The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 25, 1906, Image 4

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Dr. Withycombe !eft today to
deliver an address tonight at the
McMinnville fair.
W. 0. Heckert arrived this
tnorning to look after the A J John
rsoo building.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cathey re
turned Monday from a few days'
vstay at Newport.
Davidson of Parker'
Sunday at the
Mrs. Mary
was a guest over
t,inville home.
Miss Pansy Maurer of Eugene,
was the guest over Sunday, of her
brother, who is a student at the
Those wishing to take the night
"work in the Business College should
;meet us at 7:30 on Tuesday even
'iugs I. E. Richardson, pres.
Miss Alta Altman who has
een visiting friends in Corvallis
for the past two weeks, returned to
her home in Salem this morning.
Mrs. M. E. Pelland and family
-of St. Paul, Oregon, arrived Sat
urday, to spend the winter.
The carpenters began this
sniorning the erection of the S. L.
Xtine residence at the corner of
.Jefferson and Fourth.
A big force of men is building
ibe concrete foundation to the A.J.
Johnson brick, the construction . of
- Which is hereafter to be vigorously
Opening at Miss. Johnson's.
"Saturday, Sept. 29th. one day
only, from 10:00 8:30 p,m.
-music furnished on the Trowbridge
piano w from Fisher's Music Store,
Mrs" McGee and family re
quest the Times to express to
-neighbors their gratitude for the
kindness and sympathy extended
to them by neighbors and friend
"tturing the hour of .their bereaves
Mrs. McKellips epent Sunday
with friends in Sale tr.
Ten days picking in a hop yard
by Mrs. G. C. Huff and her daugh
ter Mamie, netted them $66 and
their expenses.
A hundrfd people journeyed to
Newport on the excursion Sunday.
The day was superb and the trip e
joyable, according to the statement
of those who went.
Walter Lyon of the Independ
ence Enterprise, passed through
town yesterday, en route borne from
attendance at the annual meeting
of the Oregon PreB9 Association at
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Myerp,
of Albany, made a visit to Corval
lis last Sunday in order to attend
the tuneral of John McGee. After
the funeral aud a ehort visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pbile tbey re
turned to their home cn the evening
A new wooden building is to be
erected next door north of the new
furniture and second-hand store
just opened in the Watters building.
It is to have a fourteen-foot frontage
and be 36 feet deep. It will have a
glass front and be modern in all
particulars, Charles Heckart is to
be the builder and Virgil Watters
the owner.
Four handsome new residences
are nearing completion in Philo
math, either of which would be
creditable edifices in a far larger
city. Ooe is for Charles Davis, the
well-known druggist; one for Dr.
Newth, popular physician; a third
for Alfred Brown and thefouhfor
Ben Ellsworth.
Miss Mabel Withycombe leaves
tomorrow morning to attend the
wedding of Miss Estelle Killin, oc
curing in Poriland tomorrow even
ing. She will be absent about ten
After a residence in this city
covering a period of more than
seventeen years, Mrs. Ann Hays
Ieaws tomorrow for Portland,
where she will hereafter make her
- -home with her son Logan.
"j'TbeSiopcrorjis nracticallv saved.
Pick-iiagceaded Friday in the West
yard. Saturday in the;Hammel yard
on the island, Friday in the Taylor
yard and today and tomorrow,
weather permitting, operations will
have ended in the Porter Beach,
- aod Ireland yards. In all the yards
'there has been a scarcity of pickers,
'too many Benton County people
p iiaving goae to Independence to
T2ie!p save the crop there.
Tie Funeral of the Late John McGee
The Burial Was in the Catholic
'"TheTunefal of John McGee, who
&ied suddenly on the street Thurs--day,
occurred from the late resi
deosoet 1:30 Sunday afternoou. A
laxge number of friends and ac
quaintances were in attendance,
-arid there were abundant floral of
ferings. The service was conducted
by1 Rev. Father Lane, of Albany.
The interment was in the Catholic
No further details relative to the
sudden death of Mr. McGee have
diesKeloped. Nothing unusual had
- 5&eea (noticed about him up to the
time he went to the mail box. He
' Jbad arisen early and helped two
'"grand daughters to get away to the
Island hopyards, having hitched up
: Jtise horses for them to go. From
Vthe"time they left he was alone at
; the place. Fred Whitby passed as
;' faewas taking mail from the box,
1 hct there was no sign then of ill
aess. Death, when it finally came,
smote with but very little warning.
John McGee was born near Otta
wa, Canada, July 13, 1834. He was
saarried to JaneMackey, September
a, 1 86 1 at Ottawa, and two years
later moved to the state of New
York. In March, 1870, the family
left New York for the West, arriv
ing in Benton county the same
abonth, where they settled. After a
year here, he removed to Yaquina
Bay where he resided seven years.
.In 1878 he removed to the Wren
ulace where he lived until five years
rasro. The surviving members of
the family are the widow, three
-sons, Frank, John and William, and
-daughters, Mrs. Annie witham,
Mrs. Mary Jane Brannan, Colfax;
sad Mrs. Agnes Winkle. Starbuck,
411 of whom are estimable people
Mrs. McGee is a sister of William
Mac key. fdr six vears sheriff of
Benton county.
Hop picking, according to Sam
M ore, has its analogy with corn
picking. It is exactly the same mo
tion h says, and the man who can
gathfr 75 bushels of corn a aay can
pick 10 boxes of hops a day. He
demonstrated his theory the other
day by picking 10 boxes for four
consecutive days of Dine and a hall
hours f ach, br more than a box an
hour. He applied exactly the same
motion and the same planning that
he need to apply in gathering corn
in Illinois.
The preliminary survey of the
line for extending the C. & E. to
Newport h-s b?en completed, ard
the engiofers are working tn tha
fstimvle. The dielasee has been
a?ce.taind to be foir and a half
milts. The void, will run around
the bay, following the shore. cloEe
lo the high tide line. As an engin-
eTiog propceit on the route is eaid
to be easy with no heivy grade and
four per cent, as the sharpest curve.
The acuuil rerentnn to ' new
students by the Y. M aod Y. W.
C. A. at the f'll'ge took place in
the armory Friday night. There
was an immense crowd and all had a
good time. The programme in
cluded a cornet duet, and encore,
Harry Beard and Hiallie Wilkina;
rtadicg, Laura Pratt; vocal duet,
Mi's McBee and Miss Clen; dia
logue, Arthur Boquet and Mies
Philips; address, Prof. Horner ;8ate
eolo and encore, Prof. J. B.Horner.
Thomas Jeffrey, a former Cor-
vailis lawyer, is to spend tnis win
ter in the Willamette Valley and
Oregon. He baa been for several
years past, practicing law at Nome
City, Alaska. He is to come eoutb
on the last steamer of the year and
remain nntil spring. Mrs. Jeffrey
who arrived in town last week has
placed her daughter Blanche in col
lege, and her sod Russelis expected
from Nome soon, also to enter col
lege. The family has been in Alaska
for the last five years. Mr. Jeffrey
is attorney for a number ot large
mining corporations besides having
a large private practice, and is do
ing well.
Mark McAllister, 'O5, was yes
terday elected graduate manager of
athletics at the college. He is a
very capable as well as a popular
yonng man aod will make an ex
cellent manager. He will at once
take up the schedule which is nl
ready in large part completed. The
lit of games includes the Universi
ty of Washington, the University
Gorvallis Opera House
Saturday September 29, 1096.
A Volcanic Eruption of Laughter!
Twenty-Eighth Annual Tour
Richard 6c Pringles Minstrel's
40 Celebrated Fun Makers 40
10-BigNew and Novel Acts 10
20 Sweet-Voiced Choral Court 20
The big 6 Comedians, Clarence Powell, Fred Simpson, Happy Buregnard,
James Crosby, Lester McDaniels, Frank Kirk.
Street parade at 1:00 o'clock. Reserved sests at Graham & Wortham's
Prices 35, 50 and 75 cents.
Something New in Columbia Brussells Art Squares just received
at Hollenberg & Cadys
We very cordially invite every lady in Corvallis
and vacinity to call at our store and examine the goods
If you appreciate something EXTRA NICE you
.will find it in these rugs. In texture, quaiity and de
sign they are absolutely the finest that was ever shown
in this vicinity at particularly attractive prices.
We can entertain you for an hour with our elegant
display of rugs and you will admit the time was well
spent. '. " ' ' . "
Then kindly tell your neighbor when you go home
S he will appreciate it. We can also show you
Administers, Tapestry, Brussells
and All-Wool Art Squares. . .
g & Cafly.
Complete House Furnishers.
Cash Paid for Second Hand
Continued irom page 1.
The fire spread and was eoon rag
iDg fiercely.
Immediately after the oxplosion
rush was made to the railroad
tracks by nearly tb ire popula
tion of the town. Bodies that had
been mangled by the explosion
could be set-n at various places, and
the work of rescue began. The first
corpses to be recovered were tkose
of five men, but they were bo badle
mangled that teey cotsld not by
identified. A number of persons
who were in the vicinity of the ex
plosion are coining, andtk is believ-
d that all ot thoee were cither so
badly mangled by thf force of, the
explosion that tbey will never be
found or fell victims to tbe fire;
Jellico in a ipioing town of 4,ooo
nbabitaDts near the Kentucky state
If you want clover and grass
seeds go to Zierolfs.
f Oregon, Willamette Ucivere
ity and Whitman College. the
football tquad numbers 40 men,
mong whom there are many husky
lade. They have football practice
every evening. Coach Norcross is
expected lo arrive tonight,
Thirty odd blocks of Corvallis
streets are lo be graveled in tbe im
mediate future. ' The interesting
part of the tale is that the .work
will be done by contract to the
highest bidder and owners of abut
ting property will have to foot tbe
bill. The plan has been newly in
augurated by the city council and
Mayor Johnson. It is the method
in vogue in most cities. The
graveling is to be done on streets
that have been recently graded
An ordinance providing for putting
the plan in operation was passed at
a meeting of the council Saturday
I will pay the highest cash price for
all kinds of Second Hand Goods.
Northeast Cor. 2nd and Monroe, North Hotel Corvallis.
A disturbance at Walton and
Peters streets was caused by tbe
shooting into a house occupied by
a white family by some unknown
persons, who escaped. No one was
Everything is quiet down town.
Troops are gathering and in charge
of the center of the city. -SDecisl
street cars are taking soldiers to
outylng point?, where disturban
ces are likely to happen in, thickly
settled negro sections. ,
Fighting is Btiil reported on Peters
street,, near the terminal station.
From the Associated Press office
shots are heard frequently.
lne constitution is authority for
the statement that 16 negroes have
been killed. - One negro is Ivinz
dead less tcan a block from the As
soclated , Press office on .Forsytbe
Extending Summer Excursion Rates.
To Newport and Yaquina, which
to people wishing to enjoy Nature's
beauties, proves so popular. Sal
mon fishing in full blast!
The low round trip rates, season
and three day, in effect from all
points on the S. P. and C. & E.
railroads to Newport and Yaquina
during the summer, which have
proved so popular with the people
wishing to view the beauties of na
ture and regain health and strength
at that magnificent resort, have
been extended Lorn September 30th
to October 15th. Tickets will be
good for return at any time up to
and including Oct. 31st.
The months of September and
October are favorite ones at the
seaside, when the harvest and hop
picking is over and the finest sal
mon fishing in the Northwest will
be in full blast. Houses can be
rented cheaply and living expenses
are at a minimum. Ample hotel
.accommodations for all at low rates.
Through baggage and ticket ar
rangements same as during the
summer will be in effect. Full in
formation on application to any S.
P. or U. & E. agent.
w -v.
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
YOUNG PEOPLE can save from 0 to
$i00 by taking their Business or Short
hand training in the Corvallis Business
College, and Bre more sure of a good
position than if they attend a school
in Portland. Now is the time to en
ter. Day or Niaht school.
In Self ?. Defense.
; Major Hatnm, editor and manager of
the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky:,
when he was fiercely attacked, four vears
ugo, by Piles, bought a box of Bucklen'a
Crnica Salve, of which he says, i "It
asred me in ten days and ro trouble
Ance." Quickest healer of bums, Sores
iuts& Wounds. 2scAHe Wood
We are Giving
Our special attention and will promise our customers bar
gains in the following lines:
Dry Goods, Gents CCclng,
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers,
Hosiery for both Ladias aid feats,
Groceries, Flour, Breakfast Foods, Etc.
We Give
Highest price for Eggs, Butter and Chickens.
We Deliver
To all parts of Corvallis and Additions at all hours
of the day with our special quick delivery.
We Have
Both ph
There is one guaranteed Specialty that occupies a
position of particular merit among goods of its class
because of the care and specialization which enter into
the manufacture of the entire product. The name is
Packard Shoes
Dealer in all Mens Furnishings.
Corvallis, Oregon.
The Gem Cigar Store
AH Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Poel room.
Jack Mjlme, prop.
G. B- Borning, g
The Grocer. h
We are not inclined to spend much time in q3
writing advertisements we prefer to Jet our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
B Horning
Hop Baskets, Japanese Cuffs,
Groceries, Meats, Provisions,'
Flour, Etc. Etc.
In fact we carry the
?ssortment in groceries
for the Hop Pickers.
Hodes' Grocery