The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 30, 1906, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Mr. Ruef pleads guilty. That is
'What his efforts to block official in
quiry into the San Francisco grafts
means. That city and its people
have been plundered. Public
franchises have been bartered away
Sffhd the money put in private pock
ets. The liquor business, the build
ing business, the demi-monde busi
ness and every other business in
that unhappy town have been stood
up and ma3e to share by official
dom. A public trust, seized under
the name of labor and reform, be
came a private snap. The badge
of office was the license to plunder.
The certificate of election was the
commission for piracy and free
booting. Poor men who got office
became suddenly rich. Ruef and
his creature, the myth mayor,
led the way and the rest of the
gang followed in their wake. That
their police force was in collusion
with thugs, burglars and highway
men is asserted. It is not unlike
ly. All this was practically admitted
by Ruef when he sought ' to block
the way for court inquiry into con
ditions. It was admitted by the
acting mayor when he tried to de
pose the district attorney who with
Mr. Heney is moving to investi
gate. It was admitted by the su
perviEors when thev endorsed the
mayor's pction. :
Jf all these were innocent, they
would court investigation not at
tempt to block it. Their objection
to scrutiny is potent evidence of
their rottenness, for it is the duty
of a public official to keep public
acts and public records wide open
to the salary-paying public. As
though the horror of last April
were not enough her official thieves
have sacked the unhappy town by
the Golden Gate. In his own good
time, Mr. Heney will make all this
very . clear, especially since . Mr.
Ruef and his creatures in their
frenzy are aiding, 1 not hindering
Quality of 1906 Wheat as Compared
With That of Last Season.
Local mills recently began to
grind new wheat, and a , reliable
statement is that it is much superior
to that of many former years. In a
number of tests made it was found
that the new wheat carries fully 10
per cent more gluten than the cer
eal of last'year. While An that of
19Q5 tbeJjluVen-; test- ran lrom 4 to
5 sr cent,! this' season it carries
fujly 15 per cent, which is.equal to
many varieties of. wheat s grown in
Eastern Oregon. y This excellent
showing is due to the very favbr
ableclimatic conditions, and the
valley product will again stand at
the nead as a general purpose flour.
The conclusion is that for pastry
and bread making, the excellent
quality of the valley wheat this sea
son will allow everyone however
fastidious, to be satisfied with bak
ing from the home flour.
Good and Extra Good
School Suits at Nolan's.
Use Lenords best for
wheat flour it is excellent.
a hard
1 Summons.
In the Circflit Court of the State nf Oregon for
Benton County. - .
R. L. Taylor, Maintiff .' ) ' ..-
'vs. . ' ' - ... .
Abbey Taylor, Defendant f :
To Abbey Taylor, the above named defendant:
In the name of one btaie of Oregon you are here
by summoned andi required to appear .and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled Court now on -file with the
Clerlt vi said Court ou or before six -weeks from the
date of' the first publication of thi Summons, towit,
on or before the 23rd day of . November, A. D. lfiOG,
And you are mititied-that if you fail-s to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein required
the plaintiff will apply to the aliove Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint, towit: for a de
cree :Of said Court dissolving and annulling the mar
riage contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for the costs and disbursements of
th is f suit.
Tbjs summons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and consecu
tive weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginnine
with the issue of October 12th, 19S, and ending
with the issue of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance
of an order made by the Hon. K., Woodward, Coun
ty Judge of Benton County, State of Oregon, dated
the 12th day of October. 1900.
The date of the first publication hereof is October
12th, 1908.
McFadden & Brtson,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Willamette Valley Apples The Price
Paid Oregon Goat Land Worth
$100 per Acre.
There is land in the Willamette
valley i serving now as goat and
sheep pasture that ought to be sell
ing for $ioo an acre. It is worth
that figure and more when applied
to the right purpose. Ultimately,
it will be selling at such prices
and be in demand. Hood River
land used to sell for $15 or ; $20 an
acre. Comparatively speaking
that was only a few years ago. Now
it can hardly be bought at any fig
ure. Five hundred an acre is what
some owners ask for it. A couple
of hundred an acre is not consid
ered a stiff figure. .The jump in
its value is, as all know, because
it was turned to apple growing and
intelligently directed effort has
demonstrated that the apple busi
ness is pron table. Apple growers
in that community are getting rich.
The apples in a Willamette val
ley orchard sold the other day at
$1.25 a bushel in the orchard. All
the grower had to do was to pick
and sort them. , He didn't pack
them. He didn t furnish the box
es. He didn't do anything, but
grow, pick and sort the fruit. , He
sold io, 000 boxes at that price,
The apples were mainly Spitzen
bergs. They were bought by a
Hood River dealer. Thev are to
be shipped to Hood River where
they will be packed according to the
Hood River way of doing such
things, which is the correct way.
Then they will probably be ship
ped East or to London and sold
under the Hood River name arid
bring a big profit to the Hood Riv
er packer
The foregoing incident is explarr
ation of why there is Willamette
valley land going to goats that
ought to be bringing Sioo an acre
and more. Much of the goat past
ure is particularly favorable to the
growth of apples. The slopes 'of
of the foothills of the Cascade and
Coast ranges is the perfect apple
region. A deep soil, well drained
by nature, is the correct site. With
Hood River apples going at $3
box and bought the world over,
and with Hood River packers buy
ing Willamette apples at $1.25 and
shipping them under Hood River
brands for the sake of the profit
to be made, the true story of the
opportunity for orchards and or
charding in Willamette is told,
When it is undertaken on correct
principles and directed by intelli
gent effort the goat land will be
come orchard land. When that
happens the Willamette valley will
be fringed with foot bill orchards
arid well-to-do orehardists and the
picture will be one of prosperity
arid contentment.
.; That Willametteland will produce
asgood apples as Hood River is cer
tain. That is the 1 opinion 6f an
apple expert who knows. ''Hood
River men " buying and shipping
Willamette apples proves it. That
established, the question becomes
one of finding men ready to engage
in the industry.' The ver-populat-ed
East is full of such." They are
longing lor just such an opportun
ity as the Willamette foothills offer.
They -would be eager settlers and
eager huyers of the goat land if
they were informed as to the real
tacts. And doubtless many a Wil
lamette landowner, were he con
vinced of the real truth, as here set
forth would be 1 quick to convert
his brush land into a thrifty, well
kept and profitable apple orchard.
The kind of land required for the
purpo- e must have three essentials.
That is what an appie expert says
He has studied the business
watched its progress in Oregon for
10 years. He says:
"Three things are essential in lo
cating an orchard. 1 st, good soil:
2nd, good water , drainage; 3rd,
good air drainage.
As to soil, almost any good wheat
land is good apple land. Not that
apples would do well on wheat
land but only the best and some
what elevated and rolling. Prob
ably the best orchards in the valley
are to be found on the rolling lands
of Yamhill and other counties. The
future will most likely show ' that
the best orchard sites will be on the
slopes of the foothills of the Cas
cades and Coast ranges, provided
that in selecting the locations there
is care to determine that the soil
is rot underlaid with rock, grav
el or hardpan at a depth of less
than 10 or 12 feet.
"The apple needs a deep loamy
soil, preferably of a clay nature.
Some of the best orchards, it is true,
are growing on bottom lands but
the apples are not as good in "keep
ing quality as those from the heav
ier soils. , Practically all the origin
al oak and fir lands will make good
apple lands, provided the soil be
deep and the surface reasonably
light, the latter being important
for economical working of the or
chard. The Wa!do hill land in
Marion county is an ideal apple re-
gion. It is likely that ; the Bell- I
fountain slopes in Benton county
are eqally well adapted, and the
same is probably true of the coun
try about Wren.
"As to the water drainage, that
means that land should be natural
ly well drained. It should be land
in which the water table is low.
As has been well expressed. an
apple abhors wet feet.' Satisfact
oty air drainage is equally import
ant. It is important that the fold
air which settles to the lower lev
els should be permitted , to escape;
for this reason an orchard should
not be located in a pocket-like site,
but rather on higher rolling
An old Soldier Walks into Corvallis
Penniless and HI. j.
Saturday evening an aged man
in a pitiable physical condition ap
plied to Chief Lane for a night's
lodging, stating that he was an old
io'.dier. He rehearsed a sad story
of misfortune, whereupon the of
ficer arranged for his comfort tem
porarily at the Occidental hotel.
According to the stranger's state
ment, his name is James Robinson.
He enlisted with the Eighth Regi
ment of Kansas, when he was 21
years of age, serving four years in
the rebellion. In late years his
occupation was sheep herding in
Eastern Oregon and Idaho, and one
dark night as he gathered his flock
he fell from a rim rock and sus
tained serious injury in the way of
a severe rupture of the abdominal
walls; At that time he had $1000
saved up, but at the end of a few
weeks in a Salt Lake hospital he
came out $50 in debt - and very
slightly improved in physical con
dition. For some time he had
worked about Prineville where he
has friends. He carLe to the Wil
lamette valley; where he thought
tne climate would be more agree
able to him, and where he hoped to
secure light work which would give
him support. Mr. Robinson states
that when he arrived at Albany he
was out of funds, and the prospect
for work there was discouraging.
From Albany he traveled on foot to
Corvallis and by the time he reach
ed this city he was wholly prostrat
ed. Hence his application for
Mr. Robinson stated that he did
not wish to apply to any member
of the G. A. R. as he had left his
discharge papers among his effects
at Prineville. He did not wash to
go to the Soldiers home because
under ordinary conditions he could
support himself. '
On Sunday Chief Lane took the
old man to Dr. Pernot for examin
ation to determine whether or not
Robinson's claims as to his condi
tion were genuine, and the doctor
found him suffering frcm the dis
ability indicated. ;'. It was plainly a
case calling for charity, and The
subject was laid belore the county
judge and commissioners. In their
judgment the best tiling to be done
under the circumstances was to re
turn the unfortunate man to Prine
ville, where he has friends and, ac
cordingly, transportation to that
point was provided by the county.
Three months ago Mr. Robinson
applied for a pension, and if his
statement as to his service be true,
there can be no doubt as the chan
ces of its allowance.
boys at
for ladies, men,
Ingle & Tozier's.
Tn tin .1 HI mutt r'fliirt nf tho KtatA nl flpaonn ti-ir-
I Benton County:
Minnie Johnson, Plaintiff,
W. J. Jobnson, Christopher C. John
son, and Delia Johnson, his wife.
To W. J. Johnson the above named defendant:
In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear, and
arn-wer the amended complaint of the plaintifl
Is the above entitled suit, In the above entitled
court, now on file in the office of the clerk of
said court, on or before the last day of the time
prescribed in the order for publication of this
summons, made by the county judge of Benton
county, state of Oregon (which order Is herein
after ieferred to) to-wit: November 23, 1906, and
you are hereby notified that if you fail so to ap
pear, and answer the said complaint as herein
required, forwant thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the above entitled court for the relief de
manded in her said amended complaint, name
ly: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimo
ny, now existing between plalDtllf and defend
ant W J. Johnson, and that the defendant W. J.
Johnson be compelled to pay to the plaintiff, the
sum of one thousand five hundred dollars for
her support, and the support of their minor
child, aud that the certain deed made by the
said defendnnt.W. J. Johnson, to the said de
fendant Christopher C. John-on, on the 3d day
of April. UlliO, and refolded on the 12th day of
May, 1J(X, at puge 212, Book 45, deed records of
Benton county, Oregon, be canceled aud set
a.".lde. and thai the lands described In said deed
be decreed to belong to said w. J. Johnson, and
that one-third thereof, be Set aside to sol plain
tiff, as ber Individual property, and the t plain
tiff be given the core, custody and contr.,1 the
minorchild of plaintiff and' defendant w. J;,
Johnson, Flossie Johnson, and for her route and
disbursements to be taxed, and for such other
and further ruleorderand relief, as. in equity
msy seem just and proper.
This summons is published 'In the -Corvallis
Times, once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the Issue of Oc
tober 12, 1906 and ending with the issue of No
vember 23, 1906, under and In pursuance of the
directions contained In an order made by Ihe
Hon.B. Woodward, county judge ot Benton
county, Oregon, being the county where the
above entitled suit Is pending, in the above en
titled circuit court; dated, October 12, 1906. Date
of first publication hereof. Octoberl2, 1906
Plaintiffs Attorneys.
Rogoway's Second Hand Store
; , The art of making fine furs has reached such high degree of perfection that the fair
sex is especially fortunate in the matter of dress today.
No matter what price
you choose to pay your
money will buy the best
and the most here. Look
over our display.
Established 1864.
i Ederheiraer Stein & Oik
and get the good out of it, our stock is at its best now
Underwear and outer shirts in wide range for
s selection.
W. L. Douglas and Florsheim fine shoes for the
man who cares.
Hawes $3 hats and Mallorys Cravenette hats.
ys. BBS.
. m
No Def-ter idea can be gotten
of what elegant fur garments
can be purchased ready to wear
than our new FALL STYLES
We selected after careful in
spection the McKibbins make
to offer our patrons, and we are
certain that these styles full of
character and good taste will be
found highly pleasing.
Price from
$1-50 to $25
Young Men's Fall Clothing
TO 20
The smart, perfectly tailored , appearance of our
splendid line of suits, overcoats and raincoats will
win favor of the particular dresser. The suits are
double and single breasu d . styles, have broad
- shoulders, neat lapels and deep vents. They are
of cassimeres. cheviots, worsteds and fancy mix
tures, the popular grays included. The overcoats
come both medium and form fitting back, plain
colors and neat' patterns effect?, button through
and fly front, deep vents. The raincoats aie cut
52 inches long, black and colors.
Choice, $10 to $25
to Newport Sunday November 4th,
1 AS
There are scarfs, throws
zazas, collarettes, in mink,
martin, fox, squirrel, coon,
and all the other popular
Corvallis, Oregon
SIZES 3o TO 38