The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 11, 1906, Image 2

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Corvallis Times
The Michigan congressman who
appeared a few days ago on the Or
egon horizon with the idea tnat a
Michigan congressman is "some
punkins" when he gets among the
heathen of the Far West, will re
turn home changed, in some partic
ulars. He is Congressman Fordney
of Saginaw, and he came hence
sneering at the land fraud prosecu
tions. He was quoted in a news
paper as saying the prosecution of
the late Senator Mitchell was 'little
less than persecution." Headded
.that his neighbor Gilchrist in Sagi
naw had been indicted for land
frauds, in spite of the fact that "I
believe him to be innocent."
In response to these attacks on
lis official acts, Mr. Heney, the
land fraud prosecutor, in a newspa
per interview, said: "If Congress
man Fordney made the statement
regarding the trial of Senator Mitch
ell attributed to him, and had
knowledge of the facts, he is a
crook himseif. If he made the state
ments without knowledge of the
facts, he is not only a crook but a
fool as well."
The utterance was a bomb shell
at the Michigan congressman's feet.
Tt nnneared in The Oreeonian of
t L
yesterday morning acd it so exas
perated Mr. Fordney that when a
Journal reporter went to him for a
reply to Heney, this is what the
Michieaoder said: "I don't care a
damn for Heney or anybody else
I won't talk about this damn thing
anv more. I have been dogged ev
er since I have been in Portland.
Go way from here, I don't want
you around. I did not invite you
here, and I don't want you now
Unless you go away I will throw
you out of the hotel. The story in
th Oregonian" was an attempt to
implicate me in the land fraud
cases. I don't care a damn for
Heney, and any man who says
secured any land dishonestly, is a
Not satisfied with hi3 first punch
at the Micbigander, Heney deliver
ed a second blow. He boldly in
sisted that Fordney is mixed in
land frauds, also insinuating that
the indicted Saginaw men tried
to woik a scheme similar to the
Blue mountain reserve, and that
' Fordnev came to their assistance
by attempting to expedite matters,
alter the fashion of Senator Mitch
ell. He said: "Culligan bought
most of this script in Portland and
vas in with Gilchrist in expediting
the patents for the purpose of cre
ating a reserve out of the land.
This could only be done through
the land office, and it is said that
th,s is where Fordney enters into
the conspiracy. He is said to have
gone to Hermann to rush through
the patents. No man in Washing
ton was so close to Binger Hermann
as Fordney, and what I would like
to know is whether Fordney went
to Hermann to secure these patents
through his friendship for Her
mann, or whether he was paid for
these services as Senator Mitche 1
was." 1
It is probaWe that the gentleman
from Saginaw is down and out. He
came up groggy from the second
round. He didn't seem a bit steady
on his feet when he said, "I don't
give a damn for Heney or anybody
else, and any body that says I got
lands dishonestly is a liar." Those
chaste words could hardly issue
from the lips of a safe and sane
statesman from Michigan, when he
is himself. Hence when Mr.
Heney's parting blow struck with
its direct intimation of complicity
in the land frauds, Mr. Fordney
doubtless got his solar plexus and
had to be carried to his corner. By
talking less the next time he comes
to Oregon to reform the land fraud
courts and officials, the member
from Michigan will get back to his
constituents in better humor and
with more credit to them. Mr.
Heney is prosecuting the land
frauds, and he knows his duty and
does it.
On the Other Side of the At
lantic CorvalUsite Abroad.
Professor J, B Hefner, whea in
terviewed yesterday relative to his
visit to Europe and the Orient stat
ed that he is under eentraet with
the Sunday Journal t prepate a
series of articles whtea began July
3nd under the eapttaa of "Port
land to Palestine," and that he has
written his Impressions while on
the spot. His article on Athens
which appeared in last Sunday's is
sue, was prepared in the shade of
the Parthenon, his story of the Ap
pian Way was written by the dim
light of a toper in the catacombs at
the end of the day's journey, and
his story of Jerusalem was formu
lated on the Mount of Olives. He
says that any notebook and lead
pencil can become eloquent with
the recital of historic facts so abun
dant between London and Jerusa
lem. "The greatest modern wonder of
the world was the first thing we
saw in London: it was the wave of
a London policeman's hand. Car
riages and cars were passing each
other so thick that they would run
over each other while thousands of
people were trying to elbow their
way between, and a policeman in
the middle of that London street
waved his hand and he looked as
big and magnificent as the Barthol-
di statue; and all L,onaon seemea to
stand still. Like everybody else, I
kept my eye on that officer, and
when the congested condition of the
street was reduced so travel was
easy again, I went up to that po
liceman and said to him,
What kind of a gun do you car
"None," he answered.
"What weapon do you have?"
"None, not even a club. I find
these things unnecessary."
As he was a nne specimen or
manhood, I ventured to ask him if
he ever met Mr. Sullivan, James
Corbett or Fitz.
He said, "No, I never took a
boxing lesson in my life."
"Then what is the secret of your
influence with these people who
seem to obey you so implicitly."
"It can all be told in one word
C-i-v-i-l-i-t-y. We are kind and
strict hence the rogue as well as the
gentleman necessarily respects us
Trie most pitiable condition oh
served on the tour was the disre
spect shown women on the other
continent. Sights upon the public
highway of Pans shock you; but
canditions grow worse gradually
until you come to Egypt where it is
worse than leprosy. Here tbe wo
Former O. A. C. Instructor
Passed Over His Popular
ity Here McEIfresh. .
On another page is an account of
the suicide of K. M. McElfresh,
well known and very much esteem
ed by many Corvallis people. He
came to this city in 1899 as an in
structor at the college and remain
ed until September 1901. At the
institution he was extremely popu
lar with faculty and students, while
he also made many friends among
down town people. He was in all
things of such disposition that he
would ordinarily be the last person
in the world to have been suspected
of a bent of mind for self destruc
tion. He was always buoyant,
cheery and sunny-natured, facts
that are attested by his wide popu
larity where ever he was known.
It was while at the college that
he became known throughout the
state for the part he took in a sen
sational incident on Mt. Hood, in
which he was credited with saving
the life of a young lady. Far up
the mountain on the descent, a
young woman in the party collaps
ed irom fatigue. It was getting
late, and the route was perilous. It
was as much as any of the party
could do to make his own way
down the dangerous declivities,
without attempting to carry the un
conscious woman. At this crucical
juncture, young McElfresh propos
ed a plan and volunteered to carry
it out. The young woman was
strapped to him, and lying down
fiat, he was used as a. sled or tobog
gan, and dragged down several
miles to a place of safety. The ex
periment was successful, pnd the
incident became a sensational story
in the newspapers - all over the
country, with McElfresh as the
After leaving O. A. C, McEi
fresh went to Salem where he took
charge of the big Wallace orchard,
the care and responsibility of which
has ever since been on his hands.
His administration there is said to
have been extremely successful.
Several times after leaving, offers
were made him of positions at the
college, but he invariably declined.
He was married in February 1905
to Miss Gertrude Ewicg, who grad
uated at O. A. C. with the class of
1903. Mr. and Mrs. " McElfresh
were in Corvallis in June to attend
the Junior hop at the college and
for a visit with old friends.
man . is hitched with a mule ti a
plow which ber husband holds ' Benton Hop Fields Acre-
. . 1 . 1 i .
wune ne drives ine money
It is then that the American feels
down deep in his heart that the two
classes discriminated against in that
country are the women and the
mules. In Egypt, the Mohame
dans are not seen with their wives;
but the head of the house walk 50
yards ahead while his caravan of
wives follow, carrying whatever ar
ticles may be necessary for the jour-
. . j r.
Lney. women ao not consiuer 11
safe to go alone upon the street al
ter dark, although the streets are
well lighted with electricity and
guarded by policemen. Until the
English government took a hand in
Egyptian affairs, women had no
rights which her lord was bound
to respect.
American manuufactures acd pro
duce have excellent opportunities
age and Number of Pickers
in Each.
A trip to the various hop yards
about Corvallis will reveal the fact
that all the local hop pickers did
not go to the Independence fields.
Though not on so large a scale, the
Benton hop yards present many of
the picturesque features that char
acterize the more widely known
yards. That this is the hop man's
busy time, a visit to any of the
vards will prove. A fall force of
pickers are at work in some places
while in others help is scarcer. .
In Clarence Ireland s seventy-six
acre vard 150 pickers are at work
and in Johnson Porter's yard of 30
acres there are 33 pickers. The D.
B. Taylor yard of 50 acres south of
Fall Opening and Fashion Exhibit
We extend to all a most cordial invitation to attend our opening exhibit of the new
Fall Fashions in Lauies', Misses and Children's Tailor-Made Garments.
You will find this an especially interesting event. It marks the introduction of a
new fashion season with its pleasing array of new designs in dress for the fair sex.
Here are to be seen the most recent Parisian modes adapt
ed in stylish garments for the American women. You can
see the fashionable products of the most author ative crea
tors of style in a variety of designs and prices.
The new 'La Vogue' Cloaks and Furs which we show are
a surprising revelation to nearly everybody. So much good
style and such neat appearing garments are not expected in
ready-to-wear garments. We selected them from the t sam
ples of one of America's largest and best known tailoring
houses and had them made to our order.
We want you to see them. Only care
fully selected durable cloths are used;
they are shapely cut, excellently tailored
neatly finished and fit with becoming
grace. With all, they are reasonable in pries in fact you
can save qoite a bit of money by buying' your clothes ready
made, and most always have a nicer appearing garment.
The new styles are beautiful indeed. They have a newness, a fresh
ness and an air of dainty Stylishness that is fascinating to the fastidious
They are the sort of garments that add wonderfully to the charms of woman's dress,
pends on style and fit and here is where "Ia Vogue" garments reach perfection.
We personally invite vou to call, to see this attractive display.
Much de-
now in Egypt while England is op-1 town, better known as the Lilly
Job Printing
is the Best
Have you used the Economy
fruit iar? If not, see those at Zie-
rolPs and you will understand why
enine that country to the new con
ditions of civilization. Although
France has had a hold in that coun
try dating back to Napoleon,
the English have not been satisfied
with the s'ow progress made there,
and Great Britain has taken the reins
and is now gradually pushing the
French out of Egy pt. There is not
the warmest feeling existing be
tween Emperor William and the
English at all times, because as
they sav, they "don't . understand
that fellow." But there seems to
be a family feeling for the Ameri-'
can. So many Englishmen ask,
"Why didn't you let us help those
sufferers in San Francisco?" This'
kind of feeling is warming up to a
handscme friendship in business
matters as well, where healthy com
petition must be expected. Secre
tary Hay promised Mr. Romeo, the
American consulate at Alexandria,
that government aid would be given
in placing American machinery and
produce on exhibition at Alexan
dria where the people of the Nile
Valley could examine it with the
view of patronizing us. This would
enable America to enter the markets
of Egypt. It would be a beginning.
But Secretary Hay suddenly died,
and since his death no one at Wash
ington has taken up our commercial
interests in Egypt. However, there
is time yet to consummate the Un
dertaking of Secretary Hay who
was in the Egyptian eye the great
est living American. A little Jap-
anicity on the part of America just
now will win for her halt tne lor
eign traffic tf Fgypt.
yard presents a scene of activity
with 300 pickers in the field. The
Island Home hop yard on Kiger Is
land embraces 40 acres and 40 pick
ers are kept busy. As soon as Mr;
West's crop is gathered, picking
will begin in A. A. Wilt's 13 acre
yard. Hop picking is in progress
in both the yards owned by J. C.
Hammel. In , the one across the
Willamette 50 people are busy gath
ering the product of 18 acres. In
the Island yard of 40 acres about
35 pickers are at work. At the
Whitaker yard there are 30 acres in
hops and between 40 and 50 per
sons engaged, Jim Sing's yard
near Wells contains 35 acres and
employs 75 pickers.
In the yards about Philomath
equally busy scenes indicate that
the hop harvest is in full swing.
The Alford 25 acre yard gives em
ployment to 75 people while 16
pickers are kept ousy on K.. l,.
Henkle's place of 20 acres.
The hops, as a general rule, are
not as heavy this year as in past
seasons. However the vines are
clean and free from mould and lice
and the cool weather makes almost
ideal picking conditions. Alto
gether it should prove a prosperous
season both to the owners of the
yards and to the hundreds of work
ers in the fields.
Coast Leader
State Fair
Salem Sept 10-15 06
(Open Day and Night)
The West is a promising
live stock district. Tins ex
hibition will be one of great
value to breeders and pur
chasers. The entire stock
loving West will be at Salem.
Come and see the
Display of
Also a Grand
Display of
Racing Evdnts. Daily
Special Railroad Rates
Correspondence Solicited
W. H. Dowling, President.
Frank W. Durbin, Secy.
Well Drilling.
J. E. Sloper is prepared to sink wella
through quick sand and. gravel. Rock
drilling a specialty. Inquire of J. K.
Smith & Co., or address J. K. Sloper,
, . Co'val'.is. Oregon.
The First National Bank of Corval
lis, Oregon, traneacta a general
conservative banking business.
Loan3 money on approved secu
ritv. Drafts bought and sold and
money transferredto the principal
cities of the united Btaiee, rvu
lope and foreign countries.
The Label That Stands for Style,
Fit and Value
pvON'T you want .
but wear well ?
clothes that not only well
Our Fall and Winter suits and
over-coats fill every requirement of a well-dressed
man or boy. Clothes; do not make the man, but good,
stylish, well-fitting clothes help him , a whole lot.
There's style and worth in every Bell System
garment. Clothing at reasonable prices that can be
relied upon.
Designed and Tailored by
Stern, Lauer, Shohl & Co., Cincinnati, O.
sotr BY
J. H. Harris
SO many housesvives areusingtaeai