The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 25, 1906, Image 3

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School Suits
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Wheat, 57; oats, 36 to 29.
Among the new students at
OAC are John and Kate Kelly, son
and daughter of John Kelly of Eu
gene. Mr. Kelly is a member of
the Bcoth-Kellv Lumber Co.
The regular business meeting
and "Tea" of the Coffee Club was
Guaranteed all wool; fast colors; unshrinkable materials throu
ghtout; extra heavy double warped Italian cloth body lining; Extra
Quality Sleeve Lining double reinforced at vital points (patent ap
plied for); every seam reinforced; button holes silk sewed and but
tons securely sewed with best linen thread; excelsior waist band of
elastic webbing; pants lined throughout with superior Irish linen,
hygienic, sanitary and of extra strength and finish.
The People's Store.
Established 1864.
Corvallis, Oregon
The "Palmer Garment"
That was at the Fair But it was not
Prize Winning Cattle -The
afternoon. The
the season is
Saturday even-
For Women, Misses and Children
J 906 Fall and Winter 1907
The Fall Season is right at hand and if you have been weigh
ing the merits of different liaes the time of decision
is now. We will bin w you . the "'Palmer Garment
line the most stlih garment yLl ean find.
We are not only .showing the best styles hut in addition, the
best workmanship and qua.ity of the "Palmer Gar
hent" are unexcelled.
We Ask You to call on us whether
us pleasure to show
you buy or not, it -will give
held Monday
opening dance of
scheduled for next
The Amicitia room in the Ad
ministration building was a scene
of merriment Saturday evening
The Amicitia and Sorosis literary
societies presented an interesting
program much of which was im
promptu, in honor of new students.
The program was followed by sher-
bert and wafers,
The threshing machines have
probably all been laid away for the
season. The Cdoper machine was
run in the shed Thursday, and the
Whitesides outfit Saturday morn'
mg. Leder brothers nnished up
Saturday evening. It is under
stood that all the machines had
good runs, and in the main, , pro
fitable ones.
President Richardson of the
Corvallis Business College has open
ed an office in Portland for the
purpose of getting positions for its
graduates. He placed four in po
sitions last week. Young people
should take their training in their
home school, because of small class
es the woik will be more thorough
and much better; the expenses will
be much less, saving $50 to $100;
and they will be surer of a good po
sition when they graduate. This
is an opportunity you should not
There is but one college at
Philomath now. The College of
Philomath, whose building was
burned last year, will not reopen
for students at the present time,
and probably never open again in
Philomath. It was the college of
the radical faction of the United
Brethren church, and the denomin
ation is understood to be looking
for a location elsewhere. Philo
math College is to open ' tomorrow
with a flattering prospect. Rev.
W. Jones, presiding elder of the
liberal faction of the church; is act
ing president, and O. V. White is
-The first attraction for the new
season is to be given at the Opera
House Saturday night. The bill 13
Richard & Pringle's minstrels, an
aggregation so well and favorably
known that words of commenda
tion are not necessary. Several
changes bave been made about tne
stage at the Opera House since it
was last open to the public. A drop
curtain has been added, the wings
and draseries have been renewed,
and most of the scenery has been
retouched. Before cold weather
comes, the place will be heated by
a furnace, for the adding of which
preliminary preparations have al
ready been made. Manager Groves
has made arrangements for booking
only the best standard companies.
and has made his plans for the
winter with that end in view.
Sole Agent.
Corvallis, Or.
etOAKSl- -S U I TS c-SsA ST K'l RTFS
For a Fine Line
I Guns, Fishing Tackle and
I Base Ball Goods go to
Its a case of too many Johnsons
in one town. There is B. W. John
son and Prune Tohnson. A. T.
Johnson and A. P. Johnson, Prof.
Johnson, and probably several oth
er Johnsons not scheduled in the
census. If they all lived in a row
and each had children and a family
dog it would be a busy community
with probably enough rough rioting
to make Cuba go away back and
sit down.
In this instance, the blow that
was intended for Bob Johnson fell
on A. J. A. J. got a telegram the
other day to meet the freight train
that night and "get your livestock."
He had been looking for the arriv
al 01 a car 01 cattle that he had on
exhibition at the state fair, and he
naturally supposed they were to ar
rive via the night's freight. Early
in the evening A. J. was observed
to drive up to the stock yard at the
Southern Pacific station and drop
off several sacks of mill feed so as
to have it all in readiness for his
incoming fancy cattle. He looked
well to the stock yard fences, too,
and to the gate to see that all was
snug and safe for his prizewinners
He was on the platform, lull of
expectancy when the train pulled
in. He looked hard, but for the
lite ot him he couldn t see any car
of livestock. He looked again, but
all in vain, ?nd then accosted the
My name's Johnson; I got
telegram from you, and I have come
for my livestock.
"Is-is-is your name A. J. John
son," gasped the conductor, who
by the way, held by a string a little
woolly, abbreviated sooner dog.
Yes, I am A. J. Johnson
where's my livestock?
"There it is, said the conductor
pointing to thewoolydog. "There's
your livestock, but I thought A. J,
Johnson was Bob Johnson, and that
is why I telegraphed."
A. J. is a Presbyterian and one
that doesn' t bet on horse races or
use cuss words. He thought of
the feed he had hauled to the stock
yards and looked contemptuously
at the sooner dog. In his mind he
contrasted the canine with his prize
winning cattle and reflected on the
position of a mayor of a city and a
state senator-elect who had hauled
many sacks of feed to a depot to
feed to a little woolly dog. Being
orthodox, he didn't swear, but he
grins now when asked, 'How's
your livestock?"
WANTED a salesman. Many
make $100 to $150 per month.
Some even more. Stock clean:
grown on Reservation, far from
old (orchards. Cash advanced
weekly. Choice of territory, Ad
dress Washington Company, Top
penish, Washington.
FOR SALE wood at One dollar per
cord on Island near Fmleys.
Address A. R. Norwocd. Harris
burg, Oregon.
Hop Growers
One hundred dollars will buy a
Franklin Hop Baler. For sale at
F anklin Iron WoTksv
Corvallis, Ore.
FOR SALE or rent two and one-
half acres of land with seven room
house on College hill. Enquire
of Mr. Robinson on premises.
FOR SALE. Clean vetch and
cheat seed. Matthew Thomson, C.
and E. crossing, Corvallis.
WANTED, 60 tons of clean vetch
seed and oats in car lots. Highest
market price paid. Load at near
est R. R. station. Wanted, clean
Italian and English Rye grass.
L. L. Brooks.
WANTED. A woman or girl for general
housework in a private family. Ad
dress Box 44, Corvallis.
A VERY beautiful Ludwig piano, sold
by agents at $450, style R, to be had at
225 at Fisher's music store.
CLOTHES CLEANED and pressed at
lowest prices one door soatu of mar
ble shop on Main etreet.
Well Drilling.
J. E. Sloper is prepared to sink vrella
through quick sand and gravel. Rock
drilling a specialty. Inquire of J. R.
Smith & Co., or address J. E. Sloper,
. Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Boars
IO to 12 and 3 to 4.
Phono, office 83. Residence 35.
Corvallis, Oregoa.
WANTED A good, steady single driv
ing horse. Apply at Victor Hoses store,
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Office 1011 Main st Ind 204,
Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389.
FOR SALE. Indian Runner ducks, the
great egg producers. A few fine ones
for sale, J. A. Gilkey, College Hill,
Corvallis .
FOR SALE Desirable house and lot in
Corvallis . Call on or address, Mrs
Alice Wicks, Corvallis.
FOR SALE Four-horse steam engine,
good as new. Inquire at Times office.
FOR SALE. All my agricultural imple
ments and machinery, horses, cattle,
sheep and hogs, wagons, harnesses
and other appliances and articles kept
about a well stocked farm. Sale to be
at public auction at my farm near Bell
fountain. Saturday September 29th at
10 o clock sharp. William Bees.
We carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rods.
Two Benton county colts, only
five months old, sold the other day
for the snug sum of $222, or $111
apiece. The figure is more than
has on many occasion been secured
for a good horse of mature years
and in the prime ot his usefulness.
These colts were Patache's get, and
their combined weight was 1,300.
One weighed 15 pounds more than
the other. Both are black, superb
ly mated and boih are mares. They
were raised by Matthew Thompson
who resides near theC. & E. cross
ing. 1 hey were sold to Walter
Locke and his brother. Benton
county is a center for big colts, big
horses, big sheep, big hogs, big
cattle, big apples and big-hearted
O. V. Hurt has returned from
Seattle where he went to attend the
inquiry into the mental condition
of Esther Mitchell and Maud Hurt
Creffleld. As generally known,
the verdict of the inquiry was that
the women were affected with
species of insanity, when the mur
der of George Mitchell by his sister
Esther occurred, and they still are
of unsound mind in this respect
District Attorney Mcintosh of Se
attle, is fighting the order of the
court which provides for the women
to be deported to Oregon. The be
lief of Mr. Hurt is that the effort of
the district attorney will fail, and
that the order of Judge Frater to
send them prisoners to Oregon will
be carried out. If the latter hap
pens, the women will have their
full libeity as soon as they cross
the line into this state, and will be
free women, unless taken into cus
tody by the state authorities and
committed on an order of the pro
bate court to the Uregon insane
FOR SALE. A good farm team, 7 and
S years old, well broke and true, well
matched. Call on or address B. Ham'
ar, Nashville, Ure.
WORMLESS APPLES. Clean and per
fect. Write for them to George Arm
strong, Corvallis, Oregon.
Georgia Minstrels.
By adhering to the good old style
of minstrelsy Richard & Pringle's
Minstrels, who will appear in this
city shortly, have established for
themselves a reputation that any
theatrical manager might well en
vy. For 28 years the visits of
Richard & Prtngle s Famous
Georgia minstrels have been looked
upon as a gala event, always clean,
wholesome and good, their name
has caused the largest theatres to
be filled to overflowing. This sea
son these gentlemen have fairly
eclipsed themselves in organizing a
company of genuine colored ar
tists, called from the ranks of all
the best minstrel people on earth.
Clarence Powell heads the list and
it is proper that he should. The ex
tremely funny comedian has made
more people laugh,, and perhaps
receives the largest salary of any
comedian, white or black, in the
world today. The programme
promised, will be on the old time
minstrel order, the same that has
made minstrelsy so famous in the
past years. Sweet Southern melod
ies, beautiful music, dances and
witticisms make up a programme
that is bound to please and inter
est. The company travel in their
own special Pullman, and number
over forty people. The noonday
parade and evening band concert
will be given as usual. They ap
pear at the Opera House Saturday,
September 29th.
FOR SALE CHEAP. Cart and harness.
Hollenberg & Cady.
FOR SALE A good buggy at a bar
gain. Independent phone 238. Cor
vallis. Mrs. Annette Jacobs.
cheat seed. Phone 51 Mt. View line,
Joseph Bryant.
FOR SALE. Six horse engine and 12
horse boiler in good repair, and cream
ery fixtures, to be sold separately or as
a whole, and at a baagain. George lav
lor. Independent phone 497.
FOR RENT 7 room house on 6th street
and piano for rent. Inquire of Bessie
JJilley, (Jorvailie. Uregon.
FOR RENT CHEAP. A good seven
room hou'e, 6 horse barn, ben-house,
yard and garden. .Six blocks fiom
college. L. L. Brook?, phone 155.
Georgia Minstrels.
When . Richards & Pringle's
Famous Georgia Minstrels appear
at the Opera House on Saturday
September 29th. the public will see
the most expensive ;colore4 show
ever organized. If any doubt of the
absolute truthfulness of this state
ment it will be forever dispelled
when the performance is eiven. It
must be confessed now that there
were doubts in the minds of the
management about their being able
to make the giving of so vast and
expensive show with any profit.
And as a matter of fact the business
ordinarily done by other shows
would not have been profitable, but
it was immensely profitable, and
packed houses rule : everywhere.
The program is a lengthy one. and
made up of great variety, The street
parade at noon is a novelty, two
bands in daily parade.
The End of the World "
of troubles that robbed E H Wolfe ol
.Bear throve, la, ot an nseiuiness. came
when he begun taking Electric Bitters.
He writes: "Two jears ai;o Ridney troa
ble caused me great suffering, which
would never have survived had I nottak'
eu Flectric Bitters. They also cured me
of General Debility." Sure cure for all
Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints
Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness and
Weakness or bodily decline. Price 5o
Guaranteed by Alien & Woodward, drug,
Zierolf BuildiDg.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Rea
idence on the coin er of Madison and
Seventh st. Phone at house and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postofSce. Residence Cer.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & V'- ham's drug store.
Go East
at reduced rates. The Southern,
Pacific company announces reduced?
round trip rates to the East for the
season of 1906 as follows:
Corvallis to Chicago and return, .
$73-95- St. Louis, $69.95. Mil-,
waukie, $72.15. St. Paul and Min
neapolis, $62.45. SiotxCityr Coun
cil Bluffs, Omaha, St. Joseph,. At
chinson, Leavenworth and Eansas.-.
City, $62.45.
Sale dates June 4, 6, 7, 2, 2.
July 2, 3. August 7, 8, 9, Sept.
8, 10.
Limit going, 10 days.
Return limit 90 days but not af
ter Oct. 31st.
Galveston's Sea Wall.
makes life now aa safe in that city as on
the higher uplands. E W Goodloe, who
resides on Dutton S.. in Waco, Tex.,
needs no sea wall for safety. He writes :
"I have used Dr. King's New Discovery
for consumption the past five years and
it keeps me well and safe. Before that
time I had a caugh which for years had
been growing worse. Now it's gone."
Cures chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Croup
Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumo
nia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle
guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug
store. Price 50c and 1.00 Trial bottle
Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
to the late Hong . Wo Tong, of Albany,
Oregon, is Dow prepared to furnish Chi
nese medicine to all. The undersigned
recommends him and guarantees satis
faction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, Albany, Oregon.
Jim Westfall.
Corvallis & Eastern
Trains From and to Yaquina
No 1
Leaves Yaquina 6.55 a. m
Leaves Corvallis io;4s a. m
Arrives Albanv 11:40 a. m
No 2
Leaves Albanv is;io p. m.'
Leaves Corvallis j:05 p. m
Arrives Yaqninu 5:00 p. m
No 3 ' .
Leaves Albanv for Detroit.. 7:30 a. m
Arrive Detroit 12:30 p. m
No 4
Leaves Detroit, 1:00 p. in
Arrive Albany 55 p. to
No 8
Leaves Albany 7:05 a. m
Arrives Corvallia 8:30 a. m
jso 10
Leaves Albany 3:50 p. n
Arrive Corvallis 4:30 p. in
No 6
Leaves Albany 7:35 p. in
Arrives Corvallis. 8:15 p. t
No 5
Leaves Corvallis , 6:30 a. 111
Arrive Albany 7:ioa.m
No 9 -
Leaves Ccrvallis 1:30 p. m
Arriyes Albany 2;i0 r. m
No 7
Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p. m
Arrive Albany 6:40 p. ni
No 11
Leave Corvallis 11:00 a. m
Arrive Albany 1 1 ;$2 a. m
No 12 - err
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. iu
Arrives Corvallis 1 :33 p. m
A 11 the above connect uUi Southern
Pacific company trains botfr at Albany
end Cprvallis as well as trains for Detrort
giving direct service, to Newport and ad
jacent beaches, as well as Breitenbush
Hot Springs. -
' For further information apply to -
J. C. MAYO, Gen Pass Agt
B. H. Boles agt Albany,
H, H. Cronise, e$t Corvallis.