The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 19, 1906, Image 3

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When You see it in Our Ad,
rs so.
Made & Guaranteed by
. Kuppenbeimer 6c Co,
America Leaaing
Clothes Maker j
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Copyright, 1902, by B. KUPPENHEIMER & CO.
If You Want
To Know
What Smartly Dressed Men Will
Wear this Season, CALL ON US.
Conforming to Fashion's Latest'
Decrees, Designed by Aatist Tailors
Frshioned by Master Workmen, Are
Some of the Reasons Why
Clothing . . . .
F. L. filler
Corvallis, Oregon I
Little Henry was spending his
vacation on a farm. It was his
first visit to tke country, and he
had never seen a threshing machine.
"Mamma!" he exclaimed one day.
rushing into the house, "there's a
fire engine way in a big field, an
it's pumpin' seeds."
Quarterly communion and re
ception of members at the morning
service in the Presbyterian church
Fisher sells the Trowbrigde piano
Mrs. T. H. Crawford returned
last night from an extended visit
with Portland friends.
' John Webster, of the '05 grad
uat ing class-of Philomath college
has purchased and installed a saw
mill at Wren.
"The Gospel of Temperance"
will be the subject of an address at
the Christian church next Sunday !
afternoon at 3'oclock. The speak-1
er is Mrs. Newell of Eugene.
A valuable pin is reported as j
ljst in the Times classified column1
next Sunday. C. E. meetings at j and a reward is offered for its re
6:30 p. m. and at 7:30 p.m. The turn. Other interesting notices
pastor will preach the first sermon j appear in that and other advertis-
tn a series on uia lestament
Characters." Subject for evening,
Adan.." Good music and a wel-
cime to all.
No Prizes go with our
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Chase I Sanborn High Grade
8 1 wYIl lVJ ing Goods "we have replenished our stock
with a complete line of Gnns and Rifles ; also a large
I supply of Shells and Cartridges.
Just Received & A Fine Line
Razors and Razor Strops
Pocket Knives and Hunting Knives
Salmon Hooks and Bass Hooks
AU Kinds of Lines.
Come in and see our New Line of Footballs
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country. "
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Job Printing
is the Best
At King's Valley.
M L. Frantz has moved to Con
don's Mill on Peedee.
The Hoekins switch is located in
a vacant house and is nearly useless.
Late Crawford peaches from
the John Kiger orchard and deliv
ered in the local market the first of
the week were" of excellence un-
eclipsed by the famous Southern
Oregon peaches. lhe yield was
small per tree but the quality was
as good as the best of any clime.
When it comes into its own the
Willamette river bottom along its
entire length will be an immense
peach orchard, sending fruit everywhere.
A performance filled with side
splitting situations and speeches
was "Uncle Josh Perkins" a farce
comedy at the Opera House Wed
nesday night. Uncle Josh himself
was a source of much merriment,
but his hired man Hiram, was a
character inimitable in concept'on
and very ludicrous and effective in
rendition. A play witi Hiram as
the star part and rendered in no
better form than Hiram's .- perform
ance Wednesday night would give
fame and fortune to the man who
would create it. Manager Groves
is to be congratulated on Wednes
day night's bill. The house was
In Good Samaritan hospital in
Portland, the doctors are trying to
solve the problem of what is the
malady with which Henderson W.
Murphy is suffering. He has been
ill ever since his return from the
Prineville country several weeks
ago. It is a case of stomach trouble
but its exact nature has not yet been
established. One theory is catarrh
another cancer with a chance that
still other complications are pres
ent. The family and friends in
this city aire awaiting with much
concern the outcome of theexhaust
ive inquiry into his ailment.
The news of the death of his
brother at Walla Walla, was re
ceived Wednesday evening by Ly
man A. Bundy. The deceased was
younger than the popular OAC
man, and had been indisposed for
two or three years. Sometime ago
he wrote that he was enroute to
Walla Walla for a surgical opera
tion, and that was the last tidings
received here until the telegram
Wednesday evening announcing
his death. Lyman Bundy lett
Wednesday night expecting to
meet his mother enroute and pro
ceed together to Walla Walla. The
burial will probably be at Dayton,
Washington. Mr. Bundy will be
absent a week, possibly longer.
A week from tomorrow, in Se
attle, occurs the hearing of the
case in which the proposed deport
ation of E-ther Mitchell and Maud
Hurt Creffield is involved. The
womea were ordered by the super
ior court of Seattle to be released
from jail and be sent Lto Oregon.
The action was taken after a sanity
hearing had pronounced both of
them as affected with a species of
insanity. After Judge Frater had
ordered them deported the district
attorney carried the matter to" the
supreme court, where a stay of
proceedings was ordered and Judge
Frater cited to appear and show
why he appointed an insanity com
mission and why he had ordered
the women deported. Several big
legal firms will participate in the
proceedings. It is the guess gener
ing colums. Read them all.
Mrs. Newall, slate Evanglist
and Vice Presidedt of the w. C.
T. U. of Oregon will speak at the
Christian church on tiospel Tem
peraSce, at three p. m. Every
one cordialy invited.
Subjects at M. E. church Sun
day: 11 a. nr., "One of the Forces
of Christianity." Evening, five
minute prelude on Sam Jones and
Reno Hutchinson. "Who is the
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oraon for
Beaton Couaty. '
Minnie Clegjf, Plaintiff -
vs. "V
John Arthur Cleffg, Defendant j
To John Arthur Cle?e. the aoove named defendant:
In the name of of the State of Oregon you arehere- I
by summoned and required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled Court now on file with the
Clerk of said Court on or before six weeks from the
date ef the first publication of this summons, to
wit. on or before the 23rd, day of November A. D.
And you are notified that it you fail so to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein requircd
the plaintiff will apply to the above Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint, to wit, for a de
cree of said Court dissolving and annulling the mar
riage contract now existing between you and the
piamt in ana awarding to plaintiff the care ana cus
tody of Jessie Clegg, the issue of said marriage,
and for her costs and disbursements herein.
'Ihis summons is published in the Corvallis
'limes once a ween lor bix successive and consecu
tive weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
with the issue of October 12, 1906, and ending
with the issue of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance
m .u yiuer maue uy me rum. . woodward, Coun
ty Judge of Benton Countv. State of Oregon, dated
the 12th day of October 1906. .
lhe date of the first publication hereof is Octo
ber 12th, I9CC. .
-McFaddkn & Brtsov, 1 "
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Henry PluDkett has the
ally that the action of Judge Frater
typhoid will be sustained, and that the
women will be sent to Oregon.
Work on the Woman's build
ing at the college will begin in two
weeks. Mr. bnook the contractor,
was in town Wednesday looking
over the ground. The contract was
signed Tuesday. Mr. Snook is the
man who built Agricultural Hall:
T Tp Viae n frrr of micnnc mo A
of the boys of the Valley serenaded begin the brick laying, and one
them Monday evening. part of his errand to Corvallis was
to ascertain if brick can be bought
here. Tf not it noill tiatro k
ABOUT fifteen Trowbridge pianos have chinned in from elsewW 'm,-
Deen soia ana placed In the best homes 01, t ... T
in this vicinity in the last 20 days by s- . "c V3 .unaDle
tu uegm upeiauuns earner in tne
season, as the delay in starting will
The rain hsre has made every
thing nearly like spring. The hills
are green end grass is good every'
where. The ground is in good con"
dilion to plow.
Mack Max field and Eva Papha
were mariied last week and a few
The aunual alumni football
game takes place on college field
tomorrow afternoon. Among the
old gridiron heroes expected to be
on hand are- Bert Pilkingtcn,
Rinehart, Emily, Walker, Elgin,
and others. The game is called
for 2:30 o'clock.
Search of the recoads is in
progress to determine the reliability
of the title to a lot owned by Mrs.
James Cauthorn on Mam street in
the Fred Clark block. If a certain
missing deed turns up, the propertv
will become Harley Hall's, and
he will build a house " on it.
- seventy nve toot irontage on
the east side of Rogo way's furnit
ure store has been sold by Ambler
& Watters to F. Keeny of Halsey
for a consideration of $1,000. It
is the report that the purchase 1 is
debating the question of whether or
not to build a livery stable building
on the ground.
The corner stone of the new
German Lutheran edifice is to be
laid Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'
clock. The building is located on
lots east of the residence property
recently owned and occupied by
Prof. McKellips. The corner stone
ceremonies will be attended with
special services, including a sermon
by Rev. Ingle of Salem, in the
German language, and an address
in English by Rev. Byerline of
Albany. Everybody is invited.
It was an unlucky day at the
Colbert factory yesterday. Charley
Colbert was in the act of stepping
out ot the front door when his foot
slipped. He fell and a rib struck
on one of the forks of a saw buck.
A fractured rib is supposed to be
the result. Near the same time,
while feeding the sticker, a piece
of oak rebounded and struck Walt
er Colbert in the hand, inflicting a
painful, wound. Both brothers are
able to be around, but neither can
do a yoeman's work for several
Though nothing is being said
about it preliminaries are in motion
for the big agricultural fair to take
place in Corvallis next September,
lasting three days. Incidentals are
being looked after preparatory to
tha Citizens,. League mee ing the
first Tuesday in next month when
the matter will be presented to that
organization. The scheme is the
best and biggest ever laid out for
Corvallis and Benton county, be
cause of the ultimate aim the plan
carries with it. :
a. scene ot extraordinary ac
tivity is presented when the weath
er permics at the corner north ac
ross the street from the Occidental
holel. From a dozen to a score of
workmen engaged there on
the bank bhildini and the postof
fice building. construction opera
tions on both of which are being
pushed to the utmost vigor. In
the bank building, the foundation
work is all completed and the " car
penters are laying: the ioists. The
foundation of the postoff ice - build
ing will soon be. completed.' A
number of cutters are preparing
stone for both structures.
Father Springer attended the
dedication of the Catholic school
at McMinnville this week.
A person well known in Cor
vallis was P.J. Gibson, for years
and years a train man on the West
side railroad. He was a brakeman
in the days of Colburn, Co riser and
Stout as conductors. He ran here
when Hal Bell was baggageman
and Jack Evans and Billy Battman
were engineers He was a kindly
and genial chap whom everybody
that traveled the ro id knew. But
he has made hi last trip. He died
in Good Samaritan hospital in Port
land Wednesday.
Shooting within the city lim
its, more particularly in the north
western part of town and at all
hours of the night has been a source
of much annoyance to many citi
zens of late. One evening during
the process of the horse play two
shots were fired and a young: man
tell as though shot, to great con- i
cern and alarm of persons who hap- j
pened to be in the neighborhood, j
On another occasion five shots were I
fired in rapid succession, all in wan
ton foolishness. Inquiry by the
authorities revealed the identity of
the young men engaged in the en
terprise and at last accounts there
was promise of an abatement of the
Economy fruit
& Johnson's.
jars at Thatcher
CLOTHES CLEANED and press cfe
lowest price? one door eout j of 9bbd
ble shop on Main street.
Mr. T. Mon Foo, an experienced; 1
pounder of Chinese medicines, snecesar
to the late Hong Wo Torn.', of Alhy,
Oregon, is now prepared to furnisb Cio
nese medicine to all. The nndere3
recommends him and guarantees-&13-faction.
Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, Albany, Oregon.
Jim Westfail-
Claud Buchanan ani Miss
Edith Berthold were united in mar
riage at the court house, , Albany,
Wednesday morning, by Rev. G.
W. Nelson. The young people are
both graduates of OAC in the class
of 1903. The groom is a son of
Mrs. Ruth Buchanan. He is a
young man of exemplary character
fine attainments and industrious
habits. The bride, a daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Philip Berthold, of
Linn county, is a young lady of
many accomplishments and one of
Linn county's worthy and success
ful school teachers. Mr. and Mrs.
Buchanan will make their home
on the Buchanan farm ten miles
south of Corvallis. Many friends
join in extending congratulations
and good wishes.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the inJ?rK;;wa
has been duly appointed the executor oi the-estate
of Add (Jonu'tou, deceased, by th faiwjr
court of the state of Oregon , for Beutati ttoulf,
All persons having ciMms agaiut sui& vtaer
are noiified topieent the sime duly verr$sAa
bylaw rrqulied within six months iroa.
date the undersigned at the officS.3u
R. Bryson, in the city of Coivallls, Oros"
jamks 3. ruEinr.
Executor of the estate of Ann Coinpton, geefci&
B. a. cathey:
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldj.
10 to la and a to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 35).
Corvallis, Csegsa
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Office 1011 Main st lad 204-
Residence 1220 4th st Ind
LCST. Pin, sunburst of pearls
w'th diamond center. Finder
please leave at Allen s drug store
and receive reward.
Zierolf Building.
Physician & Surgeon,.
Office-np stairs in Burnett Brkl K
idence on the corner of Madifcr ax3
Seventh gt. Phone at honse act? oS o
WANTED. Oak legs from 16 to
26 inches in diameter from two
feet long up. Enquire Central
Plaining Mills, Corvallis.
Physician fe Surgeon.
Office over postoiScfl. Residence Oasn -Fifth
and Jefferson streets. Hours S3 1
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may
eft at Graham &. v' -'ham's dnss )
WANTED a salesman. Many
make $100 to $150 per month.
Some even more. Stock clean:
grown on Reservation, far from
old orchards. Cash advanced
weekly. Choice of territory, Ad
dress Washington Company, Top-
penish, Washington.
WANTED, 60 tons of clean vetch
seed and oats in car lots.-Highest
market price paid. Load at near
est R. R. station. Wanted, deai
Italian and English Rye grass.
L. Li Brooks.
WANTED. A -woman or girl for general
fcousework in a private family. Ad
dress Box 44, Corvallis.
FOR SALE Four-horse steam engine,
good as new. Inquire at Times office.
FOR Sale. Five room house and
lot near college grounds. Also,
small nouse and two lots, fine
location. . Also carpenter shop,
engine, machinery, etc. and
quantity of dry lumber. Also
patent Russian iron stove drum.
Inquireiin sixth street phone
People having
goods of any kind
postal to O. Rogoway,
Ure.,: and he will call. -
Rogoway's Second Hand Store,
Second Hand "-CS51LaLC u"y operations later.
for sale, drop a "c- F "T? 0Peras to
of the building is-to be $71,300. It
will be of enormous size, having
accommodations for 300 girls and
the dressmaking and household
"You have'been hunting with
out a license. "That is. what a
game, warden said to local sports
man., ""I've been hunting, but I
got a: license" replied the hunter,
"that s all right but I-toippeh to
know that you havn't a license,'1
insisted the. game wardenj "I know
well enough who told you I didn't",
angrily replied the hunter and he
he proceeded to cuss a well known
farmer in half a ' dozen keys and'
with a vigor that nearly male the
game; warden's hair stand on end.
And the funny thing of it is, that
the farmer thathe "cussed hadn't
said a word to the game warden a
bout it. Each warden carries a
list pf all the licenses issued.
fUK bAJuti cneap beven room
house and'two lots near the C. &
E. depot, good well water, barn
and other outbuildings. Inquire
at Times office.
A new Cecilian piano player, atjc
r 1 9 am n .
snap, risner s music store.
Phone to Zierolf now, your csr-
der fresh Yaquinabav, o.ystsis.nex.
Yaquina Bay oysters at
every Saturday. Leave
Chicago 17 Hoars Nearer via this Pop
ular Columbia River Route..
Ftanklin was right when ie
said, " Lost time is never found a
gain. " The O. R. N. in addition
to giving you 200 miles along tbe
matchless Columbia River, saves,
you 17 hours to Chicago. It is the.-
Short Line to Lewiston.
Short Line to Palouse cou stsj-
Short Line to Spokane,
Short line to the couer d'AIeiie
Short Line to Salt Lake City
Short to Line Denver.
Short Line to Kansas City.-
Short Line to Omaha.
Short Line to Chicago-..
Short Line to all points east
Three trains east daily, 9:12-51.
m. and 835 P-m. The "Chicago
Portland Special is as fine as tb&
finest. Every comfort of horae--
For particulars ask any agent of
the Southern Pacific Company otr
. write
Wm. McMurray,
Gen. Pass. AgesiS:
Portland, Oregtsa.
FOR SALE. 800 good breeding
ewes and 500 y2 breed lincoln
lambs. Address J. V. ' O'Leary,
McKenzie Bridge, Oregon.
FOR SALE Clean vetch and
cheat seed. Matthew Thomson, C.
and E. crossing; Gbfvallis. .
' cheat seed.'-- Phone 51 Mt. View, line.
Joseph Bryant.
FOR RENT.- High grade- pianc
very reasonable., Also good or
gan for rent or sale, ji.iii Sixth
St. Phone 366. -
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
Leave orders at Zierolfs for fresh
Yaquina bay oysters for delivery Sat I canada .-rnioc Bank of oana
Banking Company
okv allis, Oregon.
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and Sc&o
- Warrants.
Principal Correspondents
PORTLAND (The Ban e '
SEATTLE f CalloraS
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Horcan A C.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Spn
lie. LONDON, ENG. N M KothschUcfs & Sam9'
V i -
v -