The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 21, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XIX.-No. 3
H.F. IBTimi MI tor
and Proprietor
"2T .l&ID
Notice of Final Settlement.
la the Matter of the Estate
IiODisA Ibwin, deceased.
K.tlce Is hereby given that the undersigned
ae executor of the last will and testament of
- Lnla Irwin, deceased, has tiled his final ac
count as such executor with the clerk of the
county court of the state of O.epon, for Benton
county, and ihe said court has fixed Saturday,
the 8th dy of September, 1906, at the hour of
two o'clock in the afternoon as the time, and
the county court room in the court house in Cor
vallis Oregon, as the place for healing any and
ali objections to the said account, und for the
settlement thereof.
Dated this August 10, 1906.
E. 8. IK WIN,
Executor of the last will and testament of Lou
la Irwiu, deceased.
Executrix Sale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the
provisions of the will of B. Wistar Morris, de
ceased, and of the laws in such case made and
provided, the undersigned as executrix of the
estate of the said B. Wistar Morris, deceased,
will, on and after the 19th day of September,
1906, proceed to sell at private sale and on the
terms hereinbelow pet out the following de
scribed real estate, situated in the county of
Benton and state of Oregon, to-wit :
"The west half of section 9. and lots 2 and 3 of
section fifteen, lots Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4, and the
west half of the northwest quarter of section 16
and the southwest quarter anel lots Nos. 3 and 4
of section 10 and the southeast quarter and lots
Wos. 2 and 3 of section 9, all in towushlp 13, S.
K. 6, West Willamette Meridian, containing 862
89-100 acres of land in Benton county, state of
The above described property will be sold as a
whole or in separate parcels as may be found to
the best interests of the said estate, and the
same will be snM for cash, or for part cash arid
cart on time. If sold lor part cash and part on
time, flhe purchaser will be required to pay at
least one-half oi tne purchase price at the time
of executing the deed for the property, and the
balance wMbln one year thereaiter. Deferred
payments to draw interest at the rate of six per
cent, per annmm, payable semi-annually, and to
be secured by mortgage on the property. All
sales hereunder will be made tubjuct to con
firmation by the conaty court of the state of Or
egon, for Multnomah county.
Dated August 21. VMi.
iaaii nau-KKia,
Eapcutrix of the last will and testament of B.
refetar Morris, deceased,
rst publication August 21, 1906.
Mat publication Septembtr 18, 1906.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
Helcena Wright has been appointed administra
trix of the estate of Thomas J. Wright, deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the same, duly
7jified as by law required, at the office of J, P.
a tea at Corvallis Oregon wiihiu six months
fsem the date ot this notice.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., Aug. 14, 1906.
Administratrix of the estate ot Thomas J.
Wright, deceased.
Northern Pacific.
2 Daily Trains 2
Duluth, Minneapolis, est. Paul
and the East.
2 Trains i Daily 2
Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan
sas City St. Louis and East,
Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle
Pullman First-class sleepihg cars, Pullman
Tourist sleeping cars, Dining cars night and day,
uoservauon ana .rarior cars.
"She regular Yellowstone Park Route Tia. Lr
lntstonsnd Gardiner, Mont., the government
oiiiii entrance to me jrars.
Park season Jane 1st to September 20th.
Bee Europe If yog alll but see America first.
BMrt right See Yellowstone National Park
nature s greatest wonderland.
Wonderland Th3 famous Northern Pacific
book can be had tor the asking or six cents by
1UUU. .
The Route of the "North Ooart Lsmited" the
Only Electric Lighted Modern Train from Port
land to the fcaat.
The ticket office at Portland U at 255 Morrison
t. corner lijird; A. d. Carlton, Assistant
eral Passenger Agent, Portland. Or,
E. R. Bryson,
Banking Company
Responsibility $100,000
Deals In Foreign and Domestic
Bays Cennty, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
POKTLAND ( The Bank o
SEATTLE r California
MEW YORK Messrs. J. V. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds St Bona
OANAD A . Unicc Rank of Canada
For The
Our Fall Line ot New Goods are Here!
Big line of Dress Goods and Silks
Big line of Coats the latest
Big line Shoes best wearers on earth
Big line Skirts from two factories
Big line Underwear Mnnsings, none better
Big line Waistings and Hosiery
A whole lot of other new goods.
Call aed
X IE. &&RRI!
I Corvallis,
Sewing Machines
Carpets, Rugs
Liuoleum, Lace Curtains.
No Prizes
Chase 1 Sanborn High Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Chase & Sanborn Higb Grade
Hew Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition.
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,
Knives, Kazors, Hammocks, Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman need can
be found at my store.
Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop.
All Work Guaranteed.
M. M
Ind. Phone 126.
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for'our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you alkthe reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
go with our
Corvallis, Oregon.
Though River Falls I5 Feet Poles
Cannot Locate the Smoking
Car Five Bodies Found
Miles Down Stream
A Plague of Fleas
in School house
Enid, Okla,, Sept"13. Fully 200
I were drowned in tne wreck near
I I Dover on the Rock Island at Cim
I jarroo River. The engine and all
the cars except tbe Pullman went
I (through the bridge, which was
weakened bv the stream and swol
len by the terrific storms.
It is reported that the 100 pas
sengers in the chair cars were all
drowned except Floyd Zeist. Many
passengers aie more dead than
alive and are being treated at the
Cim rron Bridge, via Kingfish
er, Oklanoma, Sap. 19. Contrary
to yesterday's report, it developed
today that 20 pereons who were
known to have occupied the smoker
on the northbound Rock Island
train that went into the Cimarron
river, near Dover, yesterday morn
ing, are unaccounted lor. Efforts
are being made to locate the smoker
which is at a point ten yards below
the site of the bridge. A strong
eddy is believed to mark the spot
where the smoker sank. The water
has fallen five feet from the high
mark of yesterday, but neither the
engine, baggage car nor the Etnoker
can be seen.
When the train went off the
bridge the baggage car, smoker and
day coach broke loose and toppling
on tbe wrecked bridge swung down
stream. Immediately the baggage
car sank. The smoker half floated
with one end above the water, the
couplings Detwecn it ana tne day
coach broke ana submerged it was
cartied down tbe river for a die
tance of over 100 yard?. None of
tbe persons who escaped saw any
one leave tbe smoker except four
persons who stood on the roof of
that car when it was struck by a
portion of the wrecked bridge. They
were knocked into , the water and
rer-cued finally several miles down
the river, clinging to debris.
An additional death was added
to tbe lif-t of known victim? today
when the little son of Mrs. Kate
Sells, of Payne, O., died of Strang
ulation, caused by inhaling sacd
and water.
Piles of wreckage inthe Cimarron
river at points one and two miles
oeiow tee eceoe ct the wreck were
examined by men in boats today
An extort was made to Und tbe 20
persons who are believed to have
been in the smoker and are etil
missing. With long prods the de
bris, consisting of splintered boards,
furniture from coaches and baggage
was disturbed, but not a body was
It was reported here today by
telephone that bodies of five men
werettaken from the river ten miles
south of tbe scene of the wreck ear
ly today. Another telephone report
from down the river said a passen
ger that escaped from the wreck on
tbe debris was lodged in tbe middle
of the river, and that it bad been
imrrn's ble to rescue him, owing to
llc cwift current.
Warsaw. Sept. 19. General Nic
olaieff, of the artillery, has been as
sassinated here. He was erroneous
ly thought to be a member of the
field courtmartial. General Nioo
laieff was walking on Weilka street
this morning, when he was sur
rounded by five revolutionists and
shot dead. The assassiDB escaped
Salem, Or., Sept. 18. "Gentle
men, this is no execution; it
murder; nothing more, nothing
less," is the substance of the last
words of John C. Barnes, who wa
hanged at the penitentiary at noon
today for the murder of William
r 1 v .
urraaam, in uougias county, in
April, I9O5.
About 4U persons witnessed the
execution, which took place in ; the
state execution chamber at the oris
on. Barnes conducted himself very
coolly. He waved the reading of
the death warrant.
When be ai rived upon the scaf
fold andwas asked if he had any
thing to say, Barnes stepped for
ward to the front and began a hur
ried and uneasy search of the faces
of the audience beneath him, as it
looking for somebody he knew, and,
seemingly disappointed, he began
to speak. In a voice that trembled
with the emotions he was straggling
so hard to conceal he spoke a few
As he stepped back toward the
trap Barren motioned for a green
book which Warden Curtis was car
rying for him and opened it. It
proved to be a copy of the Gospel
Hymns and he epened it and hand
ed it back to the warden with the
request that somebody sing tbe song
for him. Warden Curtis called for
volunteers, but nobody ventured
forward. Barnes smilingly waved
the ceremony and stepped back to
bis position on tbe trap saying he
was ready.
No time was lost in adjusting the
death mask, straps and noose and
the only words that were spoken to
the officers during the interlude
were: "Don't be in a hurry, boys;
take it cool." Scarcely a moment
after this the trap was sprung.
Milwaukie, Wis., Sept. 19.
Fleas, millionfa of fleas, big Rus
sian importations, and not a reme
dy in sight. That is the situation
in Milwaukee.
Not content with invading the
second district sehool and putting
the teachers and pupils in need of
first aid to the injured, almost con
tinuously the pestiferous insects,
with no fear of leee majeste before
their eyes, are said to have Btrolled
across the city and, after a look
over the aristocratic residence dis
trict of the East Side, invaded the
sacred precincts of society at the
Country Club. There, it is stated,
they took up quarters in the club
house and wren tired of causing
trouble, strolled across to the golf
links and made their presence man
lfest. How many foozles were
brought about by the sudden man
ifestation of the pest will never be
known. But it has come to be e
complete defense for a poor score.
Up in the school-board quarter
oi tbe City Hall is a eign:
Wanted A Flea exterminator
No reasonable off rs refused."
Secretary Harbach has neglected
bis duties to put in bis time study
ing methods of exterminating the
pest. He is becoming ao authority
on neas, tbeir baoits, metnous p&a
the number of pounds they can lift
to the equare inch when they get
down to business on a he avy-weigbt
but fo far not a word as to relief
Mr. Harbach's discoveries have
led him to the discovery, however,
of what will not do. He has found
that sulphur, which was recommend
ed as a sovereign remedy, has the
same effect on a flea as an icecream !
Sunday on a Summer cirl. Insect
powder, said to be infallible, simp
ly adds pugnacity to the flea until
he could rout Gans or Jack O'
Brien in one round, all holds allow
ed. Even Paris green has none but
a fattening effect.
After much r( search the secreta
ry's worried lock disappeared today
under the feeling that be has found
a remedy for tbe trouble. He gave
it out as a fact that common kero
sene oil will land a flee quicker
than a soltr blow will a pugilist.
Saturday Mr. Harbach with a force
of assistants from the health de
partment will make a trial of this
sovereign remedy. They will spray
the interior of the school house un
til It looks like a section of the
Standard Oil Company. If this
fails but that the secretary says is
something too dismal to contem
plate. If it succeeds of joy will be
sung by teachers and scholars.
Meanwhile tbe members of the
Country Club will await tbe result
of Secretary Harbach's experiments.
Even if they succeed, the remedy
will be almoet as bad as tbedisease.
To fay nothing of the 6mell, it
would mean a disruption of club
ties for a time until the carpets and
furniture could be removed and the
spraying gone over. But if it is to
be a case of scratch or smell, tbe
latter is preferred. Toilet water
can be purchased, while "dope" is
Let it not be understood that the
Country ClubiteB object to the pres
ence of active and energetio insects.
Not for a moment. They insist that
no flea with any pretensions to re
spectability would think of doing
so ungentlemanly an act as to in
vade the hallowed precincts of the
club house. Their sporting blood
nas been aroused and members are
offering $5 a flea for any fund. To
prevent ringers they will insist on
such an inspection of investigators
as would make a customs inspector
Continued on page 4.
French Warship Among Vessels
Lost Harbor Filled With
Junks which Are Capsized
and Native SailorB
Perish Other
Hongkong, Sept. 18. At least a
thousand were drowned in a ty
phoon which struck this city at 2
o'clock this morning. Immense
damage was done to shipping, many
veesels were wrecked and great loss
of life following all along the China
shore. Thousands of houses were
demolished, burying many in their
ruins. Hordes of natives are with
out Bhelter. All business in the
city is suspended.
Ihe storm lasted two hours and
came suddenly, without warning.
Tbe disaster is the worst in the his
tory ot the city. Scores of vessels
were swamped and beaten againet
their pieis, crashirg and mashing
both boats and piers. The count
less junks and the native , crews
were drowned like rats in a trap.
The American sailing vessel P.
Hitchcock is among the veesels
ashore. It is understood that six
steamers foundered in the harbor.
Nearly every vessel which was lost
went down with all hands aboard.
Among the vessels wrecked is the
Canadian Pacific steamer Montea
gle, the German steamer Johacne,
tbe British steamer San Cheung
and Fatsban. Of the latter three
all the crews were drowned. The
Fatsban belonged to the Hongkong,
Canton and Macao company. Tbe
purser and mate alone escaped.
Tha French torpedo boat wae
sunk and a number of the crew
are missing. Several Europeans
were drowsed. Tbe property dam
age will reach millions.
Tbe British steamer Wingchai
has been identified among the wreck
age. Tbe German steamers Signal,
Petrarch and Emmaluyken are
ashore and the Prinz Baldemar
badly damaged.
Seattle, Sept. 18. In answer to
the question as to whether or not
she was willing to undergo punihe
rnent for the murder 1 of George
Mitchell, Mrs. Maud Hurt Cieffield
made the following reply to tbe al
ienist examining her this morning:
"I am acxious to pay the penalty
of the law. I would be glad to give
up my life for the murder of Geo.
Mitchell. I have fulfilled tbe pur
pose for which God placed me In
this world and I care not what hap
pens to me."
Mrs Creffield's testimony was as
"After the killing of my husband
I was so disturbed that I could not
receive a message from God. After
I prayed I entered into a etate of
prayer that God might witness to
me what I Bhould do. When I be
came composed, it was witnessed
tbJougb my spirit tb&t it was the
will of God that I ehould kill Geo.
Mitchell. I feared that my desires
and not tbe will of God was spaak
ing to me, so I again entered into a
state of praye Again God's word
came to me that I should kill Geo.
Mitchell. There could be no mis
take that it was God's will.
"My husband's spirit also spoke
to me telling me it was his wish as
well as that of God that I should
avenge his death.
I was to fulfill tbe word of God
tbat I would be eubjected to the
penalty of man's law. But then I
never considered the laws of men
when the will of God has bsen
made known to me."
After making this statement the
medical commission inquired if she
had been commanded by God to
kill George Mitchell, why she let
Esther Mitchell do the slaying.
She said: "It was God's will that
the Bhould do the slaying."
The examination of Mrs. Crefheld
closed at noon. Esther Milchell is
being examined this afternoon.
In Self Defense.
Major Hamm, editor and manager of
the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky.,
when he was fiercely attacked, four years
ago, by Files, bought a box of Backlen's
Crnica Salve, of which he says. "It
asred me in ten days and no trouble
Ance." Quickest healer of burns, Sores
iuta & Wo nnds. r . sjc Alle & Wood
M ard'a drugstore. .. ;