The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 12, 1906, Image 4

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Fisher sells the Kohler & Camp
bell. ;
Where can I buy a beautiful
Sohmer piano? - At N. A. Eisner's.
. John Beach and Mr. Starr left
Tuesday for Alsea Bay, on a fish
ing trip.
A. Iy. Clark.'Jormerly of Alsc aj
is at Marcola, Lane County where
he has employment at $3 per day.-
Season Tickets for the Corvallis
Lyceum Course now on sale ai
Graham & wortham's,
Miss Winnie Ewart of Port
land arrived Tuesday for a two
weeks visit at the home of John
Mark Fruit, Mr.. Mabafy and
Victor Fruit are members of a party
that left Tuesday for a ten days
fisning and hunting triptoAlsea.
Charles Hansen and family
have arrived from Josephine
County and occupy the Mrs. Mundy
house. They came for education
al reasons.
Only holders of season tickets
are sure of reserved seats for the
entertainments of the Corvallis
Lyceum course. Season tickets
now on saleatGrahamSWortham.s.
Get' your season tickets for
the Corvallis Lyceum Course now
and thus be sure of a reserved
seat. Tickets on sale at Graham
& Wortaam's.
Subject at the Christian church
next Sunday morning;" A Church
Inspected." Evening; " The New
Ten Commandments." Special
Mr- and Mrs W. S. Tomlinson
have ceased to be residents of Ben
ton County. They have moved to
a farm six miles from Albany, on
the Lebanon road. Both are nat
ive born Bentonite-.
Yellow Dent corn, with ears
a foot long and of splendid appear
ance is on exhibition at the real
estate office of Robinson and
Stevenson. It was grown by Alex
Uuited' Evangelical church,
C. T. Hurd Pastor. Subjects, a.
m. " The Gift of the Holy-Spirit",
p. ru. ' Does it matter what we
You will pay almost the price
of a season ticket, which is good
for all five entertainments, to hear
the best two numbers on the
Corvallis Lyceum Course Season
tickets now on sale at -Graham &
Worth tin's.
Harry Fryer visited O. A. C,
friends tht week. He has accept
ed a position at a salary of $125
-per month with an electrical firm
in San Francisco and leaves for
that city January 1st. Since leav
ing O. A. C. Harry spent one year
at Cornell University.
Rev. G. H. Gibbs, the newly
appointed pastor of the M. . E.
chnrcb, South for the Corvallis
charge, will fill his pulpit next
Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday school will be held at 10 a.
m. The Womans Home Mission
Society will meet in the church on
Tuesday. Oct. 16th at 2:30 p. m.
- The Philomath public school
opened ten days ago with an attend
ance on the day of 136. The
largest first day.s attendance in
the history of the school. The
enrollment is nearing the one
hundred and fifty mark. Princi
pal A. N. Fulkerson is assisted by
Miss Winnie Merrick, Miss Smith
and Mrs. Mamie Fulkerson.
Mrs Louise Cooper, who re
cently underwent a surgical opera
tion for appendicitis has about re
covered her wonted health. She
and her husband, Kenneth Cooper
have gone to California where
Mt. . Cooper is with a party of
Southern Pacific railroad engineers,
working about twenty miles from
Oakland. '.
FOR SALE Four-horse steam engine,
good as new. Inquire at Times office.
Banking Company
OBTALUa, Obxgom.
Responsibility, $100,000
Awls ia Foreign and Domestic
. Bays Count, City and School
Warrants. -
Principal Correspondents. 1
gQBTLAJTD (The Bank 9 ...
SEATTLE r California
TAflOMA ' ' 1 . -
... ... . ... -
OHIO AGO National Bank of
: OXDON, ENG. N HI Rotnashfld A Bom
CAHADi .Union "Bank of Canada
: Tn" nnrui"tf t p'c at re F:-
Meio. 'rtis ciifc1 ,B. "I'll"- three J
irf o (i-i.nin Pry-r;" -e ling
b r j i t, - Wco I- He or Si e? '
CtUcUS Taker And wm l.a
tionality? The Lady Ruuif
Jew begorra! Couldn't ytz piwe
that wbin Oi told yez the name Has
O'Reilly? Puck.
"Pbwere bov yez been thisave
mo'?" asked O'Tunder of OToole.
"Sure, I've been plain' Bridget
whiet." "Bridget whist? an' how
do yez play thot?" "I sit in the
kitchen wid Bridgett an' ate piean'
cake an' chicken, an' wbin Bridget
hears th' miseus comin' ebe say?
whist!' an' I bide in tn' panthry."
Mr. and Mrs. McKellepe are to
occupy the residence next door north
of Dr. Pernot's home. Their home
on College bill ba9 been sold to
Err.est Veal at $2,200. Mr. Veal
is a member of tbe firm'that pur
chased the Simpson hardware etore.
The number of pupils in the
Corvallis public schools tip to date
is 45O. Many hive not entered for
tbe tall term. Tee enrollment is
smaller lhan nt tne same time last
year,' though the upper grades are
fuller. The crowded condition of
tbe upper grades is accounted for
by the presence of children from
families that come here for idea
tional reasons, and from which
there are older students in the col
lege. It is believed thut the eight-
year-old daughter in tbe home of J
William Read is suffering with ty
phoid fever. The father and a son
have just recovered from attacks oi
tbe malady. Tbe fimily resides at
Stewart bridge three miles north of
t iwn. An old well ie tbe source of
water supply, and Mr. Read is con
vinced that it ls'coctimiuated, and
t hit it is the cause of tbe lever.
At the College Several now in use
in Oregon Claim it is Cleaner.
The milking machine is to be
the subject of test at the college.
One is to be installed at the barn in
the near future, and it will be kept
in operation a year. The purpose
is to test its efficiency and practic
ability. AMozen or more cows will
be divided into two herds, receiv
ing Mike attention, equal rations
and the same sanitary care. One
lot will be milked with the machine
and the other in the good old fash
ioned way, the milk product of each
bdng carefully noted and account
ed for. In making the division of
the cows care will be exercised to
get a proper balance as tothe milk
yield between the two lots. The
outcome of the test ought to estab
lish the value of the machine to a
The machine has its supporters
and its opponents. . All new things
have both of these. Some say the
milk Irom the machine will show a
reduction of unavoidable filth com
pared with milk taken from tbe cow
by the hand. The machines are
liberally used now in the state of
New York. Four or five of them
are in use in Oregon, mostly at the
big dairies along the Columbia.
oraan Co.
Tka Bepnli'
No Prizes go with our
Ciaase & Sanborn Higb Grade
':. COFFEE '
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, suoar and
r Sole agent for
Chase k Sanborn High Grade
Interest on unpaid warrats estimated at : 150.00
Balance due on the 1905 state tax 6,015.00
Total f 19,563.35
Cash in hands of treasurer applicable to the payment of county
warrants and state tax . 6,398.98
Cash in hands of sheriff, $4,456.48; amount thereof estimated ap
plicable to payment of county warrants and state tax 2,357.66
October 1, 1906, resources, exclusive of delinquent and unpaid
taxes, total $ 8,756.62
October 1, 1906, total liabilities $19,563.35
Total resources ' 8,756.62
Net liabilities $10 806.73
State of Oregon, )
County of Benton. ) . '
I, T. T. Vincent, county clerk of Benton county, Oregon, hereby certify
t.hat the foregoing is a true statement of -the claim allowed by the county
court for the six months ending September 30, 1906; on what account the
same were allowed, the amount of warrants redeemed and cancelled during
said six months, and the amount of county and road warrants outstanding
on the first day of October, A. D. 1906, as appears from the records in my
office and in my care and custody.
. Witness my hand and official seal this 10th day of October, 1906.
T. T. VINCENT, -County
Clerk of Benton County, Oregon.
To Attend Willamette Presbytery
Rev. Carrick Going From '
Rev. Andrew Carrick, who used
to be the Presbyterian pastor at
Corvallis, but is now of Browns
ville, is to go to the presbytery of
Olympia. He was released from
the Brownsville pastorate at a ses
sion of the Willamette presbytery,
concluded in this city Wednesday
noon. Rev. M. S. Bush was mod
erator of the session, Rev. Lowry
of Newberg, temporary . clerk and
Rev. Griswold of Albany, report
ing clerk. Ministers were received
into'the presbytery from other places
as follows: Rev. McOee, Tulare;
Rev. -White, Corning: Rev. Elliott,
Southern Oregon; and Rev. Wil-
iams, Decatur. Rev. E.J. Thomp
son "was at his own request, releas
ed from the chairmanship of the
committee on home missions. Rev
Babcock was made chairman of the
new committee of v Presbyterian
Brotherhood, established on the
recommendation of the general as
sembly for the laity. The Willam
ette presbytery includes most of the
Willamette valley nortn ot baiem
oR RENT CHEAP. A cood seven
froom house, 6 horse barn, hen-house,
vard and garden, six diocks irom
college. L. L. Brooks, phone 155.
Continued irom page 1.
Having ince noon .yesterday
f laded officials of Washington coun
ty, detectives and others who de
fired interviews, she was located hy
Dstecti A. G. Vaughn at 10:30
o'clock last n'oht a d presented with
the subpoena, directing her to ap
pear at Hilisboro tomorrow. Soe
bid eareiully concealed herself In
the Portland Hotel, but emergad t r
a tew moments to mail a letter."
She bad changed rooms frequently
to avoid being found.
Instead of mailing the letter at
th hotel, sho cropferl Sixtb street
to tbe poHtcffice, and in giiog to the
giwernmeit building was overtaken
by tbe detective. . She wasn't the
leact bit sartled.wbn b flashed
the rlocoruent but merely smiled
' How did you know I washen-?''
eh ask"H.
Mrs Snyder aroused qnite a little
excitment and commotion st Hilis
boro by her failure to appear there
yee'erday, as she had prumieerl.
Armed wi'n a- subpoena Sheriff
Cinnell came to Por'land yesterday
fternoon.'and with tbe aid of sev-
ial detectives mane a rigjid search
t the missiog: witn-jeee?. ere
loverly avoided them, however.
nd it was not until a late hour
ast night that they lound a trace
of he r. '
Wtien finally located she declared
that she would offer no orj ctioi a
to telling all she knows about tbe
robbery of the ForeBt Grove bank
and the disappearance and murder
of ber husband, Carey M. M. Sny
der. ' .
This morning, however, she had
evidently exercised the right of ber
sex and changed her irind. for in
q interview with Tbe Journal t-be
;atcd that the was boi at all de
cided whether or not sbe would
make the trip to AilUboro.
"Yes, I know they served a sub
poena on me," sbe said, "but I am
noe there, pre JL one was in room
654 at the Portlatct hotel wbtn she
was speakios? .
"Indeed, 1 don't know whether 1
will go or not," she e ntinued, "I
am not at all decided. I don't
know much tbat would be of inter
est to any one, and I am eo tired of
talking shout the affair. There is
nothing I care to fay about Georrge
Perry or any one else in connection
with the affair."
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 7. Robert
Hutchison, the 6-year-old eon of J.
F. HutchisoD, of thU city, died here
today under most singular circum
stances. Wednesday laet the child
complained of toothache, and on tbe
following day was taken to a den
tiet who found a considerable swell
ing surrounding a hollow tooth.; He
applied the usual remedies, but yes
terday the child became go ill tha t
a physician was called, , who pro
nounced it a well-developed case of
lockjaw. Treatmant by anti-tetanus
serum proved futile, the little
boy living but 24hours after a doc
tor was called. This is the first
case of lockjaw ever known in this
locality. . . " '
Rogo way's Second Hand Store.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for
Btnton County:
Mlaule John'nn, Plaintiff',
W. J. JobDFO , Christopher C. John
son, and Delia Johnon, bis -;ff.
To W. J. Johnson the above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear, rnrt
answer the ameuded complaint of the plaintlfl
Is the aty ve entitled suit. In the above entitled
court, nowo i file in the office -of the clerk of
said court, ua or before the Inst day of the time
prescribed in the or 1er for publication of this
summers, made hy the county judge of Benton
county, state of Oregon (wnlch order is herein
alter lefeiied to) to-wlt: November 23, 1906, and
you are hereby notified that if you fail so to ap
pear, and answer the said complaint m herein
required, forwent thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the above entitled court for the relief do
mandei in her said amended complaiut, name
ly: For a decree dissolving thp bonds of matrimo
py. now txis'iuK between plfilutirf and deteud
nnt W J. Johnson. and that th defendant W. .1.
Johnson be compelled to pay to the plaiutift", the
um of one thou-ai.d five hundred dollars for
her support, and the support of their minor
child, aud that the certain deed made by the
said rftfendant W. J. Johnson, to the said de-fendan-
Christopher C. John-on, on the 3d day
of April. 19U6, and refolded on the 12th day of
May, 1908, at page 212, Book 45, deed records of
Benton county, Oregon, Joe canceled and set
a-de. and that the lands described in said deed
be decreed to belong to said w. J. Johnson, and
that one-thir1 thereof, be Set aside to sal4 plain
tiff, a- h"-r inriviouai pioi eity, and that plain
Un'beglven tne, custody and control of the
minor child of plaintiff and defendant W. J.
Johnson. Flossie Johnson, and for her posts and
disbursements to be taxed, and tor such other
and furrher rule order and relief, as in equity
mi-y setm just and proper.
This summons is published In the Corvallis
Times, once a week for six successive and cor
seeuiive wb. beulnuine wito tbe Issue of Oc
tober 12. 1906 aud endlat; with tne issue of No
vember 23, i;;U6. under and iu pursuance of tbe
oirectlons contained In an order made bv the
Hon. . Woodward, county judge of Benton
county. Oregon, being the county where the
above rntitled suit l,eudl'!ig, iu the above en
titled circuit court; aateu, October 12, l'JC'6. Date
of first publication hereof. October 12, 1906.
- Plaintiffs Attorneys.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Beuton Count;. ,
Minnie Clegg. Plaintiff )
John. Arthur Ctatg. Defendant
To John Arthur Clecg, the aoove named defendant:
In the name of of the State of Oregon you are here
by 8Utum.tDed aud required to appear and answer
tbe complaint of plaintiff in the Above entitled suit
iu the above entitled Court now on file with the
Clerk of said. Court in or before six weeks from the
date ef the first publication of this summons, to
wit. un or before the 23rd, day of November A. D.
Aud you are notified that if you fail so to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein required
the plaintiff will apply to the above Court for the
relief prayed for in said complaint, towit, for a de
cree of said Court cuVxriving and annulling the mar'
riage contract now existing between yeu and the
plaintiff and awarding to plaintiff the care and cus
tody of Jessie Clegg, the issue of said marriage,
and for her costs aud disbursements herein.
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and consecu
tive weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
with the issue of October 1-2, 1906, and ending
with the issuj of November 2Srd, 1906, in pursuance
of an order made by the Hon E. Woodward, Coun
ty Judge of Benton County. State of Oregon, dated
the 12tn day of October 1906
ne date ox tne hrst publication hereof is Octo
ber 12th, I9U6.
Attorneys for v laintiS.
We are Giving
Our special attention and will promise our customers bar
gains in the following lines: - "1
Dry Goods, Gents Clothing, " """V
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, (
Hosiery for both Ladies and Gents,
Groceries, Flour, Breakfast Foods, Etc. .
We Give
Highest price for Eggs, Butter and Chickens.
We Deliver
To all parts of Corvallis and Additions at all hours '
of the day with our special quick delivery.
We Have
Both phone.
That's the startling truth about our Clothing, Shirts, Night
robes, Overalls, Collars, Ties, Gloves and in fact everything sold
in a First Class Clothing Store.
" Corvallis, Oregon.
3 1 .
. B. fiorning, J
The Grocer. If
We are not inilfned to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our j;oods
and customers speak for themselves.
. B Rortiltig
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon or
Benton County.
H. L. Taylor, Plaintiff ) '
Abbey Taylor, Defendant j"
To Abbey Taylor, the ab tve named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you are here
by summoned and required to appear and answer
the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled Court now on file with the
Clerk of said Court ou or ' before six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this Summons, towit,
on or before the 23rd day of November, A. D. 1906.
And you are notified that if you fail so to appear
and answer the said complaint as herein required
tne piaintin will apply to tne atiove Uourt for tbe
relief prayed for in said complaint, towit: for a de
cree of said Court dissolving and annullinir the mar
riage contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for the costs and disbursements of
thissnit., :
This summons is published in ' the Corvallis
Times once a week for six success ve and consecn
tive weeks and in seven issues thereof, beginning
with the issue of October 13th, 1906, and ending
with the issue 'Of November 23rd, 1906, in pursuance
of an order made by the Hon. K. Woodward, Coun
ty Judge of Benton Countv, State ot Oregon, dated
tne 12th day of October. 1906. .
The date of the first publication hereof U October
12,1906.- - . .
. ; . McFaddvn & Bbvbom, '
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
WE MAKE a specialty of sheet music to
UAU students. 2i. A. JFisner..
Greatest of all Food Productions
on the Market. ::::::
In Serving. Can be bought at
PHONE 2 0 3.