The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 16, 1906, Image 4

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Fisher sells the Kohler & Camp
bell. Where can I buy a beautiful
Sohmer piano? At N. A. Eisner's.
Frank Groves arrived Mon
day from a brief tiip to Seattle.
N. A. Fisher, the music man,
returned Sunday from a business
trip to Portland.
A Halloween party is to be
given at the City hall next Satur
day night by the Coffee Club.
" Pony" Locke left Friday for
a fortnight's ' visit with his son
Horace, in Portland.
A marriage license was issued
Friday to Peary M. Maxf ield and
Eva C. Papke.
Mrs. T. . T. Taylor ,of Box.
nd children are on a visit to her
sister Mrs. Vidito and other Cor
vallis relatives ana irienas.
Mrs. John Allen and Mrs.
, r . r- j r t j c
i nrmrj err nr.(iauinr rnrr ami mr
VOi IVll """" . w
medical treatment for the little
daughter of Mrs. Garrett.
A. M. Taylor of the popular
establishment of Woodcock &
Taylor at Belfountain transacted
business in Cor vallis yesterday.
Among the spectators at the
football game Saturday was J. J.
Bryan, formerly of Philomath, and
once county school superintendent
of Benton.
Clate Miller, who for three
years past has been a popular attache
of the City Livery Stables, is tak-H
ing some recreation at the parental
home near Hafsey.
M. and Mrs. Victor' Moses are
io leave tomorrow night for Ari
zona for a three week's business
and pleasure trip. During their ab
sence. Jess Moses of Philomath
will be in charge of the store.
The little daughter of William
Read living three miles north of
Corvallis. is very low with typhoid
fever. Her temperature at last ac
counts was 105 and her condition
n.- "NT U A 1C. 1
day to spend the winter in the
"East. . His first des'ination will be
Tunkhannock. Pennsylvania, a
town ongmaiiv setteiea by mem-
Jbers of the Avery family.
Alter seven mon'.hs of vaca-
ift'fin rltirtnor TV Ti 1 r K 1 1 r n 11 rcp1 n lamp
knee that was incident to a fall
down the Cor vallis court house
; steps, Isad ore Jacobs arrived Sun-
lav on Tlis first trin a a mmmpf
. T . 1 ' . 1 ,
- ciai iravier since ine acciaenc. '
The fallowing real estate trans
fers have been filed ior record.
Evangelical Association to Evan
oalircil rhnrrVi nnp Vialf a-ri .nnrh
of Philomath. $150, W. W. Mc
Donald toW. F. Miller 1 acre. $50,
W. H. Leeper to M. S Hammond
in Philadelphia $475. Lucy L
Modesto Morse - Burnap one lot
in block 26, Corvallis. $750. Mary
-A. Flett and and husband to C. K
Hout two lots in block 10, known
as the Eglin stable. $3800. ; '
While cutting a rope in Simp
son.s hardware store in August,
Victor Simpson, aged 15, nephew of
John Simpson cut a slight gash in
his leg. But little attention was
paid to the wound at the time, but
later blood poisoning appeared. For
some time it has been a question of
-life or death with the chances ap
parently against the lad. Two op
erations were performed in the
Albany hospital, where the patient
has betn under treatment. Satur
day he was takeu to Portland,
where it is reported a - sudden
change for the better developed and
the prospects now are favoradle
Prof. Ccrdley arrived Sunday
from attendance ft the Hood River
fair, where he had a part on the
Dr. Withy com be and Prof. Knise
ley arrived SaDday from Coos
county, where tbty have betn hold
ing farmers iueiitutes.
A social i to bo given in G-.. A.
R. ball oa Hllowetn by the W. K.
C. to which i-very body , is invited,
tsapptr 15 cent-, abd fun free.
Join Witbycorjohe, who ba
been in Portland for 10 days having
his eyes treated, has been affjrdt-d
relief and arrivedh ome today.
If the party who took the foun
tain pen from the recorder's office
last Monday will return it, noqueE
tions will be asked and the matter
will be dropped. His identity is
fully known, and it is important for
him to rttarn the property.
A decline has struck chiitim
The best price for 1904 bark is said
to be six cents. The large offerings
of bark when eix and a half cents
was bid is said to be responsible
for the decline. About five cents
is said to be the ruling price for
new bark.
A big consignment of booze,
en route to Lincoln county blew
through town Saturday. It was ad
dressed to various citizens of that
bailiwick, among them Larke Lo
gan. Logan's home is at Si'
etz and he is a Siwash. The ship
ping of tanglefoot to him is a viola
tion of the federal laws, and one
that federal officials might find it
easy to unravel weie the attempt
made. Ihe booze came up the West-
side and was transferred to the C.
& E.
It is salmon fishing time at
Yaquina now. The fish, according
to all accounts are biting voracious
ly, and but little skill is required
for making a big catch. They
seem to be more abundant than in
any former season. The sport will
continue into next week, and will
probably be heightened by tbe pres
ent copious rains. The U. & E. is
to ruu an excursion on next Sun
day. Tbe train will go through this
time, the officials say, though tor
nadoes blow or fierce scow storms
D. J. H. A. Z. Swackhsmer,
is the name of a visitor to Corvallis.
That is the American version of
bis Spanish name, which at fell
length is about a foot and a half
long. Mr. Swackhanner is a Hay
tian, hiving been born at Portau
Prices 31 vears ago. He was five
years in the American navy, three
years in the army during the war
in the Philippines, was J wo years a
cap'ain of Macoabebe 1 ecut sand two
ytars a teacher in the American
schools in the Islands. He has been
in Africa! in India, in fact, all over
the world. He delivered two lec
tures before ike public school chil-
dien yesterday afterrcon. He is
visiting tbe larger schools in vari
ous parts .of the county, lecturing
on venous topics. Mr bwackhan
cer's name in Spanish i-: Emdarn
tlres Juan Enreugnie Alando Coz
ambotree Xouinar Zimaataaalraaer.
. Mr. and Mrs. Evan McLennan
arrived Saturday and are at their
home on Third street. They were
married at Alton, Illinois, October
4'.b. an 1 are the recipients of good
withes by many Corvallis friends of
the groom. The story of the wed
ding is thus told by the Alton Eve
ning Telegram: "At the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Riehl, Ever
green Heights, the marriage of their
eldr st daughter, Helen, to Mr. Ev
an McLennan, was celebrated Wed
nesday at noon. The house was
beautifully decorated for the occa
sion. The bridal couple attended
by the bride's sister, Julia, and
brother, Edwin, as bridesmaid and
best man, stood under a canopy of
asparagus ferns and Shasta daises.
The marriage ceremony was per
formed by an uncle of the bride,
Rev Daniel C. Riehl, of Cedar
springs, Mich., was simple and very
impressive. A number of their rel
atives and friends being presen.
The bridal party left on the evening
train for their future ho'me at Cor
vallis, Oregon. "
No Prizes go with our
Cbase & Sanborn Higb Grade
In fact nothing goes -with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
tee 1 Sanborn High Grafle
Double -Breasted Sack
Fall and Winter
Just the snap, grace and swing
to make you look right
CJCall and examine our elegant
line of The Bell System Suits,
Single and : Double - Breasted,
Overcoats and Raincoats.
Designed and Made by
Stern, Lauer, Shohl & Co.
J. li. Harris
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for
Benton County.
Minnie Clegrg, Plaintiff
vs. -
John Arthur Clezg, Defendant)
To John Arthur Clerg, the aoove named defendant:
In the name of of tbe State of Oregon you are here
by summoned and required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the aove entitled Court now on file with the
lierk 01 said Court on or before six weeks from the
date ef the first publication of this summons, to
wit. on or before the 23rd, day of November A. D.
And you are notified that If you fail so to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein required
the plaintiff will apply to the above Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint, towit, for a de
. cree of said Court dissolving and annulling the mar
riage contract now existing between yeu and the
plaintiff and awarding to plaintiff the care ana cus
tody of Jessie ClegK, the issue of said marriage,:
and for her costs and disbursements herein.
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Tunes once a week lor six successive and consecu
tive weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
with the issue of October 12, 1906, and ending
with the issue of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance
oi an oraer maae oy me non. m. wooawara, coun
ty Judge of Benton County, State of Oregon, dated
the 12th dav of October 1906.
. . The date of the first publication hereof is Octo
ber 13th, 1WU.
.. . McFadden & Brtbon,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Lola Wilklns, formerly of Cor
vallis, now MrB. Lee Wigle, is the
subject of the following item in the
Pxlneville Journal: "Mrs. Lee Wig
le, who lives with her husband, a
pioeperous cattleman at the head of
Uamp Creek, is deserving ol special
mention, say her friends, for the
ease with which she can turn from
household cares to tbe hard work
of hired men. Mr. Wigle beiog
away it devolved upon his better
half to ri?n the ranch, and she did
it, ico. The hired men, who per
haps did not take kmdlv to tbe
change of bosses, objected to sorxe
orders given in regard to fall plow
loe, and refused to carry them out
They were promptly hred and the
work finished by Mrs. Wigle her
self. She plowed 14 acres in five
days, besides taking care of ber
teams and doing the reet of - the
farm work.' Mrs. Wigle is also as
bandy with tbe rifle as she is skill
ed in music and kindred accomplish
ments. Twenty-two coyote's v. this
fall testify to her unerring aim
Her varied accomplishments do not
in the least detract from ber many
charmirjg womanly qualities.
For 0. A. C. Meu The Score is
Twenty Four to Naught A Game
Next Saturday.
The first game of football of the
season was played on College field
Saturday alternoon, and it yielded
victory for OAC. The opposing
eleven was an Albany club team.
The play was under the new rules
and so far as the spectator was con
cerned, the game is still football
with indications that it will present
about the same features as before.
OAC made four touchdowns,
secured a safety, and kicked two
goals, making a score of 24, while
their opponents got a lonely goose
egg. The first touchdown was
made in five minutes, and the oth
ers followed fast, as the halves
were but 15 minutes long. The
Albany boys were not so heavy,
and were hot once able to make the
required ten yards. OAC only lost
the ball once on downs. The ball
was carried nearly altogether by
the backs and the play was just
off tackle or close end runs. No
heavy massform'ations were attempt
ed. Among the new men, Darby,
Wolf, Looney and Dobbin made it
clear that when they have acquired
knowledge and experience they
will become excellent players.' The
lineup in Saturday's game was:
O. A. C. . Position. . Albany.
1 Summons.
Ia the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for
cento li uoumy:
Minnie Johnson, Plaintiff, .
W. J. Jnhnsoi., Christopher C. John
son, and Delia Johnson, his wife.
To V. J. Johnson the above named defendant:
In the name of tbe 8'ote ot Oregon, you are
ntreoy Mimmnnea ana required to Appear, an1
ancwer the amended complaint of the plaiutifl
is the above entitled suit. In the above entitled
court, now on file In the office of the clerk of
said court, on or before the Inst day of the time
prescribed in tbe or.ler for publication ot this
summons, made by the county judge of Benton
county, state 01 Oregon (wtuch order Is herein
alter referred to) to-wlt: November 23, 1906, and
you are hereby notified that if you fail so to ap
pear, xnd anbwer the said complaint as' herein
required, lor wane tnereoi tne piaiuiui win ap
ply to the above entitled court for the relief de
manded in her said amended complaint, namely:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimo
ny, now exisuug Between plaintiff and defend
ant W. J. Johnson, and that the defendant W. J.
Johnson be compelled to pay to the plaintiff, the
sum ot one inowaua nve nnnorea dollars tor
her support, and tbe support of their minor
child, aud that the certain deed made by the
said defendant W. J. Johnson, to the said de
fendant Christopher C. John-on, on the 3d day
of April, 19UC, and refolded on the 12th day ot
jyiay, i, ai pHge ziz, book id, aeea records oi
Benton county, Oregon, Ibe canceled and set
a-tle. and thai the lunds described In said deed
be det reed to belong to said w. J, Johnson, and
that one-third thereof, be Set aside to sal'4 plain
till', as her individual property, and that plain
' lit be given the core, custody and control of the
minor child of plaintiff and defendant W. J.
Johnson, Flossie Johnson, and for her costs and
disbursements to be taxed, and for such other
and further rule order and relief, as in equity
may seem just and proper.
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Times, once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with the Issue of Oc
tober 12, 1906. and ending with the Issue of No
vember 23, 1906, under and In pursuance of the
directions contained In an order made by the
Hon. E. Woodward, county judge of Benton
county, Oregon, being the county where the
above entitled suit is pending, in the above en
titled circuit court; dated, October 12, 1906. Date
of first publication hereof. October 12, 1906.
Plbintiff'o Attorneys.
Darby, capt.
R. G.
R. T.
R. E.
I. E,
R. G.
R. T.
R. h:
L. H.
Mar hbury
' Schiflier
Job Printing
at Times Office.
Continued irom page 1.
this civilized reform,.. I never have
taken a human life and do not in
tend to, even if it ia sanctioned by
law.';' '
- Aldermat Daniel Herlihy of the
twenty-eighth ward was expelled
from the Stationary Engineers' un'
ion because he proposed that capital
punishment be inflicted on work
ing men convicted of attacking wo
men and little girls.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for-
Benton uounty.
E. L. Taylor, Plaintiff
vs. 'w
Abbey Taylor, Defendant f
To Abbey Taylor, the ab ve named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you are here
by summoned and required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled Court now on file with . the
Clerk of said Court on or before six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this Summons,- towit,
on or before the 23rd day of November. A. D. 1906.
And you are notified that if you fail so to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein required
the plaintiff will apply to the above Court for tbe
relief prayed for in said complaint, towit: for a de
cree of said Court dissolving and annulling the mar
riage contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for the costs and disbursements of
th is Isult.
This Bummcns is published in the .Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and consecu
tive weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
with the issue of October 12th, 1906, and ending
with the issue of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance
of an order made by the Hon. R Woodward, Coun
ty Judge of Benton County, State ot Oregon, dated
tbe 12th day of October. 1906.
The date of the first publication Lererf is October
12th, 1906. - - '
McFaddf.n St Brtsou, -.Attorneys
for. Plaintiff.
WE MAKE a specialty of sheet music to
, OAC students. N. A. Fisher.
We are Giving
Our special attention and will promise our customers bar
gains in the following lines:
Dry Goods, Gents Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers,
Hosiery for both Ladies and Gents,
Groceries, Flour, Breakfast Foods, Etc.
We Give
Highest price for Eggs, Butter and Chickens.
We Deliver , (
To all parts of Corvallis and Additions at all hours
of the day with our special quick delivery.
We Have
Both phi
That's the startling truth about our Clothing, Shirts, Night
robes, Overalls, Collars, Ties, Gloves and in fact everything sold
in a First Class Clothing Store.
Corvallis, Oregon.
. B. fiorning, g
The Grocer. gf
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to Jet our goods
! , and customers? speak for themselves.
E. B Horning.
Greatest of all Food Productions
on the Market. ::::::
In : Serving. Can be bought at
PHONE 203.
1 v