The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 19, 1906, Image 1

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    ill m
Vol. XIX.-No. 3
B.F. iRvnni iditor
and Proprietor
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
Benton county:
J. V. Wbitsjian, Plaintiff,
J. R. Rainwater and Lucy Rainwator,
bla wife: William Kaimvatrr and
SHrah Kaluwaier. his wile; Anna
Kling and Peter Kiing, her hus
band; Daniel Rainwater and Emma
Rainwater, his wife; tmmett Rain-
water ana awry ttainwaier, nis wire:
Mury Clrk and Mercon Cltrk. her
husband; Anna Duley and Frank I)u
lev. fcer husband; Emma Laughbead
and C. H. Laughead, her husband;
and Leo Cohen, Bessie M'lller and)
Paul Muller her husband, defendant.
To Befde Muller, Emmett Rainwater, and
3Iary Rniuwaitr, his wife, the above named de
fendants: Intbenameof the t-tate of Oregrn, you and
each of you are ht reby summoned and required
to appear and answer the eotnplaiut of the plain
tiff in the above entitled suit now on file with
the clerk of the above entitled court, on or be
fore the last day of the lime prescribed in the
order for publication of this summons, herein
after referred to, to-wlt, on or before November
23, 1U06, and you are hereby notified that it you
fail so to appear aud aubwer the tali complaint
as herein required, fr want thereof ihe plain
tiff will apply to the above entitled court, for the
relief demanded in his said complaint, lo-wit:
that he be decreed to be the owner in fee simple
of the following described real property, to-wit:
Beginning at the N W coriter ol the D. L. C, of
A. M. Rainwater. Not. No. 697. Ol. 81 & 39 ill T.
31 S. R. Sand 4 W., of Will. Mir., Bmton county,
Oregon, and running tni nee S. 26. 1)4 chains,
thence E. 1-2 27 chains thence 8. 83 deg., E.3.10
chains, thence N, 29.14 chains to the N. bounda
ry of said claim, thence S. b2 deg. 15 min. W.
along Said N. boundary to place of beginning,
containing 43.20 acres, more or less, all in Ben
ton county. Oregon, save and except 13.18 acres
heretofore sold and conveyed to S. E. Rainwater
aescrlbed ns follows: Beginning at N W corner
of D. L. C Not. f.97, CI. hi aud 39 T. 11 S. R. 3 and
4 W. Will. Mer., Benton county, Oregon, and
running thence N. hi deg. 15 min. E. along N.
boundary of said claim 10.10 chains, thence S.
to the N. boundary of W. V. & C. R. R. Co's rlebt
ol way, thence westerly' aloijgsatd Jorth
boundary to the west boundary of said claim
thence N along said west boundary to place of
beginning, containing 13.18 acres, more or less:
that the defendants be required to perfect the
title of said land by making, executing, ac
knowledging and delivering a deed thereto to
the plaintiff, or that in the event they fail so to
do that the decree of said court shall operate in
lien of such deed, and that plaintiff have his
costs and disbursements, ao! for general relief:
This summons is published in The
Tim es newtpaper once a wee k, for tdx succe-fcive
and consecutive weeks, oegtnuing wits theitsue
of Oetober.12, 1906. and enoing with the issue of
November 23, 19C6. under and in pursuance of
the directions contained in an order made by
the Hon E. Woodward, judge of the county
oourt of Benton county, state of Oregon, dated
October 11. 19C6. Date of first publication hereof
is October 12, ihis.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Good and Extra Good ' Boys
School Suits at Nolan s.
.LEAVE order for piano tuning at Fish
er's store.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
.Demon county:
Gap.bison Sheldon, plaintiff,
Ella W. Sheldon, defendant.
To Ella W. Sheldon, the above named defend
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required n. hi.: ear and
answer the complaint if the .r 11 In the
above entitled suit in beabjve entitled coatt,
now on tile in the office of the Klerk of eaid
court, on nr before tlx weeks fom th day
of tie first publlci.tlnu herwf, to-wit:
on or betor November 13, r3l'6, and
you are hereby notified that if you tail so to
appear aud answer the satrt complaint as here
in required, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the above entitled court tor tne relief
demanded in his said c mplaint, namely, for a
decree of rivorce from the bald deiendanr. for
ever the marriage contract existing
between the nlainiltf and defendant, and for
such other further and dilltrent rule, order or
relief as to the cou't may seem proper.
Tnis summons is pabllsbed in ihe Corvallis
Times newspijwr oncea week for six successive
and consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue
of Snld newspaper ol October 2, 1900 and enr lng
with the Issue ef November 13, 1906, under and
In pursuance of the -ircttions contained in an
order made by the Hon. K Woodward, county
jndge of Bentou county. Oregon, being the eoun
ty wh ere the above entitled suit Is pending in
the above entitled circuit court, dated Septem
ber 28, 1900. Tne date of the first publication
hereol is October 2, ia06.
Attorney lor i-lainttrT.
E. B. Bryson,
Attorney At Law.
Northern Pacific.
2 Daily Trains 2
Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul
and the East.
O. TVoinc i Tn'i 1 it O
Trains i Daily
Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan
sas City St. Louis and East,
Four daily trains between Portland and Seattle
Pullman First-class sleepihg cars. Pullman
jurist sleeping cars, Dining cars night and day,
OMMration and Parlor cars.
e regular Yellowstone Park Route via. Liv
lflhstonand Gardiner, Mont., trie fDvernment
otfuial entrance to the Park.
H season June 1st to September 30ttfc
See Europe if yon will but see America first.
Btart right. See Yellowstone National Park
Mture's greatest wonderland. '
Wonderland Th9 famous Northern Paciflo
kok can be bad lor the asking or six cents by
The Route of the "North Ooart Lsmlted" the
Only Electric Lighted Modnrn Train from Port
land to the East.
The ticket office at Portland Is at 255 Morrison
street, corner Third; A. D. Carlton, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or,
For The Ladies
Our Fall Line ot New Goods are -Here!
Big line of Dress Goods and Silks
Big line of Coats the latest
Big line Shoes best wearers on earth
Big line Skirts from two factories
Big line Underwear Munsings. none better
Big line Waistings and Hosiery
A whole lot of other new goods.
Call and
Sewing Machines
Carpets, Rugs
Liuoleum, Lace Curtains.
Rogoway s Store
It will pay you to come in and see us before buying your winter sup
ply. We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture.
Furniture, Stoves, Ranges
Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. Watch Friday's
paper for Price.
We sell our goods for the lowest possible price. We pay the highest
CASH price for all kinds of Second-Hand goods. Give
us a call. No trouble to show goods.
Highest Market Price Paid for Money to Loan on all Kinds
Hides, Pelts and Furs. of Security.
North east Cor. 2nd and Monroe Sts, Corvallis, Or,
New Goods, Latest Designs and
Our Fall Lines of Jewelry and Silverware are beginning to arrive and
will be tbe largest and most complete line ever shown in Corvallis.
"Swastikos," the Japanese lucky charm and the latest thing in the
novelty line, to be had in Fobs, Hat Pins, Lace Pins, Cuff Buttons and 0.
A. C. Pins of all kinds. Alarm Clocks $1. Fountain Pens $1. At
E. W. S. PRATT'S, The Jeweler and Optician,
Hew Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition.
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,
. Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman need can
be found at my store. - ,
Bicycles and Guns for rent. : General Repair Shop.
, All Work Guaranteed.
M. M
Ind. Phone 126.
I '
Corvallis, Oregon.
Salmon are running freely in
Yaquina Bay and in order to give
all an opportunity to eniov a day's
sport trolling for this kingly fish,
this "excursion is run.
Albany, Corvallis, Philomath,
Wren, Blodget and Summit to
Newport and return $ 1 :00.
West Summit to Chitwood 75c
Chitwood to Oysterville 50c.
Leaves Albany 7:30, Corvallis
8:00, Philomath 8:1 5. Returning
leaves Newport 5:00.
j. Glorious Weather!
Splendid Sport!
Plenty of Boats!
Rrin or Shine!
Remember the Date!
Suspends Some of His Wives
P.neers in Their Limbs
Burns Them and Eata
One Other Newe.
Marseilles, France, Oct. 17.
The mail advices which reached
beie today from-Indo China brought
another aod mere revolting story
-wf ihe doings of King 'Thanh-Thai,
of Anoam, showing that he went to
the extent of cannibalism. After
killing one of his wives be earned
the budv to be carved and served
for dinner, forcing his entourage to
eat it under pain of death.
some ot the king s wives wete
bcund and burned with burning
oil and subjected to other cruelty,
whila naked women were thrown
into cages with beasts, wi e.e thiy
were devoured before tbe eyes of
the kite Finally the French au
thoriiito stepped in and made a
.risontr cf Thanh-Thai, who has
been adjudged insane by Dr. Du
ma?, ot ite French Colonial staff.
Tbe royal guard, has been dis
banded, the palace has been placed
under the protection of Is Dative
soldiers and the terror stricken in
mates cf the palace have been re
scued from further suffering. The
majority of the latter were women,
who bore the marks of revolting
tortures. Some of them were terri
bly mutilated, their faces being
slat-heel an1 tongues cut out, while
others had been suspended by
p nobers attached to the fleshy parts
ot their l'g8.
Por land Journal): Officials at
the coutt house are tellijag of a
speech made by a young missionary
who went to the new sub-jail at the
Kelly Butte rock quarry to preach
io the rockplld gang.
Af:er the prisoners bad all been
rounded up in the msio corridor of
the jail, aod tbe usual opening song
aca iessoa reading hail been ac
complished, bp. expectant quiet set-1
tied over . the convicts as the
young minister stepped out and
started bis address: He began:
"My dear frlrnds, I am very glad
to see 60 many of ycu here before
me this morning."
Even the severe disciplire of the
prison could not suppress the shout
of amusement from the prisoners t
this statement aid the minister's
effort at tpology and explanation
was drowned as the prisoners thew
aside all restraint aud laughed
Order was soon restored, and the
minister proceeded with his ser
mon. When the gang was taken
out this morning to crush rock, a
wag doing penance, expressed his
pleasure at seeing so many of his
companions before him. The
preacher's opening statement prom
ises to become a standing -joke
among the rockpile gang.
New York, Oct. 16. Mrs.'
ferson Davis, who has been ill of
pneumonia at the Hotel Majestic,
is still alive today, but her death it
is said , is not far off . Mrs. Davis
took a sudden change for the worse
last night, and her physicians say
tbe end is enly a question of hours,
her only surviving daughter, Mrs.
J. Allison Hayes, and other rela
tives remained near ber bedside
throughout the n:ght. Mrs. Davis
is 80 years old.
A clergyman, who was hurriedly
summoned to Mrs. Davis' room, re
mained with her a short time, and
as he left the hotel he said she was
unconscious and sinking rapidly.
Dr. Webb, who has been in con
stant attendance in the sickroom
since late last night, said that the
end was momentarily expected.
New York, Oct. 16. Mrs. Jef
ferson Davis, widow of the Presi
dent of the Confederacy, who had
been ill for a week at the Hotel Maj
estic id this city, died at 1U:25 o'
clock, tonight. Death was due to
pneumonia induced by a Bevere
cold which Mrs. Davis contracted
upon her return from the Adiron
dacks, where she had spent, the
eumrxer months;
It is understood that services
will ba held here by ber pastor and
it is definitely known that the body
will repose reside that of tbe late
president of the Confederacy in
Chicago, Oct. 16 The Chicago
Cleaiing House Association today
sent to James Keeley, managing
editor of tbe Chicago Tribune, a
check for $5, 000, the amount of the
reward offered by tbe association
fcr tbe capture of Paul O. Stensland
the former preeident of the Milwau
kee Avenue State bank, who was
arrested in Tangier and who is now
serving a sentence in the peniten
tiary att Joliet.
Mr. Keeley for the Tribune, at
once turned the check over to the
receiver of the bank to be included
among the assets and to be ulti
mately distributed among tbe de
positors. In addition the Tribune,
which bore the entire expense inci
dent to the pursuit, capture and re
turn of Stensland, has made a pres
ent to tbe taxpayers of Cook coun
ty of the total sum expended in the
undertaking, which amounts to
another $5,000.
(Life.): President Arthur Had
ley, ot Yale, had a couple of sons
who inherit a good d;al of the gen
ious and independent thought of
their fatbsr. One morning Mrs.
Hadley got up and went into the
bathroom and found ber youngest,
aged about 5, busy sailing tin swans
and fish in the bathtub, guiding
them with a magnet. She gathered
up the toys and told the youngest
that he must defer bis amusement,
as his papa wanted to take his batb.
The kid submitted with bad
grace, but went out into tbe street.
Presently he met a lady.
'Do you want to know some
thing?" be remarked. "Tbe prei
ident of Yale College won't bave
any bath this morning. Do you
want to know why ? 'Cause I have
got the plug to tbe bathtub in my
pocket, and it's going to etay there,
Cleveland, O,, Oct. 16 Mayor
Tom L. Johueon in on interview
with Professor Gates, one of the the
ological instructors of the Universi
ty of Chicago, aeseited that the in
stitution leacheB lies.
He said that everything he heard
of the university reminded bim of
the man with tbe bald Lead and
wis. He could tot help but be
lieve that Jjfan D. Rockefeller, mho
ps3'3 ihe institution s bills
must bave sometbicg to say con-!
cerning the things taught there.
Prolessor Gales called ou tbe
mayor today to get eotae informa
tion about the s'reet railway situa
tion. The mayor suggested that
tbe university teachers were not al
lowed to deal with such questions.
Profeseor Gates denied that such
was the case and asserted that they
were perfectly free to think aa they
If you keep abreast of the timeB
and say what you think concerning
the social and political conditions,
you would loEe your job," said the
mayor. "If you study political
economy and say what you think,
you strike at your endowments. I
have no love for the Chicago Uni
versity. It teaches lies. Whenev
er I hear it mentiored, I think of
the bald-headed man with a wig.
Hongkong, Oct. 16. The British
continued on page 4.
DER. She Says. Things Are Coming Her
Way and She Is Not Washing
This Week Verdict A :
gainst New York Cen
tral Railroad for
Chicago, Oct. 17. Elizabeth Mag
ie, the young stenographer who de
cided that typewriting at $10 a
week was "hell," as she expressed
it, and offered to sell herself at auc
tion to the highest bidder, is not
washing her own shirts this week.
According to a personal letter, not
intended for publication, which she
has tent to her mother in Wash
ington, she has received an ocean of
"bids" to her "For Sale" advertise
ment, which did not get into the
advertising columns of Chicago pa
pers because of the alertness of a
"front counter boy," which result
ed in her getting all the space sha
wanted and starting on the front
page of the newspaper instead of in
the want ads. on tbe 17th page.
One bid is from a millionaire. The
letter to her mother follows:
"Dear Folks at home:
There's something doing. I am
in it. Things are coming may way.
By one fell-swoop, I have arrived.
I can bave anything I want, from,
foreign titl'es to $loo,ooo io cash;
place aa servant; dime museum,
treak, or star. I have marriage pro
posals by the bushel from men who
have discovered in me their affinity;
publishers want me to wri'e books;
newspapers want my services; eve
ry body wants my picture. I have
been interviewed byjdczene. I have
laughed over some letters and cried
over others. An auctioneer baa
sent me his card. Wasn't that a
joke? But I have cried over letters
from poor girls who are having the
same hell time to live as I had.
"But don't worry about me, dear
ies, I am tbe same old girl out for
honor, truth and a square deal all
arcund. I'll stand by my document
but I won't vouch for interviews.
Yellow journals are the damndest
liars in tte world. Just see hot?
much lingerie they made out of
nothirg but a ten cent gauze under
shirt. I have received some excel
lent expressions of commendation
and appreciation from those who
readily understand. Upton Sinclair,
author of the "Jurgle". Bays that
my letter is wonderful and that I
have the making of a revolutionist.
"I am not washing mv shirts this
week. I haven't time."
Lovingly Yours,
New York. Oct, 17. A verdict
of guilty of grunting rebates on su
gar shipment a was returned by a
jury in the United States court here
today against the New York Cen
tral railroad company and Freder
ick L. Pomeroy, tbe company's gen
eral trfiffic marajer. Sentence was
deferred until Fiiday to permit the
attorneys for the defense to file mo
tions with the coutt.
According to tbe provisions of
the aj;, under which the
convictions were Fecured, th max
imum penally is a fine of $20,000.
As both the cp&tral and tbe person
al defendant, Frederick L. Pomeroy,
are convicted by the decision of the
jury on a:l ot tne counts charged
in the indictment the total hae lor
each can be $120,000.
Letters from Lowell M. Palmer,
manager of tbe traffic business cr
tbe sugar refining company, to Mr.
Pomeroy, acknowledging the receipt
of drafts amounting to thousands
of dollars, were admitted. It is
charged that these drafts represent
ed tbe payment of a rebate of &
cents per nunareaweigni on snip
meets of sugar to W. H. Edgar &
When tbe prosecution announced
that it would rest, Mr. Lindsay said
the defendants would offer no evi
dence. He then made a motion to
dismiss on the grounds that the cor
poration could not be made a co
defendant. Tbe motion was denied.
The jury was out an hour.