The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 19, 1906, Image 4

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Fritter sella the Koller & Camp
SE -WWe can 1 buy a beautiful
Ss&n&iiT pkco? At N. A. Eisher's.
Sr and Mrs. Fred Walters,
rjtrjKlar 'O. A. C. people of past
fiitrs, were CorvallW visitors Wzi-
A. picture of the Woman's
Staid tug tG be erected at the College
appeared in Wedne-days Oregouian
There will be the usual morn- !
tag and evening service at the Con
gregstional -church Sunday.
The fall term of the Benton
'So'ifity circuit coast meets in Cor
"Bazl'is on the 26tb. of next niontb,
3Etwe weeks from next Monday.
The committee in charge of
file Cetiee Club party is busy with
teo-rations and the dance promises
ta fei -& very pretty one.
The weekly Times goestopress
33ery Friday. It is an eight paee,
a&fcooieprintnewspaper, containing
all Ike matter of the two issues of
ase senu-weekly.
"N, Weakly isn't robust in
apfKarasce, and he hasn't black -suakSi
strength, but his power of
3ri'trance is something remark---In
what way ?" "Well
"&e flayed bridge whist for two
t&omr-s'last night with three women."
The outing party consisting of
'Mark iiFrutt and .'on, Mr. Mahafy
303.4. Mr. Peck arrived Wednesday
-ee-eiiiag. They brought back 700
-jKtsadsof salt trout and salmon.
Hcv. O. H.,Gibbs, pastor of
ke M. E. church South, will preach
Tiext Sunday on the following sub-.jeci-c
Ji a. m., "The Providence
otfjofl.1 7:30 p. m. ' Success and
There will be a reception for
S.j"oung ,p?03le of the Presbyter
itMfaurch and their friends at the
3tats this, Friday evening. A
spienfiid programme has been sr
trAii get and a good time is assurtc
Thc Polk County apple show
roll foe -fceJd at U&llas, . November
3, tsnder the auspices of tbe
E?aS.k County Horticultural Society.
Prices will be awarded exclusively
i5m .cask- -
-Mrs. M. Elston Lee of Corv
nUts who tas b.en the guest cf
"Mr. and -Mrs. E. C. Hay ward at
'(ctciia B. C for several weeks,
'ts-cq Ceave the 22nd for B'.uffton
-; ZTradiana, to spend the winter.
Tom McFadden, who coached
' C.A. C. football team three
'3ewr ag is still practicing law at
- 45eltEgham Washingion. He and
, itss .partner recently figured as
cwuRsel for jdefecsedn a big criml
tst' tvisS ana were "HGeessful in se
iwang an acquittal.
Sfrof. Raymond begins the
iegls.r weekly club dancing parties
aiF(shr"s ball next Friday night.
, ,Ist requests pupils and friends who
-wrisk -attend the parties to appear ,
' aLttffce "hall Monday and take ottt
j- snsmbership cards.
. The O. A. C. directory has
" appeared. It contains over 700
"'ajtases,"" giving the residence and
aiidress of r all th; students and
'teeEibeis -of the faculty. It com- J
."guises 'fifteen .pages of names, and
tia convenient pamphlet.
: --"Come for all Things Now ate
Seady"" will be the subject at the
IfeTtsthn church next Sunday rror
: -Evening theme :". The
. 73 attic Over. The mpty Grave.'
Setrival service will continue in-
-definitely.: -Services - begin each
-.yeni ng at 7 130. :
mesa ay. They Were enroute to
Newport forva ' fortnight's visit.
Fred was in his time. J: one of the
: 'best tackles t hat ever played on the
'QmS'i'-1 gfidirpff. .He is the owner
.s.ssgcf ,a;.bi arnilFrt Elmira,
u-z-ae c punty, and has 1 Eugene for
'3s shipping, point. ' After a big
-an t'ae mill closed ' ' down last
r-eak far the 'season. ;"Y.:::i j
' - O n ' fh e: eye n in gsof the days of
&e apple show a varied programs
se.w.ili be presented at the Couft-
-fea5s. consistics of music and
, .speeches, on different subjects per-
aiang to the fruit industry , by
-soune of the most prominent men
im. those lines in the state.-; Among
Xkese speakers will be Drl Wythy .Professor Lewis and Profess-'-Cordley,
ot Corvallis.
Aalo Armstrong, age 16 was
vlsrought to this city from Elk City
"Xaesday for' surgical treatment,
-.asd is at the home of his uncle, M.
. Armstrong. " He was out hunting
-xzd killed a deer. With the car-
-iseas on his back, he was climbing
ver a log. He tell in such a way
t:ha.t the full weight of the deer
stropped against his arm," breaking
ttjotst below the shoulder.. The
' 2zacture has been reduced and he is
-a well as could be expected
Wfafat 58; oat8 26 to 29.
Eii ID. Wurfield and Lora Oil
Miller were 5 esterday granted a li
cense to wed.
Mairied, Sunday at tbe Meth
odist parsonage by Rev. Feeee,
Enoa A. Merchant, of O enside,
Calif., to Mrs. El'Zibeth Cocdra.
The Times is full of freeh arid
interesting advertist-ments. Read
all cf tbpm. They are excelhntly
edited, by widt awake people.
The famous Captain Jones of
the Chicago AnoiricaiiH, ii? a broth
er of Willard Jor e of Orf"?on '8C
fr;ud fnae. The latter resides at
A f!8tne cf football has been
schfdu'ed by 0. A. C. with Tne
Dallas fleven. It Is to b played
in OnrvaHia Noven.bpr lOtV. All
the dates of the season are filled
n iw except November I7tb.
RoBe Ey tinge, the well known
actrees who wad in Corvallia for
three months Wt year, is 10 be in
Portland from October 28th to the
31st inclusive. She is in "Tbe
Bishop's Carriage," which plays a
four night's engagement at the
The number of hunter's licen
ses issueo up to yesterday was 455
agaitst 492 ell told last yet r. It Is
probable tout the aggregate of last
year will lefxceeded before the
end of tbe year, which is December
M. S Woodcock and Wallace
Bildwin left ye3terdny lor Portland
to attend the de iicatioo cermoni
of tbe new Masonic trmple to be
erected in the metropolis.
After a two dvs' vUit with
Corvallis freods, Mrs Ftsrk L.
Moore left yesterday fur Kelio,
Wdsbirgtoo. Sh i-i tbe wife of
Rev. Frank L. Moore, who was for
spveral y a e pastor of tbe First
Methodist church, and who left
ihree years ago o tke a Chicago
pulpit. R-v. Moore left Chicago
10 days go to accept a pulpit at
Kelso, Wsh;netni . During hi
Cbicsgo piigriujnge, R-v. Moore
u ok a pa t graduate c u se in di
viiiity. So far, eyry Cuntv in Oregon
except end Curry have
students at 0. A. 0. tti- seacoc.
F-llowing 'n a litt preptr-d several
days ago, when the enrollmput was
smaller by a drzen tb-n it is dow :
Baker 14, Benton 95, Chrk mas 32,
C aUop 9, Colnmbus 14. Coos 6,
C ojk 9, Dougla" 11, Grant 2, Gil
liam 4, Harney 8, Jackson 3, Jose
phine 2, Klamath 7, Lik- 1, Ltje
17, Lincoln 4, Linn 42 Malheur 21,
Marion 27, Morrow 2', Multnomah
72. Polk 14, Tillflmook 6. Umatilla
2I, Union 25. Wallows. 6, Wheeler
3, Wasco 29, Washington 29, Ym
mil 21. There are appoximtely
5o etudentsfrc m neighboring states,
besides 6 or 8 Hindoo students.
Since Friday real ettite trana
fers have been tiled t ibe recorder's
office as follows; F C Walters and
wife to tb Monroe Mill Co, 16O
acre, southwest of Monro, $2560;
F C Walters and wi'e to The Mon
roe Mill Co., 160 ecres southwes'
of Monroe, $2560; Jenuip L. Bar
ron and husband to F C Waltprs
undivided one-half int'Teet in 160
seres, southwest of Monro", $l,ooo;
George L Morrison and wife to F C
Walters, 16o acreF, southwe-t of
Monroe. $2,000; Charles E Pardor
to F C Waltprs undivided oue-bal:
interest in 16o acres, $1,' 60; Arthur
J Piice ai.d wife to Trioain Lpppp,
28o cies in KinH Vallpy, $1 ; OMve
Read and hutband to Leonard Ho
vey, I41 acres near Wien, $18oo.
Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from
grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active
frinciple of every pound t of Royal Baking
' Hence it is that Roval Baking Powder
renders the food remarkable both f orbits fine
flavor and healthfulness.. . . .
. No alum, no phosphate which are the
' 'principal elements of the so-called cheap
baking powders-and which are derived '
J fromibones, rockjind sulphuric acid.
Mr?. J. C. Himmell returned
from Portland Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M M. Di vis and
daughter Mabel expect to leave U
morrow for a visit in Portland.
She If ycu don't give me that
$25 I ant at once. I shall go bick
to mother. He Well, there's 25.
Now, what are you going to do
with U? Shr I am go'mg to emd
it to mothpr to ttat she "can com
and see us!
They played football on tbe
platform in college chapel this
morning for hxlf an hour. Dr.
Witbycombe Wds fullback, Profs.
Horner aod Berchtold 'were tackier,
with Mark Weatherford right bow
er and Mior Edwards as chbf
Hewgag player. The formations
were 11 good, if accounts be true,
and Eome fine maneuvers executed.
The play was all bot air, snJ it is
said to bave awakened great eutbu
eiasm in the student body. The
occasion was a football rally.
Annual Meeting.
The Monroe Cemetery associa
tion will hold its annual meeting
Saturday Nov. 3rd at 1 p. m. at
Monroe for the election of one
trustee for the term of three years
and a clerk for one year. And to
transact such other business as
may come before them. All per
sons interested in the cemetery are
cordially invited to attend.
Dated Oct.-14 06.
D. B. Farley,
Job Printing
at Times Office.
Corvallis & Eastern
Trains From and to Yaquina
No r ,
Leaves Yaqninn 6.55 a. m
Leaves Corvallis IO.-45 a. ru
Arrives Albany 11:40 a. m
No 2
Leaves Albanv i2;io p. m.
Leaves Corvallis i:0s n. m
Arrives Yaqoina 5:00 p. m
No 3
Leaves Albanv for Detroit. . 7:30 s. m
Arrive Detroit 12:30 p. m
No 4
Leaves Detroit 1 :oo p. m
Arrive Albany 5:65 p. w
No S
Leaves Albany 7:05 a. m
Arrives Corvallie 8:3d a. m
No 10
Leaves Albany 3:50 p. m
Arrive Corvallis 4:30 p. m
N 6
Leaves Albany 7:35 p. m
Arrives Coivallis ' 8:15 p. m
No 5
Leaves Corvallis .6:308.01
Arrive Albany 7:ioa. m
No 9
Leaves Ccrvallis 1:30 p. m
Arrives Albany 2;i0r. to
No 7
Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p. m
Arrive Albany 6:40 p. m
Leave Corvallis. 11:00 a. m
Arrive Albany 11:42 a. m
No 12
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m
Arrives Corvallis ,1 :33 p. m
A 11 the above connect with Southern
Pacific company trains both at Albany
tnd Corvallis as well as trains for Detroit
aiving direct i-ervice to Newport and ad
jm ent beaches, as well as Breitenbuth
Hot Springs.
For further information apply to
J. C. MAYO, Gtn Pass Agt
B. H. Boles agt Albany,
H. H. Cronise, agt Corvallis. -.
Continued irom page 1.
Steamer HanSaw, from Canton,
was burnea at 3:10 o'clock thi
morcing, while lmg alongside her
wharf. Hundred3 of CDitese pas
eengers were burned to death aod a
valuable cargo was dest'ojed. All
the European passeogera aod crew
were saved.
The steamer Hackaw, wi:h 2,000
Chinese pastengers, njen, women
aud children, and teven Europeans
and a careo imluding 3700 hales of
matting, 560 bales if raw tiik aDd
400 bales of waste silk, arrived
from CautOD at 3 o'clock tbie morn
ing, and wag shortly afterward
ojoored at the wharf.
Tbe chief officer lepnrted 'o Cap-
taio Branch that the ehip was afirr.
The captain tbtn directed the chiet
engineer to turn on the water
through the fire hose. This wa
impOBsible, lor the reason that with
in five minutes after tbe alarm wac
givtn the Haokaw ablaze lore and
Captain B-acth then awakened
the Eurjpeao pneeengers, who rush
ed down the gangway, tie ladies it
their niglt close. The crew was
competed to leave tbe ship, which
by thio time was a veritable furn
ace. The Chineee steerage paesngprs
"(re thrown into a fr ghtful panic
Hjrrifyirjg ehrieks and cries toeae
their lives were heard, bnt etcapt
was impossible, owiog 10 tbe in
faTarrahld nature of the cargo
Hundreds were buroed to dexth
and maoy others jumpt-d into tbe
harbor and were drjwned.
Responding to signal?, the Brit
ish cruiser Fit ra and the cava)
dockyard dispatched contingents ut
engines and 3ti-tant9. The fljat-
i"g brigades of firemen made heroic
tff ns to extinguish the flamec,
which leaped to a height of over 60
Tbe British fteamer PowA n
wbicn was oertned at tne same
whar', was towed out to save htr
from des ructioa. . A neighboring
pier a hundred yards distant wis
burned 10 the water's edge.
Tn- fi e was brought under con
trol at 6 o'clock e. rx-., at which
time only lie shell aud boll of the
Hankow remioKt. Thegrowsime
work of recovery tte dead was
then teaui'.
Tne fire-fighters have already r
covertd 75 corpse?. Many of tneiu
were huodieri together and only
singed, while others were incinerat
ed be ond recognition. Of the car
go, 200 bale3of raw silk were saved
butb-idly oamagf-d by water. The
remainder was totally destroyed.
Thtre are many theories as to the
caue of the fir-. The fir.-t is tLa'
it waf caused by 'he overturning of
a iaoiern of a Chinese boarding
boote runner wbo came aboard
seeking ouMoooerp. Tbe eecond i
thnt an opium smoker aocident-jliy
set fire t rxiatiing, the third is that
it whs co used by the cresting ot
e)ctiic wires. A fourth theory,
and cne tbut is consideicd tnoet
proraole, is that the fire was inceu
diary and was an outgrowth ol a
boycott a-iort r-iver biate.
Always .Keeps Chaiuoeriain's Cougti
Remedy in His House.
"We would not be without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It b kept on band contin
ually in oot home," says W. W. Kearney,
editor of tle Independent, Lowry City, Ho.
That is just what every family should do.
When kept at hand ready for instant use, a
cold may be checked at the outset and cured
in much less time than after it has become
.settled ia the system. This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and
will prevent the attack when given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the cronpy cough appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand. For
sale by Graham & Wortham.
Notice of First- Meeting of Creditors
In the Dl'trici Court ot the United States lor
District 01 Oregon, In Bnuiniptcy.
In the matter ot )
J. E. Hawkins, In Bankruptcy.
Biinkrupt. J
To the ciedltors or .1. E. Hawkins, ot PH'm
In (he county of lieutou and district aforesaid,
Notice ia hereby triven that on the 11th dny ef
September. 7. D l'.iuii, 1 he said J. E. Hawkins
whs du?y adjudicated bankrupt; and that th"
nrst niet-tiitij ot his creditors will he held at e y
office in Corvallis nu the 29th dy ot October.
1.1. l'ju;, at -1 o clock in the afternoon, at wmch
timw the said creditors may attend, prove tbVr
c-laims, appoint a trustee." examine tbe bark-
rupt. and tiaijS'et such other business as nvy
peuy come bc tore mil meeting. -tt
Diaeii Ootjuor 13. 1'JOti.
Keferee ia Bjiijkrup;:y,
In the Circuit Court of the State nf Oregon
ienton county.
K. U Taylor, flaintiff J
Abbey Taylor, Defendant (
To Abbey Taylor, the abve named defendant:
In the name of the bae of Oregon you are here
by summoned and required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled Court now on file with the
Clerk of said Court on or before six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this Summon, towit,
on or before the 23rd day 01 November, A. 1. 190G.
And you are notified that if you -fail so to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein required
the plaintiff will apply to the atfore Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint, towit: for a de
cree of said Court dissolving and annulling the mar
riage contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for the costs and disbursements of
th is AsurL
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and eonsecu
tive weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
with the issue of October 12th, 1906, and ending
with the issue of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance
of an order made by the Hon. K. Woodward, Coun
ty Judge of Benton Countv, State of Oregon, dated
tne 12th day of October. lf06. .
The date of the first publication hereof is October
12th,190oY f ,
McFadden & Brtson,
Attorneys for Plaintiff;1 '
WE MAKE a specialty of sheet music to
OAC students. N. A. Fisher. ,
We are Giving
Our special attention and will promise our customers bar
gains in the following lines:
Dry Goods, Gents Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers,
Hosiery for both Ladies and Gents,
Groceries, Flour, Breakfast Foods, Etc.
We Give
Highest price for Eggs, Butt&r and Chickens.
We Deliver
To all parts of Corvallis and Additions at all hours
of the day with our special quick delivery.
We Have
Both phone.
That's the startling truth about our Clothing, Shirts, Night
robes, Overalls, Collars, Ties, Gloves and in fact everything sold
in a First Class Clothing Store.
B Scorning,
The Grocer.
We are not inclined
writing advertisements
and customers speak for
G. $
Greatest of all
the Market.
In Serving. Can te bought at
PHONE 203.
to spend much time in
we prefer to let our goods
Food Productions
: t :