Vol. XIX.-No. 3 CORVALLIS, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30. 1906. B.F. IKVI1TB Editor and Proplleto Summons. In the Circuit Court ot the state ol Oregon Beaton county: , for J. W. Wkitsjian. V8. Plaintiff, 1 J. R. Rainwater and Lucy Rainwater, his wife; William Rainwater and Rtrdh Rulnwa'.er. his wile; Anna Kling and Pf-ter Kliug, her hus band; Uanic;l Rainwitter and Emroa Rainwater, his wife; Emmett Ralu Wrtter and Mary Rainwater, hi. wife: Mnry Glurk and Merton OHrk. her husband : Anna Duley and Frank I)n Jey. fcer husband ; Emma Laughbead and C. H. Laughead, her husband; and Leo Cohen, Bessie Muller and Paul Muller her husband, defendant". To Bessie Muller. Emmett Rainwater, and Mnry Rainwater, his wile, the above named de fendants: In tne name ot the state nt Oregon, you and each of you are hf-reby summoned and required to appea'r and answer the complaint of the plain tin" in the above entitled suit now on file with the clerk of the above entitled court, on or be fore the last day of the tlnre prescribed in the order lor publication of this summons, herein after referred to, to-wlt, od or before November 2:5, l'jrjfi, and you are hereby notified that It you fnil ko to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required. f r want thereof ihe plain tiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded In his said complaint, to-wit: that he be decreed to be the owner in fee simple of the following described raal prjpertv, to-wlt: Beginning at the K W corner ol the D. L. C, of A. M Rainwater. Not. No. 697, CI. 61 & 39 In T. 11 S. R. 3 and 4 W., of Will. Mtr., Benton county, Oregon, and running thence S. 26.94 chains, thence E. 1? 27 chains, thence S. 8 deg., E. 3.10 chains, thence 3, 29.14 chains to the N. bounda ry of said claim, thence S. 82 deg. 15 mln. W. along Ssld N. boundary to place of beginning, containing 43 20 acres, more or less, all In Ben ton county. Oregon, save and except 13 18 acres heretofore sold and conveyed to S. E. Rainwater Described as follows: Beginning at N W corner of D. L. 0. Not. 6U7. CI. 61 aud 39 T. 11 3. R. 3 and 4 W. Will. Mer., Benton county, Oregon, and running tbencc N. H2 deic. 15 min. E. along N. boundary of said claim 10.10 chains, thence S. to the N. boundary of W. V. & C. R. R. (Jo's right ol wav, thence westerly along said North boundary to the west boundary of said claim thence N aloug said west boundary to place of beginning, containing 13.18 acres, more or less: that the defendants be required to perfect the title of said 'land by making, executing, ac knowledging and delivering a deed thereto to the plaintiff, or that In the event they fail so to do that the decree of said courc shall operate In lieu of such deed, and that plaintiff bave his costs and disbursements, and for general relief: This summons is published In The Corvallis Times newspaper onee a week, for six successive and consecutive weeks, beginning wun me issue ot October 12, 1906 and enoing with the issue of November 23. 19C6. under and in pursuance of the directions contained iu an order made by the Hon E. Woodward, judge of the county court of Benton county, state of oregn, oaten October 11. 1906. Date of first publication hereof Is October 12, 19C6. L. H. MO-NTANYE & E. E. WILSON. Attorneys tor Plainilff. Ubamberlafn'8 Salve. This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases oi the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch, scabies, or itch and eczema. It has met with unparalleled success in the treatment of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box. Try it. For sale by Graham & Wortham E. E. WILStrN, ATTORNEY A 7 LAW. j Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Beutou couuty: Garrison Sheldon, plaintiff, 1 vs. t i I" Ella W. Sheldon, defendant. 5 ' To E1U W. Sheldon, the above named defend ant: lu the-name of the state of Oreg m, you are hereby summoned and required t a;io-ar and answer the complaint of the pinna ill. In the above entitled suit in 'he above entitled court, now on hie In the office of the clerk of said court, on or before tlx weeks ftom the day of te first publication hereof, to-wlt: on or before November 13, 1906, and you are hereby notified that if you fall so to appear and answer the said complaint as here in required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court lor the relief demanded In his said complaint, namely, for a decree of rlvorce from the said deiendant, for ever dissolving the marilage contract ezistiug between the Plaintiff and defendant, aud for such other further and dlHtrent rule, order or relief as to the eou't may seem proper. Tdis summons is pabllshed in the Corvallij Times newspaper once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue of said newspaper of October 2, 1906. and enclng with the issue ef Kovember 18, 1906, under and lu pursuance of the directions- contained lu an order made by the Hon. E. Woodward, county i iidge of Benton county. Oregon, being the eoun ty wheie the above en tit lea suit is pending in the above entitled circuit court , dated Septem ber 28, 1900. The date of the first publication ireol is October a, 1906. E. E. WILSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. E. R. Bryson, Attorney At Law. Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul and the East. 2 Trainsi Daily 2 Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle Pullman First-class sleeping cars. Pullman "rourist sleeping ears, Dlulng cars night and day. Observation and Parlor cars. The regular Yellowstone Park Boute via. Iiv Inaston and Gardiner, Mont., the government official entrance to the Park. - " Park season June 1st to September 20th. 8ee Europe if yon will but see America first. Start right Bee Yellowstone National Park Nature's greatest wonderland. Wonderland Th3 famous Northern Pacific book can be had for the asking or six cents by mail. The Route of the "North Ooart Lsmited" the Only Electric Lighted Modern Train from Port land to the East. The ticket office at Portland is at 255 Morrison street, corner Third; A. D. Carlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, an- For The Ladies Our Fall Line ot New Goods are Here! Big line of Dress Goods and Silks Big line of Coats the latest Big line Shoes best wearers on earth Big line Skirts from two factories Big line Underwear Munsings, none better Big line Waistings and Hosiery A whole lot of other new goods. Corvallis, Sewing Machines Carpets, Rugs Liuoleum, Lace Curtains. oway It will pay you to come in and see us before buying your winter sup ply. We carry' a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture. Furniture, Stoves, Ranges Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. paper for Price. Highest Market Price Paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs. North east Cor. 2nd and New Goods, Latest Designs and PR ETT I E ST P ATT E R N S Our Fall Lines of Jewelry and Silverware are beginning to arrive and will be tbe largest and most complete line ever shown in Corvallis. "Swastikos," the Japanese lucky charm and the latest thing in the novelty line, to be had in Fobs, Hat Pins, Lace Pins, Cuff Buttons and 0. A. C. Pins of all kinds. Alarm Clocks $1. Fountain Pens $1. At i , : E. W. S. PRATT'S, The Jeweler and Optician.1 m . New Sporting Goods Store. A new and complete line consisting of Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, ' Knives , Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries In fact anything the sportsman need can , be found at my store. Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop. All Work Guaranteed. M. M Ind.' Phone 126. Oregon I I Store s Watch Friday's Money to Loan on all Kinds of Security. Monroe Sts, Corvallis, Or. LONG'S Corvallis, Oregon. Another GRAND FISHING EXCURSION TO NEWPORT AND RETURN (RAIN OR SHINE) OVER THE COVALLIS & EASTERN SUNDAY NOV 4th. THE CONSPIRACY I TO ROB THE BANK IS FOREST GROVE REVEALED. Woman Tells of Plot to Burglarize Jewelry Store aDd toSlay Pawn- broker'e Clerk Dynamite Hid Near Snyder's Home Other News. Hitlsbrrj, Or., Oct. 27. Before District Attorney Harmon Allen, hie deputy, E. B. Tongue, and oth er officials, Mr. Madge Snyder, re lated a marvelous confession of crime thit morning, involving her dead buebend and others in a series of jobs tb&t vie in sensational dar ing with the wildest etories of yel low back fijtion. Among toej ibs that were to have been undertaken by her reckless husband mi desecrate companions was tbe holding up of tbe box office of the He ilig theatre . in Portland Another pln involved tbe robbery or fan Marx s jewelry store on Third street. .Plane of other crimes were equa ly as eensational were told by the widow. Many of tbe plots were overheard by her, ehe eaid, as sbe lay hidden behind haymow in tbe barn where hr bus band and bi9 companions met to do their plotting. ' Openly and unhesitatingly sbe -told today of .the plan to rob tbe Foiest Grove bank. Ihe deed was planned hy her late husband and a man named Rogers, ehe declared Her husband and Rogers quarreled ebe said and it was because of tbe quatrel that Carey M. Snyder did not participate in the actual rob bery. Sbe aho told where the ni troglyctrine, dvnamite caps and fuse, poit ons of which were used in blowing the vault of the Forest Groee bank, were buried near their home near Glencoe. Sbe further told how ehe had been cruelly beaten and bruised by her hu-band and his pirate crew c-e ciuse sne reiusea, to c-ecome an accessary , to their conspiracy to murder mi rob. Once, she said her husband fired two shots at her in the hope of inttmidating her and forcing ter to take part in the crimes be planned. . The shots were fired in their home and the bullets buried themselves in the wall of their living room.. The widow appeared here today in response to a subpoena eerved upon ber by tbe district attorney diiectine her appearance belore Judge McBride. For weeks Bhe has bafflei every effort on the part of the tffiaials to induce her to divulge her secret, and threatened to return to ber home in Kansas Cily. Stie arrived here from Portland this morning. She professes resent ment toward tbe officials and offi cers who have teen working on tbe tase and alio claims that her life is in danger as a result of her confes sion implicating George: Perry in the murder of ber husband. Offi cers ani others, however, who know tbe woman plaoe little cred-nce in her alleged fears. Sbe doesn't know tbe meaning of tbe word, they eay. "Perry came to visit my husband and me in the early part of June, 1905," continued Mrs. Snyder. "I soon saw be wielded a bad influence over my husband and I tried to get Carey to ask him to leave. My hus band grew brutal to me under Per ry s domination, and many times struck and kicked me. Once he knocked me down with a chair and kicked me becauee I detected him cheating at a game of cards with Perry acd myself. Perry hated me and never offered to interfere. "On Saturday, Nov. 25, my hus band and I went to Portland, and from there duck hunting. We got back to Portland Sunday evening. The plan of Perry and my husband was to rob the pawnshop next morning. Oar room was on Fourth street, not far from Oak. lit, . was the corner of Oak street, on Fourth which meant I had consented to pick up valises containing plunder when they had been left at Fourth and Yamhill streets sod carry them aboard the train, after leaving tbe pawnshop, lor fear somebody might detect them on description. "Carey got up at 5 A. M. and left tbe house; I did cot pasB tbe corner as expee'ed and they were afraid to do the job. On the way to Hillsboro that morning my hus band was so angry that - he would not speak to me. . At Hillsboro we met rogers, just arrived from Kan sas City. He bad made tbe mis take of going to Cornelius, rerry said Snyder had shown a fac simi le of bis handwriting to the cl?rk in the Cornelius poetoffice and had obtained two letters be sent rerry. which would bave landed both in the penitentiary if received by offi ciale. This man had a lot cf ni troglycerine with him aswediscov ered afterward. My husbandandRog- ers, said to be one of tbe best, fate cracksmen in tbe country, returned to Portland Monday afternoon and I went to the farm Tuesday morn ing. ''That night I met my huBband with a carriage; be gave me an aw ful beating for refusing to cairy the grips aboard the train and tbus pre venting the pawnshop robbery. Carey afterward told me be and Peiry and Rogers left Portland Monday night for Forest Grave, arriving there at midnight, and in spected the bank premises. Then they went to Hillsboro and under cover of night broke into a grocery store to get something to eat acd spent the remainder of the night sleeping iu a box car. Tuesday Ca rey talked over tbe telephone with Perry in Portland. Perry used the name of Leaby, clerk in the North west gunstore, and Eaid be was ready for that dock bunt. This meant ready for the robbery of the theatre. My husband told Perry he would not come and tbey used words showing an?er. 'Friday night, December 1, tte bank was robbed: Carey did not bear of it until two days later. Then be was furious and 6aid: "Per ry and Rogers have doue that j.b without me. Tby will bave to di vide." ; . "He was especially angry when he learned tbey got only $6,000, and said there was moed than $50, 000 in the bank and that most, of it had been transferred to Portland 00 Thursday. He declared the failure to get a bigger amoutt was due to their not meeting him Wed nesday night. "The plunder was to be buried a mile from our house. Cirep be ing led to believe that he was to re ceive a part of the plunder, and that on reaching the spot he was was killed. San Francisco,;03t.,26. Tremb ling with passion, his voice raised to a high pitch, Franth J. Heney, tbe prosecutor of tbe grafters, leaned acroes tbe table ia Judge Graham's court this afternoon and, shaking bis finger ia Abe Ruef'siace, stout: ed: "These are the men, these are tbe graiters we are after." Jsjlt was the concluding scene in the court drama in which Ruef and William H. Langdoa had sought for recognition as district attorcey, Langdon, who was removed from office last night at the dictate of Ruef, refused to vacate the office. Judge Graham reserved his decision until next Monday. Heney appeared in tbe capacity of assistant to Langdon. The re moval of Langdon was ordered by Acting Mayor Gallagher when it was learned that Heney, assisted by Detective W. J. Burns and Ivingdoa, bad gathered evidence which tbey claim will send Ruef, Mayor Sehmitz, Acting Mayor gal lagber aod tbe 18 supervisors to the penitentiary. The day was replete with excit ing episodes. A crowd of 3,000 people gathered about the court room and, when Ruef emerged, rushed at him and was only kept from doing him violence by tbe cor don of police which surrounded him. As it was, Dr. C. Beasley, an ex-Army surgeon, clashed with Ruef and the two engaged in a fist fight, but were soon parted. lonigbt Kuef and Lanpdon each Ruef's first act in court today was to eppeal for protection. He stated that be had information that Heney was armed. ; . "The gentleman is incorrect," as usual," eaid Heney. The two men looked at each other, the crowd Z i. 3 1 il , 1 1 . , wuiieu wcatniessiy, out mere was KILLED BY MOTOR GAR MILLIONAIRE SNYDER IS2 KILLED IN AN AUTOMO BILE ACCIDENT. Life Like His D.ath Was Tragic Under Indictment for Bribery Paid Councilman $00,000 Kansas City, Oot. 27. Robert M. Suyder, millionaire banker and promoter, met death in his automo bile here at 6:30 o'clock tonight. His chauffeur, Frank M. Schroeder, attempted to steer clear of a mes senger boy on a bicycle the machine collided with the boy and the curb stone at the . same moment. The shock threw snyder from his seat and bis head struck on an iron trol ley pole. Soyder was at once car ried to the Agnew hospital. He died there upon bis arrival. His skull had been fiactured. Arthur Odell, the messenger boy,, received injuries that willl probably cause hi? death. The driver was not hurt. , Tbe death oi Robert M. Snyder was as his life tragic. He was un der indictment at tbe time of his death in connection with the brib ery of members of tbe St. Louis city council. Joseph W. Folk, now governor of Missouri, waB at that time ciicuit attorney in St. Louis, and was the prosecutor. This is tha story be proved: . Snyder went to St. Louis in 1898 as. a street railway prone o'er. He rented an expensive suit of rooms in one of the large down town hotels, which he stocked with fine cigars and liquors. Then he invited to these moms men of influence with the members of the city assembly. Tbe Central Traction bill was through both houses of the council, but was vetoed by the mayor. It ! bad to be passed again over tha veto. Then U hoff, who was in tbe council, demanded $5o,ooo for his vot. Snyder gave it to him, and borrowed it back again 'he next night. Then he went to New York City. Uthoff Joilowed. In another cafe scene, where champagne flowed freely, Snyder presented a letter, exonerating himself. He told Ut- ' hoff be would get $51, 000 if be signed it, otherwise nothing. Ut hoff signed the statement. "You are as far above giving a bribe as I am above receiving." Snyder was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary, but tbe supreme court reversed aod re manded the judgment to tbe lower court. Recently a new indictment wai returned against him by the St. L -nis grand jury. C rey M. Snyder, a son of Robert M. Snyder, was convicted of hold ing up and robbing a Kansas City pawnbroker of $6,000 in diamonds continnedon page 4. The Kendal Brains evolved the Kendal. There's not an iota in its material and make that doesn't represent skilled shoe craft and shoe experience Patent leather lace boot, genuine seal top. heavy sole, narrow toe l be man who wants enjoy the' benefit of the best knowledge S X1 1 thoe- applied for his comfort should wear the Kendal. Most styles are $5 Look for name in strap M i 1 1 J. M. Nolan 6c Son arranged that at 6:45 I was to pass no outbreak