The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 21, 1906, Image 3

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    School Suits
Guaranteed all wool; fast colors; unshrinkable materials throu
ghtout; extra heavy double warped Italian cloth body lining; Extra
Quality Sleeve Lining double reinforced at vital points (patent ap
plied for); every seam reinforced; button holes silk sewed and but
tons securely sewed with best linen thread; excelsior waist band of
elastic webbing; pants lined throughout with superior Irish linen,
hygienic, sanitary and of extra strength and finish.
The People's Store.
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Established 1864.
Corvallis, Oregon
The "Palmer Garment"
For Women, Misses and Children
1906 Fall and Winter 1907
The Fall Season is right at hand and il you have been weigh
mg the merits of different lines the time of decision
is now. We will show you the "Palmer Gakment"
line the most stylish garment you can find.
We are not only showing the best styles hut in addition, the
best workmanship and quality of the "Palmer Gar
ment" are unexcelled.
We Ask You to call on us whether
u3 pleasure to show
Fall millinery opening at Bar
clay & Barclay's on Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday.
W. Lair Thompson of Albany,
and Miss Elsie Hobbs of Eugene,
were married Wednesday evening
at the home of the bride's parents.
The Albany Herald says: The
weddine last nieht was the result
of a happy college friendship, begun
when Mr. Thompson and Miss
Hobbs were students at McMinn-
ville College.
Coach Norcross, who has been
hired at O. A. C is not to arrive
for two or three days yet. A tele
gram was received from him Thurs
day night announcing that he had
not been able as yet to leave Hel
ena. Later information seems to
indicate that he will be peculiarly
fitted for his duties at O. A. C. He
played one year as end at Michi
gan, and another as halfback. Last
year he was captain and quarter
back, in which capacity he directed
the movements of the team entire
ly. He also assisted Yost in the
The origin of the typhoid fev
er cases north of town continues to
be uncertain. The patients there
are . alt convalescent. George
Brown who has been ill with the
disease for five weeks, was able to
be out of bed for the first time two
days ago. Seorge Reed in the same
neighborhood, after a six weeks
siege, left the house yesterday lor
the first time. W. L. Reed, the
father of George Reed, has been up
for a couple" of weeks but is stil
very weak. In Corvallis there is a
case of the disease. It is Elmer
Taylor. He is at the home of Mrs
Greer, not tar from the C & E
station. He contracted the malady
while nursing his brother, Walter
Taylor at Bdlfountain. Walter
Taylor got it while out with
thresher. iis attack was very vi
oient, and tor a time nis recovery
was considered doubtful, but he is
now much improved.
you buy or not, it will give
So.le Agent.
Corvallis, Or.
For a Fine Line
1 Guns, Fishing Tackle and
Base Ball Goods go to I
n an Effort to end her Life Doctors
Arrived in Time to Thwart
her Plan.
Mrs. James K, Berry, wife of the
chief of the Corvallis fire depart
ment, attempted to commit suicide
yesterday afternoon, in a room at
the Occidental Hotel. She attempt
ed to take carbolic acid, but before
she could carry out her purpose,
the bottle was wrenched from her
hand by her husband who was in
the .room at the time. Persisting
further in her design, she swallow
ed three antiseptic tablets, known
to druggists as bi-chloride of mer
cury. The dose would have been
more than enough to kill, but Mr.
Berry summoned medical assistance
quickly, and after three hours' hard
work by Drs. Cathey and Farra,
the life of the woman was saved,
and she is now understood to be out
of danger.
Family difficulties are understood
to be at the bottom of Mrs. Berry's
action. She and her husband were
married two or three years ago, and
resided in the western part of town.
During the early summer Mrs. Ber
ry "went to Salem, and was absent
for a considerable time. At the
time there were rumors that she
was not to return. She did, how
ever, come back, and wnile stop
ping at the Occidental Hotel was
the subject of a sensational fracus
After that she returned to Salem
leaving her child in the custody of '
her husband, by whom it has been
kept at O. V. Hurt's. Last Mon
day Mrs. Berry returned to Corval
lis and took quarters at" the Occi
dental. Her husband was then in
Seattle as a witness in the Esther
Mitchell and Maud Hurt sanity in
quiry. He returned Tuesday, and
the attempt at suicide by the wife,
transpired two days later. His
friends assert that Mr. and Mrs.
Berry have now adjusted their dif
ficulties and that they will hereafter
live together.
ABOUT fifteen Trowbridge pianos have
Deen sola and placed in the best homes
in this vicinity in the last 25 days by
People having Second Hand
goods of any kind for sale, drop a
postal to O. Rogoway, Corvallis,
Ore., and he will call.
FOR SALE. Indian Runner ducks, the
great egg producers. A few fine ones
for sale. J. A. Gilkey, College Hill,
Corvallis .
WANTED. A woman or girl for general
housework in a private family. Ad
dress Box 44 Corvallis.
WANTED A good, steady single driv
ing horse. Apply at Victor Moses store,
Sunday Excursion
on the
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
To Newport and Return.
Sunday excursions will leave Albany at
7:30, Corvallis 8, Philomath S:I4, Wren
8:30, Blodget 8:50, Summit 9:05, Nash
ville 9:25. Eddyville 10, Morrison io:2l,
Elk Ciiy 10:30, Toledo 10:55 a. m.
Euery 5uoday dunno tb apmer
raio or Sbio
Season or vday tickets eood soing or re
turning on Sunday excursions Irom all
points. Fare for round trip:
Albany, Corvallis, Philomath $1 5O
Philomath to Chitwood 1 00
Morrison to Storrs 75
Toledo, Mill 4 and Oysterville so-
Numerous attractions, including bandt
concert, turf bathing, life saving drills.
boating, fishing and gathering pretty
water agats.
WANTED. Eight or ten tons of hay and
100 busneis ot oats, inquire at Hus'
ton's hardware store, by phone or oth
WANTED 50 cars of oats and wheat,
Will ship from nearest K. R. station,
get the prices of others, then get mine,
Sand sample of grain. I keep all kinds
of farm seeds. Youra for business,
L. L. ii rooks, uorvallis, (Jr.
FOR SALE Desirable house and lot in
Corvallis . Call on or address, Mrs.
Alice Wicks, Corvallis.
FOR SALE Four-horse steam engine,
good as new. Inquire at Times office.
FOR SALE. All my agricultural imple-
ments and machinery, horses, cattle.
sheep and hogs, wagons, harnesses
and other appliances and articles kept
about a well stocked farm. Sale to be
at public auction at my farm near Bell
. fountain, Saturday September 29th at
IU o clock sharp. William Kees.
John McGee Expired While Sitting in
Buggy The Funeral Arrangements.
Sitting in his buggy yesterday an
without warning of any kind of his
impending fate, John McGee, a well
known citizen of Benton county for
many years past, suddenly expired
He was enroute to town at the time
with Mi . Gill who is employed by
Mr. Tunnison. McGee was at the
mail box on the state road when
Gill came along, and there, he en
tered the buggy. While crossing
Marys river bridge, McGee sudden
ly leaned heavily against Gill and
dropped his head on the latter's
shoulder. Realizing that the ail
ment of his passenger was of ser
ious character, Gill drove hastily
down town, stopping in front of
Graham & Wells' drug store.
There McGee' s eyes rolled wildly
as if in the agonies of death, and
he passed away. He was driven
thence to Wilkin's undertaking
rooms and Dr. Farra was summon
ed. He was too late, for by this
time, the heart had ceased to beat
and John McGee was no more.
The arrangements for the funer
al were not complete at 2:30 this
afternoon. Mrs. McGee at the
time of her husband's death, was
visiting in Colfax, Washington.
A married daughter, Mrs. Winkle,
resides near there. The arrival of
Mrs. McGee was expected this af
ternoon, and ifwas believed that
the funeral will occur tomorrow af
ternoon. The service will be con
ducted by Rev. Father Lane of
The deceased was 73 years of age.
He had resided for many years in
Benton county. Besides those men
tioned above, the surviving mem
bers of the family are, John, Frank
and W. A.. McGee, sons, and Mrs.
Witham, daughter, all of this coun
ty.' :v
When he came to the mail box
yesterday morning, Mr. McGee
met and talked with James Cain.
To him he complained of not feel
ing well. Cain invited him to ac
company him to town, but Mr. Mc
Gee declined,' A few minutes later
when Gill was passing, he was feel
ing so ill that he determined to
come to town, and he entered the
buggy in what proved to be his
last ride.
To Contractor Rumor That Proposed
Woman's Building is not to be
Built This Year.
The proposed new Woman's
building at the college is in a state
of inocuous desuetude, if not total
collapse. Wherein the secretary of
state and the kuildiug, committee
differed on the subject of how the
appropriation could be expended
was recently related in the Times.
A recent opinion by the attorney
general coincided with the view of
the secretary of state. It was to
the effect that the whole of the
$65,000 appropriation could not be
used for the Woman s building.
As stated by President .Weather
lord, only about $50, 000 of the sum
can be used for that purpose and
the balance must be used for a drill
shed. To the $50,000, the sum of
$10,000 from the regular college
funds was et aside for the use of
the building committee, making
$60,000 in all. As planned how
ever, the building was to cost about
$69,000, and while it is not cer
tainly known, it is believed that
the committee has abandoned the
plan of building with the present
appropriation, as the certified check
put up by Mr. Snook, who secured
the contract, was sent for yester
day by the architect, for the pur
pose of returning it to Mr. Snook.
Good and Extra Good Boys
School Suits at Nolan's.
House to House Canvass.
Representatives of the Pacific States
Telephone and Telegraph Company
have started a bouse to house canvass
among the farmers of this county, offer-
in 5 an extreme! v low rental for instru
ments to be used in connection with the
central offices of the Company through
ou! the conntv.
For J.08K cents a month the subscrib
er is given free switching with all other
subscribers connecting .with his central
exchange. Under this rate it would ap
pear that no rural resident need he with
out a telephone and its attendant ad
vantages, especially as every assurance is
given of prompt and efficientservice
Mr. li. is. Hib bar a is in charge ot tne
canvass in this county and he states that
he may be seen at the central office of
the Companv in Albany, or will visit
anv community or organization of farm
ers interested in telephone matters.
FOR SALE. A good farm team, 7 and
8 years old, well broke and true, well
matched. Call on or address B. Ham'
ar, Nashville, Ore.
WORMLESS APPLES. Clean and per-
lect. Write for tnem to George Arm
strong, uorvallis, Oregon.
FOR SALE CHEAP. Cart and harness
Hollenberg & Cady.
FOR SALE. A good buggy at a bar
gain. Independent phone 235. (jor-
vail is. Mrs. Annette Jacobs.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoarse
IO to 12 and 2 to 4.
'Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Office 1011 Main st lad 204
Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389.
cheat seed. Phone 51 Mt. View line.
Joseph Bryant.
FOR SALE. Six horse engine and 12
horse boiler in good repair, and cream
ery fixtures, to be bold separately or as
a whole, and at a baagain. George Tav
lor. Independent phone 497.
FOR RENT 7 room house on 6th street
Inquire of Bessie Dillev, liosre Hop
Yard, Independence, Oregon.
FOR RENT CHEAP. A good seven
room house, 6 horse barn, hen-house,
yard and garden. Six blocks from
college. L. L. Brooke, phone 155.
TO ALL CONCERNED. I hereby give
notice that I will not. hereafter, be
responsible for any debts contracted
by mv wife or any one, other than
myself.' J K Berry.
We carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rods,
Hop Gro wers!
One hundred dollars will buy a
Franklin Hop Baler. For sale at
F.-anklin Ironworks,
Corvallis, Ore.
Watch this paper for the Ad. of
Rogoway's New and Second Hand
LEAVE order for piano tuning at Fish-
Have you used the Economy
fruit jar? If not, see those at Zie
rolf s and you will understand why
so many housewives are using them.
A Mystery Solved.
"How to keep off periodic attacks of
billiousness and habitual constipation
was a mystery that Dr King's New Life
Pills solved for me," writes John N Pleas
ant, of Magnolia, Ind. The only pilla
that are guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction to everybody or money refunded
Only 25c at Allen & Woodward's drug
The End of the World
of troubles that robbed E H Wolfe ot
Bear Grove, la, of all usefulness, came
when he began taking Electric Bitters.
He writes: "Two ears ago Ridnev trou
ble caused me great suffering, which I
would never have snrvived had I not tak
en Flectric Bitters. They also cured me
of General Debility." Sure cure for all
Stomach. Liver and Kidnev complaints.
Blood diseases. Headache, Dizziness and
Weakness or bodily decline. Price 5oc.
Guaranteed by Allen & Woodward, lig.
Galveston's Ssa Wall.
makes life now as safe in that city as on
the higher uplands. E W Goodloe, who
resides on Dutton S., in Waco, Tex.,
needs no sea wall for safety. He writes :
"I have used Dr. King's New Discovery
for consumption the past five years and
it keeps me well and safe. Before that
time I had a caugh which for years had
been growing worse. Now it's gone."
Cures chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Croup
Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumo
nia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle
guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug
store. Price 50o and 1.00 Trial bottle
. Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
to thelate Hong Wo Tongi of Albany,
Oregony is now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medjeine to all. The nndereigned
recommends him: a'nd-guarantees satis
faction; - ..: '' ' " .......
Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street,-Albany, Oregon.
Jim Westfall.
Zierolf Building.
Only Set Abstract Bcofcs la Benton County
Physician & Surgeon,
Office u -i-.iiriii i irar.t 3-ielc
idence )i c-n :5ciir jf vlilu-i
Seventh it. 1 ai 1 1 i-n 1 l d
Physician & Surgeon.
Office over postofBce. EesfdeHce Corr
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to "
12 a. m., 1 to' 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & '-ham'8 drug store.
Go East
at reduced rates. The Southern ...
Pacific company announces reduG3a"V
round trip rates to the East for'the
season of 1906 as follows:
- Corvallis to Chicago and return, .
$73-95- St. Louis, $69.95. Mil.
waukie, $72.15. St. Paul and Min---neapolis,
$62.45. SiotxCitv, Coun- -cil
Bluffs, Omaha, St. Joseph, At
chinson, Leavenworth and Kansas-
City, $62.45.
Sale dates June 4, 6. 7, 23, 2
July 2, 3. August 7, 8, 9, Sept.
8, 10.
Limit going, 10 days.
Return limit 90 days but not a
ter Oct. 31st.
Corvallis & Eastern
Trains From and to Yaquina?
No 1
Leaves Yaquina ". 6 .55 a. m
Leaves Corvallis 10:45 a. m
Arrives Albany 11:40 a. m
No 2
Leaves Albany i2;iop. m.
Leaves Corvallis 1:05 P- m
Arrives Yaquina '. 5:00 p. m
No 3
Leaves Albanv for Detroit.. 7:30 , m
Arrive Detroit 12:30 p. m
No 4
Leaves Detroit 1:00 p. ta
Arrive Albany 5:05 p. nj
No 8
Leaves Albany 7:55 a. m,
Arrives Corvallis 8 :3d a. m
ISO 10
Leaves Albany 3:50 p. m-
Arrive Corvallis 4:30 p. m
No 6
Leaves Albany. 7:35 p. D
Arrives Corvallis. 8:15 p. in
No 5
Leaves Corvallis 6:30 a. m
AnpM Albany 7:ioa. rc
No 9--
Leaves Ccrvallis 1:30 p.m.
Arrives Albany! 2:10 r-. m
No 7
Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p. m
Arrive Albany 6:40 p. m
No 11
Leave Corvallis 11 :oo a. m
Arrive Albany 11:42 a. m
Non-i x.
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m
Arrives Corvallis 1 :33 p. m
A ll the above connect wi(& Southern
Pacific company trains boffi at Albany
end Corvallis as well as trains forDetrok
giving direct service to Newport and ad
jacent beaches, as well as Breibenbush
Hot Springs. " 7 1
For farther information apply to .
J. C. MAYO, Gen Pass Agt
B. H. Boles agt Albany,
H. H. Cronise, agt Corvallis.
-I a