The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 30, 1906, Image 3

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When You see it in Our Ad,
-.IT'S so.
You Want
To Know
M ade & Guaranteed by 1 If
America s Leading V
( Copyright, 190a. by B. KuPFENHEIMER & CO.
What Smartly Dressed Men Will
Wear this Season, CALL ON US.
Conforming to Fashion's Latest
Decrees, Designed by Aatist Tailors
Frshioned by Master Workmen, Are
Some of the Reasons Why
Clothing ... .
F. L. Miller
Corvallis, Oregon
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
No Prizes go with our
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Cbase l
Sanborn High Grade
I I VYI1 1 vl ing Goods we have replenished our stock f
V with a complete line of Gnns and Rifles; also a large!
supply of Shells and Cartridges. j
I wlnst DahmvAfl x:a J Fin a Lin a I
u vv m m w a w -yj o- i m vr WLJ 111 J s
I Razors and Razor Strops
I Pocket Knives and Hunting Knives'
i Salmon Hooks and Bass Hooks
All Kinds of Lines.
Come in and see our New Line of Footballs.
un nl
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all.the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
; Gorvallis ,and Philomath, Oregon. -
Job Printing
is the Best
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
Minnie Clegg, Plaintiff )
va. . ,
John Arthur Cleeg, Defendant ), f
To John Arthur Clee. the acove named defendant
In the name of of the State of Oregon you arehere-1
by summoned and required to appear and answer!
the complaint of plaintiff the above entitled . suit
in the abova entitled Court' now on file with the
Clerk of said Court an or before six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this summons, to
wit. on or before the 23rd, day of November A. D.
190C. . -: .
And you are notified that if you; fail so to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein requircd
the plaintiff will apply to the above Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint, to wit, for a de
cree of Baid Court dissolving and annulling the mar
riage contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff and awarding to plaintiff the care and cus
tody of Jessie Clegg, the issue of said marriage,
and for her costs and disbursements herein.
This summ ons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and consecu
tive weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
with the. issue of October 12, 1906, and ending
with the 188ua of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance
of aiu order made by the Hon. E. Woodward, Coun
ty juage oi Denton uouniv, mate oi uregon, aaieo
the 12th day of October 1906.
The date of the first publication hereof is Octo
ber 12th, 1906.
McFadden & Eryson,
. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
At King's Valley.
M. L. Frantz has moved to Con
don's Mill on Peedee.
The Hoekins switch is located in
a vacant house and is nearly use
Henry Plunkett has the typhoid
"The rain here has made every
thing nearly like spring. The hills
are green and grass is good every
where. The ground, is in gcod con
dition to plow.
Mack Maxfield and Eva Papha
were married last week and a few
of the boys of the Valley serenaded
them Monday evening.
Miss Iyila Waugaman of Mc
Minnville, was the guest over Sun
day of Corvallis friends.
Mr. Hagerty. president of the
the Oregon Fire Relief Association
of McMinnville, spent Saturday in
the city on business, returning Sunday.
Tom Vidito and Clint Herron
were among the Corvallis sports
who were gunning on the Sabbath.
In addition to a number ot China
pheasants they bagged seven jack
Ladies of the W. R. C. will
give a Halloween entertainment
and supper at Odd Fellows hall
Wednesday the 31st inst. Supper
at 7 p. m. 1 5 cents. ' Public cordial
ly invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold King
attended a social bop at Wells,
Saturday evening, and spent Sun
day with the latter' s parents at
the Hecker home.
Mrs. S. G. Irvin and daught
er of Nye Creek, passed through
Corvallis Monday on their way to
Berkeley, where they expect to
spend a portion of the winter. They
were accompanied to Corvallis by
Mr. Irvin.
Asa Alexander has in his yard
at Ninth & VanBuren streets, an
Italian chestnut tree which has
come into prolific bearing at eight
years old. Several samples of nuts
from the tree left at the . Times of
fice measure three inches in cir
cumference. Col. Thorp wrote from Massa
chusetts that he was at the histor
ical town of Plymouth, famous as
the landing place of the Pilgrims.
"The lasting rock." he says, "on
which they first stepped with Miles
Standish to meet the Indians on
shore is still here. I stood on it
today just for the curiosity ot the
thing. I have also seen many rel
ics of the Mayflower."
I The brick work of the lear
and side walls of the new postoffice
building are completed up to the
ceiling ioists. To the casual ob
server and perhaps to others, this
part of the work seems to have been
done in record-breaking time by
Chilly He ad rick and Sam Hughes.
Workmen are now engaged in lay
ing the pressed brick of which the
front cf the building is to be constructed.
A scoreless game was the out
come of the football struggle be
tween OAC and the University of
Washington elevens at Seattle Sat
urday. Though the Washington-
ians had in the game six veterans
with Captain Ciim at their head,
they could not score on the Ore
gonians. The play was largely a
puncing contest. OAC was weak
ened in the very opening of the
play by the forced retirement of
Looney. Pendergrass and Wolff
did the best work for OAC. The
game was witnessed by 1500 people
The OAC team arrived home
Sunday noon and were warmly wel
. Saturday a sKatmg rinK was
opened at the opera house by S
Plymale, with favorable prospects
of a long run of business. Mr
.Flymaie nas naa mucn experience
in the conduct of- this 'form ot
amusement, and there is no doub
that by reason of , the excellent
management which seems assured
the rink will soon become a popu
lar resort for both gentlemen and
ladies. Children are to be admitted
to the rink between the hours of
and 6 . There will be special
hours for beginners, and such oth
er arrangements as experience has
shown are acceptable to the pnbhc
Good order is one of the conditions
which Mr. Plymale insists upon
No hoodlumism, such as is too
common at such resorts, is per
' Dr. Lowe tht eye specialist
will be in Hotel Corvallis Thurs
day Friday of this week. '
The revival at the church of
Christ continues to grow in interest.
Several have been added to the
church thus far. The meetings
continue indefinitely.
After a visit of two weeks with
his son Horace in Portland A. R.
Lock arrived home Saturday. Hor
ace is a salesman with a big rub
ber establishment on First street,
To be Given at the Opera House Thurs
day Night.
Just now when the country is
flooded with cheap clabtrap melo
dramas, it is refreshing to know
that we are to have 'The Holv
City.", a play dealing with the
Book of John. This :s a theatrical
occasion that can well be rememb
ered. Give us good plays, pure
plays and those whose nature em
bodied in in their plots tern- with
the stimulating inspiration
that makes the evil gocd and the
good better, such a play as " The
Holy City" should be welcomed
with a reverence seldom bestowed
upon the stage. This is one of
the best of the eastern road attrac
tions and is guaranteed to be
thoroughly firstclass. The advance
sale opened this morning and has
been unusually large, bespeaking a
crowded house.
Serious Result of Seemingly Slight In
juries to R. K. Hunseker.
R. K. Hunseker. step-fathar of
the Leder brothers, was conveyed
to Portland Monday in an uncon
scious condition. Two weeks
ago he was thrown violently
from a wagon, but at that time
his injuries were deemed but slight.
Later, symptoms of brain trouble
developed, but physicians from here
and rom Albany, failed to relieve
him, and upon the advice of Dr.
Cathey, Mr. Hunseker was con
veyed to Good Samaritan hospital.
Sunday morning the old gentleman
lapsed into unconsciousness and as
lay upon a couch at the depot Mon
day there was a general expression
of sympathy for him and a number
of relatives standing about. No
word nas as yet come to this office
as to the probable outcome of the
case, , Dr.' Cathey and Adolph
Leder accompanied the stricken
man to Portland.
jrnone 10 z,ieroir now, your or
der tresh Yaquma bay oysters next
Saturday. -
I Economy fruit
& Johnson's.
jars at Thatcher
Mutton Market Strong Stock "Sheep
in Demand Recent Deals.
Stock men are quite busy in this
locality at this time, but the activ
ity ,is confined largely to the buy
ing and selling of sheep. There is
a heavy demand for mutton and
this fact with other favorable con
ditions creates a demand for stock
sheep. During this fall large numb
ers of sheep have been brought to
the valley from the Ea-tern Oregon
ranges and disposed of to farmers
for breeding purposes in lots of
from 200 to 500. Tbey are largely
of the Rambolet strain.
About the first of Octobet George
Brown and Pete Whitaker bought
a band of 2 900 Eastern Oregon
sheep, and all but about 4C0 of
these have been disposed of for
breeding purposes. Last week Lee
Brown went up on the McKenzie
river and received a band of 1 300
sheep which had been summered
on the Cascade reserve. Two hund
red of these Mr. Brown disposed
of in Lane county, and Saturday he I
passed through town with the re
maining 1 100, on the way to his
ranch in the northern part ot Ben
ton. Many of this band however,
are mutton sheep. The latter with
a large number of native mutton
sheep are likely to be taken to the
Pacific States Packing Co., at once
by Mr. Brown, if negotiations pend
ing are successful. Theyaretobe
driven to Portland on foot.
In addition to sales recorded in
the last Times, we learn of the sale
of 200 breeding ewes by Billy 3el
latly of Blodgett, to Phillippi &
Son of Linn county, at $4.50 per
head. Another sheep deal is that
of J. N. McFadden, who sold to
Jim Mace, for the Portland market,
200 lambs, These are to be ship
ped Friday.
CLOTHES CLEANED and pressed at
lowest pric-ep one door soutj of mar
ble shop on Main etreet.
Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese nifdicinee, successor
to the late Hong Wo Tone, of Albany,
Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medicine to all. The undersigned
recommeiida him and guarantees satis
faction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, Albany, Oregon.
Jim Westfall.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that, the undersigned
has been duly appointed the executor o the es
tate of Ann Comptou, deceased, by the county
court of the Btate of Oregon, for Benton county.
All persons having clelms against t.iirt estate
are notified to present the time duly vertlled as
by law rt-quired within tlx months irom the
date hereol,to the uudtMSlgtied at the ou:e ol .
K. Bryson, In the city of Cotvallia, Oregon
Executor of the estate of An Compton, tiec'sd
NOTICE. The Corvallis Brick &
Tile Works will not receive orders
for brick until orders already in
are filled.
The First National Bank of Corval-
lis, Oregon, transacts a general
eoneervstive tanking business.
Loan money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
mooey traneferredtotbe principal
oities of the "United States, Eu
rope and foreign countries.
REMEMBER the day: Saturday
Nov. 3, 1906 the Ladies Aid
Society of the M. E. Church will
receive 10 percent ot all cash sales
made at O.J. Blackledge's furni
ture store. A Saturday market
will also be7 conducted by the
. ladies. Please reserve your pur
chases for that day and come
early and avoid the rush. '
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Mourn
XO to 12 and 2 to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Office 1011 Main st Ind 204
Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389.
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
an charges right.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Zierolf Buildirig.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Bricl Kes
idence on the coiner of Madison and
Seventh st. Phone at honse and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoiBcs. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v -ham's drnti store.
WANTED. Oak legs from 16 to
26 inches in diameter from two
feet long up. Enquire Central
Plaining Mills, Corvallis.
Winter Rates To Yaquina Bay.
A low round trip rate of $:5o from
Albany and $3:25 from Corvallis and
Philomath to Yaqnina has been put in
effect by the Corvallis & Eastern dur
ing the entire w inter and spring, until
May 31, 1907. Tickets good for return
60 days from date of sale. Splendid acc
ommodations for all. at low rates,
g Full information from C. & E. Agents
or Conductors, of J. C. Majo, Gen. Pass
A . tAlbanv. Tickets on sale dailv.
WANTED a salesman. Many
make $100 to $150 per month.
Some even more.. Stock clean:
grown on Reservation, far from
old orchards. Cash advanced
weekly. Choice of territory, Ad
dresSjWashington Company, Top
penish, Washington.
Job Printing
" at Times Office.
Mount Hood Snowball is made
from the new wheat recently in
troduced from Idaho, and carries
35 per cent gluten a very strong
flour, '
WANTED, 60 tons of clean vetch
seed and oats in car lots. Highest
market price paid. Load at near
est R. R. station. Wanted, e'eau
Italian and English Rye grass.
L. L. Brooks.
Leave orders at Zierolfs for fresh
Yaqnina bay oysters for delivery Sat
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
Fresh Yaquina Bay oysters at
Zierolfs every Saturday. Leave
orders now.
WANTED. A woman or girl for general
tiousework in a private family. Ad
dress Box 44. Corvallis.
Corvallis patent flour for sale by
all,' leading groceries. Towiing
sacks, 85 cents per sack, Standard
sack 80 cents per sack, every sack
People having Second Hand
goods of any kind for sale, drop a
postal to O. Rogoway, Corvallis,
Ore., and he will call.
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
Saturday evening was looked
forward to with delightful anticipa
tion by recipients of invitations
to the dancing party of Professors
F. D. McLouth. F. L. Kent. Tohn
McDougall, and W. T. Shaw.
Fishers hall was the scene of a gay
and merry throng that reluctantly
dispersed at midnight. Couches
and cosy corners added much to
appearance of the hall and the re
freshments are declared to have
been the most delicious of the sea
son. The guests were: Mrs. R. S.
Bryson of Eugene, Mrs. E. R. Bry
son. Misses Lulu Spangler , Mary
Nolan. Mable Withycombe and
Grace Gatch, Mr. and Mrs. Kaup
isch, Mr. and Mrs. Cordley, Mr.
and Mrs. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. J.
O. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Kiger, Mr. and Mrs. Fulton, Mr.
and Mrs Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Taillandier. -Messrs E. E. Wilson,
T. McDevit, Torn Nolan, and C.
LOST. A ladies tan fur, lin
ed with tan satin, tipped with
chenille fringe. Finder leave at
Times office or notify Mrs. Mary ;
Barcla5 Independent phone 54
rlrop 10 function R. F. D. 4.
FOR SALE cheap Seven room
house and two lots near the C. &
E. depot, good well water, barn
and other outbuildings. Inquire
at Times office.
FOR SALE. 800 good breeding
ewes and 500 4 breed lincoln
lambs. Address J. V. O'Leary,
McKenzie Bridge, Oregon.
Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via this Pop
ular Columbia River Route..
Fianklin was right when he
said, " Lost time is never found a
gain. " The O- R. N. in addition
to giving you 200 miles along the
matchless Columbia River, saves
jou 17 hours to Chicago.- It is the
Short Line to Lewibton.
Short Line to Palouse country.
Short Line to Spokane,
Snort line to the couer d'Alene
Short Line to Salt Lake ity.
Short to Line DenverC.
Short Line to Omaha.
Short Line to Chicago.
Short Line to all points east
Three trains east daily, 9:12 a.
m. and 8:35 p.m. The"Chicago
Portland Special is as fine as the
finest. Every comfort of home.
For particulars ask any agent of
the Southern Pacific Company or
Wni. McMurray,
Gen. Pass. Agent
Portland, Oregon
FOR SALE. Clean vetch and
cheat seed. Matthew Thomson, C.
and E. crossing, Corvallis.
r . . L -..'() f 71 .1 3 T) 1 T4--4. I
u v i.i o. ui ruuiciuu jxca.1 xvnaic
you will learn something to your
advantage by communiceting
with Jotn B. Matthews,
722 Chamber of Commerca,
Portland, Oregon.
cheat seed. Phone 51 Mt. Vie w line.
Joseph Bryant.
FOUND. A mans overcoat
and ladies fascinator. Call at ?.
L- Kline's store and pay for th;p
H. Bauer.
girl to do general
Inquire of Mrs. M.
For good results, try' a sack of
Corvallis flour, every sackis guaran
teed to give you the besr of results
and make easy baking, should ' you
fail bring back the sack after giving
it a thorough trial and get your
money back. 1
SPARKMAN & Co. are now pre
pared to furnish you anything
you want in firstclass real estate.
Get the habit of seeing them and
. look over their large list of farms
both city and farm property.
FOUND A boy's watch with fob
chain. Inquire at Times office.
Deals in Fcragn acd Bomesttc
Beys Coarty, City end School
Principal Ccrpspcnar?ts.
PORTLAND f The Bank o '
SEATTLE . f . . California
NEW TOBK-MWM. J. J?. BToresn C .
CHICAGO Kittle nal Bank of One. Kep lb
LaSIXXN, ENG. N 31 EothschUds A Eocf,
O IN AD A . rnfer Tuck of Cersda