The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 11, 1906, Image 3

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    Fall Styles
We now have on display all
the new Fall Styles of Mens
Gothing in Worsteds, Cheviots
Checks and Shadow Plaids at
popuar prices $10 to $25.
V I -si. V
rrr a ran? i
if mi
copvhicmt io v tmc mkcs or
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Of Mountain Water-Comparative
Cost at McMinnville
and Corvallis.
A new mountain water system is
rapidly neanng completion at Mc
Minnville and thereto hangs a tale.
that will be of interest to Corvallis
ites. The McMinnville pipe line is
but seven miles long; the Corvallis
line is fourteen. The McMinnville
distribution system comprises but
seven miles of pipe; the Corvallis
The Mc-
Good and Extra Good Boys
School Suits at Nolan's.
FOR RENT CHEAP. A good seven
room tou-e, 6 horse barn, hen-house,
yard and garden. Six Mocks from
college. L. L. Brooks, phone 155.
Michaels stchn a Co. .
M. M. Long made a flying bus
iness trip to Portland Saturday.
Florence Wicks is head nurs
in one of the wards in Good Sama
ritan hospital at Portland.
F. L. Kent arrived last night
from attendance at the Irrigation line comprises fourteen
congress at Boise.
Physical Director Trine is in
Good Samaritan hospital in Port
land. He underwent a surgical op
eration yesterday morning.
It is reported that a certain
Portland real estate man was in
town Saturday trying to make a
deal for the Benton County Lumber
Company's saw mill on Greasy
Notice. No school books will $75 completed; the McMinnville
be boueht or exchanged durine the system will cost between $60,000
" J ! .. - ... . . .
first three days of school. All par- and $05,000. It will be some weeics
ties having books to exchange must yet before the McMinnville system
bring them in before the 17th, and I will be finished and the final cost
get credit memorandum for them. I may be as near the larger as the
C.A.Gerhard. smaller of the above figures. In
o. a uirju.- any event, in spite of the disparity
1 I mill rtc rho nrnhnKla mormti in rho
cost of the Corvallis system over
CLOTHES CLEANED and preseed at
lowest prices one door sootu of mar
ble shop on Main Btreet.
Minnville pipe line from intake to
reservoir is eight inch; the Corvallis
line is 10 and 12 inch, and here
comes the fact to enlist the attention
of Corvallis people. Both systems
are almost entirely of wood, and
though Corvallis used nearly twice
as much pipe, building nearly twice
as great a length of mains, the Mc
Minnville system cost nearly as
great a sum of money. In round
numbers, the Corvallis system cost
SEE THOSE New Axminster Columbia
Brussels and All wool Art Squares at
Hollenberg & I'ady's.
WANTED. Oak wood. Inquire at
Times office, phone or otherwise.
WANTED. Eight or ten tons of hay and
100 bushels of oats. Inquire at Hus
ton's hardware store, oy phone or otherwise.
Sunday Excursion
on the
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
To Newport and Return.
Sunday excursions will leave Albany at
7:30, Corvallis 8, Philomath 8:12, Wren
8:30, Blodget S:5o, Summit 9:0s, Nash
ville 9:25. Eddysille 10, Morrison 10:22,
Elk Cijy 10:30, Toledo 10:55 a. m.
Euery Junday duriro$ cb $aim&r
rain or Sb ir
Season or 3-day tickets good going or re
turning on Sunday excursions from aH
points. Fare for round trip:
Albany, Corvallis, Philomath $t 5O)
Philomath to Chitwood 1 oo
Morrison to Storrs 75
Toledo, Mill 4 and Oysterville 50.
Numerous attractions, including band
concert, turf bathing, life saving drills,
beating, fishing and gathering pietty
water agats.
WANTED 50 cars of oats and wheat.
Will ship from nearest B. K. station,
get the prices of others, then get mine.
Send sample of grain. I seep all kinds
of farm seeds. Yours for business,
L. L. Brooks, Corvallis, Or.
The Peoples Store.
dniitMT im av mt urtiiwv
Mich c ls, stcmn rc
KMnia, Ik V
The "Palmer Garment"
For Women, Misses and Children
1 906 Fall and Winter 1907
that of the Yamhill metropolis. It
is a showing that will be of signal
interest in Corvallis, demonstrating
with what economy the work of
I construction the Corvallis works
I was carried on by engineer Miller
and the water committee. It sug
gests the query as to what the Mc
Minnville system would have cost
had that town built fourteen miles
The Fall Season is right at hand and if you have been weigh-
ing the merits of different lines the time of decision,
is now. We will show you the "Palmer Garment"
, line the most stylish garment you can find.
price an Albany man paid for hunt
mg out of season. It was the
proud boast of this Nimrod that he
would hunt when he wanted to and
that no d d game warden weuld
ever get him." However a Benton
county deputy chanced to be in that
neighborhood and overhauled the
lawbreaker. After an unsuccess
fui attempt to bluff the officer the
bully accompanied him to a Justice
r frViA PanAA H vt si 4-va Ca
i u. t a .- u.- of pipe line and 14 miles of distri
Qt button mains, instead of seven miles
. 1 1 - .....
, . mieacnr wouia it nave Deen aone
Every trade is suppcsed to tnr Tnrt anA te nnf w mnrli
nave .its xncK. occasionally a M.ii.nt. ..M if w
vuuuui uccicr gets in nis woik. i -
n r ...... . .
yne 01 cnem marKetea nis product The McMinnville system is being
in town the other day, and there built b a water commission namei
was a sequel to it. The stuff by the leeislature. The source of
weignea so unusually heavy that it supply is Cow Creek, asmallmoun
i nram ine mvesti- tain streanjj together with a group
gauoa tnairoiiowea aisciosea tnat of sprlngs. When measured the
in each end of the sack there was other day; the volume of water sup
six inches or so of nice dry bark, piy was half a million gallons; the
but in the.middle it was half green, Corvallis supply is a million and a
ureiKKToi wmcn acoountea lor half- in its new svstem, McMinn
the unusual weight. The peeler yineis taking out' steel and iron
i V- I S nISi Pipe, and installing wood. Some
in handling bark and that he didn't f the metal pipe been in the
tnow any better, but the buyer was grouod sixteen years: some only
t."" . 1 ten. Twelve blocks ot new steel
enoogn 10 put ary DarK m eacn ena
of the sack and green in the middle
and your explanation is d d thin."
Physician & Surgeok
Office, room 14, BanK BIdg. Eosr
10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
' Phone, office 83. Resldenca 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
FOR SALE. All my agricultural imple
ments and machinery, horses, cattle,
eheep and hogs, wagons, harnesses
and other appliances and articles kept
about a well stocked farm. Sale to be
at public auction at my farm near Bell
fountain. Saturday September 29th at
10 o'clock sharp. William Bees..
FOR SALE. A good farm team, 7 and
8 tears old. well broke and true, well
matched. Call on or address B. Ham-
ar, Naslrville, Ore.
WORMLESS APPLES. Clean and per
fect. Write for them to George Arm
strong, Corvallis, Oregon.
FOR SALE. A good heating stove,
cheap. Applv to Mrs. Fitzmaurice,
8th St. Wuestefeldt block.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
O&ce 1011 Main st Ind 204
Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389,
We are not only showing the best styles hut in addition, the
best workmanship and quality of the "Palmer Gar
ment'' are unexcelled.
We Ask You to call on us whether
us pleasure to show
you buy or not, it will give
Sole Agent.
Corvallis, Or.
Insurance That Insures.
German American of New York
Possible S. F. Loss.
Surplus to Policy Holders.
Over $7,924,674.
In addition to the above the Company has the legal
reserve carried for all other outstanding policies and -claims.
Choose your company. Select only such as
can meet another large re now and pay 100 cents
tne dollar. The German American can do it.
Resident Agents.
Tor a Fine Line
Guns Fishing Tackle and j
Base Ball Goods go to j
We carry the Famous Bristol Fishine Rods.
Benton county fruits and vege
tables for exhibition at the State
fair have been contributed as follows:
Mrs. Ward E ice, plums:' L. L.
Broolis. apples; F. L. Howe, sheaf
of oats, wheats Doc Kiger, pearl
barley, sunflower, pumpkins; A.
Hodes. sunflower, plums; E. Horn
ing, German millet; A. Weber,
squashes, beans, cabbages, corn;
Mrs. Buirk, silver prunes; W. Pea
cock, grapes; Prof. Lewis, plums,
apples, crab apples; Gibson Myers,
corn, hops; E. Hartsock, squashes,
potatoes, Japanese millet, cabbages,
tomatoes, beans, corn, beets, sun
flower; Peter Kline, water melons,
nutmeg melons, carrots, sunflower;
Mr. Kelly, walnuts, cucumbers;
Mrs. Lizzie Rees. tomatoes, prunes;
H. J. Rees, potatoes; Mrs. A. Gel
latly, ground cherries, mangels,
corn, onions, plums; Mrs. Cooper,
beans, corn; Mrs. Franklin, sun
flower; Mrs. Pritchett, sunflower,
corn; Geo. Cooper, sheaf of oats;
Burt Johnson, prunes; George
Armstrong, apples.
House to House Canvass.
Representatives of the Pauifiu States
Telephone and Telegraph Company
have started a house to house canvass
among the farmers of this county, offer
in 3 an extremelv low rental for instru
ments to be used in connection with the
central offices of the Company through
out the county.
For $.QSi cents a month the subscrib
er is given free switching with all other
subscribers connecting with his central
exchange. Under this rate it would ap
pear that no rural resident need he with
out a telephone and its attendant ad
vantages, especially as every assurance is
given of prompt and efficient service.
Mr. i. is. Hibbard is in charge of the
canvass in this county and he states that
he may be seen at the central office of
the Company in Albany, or will visit
anv community or organization of farm
ers interested in telephone matters. ;
Chicago, Sept. 4 A. coroter's
jury today listened to tb9 story of
the 16-year-old murderer, Robert
Gordon, who brutally killed little
Joseph Reed, 8 years old. YouDg
Gordon wa9 held to the grand. iurv
for murder. He told of enticing-
the Reed child beneath the side
walk of the Reed home and beating
hia victim into insensibility with a
brick. He then buried bis victim,
covering the body partly with dirt.
"Was the boy dead when you
buried him?" Gordon was asked.
JNaw; he was moaaing when I
covered Aim np,
was ths prompt
pipe already in the ground, is not
to be disturbed, but willbecodnect-
ed with the new wooden mains. The
McMinnville commission is puttin
3i8,oco m its reservoir. Its capaci
ty is a million gallons. The con
tractor, who is building the reser
voir, believes a reservoir the size of
that in the Corvallis system, i9 far
preferable. The larger one at Mc
Minnville is perhaps necessary be
cause of the more limited water supply-
The" McMinnville system, with
eight mile of mains, has Sfty-five
hydrants; Corvallis, with fourteen
miles of mains, has only forty. The
latter part of this week or early
next. McMinnville will begin to use
her new water. Three points of in
terest in addition to the main idea
in the foregoing are: First, McMin
ville is taking up metal pipe and in
stalling wood.
Second, she is discarding a pump
ing system and installing gravity.
Third, after y-ars of experience
with a municipally owned works,
she is expanding her plant and go
ing' more deeply than ever into the
publicly owned water business.
Galvtston's Sea Wall.
makes life now as safe in that city as on
the higher uplands. E W Goodloe, who
tesides on Dutton S.. in Waco, Tex.,
needs no sea wall for safety. He writes:
"I have used Dr. King's New Discovery
for consumption the past five years and
it keeps me well and safe. Before that
time I had a caugh which for years bad
been growing worse. Now it's gone."
Cures chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Croup
Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumo
nia. Pleasant to take. Everv bottle
guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug
store. Price 50o and 1.00 Trial bottle
Economy fruit
& Johnson's.
jars at Thatcher
Hop Growers
One hundred dollars will buy a
Franklin Hop Baler. For sale at
F.-anklin Iron Works,
Corvallis, Ore.
A Mystery Solved. ; . :"
"How to keep off periodic attacks of
billiousnesa and habitual constipation
was a mystery that Dr King's New Life
Pills solved for me," writes John N Pleas
ant, of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills
that are guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction to everybody or money refunded
Only 25c at Allen & Woodward's drug
mules from
miles s. w.
road. B. L ,
20 .head of horses and
2 to 4 years old. Four
of Albany on Oakville
Taylor, BFD 3.
FOR SALE CHEAP. Cart and harness.
Hollenberg & Cady.
FOR SALE. A good buggy at a bar
gain. Independent phone 23S. Cor
vallis. Mrs. Annette Jacobs.
BUGGY FOR SALE. Splendid, nearly
new top buggy, with pole. Also young
Jersey-BoUtein cow, fresh this fall.
Inquire of Milton P. Morgan, Inde
pendent phone 3O5.
ca-Xt seed. Phone 51 Mt. View line.
Joseph Bryant.
For Sale I offer my entire poultry out
fit and business consisting of 2OO fowls,
three incubators, one bone grinder, one
grit grinder, one elover cutter. Cheap
if taken foon, S. H. Moore, Corval
lis, Ore, RFD 3. Ind. phone 713.
FOR SALE Two good cows, both will
be fiesb in September, one a register
ed Jersey. One fine Hackney year
ling colt.' One pony cart; all it a bar
gain if taken soon. J. A. Gil key, Col
lege Hill, Corvallis.
FOR SALE. Six horse engine and 12
borse boiler in good repair, and cream
ery fixtures, to be sold separately or as
a whole, and t a baagain. George Tav
lor. independent phone 497.
Portrait coupon offer closes Sat
urday, 9th inst. Be sure and buy
at least one dollar's worth this week
and secure one of these valuable
coupons at Kline's.
TO ALL CONCERNED. I hereby give
notice that I will not, hereafter, be
responsible for any debts contracted
by my wife or any one, other than
myself. J K Berry.
The End of the World
of troubles that robbed E H Wolfe oi
Bear Grove, la, of all usefulness, came
when he began taking Electric Bitters.
He writes: "Two vears aeo Ridnev tron-
ble caused me great suffering, which I
would never have survived had I not tak
en Flectric Bitters. Tbey also cared me
of General Debility." Sure cure for all
stomach. Liver and Kidney complaints,
Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness and
Weakness or bodily decline. -Price 5oc.
Guaranteed by Alien & Woodward, drug.
Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
to the late Hons: Wo Ton?, of Albanv.
Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medicine to all. The undersigned
recommends him and guarantees satis
faction. - .
Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, " Albany, Oreeon.
Jim Wcstfall.
Zierolf BuildiDg.
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
Physician & Surgeon,
Orfiie 1 .iciir i i
idence 1 a 1 : : 1 :
Seventh it. em: i
3ir,ii'.t Snifc
:f Oi" I hi 1
I 1 I s : t t I fi
Physician & Surgeon,
Office over postoHca. Residence Cor:
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & -ham's drug stora.
' Go East
at reduced rates. The Southern
Pacific company announces reduced
round trip rates to the Erst for the,
season of 1906 as follows r.
Corvallis to Chicago and retunr.v
$73-95- St. Louis, $69.95. Mil'
waukie, $72.15. St. Paul and Min-
neapolis, $62.45. SictxCity, Course
cil muffs, Omaha, St. Joseph At
chinson, Leavenworth and Eaosas
City, $62.45.
Sale dates June 4, 6. 7, 23, 2
July 2, 3. August 1,. 8, 9, Sept.
8, 10.
Limit going, 10 days.
Return limit 90 days but not af
ter Oct. 31 st.
Corvallis & Eastern
Trains From and to Yaquina-
No 1
Leaves Yaquina 6.55 a. m
Leaves Corvallis IO.-45 a. m
Arrived Albany n:4ialin
No 2
Leaves Aibanv i?;so p. m.
Leaves Corvallis 1:85 p". m"
Arrives Yaquina 5:00 p. m
No 3
LeaTes Aibanv for Detroit.. 7:30-8. hi
Arrive Detroit 12:30 p. m
No 4
Leaves Detroit 100 p. ra
Arrive Albany 55 p. m
No S
Leaves Albany 7:05 a. ia
Arrives Corvallis 8:35 a. in
No 10
Leaves Albany 3:50 p. n
Arrive Corvallis 4:30 p. m
No 6
Leaves Albany ; . . 7 :3s p. jr
Arrives Corvallis. S.-is p. ivt
No 5 ,
Leaves Corvallis 6.-30 a. m
Arrive Albany 7:ioa. m
No 9
Leaves Ccrvaliis 1:30 p. m
Arrives Albany. 2:10 p. m
Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p. m
Arrive Albany 6:40 p. ru
No 11
Leave Corvallis 11:00 a. m
Arrive Albany. nui2 a. m
No 12 -. SsSSfri
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m
Arrives Corvallis . .' , . t :33 j. m
A ll the above connect with Southern
Pacific company Uuiua bob at A'lttajiy
end Corvallis as well as traius for LVcioit
giving direct service to Newport and ad
jacent beaches, as well as lireitenonsh
Hot Springs.
For further information apply fo
J. C. MAYO, G-u Pbss Agfc
P.. H. Bole nj:t A'bsnv, . . :
H. H. CroiiLtj, cjt Corvallis.