The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 16, 1906, Image 3

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23hen You see
& Gutnnteed by "
Kuppenheimer 8c Co.'
America's Leading
Clothei Mkw . .
m -Mi
Copyright, ijot. by B. KUPPENHEIMER & CO.
rasa T B.
11 siKv.pnww.w-"""
'. --..v. WK.W C-SKKVt
Golder Weather is Coming.
You can keep warmby using one of those "Model" Air
Tight Heaters. We have them in three sizes. We also han
dle the "Steel Box," guaranteed to save wood and give satisfac
tion; will burn chunks. Many other heaters both new . and
second hand. See our All-Steel Couches and Davenports, just
the thing. Charter Oak and Toledo Ranges. New line of
Ho enter
Complete House Furnishers.
nVINfl ? OUR LAKGE FALL RUN on Sport-1
I I fill lvl ing Goods we have replenished our stock!
-with a complete line of Gnn and Rifles; also a large I
supply of Shells and Cartridges. f
Just Received
Razors and Razor Strops
Pocket Knives and Hunting Knives
salmon Jtiooss ana sass Hooks
All Kinds of Lines.
Come in and see our New Line of Footballs,
If you are looking for some real good, bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. : We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country;
v Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
jGorvallis and
it in Our Ad,
If You Want
To Know
What Smartly Dressed Men Will
Wear this Season, CALL ON US.
Conforming to Fashion's Latest
Decrees, Designed by Aatist Tailors
Frshioned by Master Workmen, Are
Some of the Reasons Why
F L. Miller
Corvallis, Oregon
k Cafly.
A Tine Line!
Philomath, - Oregon.
: (1
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Fisher sells the Trowbrigde piano.
There is to be a box social at
Oak Ridge, October 19th, beginning
at 7:45. The announcement ap-
paars elsewhere.
Neil Newhouse who has been
for three weeks at Toledo, where he
running a sawmill, arrived home
Ben Woldt returned to Port
land Saturday, after a brief visit in
uorvalh?. .
Campbell's Bakery has secured
the services of Dick Llewellyn the
famous bread and cinnamon roll
Senator Fulton gave it out at
Astoria yesterday that P. S. Mal
colm of Pordand is to be recom
mended for collector of customs at
Mrs. J. K. McCormick, who
now resides at Brownsville came
out from Alsea Saturday on her
way home. She had been over -to
the valley to visit friends and the
old home which the family disposed
of twenty years ago. Her husband
a well known pioneer of Benton
county, died at Brownsville a
month " ago.
Materials are arriving for the
local system of the Bell telephone.
In the lot is a big consignment of
telephone poles, similar to those
in use on the Independent system
will be installed. Also that a large
amount of new cable will be added
to the facilities. . The company has
leased the room next door north of
Moses store to be used for its pur
poses, whether as an office or
not, it is understood, has not been
determined. - ;
The balance of uncollected
taxes on last year's roll this morn
ing was $1,782. The amount in
the beginning was in round numb
ers, $76,000. The smallness of
the delinquency is a handsome
showing for Benton taxpayers. It
also is a good showing for Sheriff
Burnett. Of the amount, a con
siderable part is the last half owed
u .. 1 i,M - : j
halt trieir ra-se; The niio-M tn
nan tneir taxes. 1 ney ougnt to
pay up soon, for it won t be long
until additional expense will be ad
ded by the advertisement. "
It is planned for the new Tay
lor brick to be occupied the latter
part of this week- ,.-:.The meat mark-r
et that was the tenant when the
place was an antiquated wooden
staucture will move in by that tirre
if the prog rss of the workmen in
I finishing up meantime is sufficient
ly swilt. 1 he place will be one
of the moit complete as well as
one of the neatest meat mark
er in the ountry. For the mo;t
part it has a cement floor and is
partitioned off into lard room, meat
room, refrigerators, and other
spaces required In the business.
There are two handsome offices in
front on the upper floor. The rest
of that floor is for the present a
large hall, 70 feet or more in length
and 23 feet wide suited to various
purposes. Ultimately, it may be
devided up into office rooms, sky
lights having been provided with
that idea in view.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Cranz
ar.i e I from San Franc'sco last
Friday and passed on to Alsea
where they will visit for a
with the latter's relatives.
and Mrs Cranz until recently were ! and ready for use at Mhe opening of
engaged in the restaurant business I college next September. The build
in San Francisco. : They passed in2 completed."' ''will accommodate
through the earthquake "without i 30 girls and house the dressmak
great loss, but since that event the j ia and household science depart
demands of labor have been such i ments. . -
as to practically ruin their busiess. j At the meeting President Weath
The city is infested by hard charac- erford announced the adjustment
ters who ply their vocations with of the McCully-Quinlan matter to
such immunity from punishment i tne satisfaction of the war depart-
that Mr. Cranz felt that
San Fran-
cisco was a good place to get away
from. 'You know'', said he"that
I am very jealous of my personal
safety. There were too many
hold-ups and to many people knock
ed over on the street to allow me
to feel entirely comfortable there."
A team of horses with wagon
attached and in lull flight, ran
down the grade at the ferry this
morning, plunged into the river,
and performed several varied and
interesting stunts. The outfit be
longs to Henry Stone. Being left
alone, the horses took fright some
where on top of the bank and fled
precipitately down the grade and
into the Willamette. The boat, in
charge of Fred Blumhart, was fifty
feet away and approaching the
west side. It had two teams aboard
When he saw the runaway coming
Mr. Blumhart turned the boat up
stream. The runaway after reach-
ing the water, headed down stream.
Charley Eeach happened along and
plunging in, seized the horses and
steered them ashore. -The wagon
bed floated off the running gear
and was not recovered. Otherwise
the damage is nominal. v ?
Wheat 58; oats, 26 to 29; eggs
Mr. and Mrs. DeVarney,
have arrived, and will have Cor
vallis for headquarters for a couple
of months.
Albany is to have a new union
depot for joint use of the S. P. &
C. & E. Similar facilities ought to
be provided in Corvallis.
- Reno Hutchinson, who um
pired the OAC-Willamette at Cor
vallis, and the OAC-Multnomah
football game at Portland, last year,
was murdered by a thug in Spokane
Out ot Which to Make Alcohol Six
Thousand Acres Must be
, Pledged. ,
A denaturized alcohol factory is
a possibility for Coos county, If
farmers there will pledge 6,000
acres of their land to the growing
of potatoes, the factory will be
built. German capitalists offer to
do the building. Their re
presentative was in the county and
at the farmers institutes held there
last week by the OAC staff. The
matter was presented at each of
the four farmers institutes, and
some of the farmers pledged their
lands to the potato cultivation.
Eight dollars per ton is offered
for the potatoes, and the best lands
there will give a yield of 20 tons,
it is said. One reason Coos is pre
ferred by the promoters is because
coal is bandy for fuel.
The government supervises the
manufacture of denaturized alcohol.
It is made into pure alcohol from
potatoes and other products, waste
and otherwise, and stored in bond
until a government representative
puts wood alcohol or other poison
ous substance into it 30 that it can
not be used as a beverage. It is
then put on the market and sold at
prices that will put coal oil out of
business for illuminating purposes.
The number of factories allowed to
be built this year wps limited by
the government to six, and in this
connection if is. interesting to learn
that of these the Standard Oil cap
tured two. The alcohol was dis-
Played for illuminating purpose,? at
. . n mnntvinstitiitPsand hum-
the Coos county institutes and burn
ed in an ordinary lamp it made a
beautiful light of about . 40 candle
power, which was very clear, and
entirely odorless.
Board Authorizes Contract for its
Erection to be Signed Work
- Begins Soon. .
The Woman's building at the
college is to materialize. Work in
cidental to its construction is ex
pected to begin shortly. A special
meeting of the board of regents,
held at Portland Friday night, au
thorized the president and secretary
to enter into the contract with H.
Snook for the erection of the build
ing according to his bid. accepted
by tne building committee some
time ago.
The plan is to be that adopted by
the committee and described some
weeks ago in the Times. The cost
will be in round numbers, $72,000.
The structure will be of pressed
I brick is to be completed by July
f 1st next year, and will be furnished
, meni ana me esiaousnment 01 com-
plete concord between the depart
ment and the college.
Resolutions were adopted author
izing thepresident of the board to
ask the war department for an issue
of 180 rifles for use ot the cadet
regiment in addition to the 300 now
in use. As it is there are 500 cadets
with but 300 rifles to drill with and
the added supply is required to
provide all wth arms. The issue
of a complete supply ofKrag-Jor
genson rifles in exchange for the
Springfield rifles in use is request
ed. ' : u -
Always Keeps Cbamoerlain's Cough
Remedy in His House.
"We would not be without Chamberlain's
Cough Eemedy. It is kept on hand contin
ually in our home." savs W. W. Ke&mev.
editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo.
That is just what every family should do.
When kept at hand ready for instant use, a
cold may be checked at the outset and cored
in much less time than after it has become
3ettled in the system. 'This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and
will prevent the attack when given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cortgh appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand. For
sale by Grfc-hairi & Worths rn-
..v. Rogo;ay's- Second Hand tore.
Uncle Josh Perkins.
The attraction at the Opera
House on October 17th. will be the
ever reliable "Uncle Josh Perkins"
the most successful comedy that
has been produced in years. ' The
press wherever this company has
appeared, unite in declaring it one
of the best on the road. "Uncle
Josh" i9 playing in Portland this
week, and according to the Ore
gonian is making a big hit. "Uncle
Josh Perkins" is a standard play,
it is kept up to date, it is interest
ing, laughable and teschesa moral.
Several novel mechanical effects are
introduced, depicting the amuse
ments and simple pastimes of coun
try life, including a genuine husk
ing bee and a hilarious barn yard
dance. A feature of the companv
is the famous hay seed band. Re
served seats on sale at usual place.
Piices, 35, 50 and 75 cents.
WANTED. Oak legs from 16 to
26 inches in diameter from two
feet long up. Enquire Central
Plaining Mills, Corvallis.
SOCIAL. ' Box social at Oak Ridge
church October 19th. Boys
bring girls, girls bring baskets.
- Programme begins 7:45.
WANTED a salesman. Many
make$iooto $150 per month.
Some even more. Stock clean:
grown on Reservation, far from
old orchards. Cash advanced
weekly. Choice of territory, Ad
dress Washington Company, Top
penish, Washington.
WANTED, 60 tons of clean vetch
seed and oats in car lots. Highest
market price paid. Load at near
est R. R. station. Wanted, clean
. Italian and English Rye grass,
L. L. Brooks.
WANTED. A woman or girl for general
housework in a private family. Ad
dress Box 44, Corvallis.
FOR SALE ' Four-horse steam engine,
good as new. Inquire at Times office.
FOR Sale. Five room house and
lot near college grounds. Also,
small houe and two lots, fine
location. Also carpenter shop,
engine, machinery, etc. and
quantity of dry lumber. Also
patent Russian iron stove drum.
Inquire 1 1 1 1 sixth street phone
FOR SALE " cheap Seven room
house and two lots near the C. &
E. depot, good well water, barn
and other outbuildings. Inquire
. at Times office.
FOR SALE. 800 good breeding
ewes and 500 y2 breed lincoln
lambs.. Address J. V. O'Leary,
McKenzie Bridge, Oregon.
FOR SALE. Clean vetch and
cheat ,seed. Matthew Thomson, C.
and E. crossing, Corvallis.
rhpat Beed. Phone 51 Mr, View line.
Joseph Bryant.
FOR RENT CHEAP. A goo. I seven
room houe, 6 horse barn, hen-house,
yard and (garden. Six blocks fiom
.college. L. L. Brooke, phooe 155.
FOR RENT. High grade pianc,
very reasonable. Also good or
gan for rent or sale. 11 11 Sixth
St. Phone 366. .
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
ABOUT fifteen Trowbridge pianos have
been sold and placed in the best homes
in this vicinity in the last 25 dayB by
People having Second Hand
goods of any kind for sale, drop a
postal to O. Rogoway, Corvallis,
Ore., and he will call.
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
The Corvallis Lyceum Course.
We cpnnot in a few lines give an
adequate description of the talent
that will appear this season under
the auspices of the Corvallis
Lyceum Course. We can, how-;
ever, assure our patrons that the
various lectures and entertainments
will be of even a higher grade
than those of last season. - For
detailed information see descriptive
circulars at Graham and Wortham.s
where season tickets are now Qn
sale. - 1
jars at Thatcher
CLOTHES CLEANED and preeeed at
lowest prices one door eonta of mar
ble shop on Main street.
Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
to the late Hong Wo Ton?, of Albany,
Oregon, ia now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medicine to all. The undersigned
recommends him and guarantees satis
faction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, Albany, Oregon.
Jim Westfall. .
Notice to Creditors.
Notice ts hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed the executor of the es
tate of Ann Compton, deceased, by the county
court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county-.
All persons having claims against said estate
are notified to present the snme duly verified as
by law requited within six months from the
date hereof,to the undersigned at the office of E.
E. Bryson, In the city of Corvallis, Oregon.
Executor of the estate of Ann Compton, dec'sd
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bids'. Hoar si
10 to ia and a to .
1 Phone, office 8 3. Residence 3 S 1 .
Corvallis, Oregon.
DR. E. E. JACKSON -Veterinary
T Surgeon & Dentist
Office 1011 Main st Ind 204
Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389.
Zierolf Building.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Boa
idence on the corner of Madison and
Seventh et. Phone at house and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postofBce. Residence Cer.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 tc
12a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be.
eft at Graham & w-i ham's drug store.
A new Cecilian piano playerr at'a
snap. Fisher's Music Store. .
rnone to zaeron now, your or
der fresh Yaquina bav ovsters next
Yaquina Bay oysters at:r
every Saturday.
now. 0. R. N., THE TIME SAVER.
Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via this Pop
ular Columbia River Route..
Fianklin was right when he
said, " Lost time is never, found a
gain. " The 0 R. N. in addition
to giving you 200 miles along the
matchless Columbia River, saves
you 17 hours to Chic3go- It is the
Short Line to Lewiston,
Short Line to Palonse country.
Short Lin e to Spokane,
Short line to the couer d'Alene
Short Line to Salt Lake City.
Short to Line Denver.
Short Line to Kansas City.
Short Line to Omaha.
Short Line to Chicago.
Short Line to all points east
Three trains east daily, 9:12 a.
m. and 8:35 P-m. The"Chicago
Portland Special is as fine as the
finest. Every comfort of home.
For particulars ask any agent of
the Southern Pacific . Company or
Wm. McMurray,
Gen. Pass. Agent
Portland, Oregon.
Banking Company
Responsibility $100,000
' Deals in Foreign and Domestic
- Bays County, City and School
. Warrants.
Principal Correspondents.
BAN FRANCISCO , ..." . .
FOBTIiAVD " y . ( The Bank o
SEATTLE r California
NEST? TORK WTossim. 3. V. STcTt an Co.
CHICAGO K.Hioiial Bank of Xiao ItepuL-
, Ho.- - '
LONDON, ENG. N 31 Bothfichilus 4 8o .
CANADA. rnlcr 'Bur VOfOnad
Economy fruit
& Johnson's. ,
1 -