '
- Men on the Point of
: Staivation Other '
- , , News. ". "' ' '
New York, Nov. 2. The United - 1
States ' now ' holds the record of -
"farthest nortb," 87 degrees 6 min- ;
utes. This feat was accomplished
by : Commander Robert E. Peary
of the United States navy. The)n-
trepid Arctic explorer failed to reach
the north pole, as he bad confident
ly hoped to do . with - his specially ;
constructed vesel the, Roosevelt,
but he penetrated nearer to the pole J.r
than the Duke of Abruzzi's expedi- 1
lion, which bad held the Arctic re- "
cord, 86 degrees '6i minutes. : -
What Commander Perry did and ,
his experiences during the past year. ,.
in the frozen north are rather brief- "J
ly. but certainly vividly summarized ;
in a" communication -received to
night by Ht rbert - L. i B rid getnan, ;
secretary of the Peary Aarctic Club. .
The communication follows:
Hopedale, Labrador, via. Twil- "
Ungate, N. F., NoV. 2.--IIerbertL. :
Bridgeman : : Roose vel t -: wintered
north coast Grantlind, somewhat f
north Alert Winter quarters. Went
north with sledges February, via..:
Hec!a and Columbia. Delayed by '
open' water between 84 and 85 de- -'
grees. Beyond 85, six days.
. 'Ga'e. disrupted, ice,, destroyed .
cache, cut off communication with r
supporting bodies and drifted due '
east. Reached 87 degrees 6 minutes
north latitude over ice, 'drifting'-'
steadily eastward. Returning ate - i
ei ght dogs. -, Drifted eastward , de- .
layed by open water,
"Rf ached north coaif G-antland 1
in strajghtf hed conditions. ' Killed :
musk oxen and returned1 along -
Greenlandcoast to Ehip. .. Two sup- ;
porting parties . driven on ; north y
coast Greenland. One rescued by t
me in starving condition After
one week recuperation on Roos'velt -1
sledged west, completing north coast
Greenland and reached other lacd r ?
near 100th meridian.
-Homeward voyage incessant
battle with ice, storois and head J
winds. Roosevelt, magnificent ice. r
fighter and seaboat. No deaths or -illness
expedition. . . .- ;
- -.(Signed) Z PEARY. .. :
Robsrt E. PeaTy sailed from New
York in July, 19l5, on his fourth " ':
:l continued on page. 4. . . -; .- '. .
All colors of pyrograpb leather "
at Ingle & Tozier's. " " ' "
1 wrrr - iirir a
Look for Mine in strap
The Kendal
' Brains evolved the Kendal.
. There's not an iota in its
: material and make that
doesn t represent
skilled thte-
t raft and she
-experience, :o i
lace boot,
. seal tod.
The man
who wants
enjoy the
benefit ot
the best
knmltizt x,l thet-
aDplicd (ot hU
comfort should
wear the Kendal.
Most styles arc f 5
Quality Store
,IJ. M.-Nolanl&Sori
. - w,rf1 f o-,,"'i "vT