The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 12, 1906, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Here are the Winners!
Some of the newspapers profess
to be amused by Col. Hofer. They
fancy they see a joke in his candi
dacy for the collectorship. Their
attitude is not easily understand
able. Col. Hofer has a right to be
a collector of customs. The fact
that he labors in season and out,
for Oregon, ought not, to rend
er him ineligible for . an appoint
ment. He is not disfranchised be
cause he has conducted a republic
an newspaper for 30 years. The
fact that he has fought the party's
battles in many a bitter campaign
and always with his face to the foe,
ought not to render him ineligible
to office.
It is true that once or twice he
has swerved in his devotion, but so
has Theodore Roosevelt, the king
pin republican of them all. No
soldier in the republican camp has
delivered harder blows or been
more regularly on the fighting line
than has Editor Hofer. If any
man in the party in Oregon is en
titled to consider? tion, he is. If
any ought to be his friends in the
premises, the newspaper men should
If the newspaper men do not sup
port their own fraternity, who will?
If wisdom prevailed, they would
aid each other in such ambitions
rather than hack. If one among
them, is mentioned for United
States senator, as is sometimes the
case, all the others should not scout
the thought as an impossibility.
The country's rise or fall i3 very
largely in the keeping of its journ
alists, . and their profession,
ought not be deemed a bar to
Col. Hofer is a legitimate as well
as a veteran in his calling, and his
ambition is laudable. It is howev
er almost universally observable
that newspapers win great cam
paigns and pee-wee politicians are
named to gather the fruits.
Time is demonstrating that a
later opening each year of the pub
lic schools would be for the better.
A date very near the first of Oct
ober is not too late. The children
of poorer parents are rarely ready
to enter earlier. They are in the
hop fields, the prune orchards or at
other duties. They need the money
to be obtained there. The schools
should wait until the main body
of such pupils are able to enter, for
Otherwise, a large number must be
gin work in their classes under the
handicap of being two or three weeks
bahind time. They should have
a fair chance for an even start with
pupils that do not labor.
Of equal importance is the fact
that a later opening will make in
the larger pupils, more help in the
hop yards and orchards and heavy
losses like that sustained this year
will be greatly lessened.
Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via this Pop
ular Columbia River Route..
Franklin was right when he
said, " Lost time is never found a
gain. " The O. R. NVin addition
to giving you 200 miles along the
matchless Columbia River, saves
you 17 hours to Chicago. It is the
Short Line to Lewiston.
Short Line to Palouse country.
Short Line to Spokane, -
Short line to the cotter d'Alene
country, " " "
Short Line to Salt Lake City.
Short to Line Denver.
Short Line to Kansas City.
Short Line to Omaha.
. Short Line ' to Chicago. " '
Short Line to all points . east ...
Three trains east daily, 9:12 a.
m. and 8:35 p.m. The"Chicago
Portland Special is as fine' as ther
finest. Every comfort of - home.
For particulars ask any. agent of
the Southern Pacific Company or
Wm. McMurray,
Gen. Pass. Agent
Portland, Oregon.
If you want clover and grass
seeds go to Zierolf s.
RWERY man who comes to us for
clothes goes away looking like
a winner. We get him into Hart,
Schaffner 6c Marx clothes, and
that's the best clothes thing that
will ever happen
These clothes
perfectly tailored,
the styles are the correct models1
and we guarantee a perfect fit.
'- ".
$115:00 to $30:00
The People's Store.
Established 1864.
Not What has Happened, but What
Might Happen Food for the
Strange things are observable at
the top of the court house tower.
Doings in which the the Goddess
of Justice has taken part are the
talk of the town. It isn't exactly
scandal for the Goddess is usually
pretty particular about the proprie
ties. It is her style of dress that
is attracting attention and comment.
Those who looked at her this
morning noted that she had on a
new suit of clothing. The men
supposed it was a new winter suit
and sighed to think of how Judge
Woodward was suffering by reason
g LU
ot the sum that the new
All men shiver when the winter
clothing has to be bought for the
female portion of tqe household.
The men observers, too, noticed
that the Goddess' new suit didn't
particularly fit, but remembered
that it has to be thai way to be
the fashion. A man's coat in the
height of style now makes the wear
er look a small boy in a man suit
or like a pony in a big horse's har
ness. The pants are so big through
the legs that a man who bought a
pair at Klines the other day was
accused when he went out on the
street of haviug on Hurt's trousers.
The man has since been afraid to
meet Mr. Hurt for fear the latter
would claim them. When he sees
Hurt on the street now, the man
always stands with his legs crossed
so as much as possible of the extra
sail in his pants will be reefed and
out of Hurt's sight.
The Goddess' new suit is a hor
rid fit. The cut ot the skirt is bias
with a side step in the main deck,
an upper cut in the waist, and a
slash down the bodice. At a dis
tance the effect of it is to give an
appearance of nun's veiling over
pink chiffon. . It is to be hoped
irom me position sne occupies in
society that the' old lady on the
tower will continue to conduct her
self in a style befitting her. station,
so that no scandal mongers can
start a story about her and Judge
Woodward, whose present reputa
tion is as blameless as a maiden's
. The Goddes3 new suit is a cov-
ering of burlap to keep tha rain off
ot ner. bne has been painted from
head to foot. That is why the
scaffolding clings around the tow
er. 1 he painters used it to get
within reach of all Darts of the
to any man.
of ours the most
all-wool fabrics;
Corvallis, Oregon
Goddess' person.' It is also why
the clock hasn't been running for
several days. It is through the
holes in the dial that a part of the
scaffolding is placed, and that pre
vents the hands from turning. It
is through the same holes that the
workmen go out to mount the scaf
fold. Bethers and Kerr are the
Extending Summer Excursion Rates.
To Newport and Yaquina, which
to people wishing to enjoy Nature's
beauties, proves so popular. Sal
mon fishing in full blast!
The low round trip rates, season
and three day, in effect from all
points on the S. P. and C. & E.
railroads to Newport and Yaquina
I during the summer, which have
'TnrfiTrpH en nnnnlar toitJi thf npnnlp
wishing to view the beauties of na
ture and regain health and strength
at that magnificent resort, have
been extended from September 30th
to October 15th. Tickets will be
good for return at any time up to
and including Oct. 31st.
The months of September and
October are favorite ones at the
seaside, when the harvest and hop
picking is over and the finest sal
mon fishing in the Northwest will
be in full blast. Houses can be
rented cheaply and living expenses
are at a minimum. Ample hotel
accommodations for all at low rates.
Through baggage and ticket ar
rangements same as during the
summer will be in effect. Full in
formation on application to any S.
P. or C. &E. agent.
"Uncle Josh" Is Comiog. ;
The attraction at the opera
house on October 17th., ! will be
the ever reliable " Uncle Josh Per
kins'', undoubtedly the most : suc
cessful rural comedv that: has been
produced in years. It; serves a dis;
tinct and highly commendable pur
pose, for it teaches in the cleverest
and most entertaining way imagin
able ' the truth of 1 the old saying
that ' Love will find a way." The
piece : is elaborately staged and
equipped with " beautiful scenery.
. Hi Mi;;',. ;;:.)!! Ui-i i VI" Ji-'H-i' .:.
FOUND Gold rimmed nose glass
es. Call at the Times, office pay
fo t this notice and get them.
Leave orders at Zierolfs for fresh
Yaquina bay oysters for delivery Sat
.Jpl III
Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffner Marx
Newport, Yaquina Bay, Breitenbosh
Hot Springs From AH S. P. and
C & E. Points.
On and ftr J que 1, 1900, the Southern Pacific,
In connectiuu witb the Corvallis & Eastern rail
road, will have on sale round trip tickets from
points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and
Detroit at low rates, good for return until Octo
ber 10, 19C6.
Three day tickets to Newport and Yaquina,
good going Saturdays and returning Mondays,
are also on sale from all East Side points, Fort
land to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West
side points, enabling people to visit their famil
ies and fcpend Sunday at the seaside. .
Season tickets from all East Side points, Port
and to Eugene, inclusive, and from all Wes
Side points, are also cn sale to Detroit at very
low rates, with stop over privileges at Mill City
or any point East, enabling' tourists to visit the
Santiam and Breitenbush Hot Springs in the
Cascade Mountains, which can be reached In
one day.
Season tickets good for return from all points
until Oct. 10. Three-day tickets good going Sat-
nriluvs and returnine Mondays only. Tickets
for Portland and vicinity good for return via.
the East or West Side. Tickets from Eugene
and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon'
Springfield branch. Baggage on Newport tickets.
checked through to Newport; on Yaquina tick
ets to Yaquina only. Sunday excursions to New
port on the C. & E. will begin June 10th or 17th
and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving Alba
nv at 7:30 a. m.: leavlne Corvallis 8 a. m . :
S. P. trains connect with tneu. & . at Aioany
and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains
on the C. & E. for Detroit will leave Albany at
7:80 a. m., enabling tourists to the Hot Springs
to reach there the same day, Trains from and
to Corvallis connect with aU East Side trains on
the S. P.
Full Information as to rates, time tables, etc.,
can be obtained on application to J. C. Mayo
Gen. Pass. Agt. C. & E. &., Albany; A. L. Craig,
G. P. A. S. P. Co., Portland, or to any S. P. or O.
& E. agent. . t ' :
Eates from Corvallio to Newport, $3.75;
To Yaquina, $3.25. . ' '
Three-day rate from Corvallis to Newport, $2.50.
Job Printing
is the Best
The First HatlonaTBank of Corval
lis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business.
Loans money on approved Been
rltv. Drafts bought-and sold and
money traneferredto the principal
otfcies of the United states, liu
iope and foreign countries.
Brandegee, Kincaid &
Is just another name for the
Brandegee, Kinkaid & Wood line of
Correct Clothes, Raincoats, Over
coats, Dress anb
We are sole agents for Corvallis
In Clothes!
Wo Copyrighted,
Business Suits.