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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1906)
Vol. XlX.-No. 3 CORVALLIS, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11. 1906. B.F. ERVXKB Editor and Proprietor " Notice of Final Settlement. an the Hatter of the Estate of Locis A Ibwis. deceased. Kotlce is hereby given that the undersigned as executor of the last will and testament of Loula Irwin, deceased, has tiled his final ac count as such executor with the clerk of the cmintv court of the state of Oiewro, for Benton county, and the said court has fixed Saturday, the 8th day of September, 1906, at the hour of two o'clock in the alter noon as the time, and the county court room in f be court house in Cor vallis Oregon, as the place for healing any and all objections to the said account, and for the settlement thereof. Sated this August 10, 1906. R. 8. IRWIN, Executor of the latt will and testament of Lou tea Irwin, deceased. For The Ladies 8 1 Our Fall Line ol New Goods are Here! 1 St ! Executrix Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the rnvltiions of the will of - B. Wis tar Morris, de eased, and of the laws in such case made and provided, the undersigned as executrix of the etf&ie oi me sum u. wislhx juoiris, ueuruseu, will, nn and after the 19th day of September, 06, proceed to sell at private sale and on the - terms hereinbelow ret out the following de scribed real estate, situated In the county of Benton and state of Oregon, to wit : 'The west half of section 9. and lots 2 and 3 of section fifteen, lots Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4, and the west half of the northwest Quarter of section 16 and the southwest quarter and lots Kos. 3 and 4 of sectlou 10 and the southeast quarter and lots Xoa. 2 and 3 of section 9, all in township 13. 8. R. 6, West Willamette Meridian, containing 862 X9-100 acres of land la Benton county, state of Oregon." TERMS OF SALE. The above described property will be sold as a 1 whole or in separate parcels as may be found to l she best interests of the said estate, and the same will be sold for cash, or for pait cash and part om time. It sold lor part cash and part on time, She purchaser will be required to nny at leastoue-ualf oi the purchase price at the time f executi.s the deed for the property, and the balance waiiin one year theieatter. Deterred payments to draw Interest at the rate of six per oent. per annan, payable semi-annually, and to be secured bymottgiige on the property. All aales hereunder wt II be made tubjuct tocon firmatlonby the couaty court of the state of Or egon, for Multnomah county. Dated August 21. 1908. HaNNAH RODNEY MORRIS. Executrix of the last will and testament of B. Wlstar Morris, deceased. First publication August 21, 1906. Last publication September 18, 190G. Big line of Dress Goods and Silks Big line of Coats the latest Big line Shoes best wearers on earth Big line Skirts from two factories Big line Underwear Munsings, none better Big line Wastings and Hosiery A whole lot of other new goods. Call aed See FRANTIC PARENTS CAUSE WILD PANIC BY FALSE ': ALARM OF FIRE IN A SCHOOL BUILDING. Originates From Burning Rubbish Small Boy Spreads Report in Poor Chicago District and Tramples Teach ersin RuehtoSave Children Oth er News. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, Meloena Wright has been appointed administra trix of the estate of Thomas J. Wright, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified as by law required, at the office of J, F. Yates withlu six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Corvallls, Or.. Aug. 14, "1906. MELOENA WRIGHT. Administratrix of 1he estate of Thomas J. Wright, oeceased. E. E. WlLSt;., ' ATTORNEY A 7 LAW J. Corvallis, B. HARRIS. v Sewing Machines Carpets, Rugs Liuoleum, Lace Curtains. I Oregon Grade Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, bt. Paul and the East. 2 Trains i Daily 2 Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle Pullman First-class sleeping cars, Pullman Tourist sleeping cars, Dining cars night and day, Observation and Parlor cars. The regular Yellowstone Park Haute via. Mv Inestonand Gardiner, Mont., the government official entrance to the Park. Park season June 1st to September 20th. See Europe if yon will but gee America first. Start right See Yellowstone National Park Nature's greatest wonderland. Wonderland Ths famous Northern Pacific book can be had for the asking or six cents by mail. The Route of the "North Coart Lsmited" the Only Electric Lighted Modxrn Train from Port land to the East. The ticket office at Portland is at 255 Morrison street, corner Tbird; A. n. Carlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, E. R, Bryson, Attornev-At-Law, No Prizes go with our Chase I Sanborn Higb In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and SATISFACTION -P. M. ZIEROLF. Sole agent for Chase t Sanborn Higb Grade COFFEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY ' Banking Company orvaixis, Oregon. Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Boys County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. BAH FBANCISOO ) POBTLA.NI f The Bank SEATTLE ( California ' TAOOMA , 1 NEW YORK Messrs. J. t. Moriran A Co CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub lic. LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds Bona CAN AD A . Cnioc nan k of Canada New Sporting Goods Store. A new and complete line consisting of Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries In fact anything the sportsman need can be found at my store. Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop. All Work Guaranteed. M. M Ind. Phone 126. LONG'S Corvallis, Oregon. r HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write forour special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. AMBLER & WAITERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. Chicago, Sept. 7. A mob of ig norant, terrified mothers and tattl ers Btormed the John M. Smyth public school this morning and caused a panic among the 1200 chil dren in the building, which is the heart of the Ghetto. The men and women tought like beasts to reach their little ones, who in their blind fear they believed would be burned to death. They attacked the teach era wno strove vainly to prevent a panic, and ran from floor to floor, ! mingling the names of their little ones with the criee of fire and wild supplications to the Virgin. Nine teen nationalities are represented in this district and all went mad. For a few ..minutes the children wavered. They heard bcth the cries of their parents and the com mands of their teachers. In the end discipline broke under the strain and boys and girls, big and little, catching the Contagion of senseless fear, trade a rush for the doors. The teachers, mere girls, some of them, pale, calm, stood against the doors and struggled to restore ord tr. By chance a merciful Providence or sometning else, all escaped un- hutt. Same of the smaller children were bruised, frocks were torn and i acts ecatched, but the madness passed and the teachers restored or der before any of their chareeB had been injured. Of couree there was no fire. In the grounds of the Smyth school tor e poi table . one-story school structures have betn erected In one of these the janitor swept to gether a pile of rubbish shortly at ter 9 o'clock this morning and light ed it. A small bov, tardy and bat ing school, saw the thin spiral of smoke curling from the window. He turned and ran homeward, crying as be want: "Th. schools burnin'; they'ee fire ' -1 i in in me scnooi. Many motners were standing in the street bargaining with hucksters or gosslppmg with neighbors. Big brawny women those mothers are. aad they love and fight for their young as do wild animals, They hsard the cry and took it up. In three minutes thoEe wcrds: me ecnooi is burning," wtre ringing through the streets in half a dozen language?. Then came the first rush. Wo men dropped nursing babies, turned lrom washtubs without stopping to wipe oft tne suds; dropped their marketing in the street and started madly for the school. At their head was a man, and cere and there in the throng were other men. but nearly all were women, and all were mad with fear. From narrow side streets and twisting allies they poured into Blue Island avenue -1 he thin column of smoke sti rose from the little school buildirig be windows of the main structure nete open and the hum of childish recitation could be heard. Save for the thin column of smoke there was no sign of hre and absolutely none of danger. But the unreason ing mob did not stop. Like a charging army the parents swept through the ecbool yard and entered the building by every door leachers were swept aside an trampled upon. Their order?, their pleas not to start a panic and their assurances that there was no fire went unbeaded. QSome of the frantic mothers had heard from friends in New York of the wild day there when the school authorities had attempted to butch er children. They recalled that now and shouted that their little ones were burned to death deliberately They struck savagely at the frailer women who confronted them and Bwept from room to room, shriek ing the names of their children un til the building had been emptied. shooting himself in the bead with a shotgun. Temporary insanity is the only possible explanation of his act. McEUresh was one of the beet known and highly esteemed fruit men in this part of the valley. He was a graduate of the University of Illi ois and from I898 to 1901 was professor of botany and etomology at (he Oregon Agricultural college. In the fall of I9OI he took the su- periotendeney of the Wallace orch- rd and filled it with entire satis faction to the owners. Mr. McElfresh was a conscien tious man and worried greatly whenever the work of the big orch- rd did not proceed to the best in terests of his employers. He was jQBt. noisbing the harvest of a 300- ton crop of pears, but in the last few days many pickers left to go to the bop Melds and be worried over that. He ate his noonday meal as usu al today and gave instructions for the afternoon work. ' Hs then went to the fiuitkouse, placed the muzzle of a shotgun to his head and fired. His head was nearly severed from the body. He was alone in the building at the time. vv orkmen who were well acquaint ed with him, and to whom he talked moment before entering the fruit- house, .saw nothing unuEual in his manner. MoElfreeh was a native of Illi nois and was about 35 years of age. He was married in February, 1905, to Miss Gertrude Ewing, of Oswego Or. Tnere are no children. McElfresh was well known to Or- egoa fruitmen. He attended horti cultural meetings and frequently delivered adddresses of a practical nature. Funeral arrangements have not been made. V J VANQUISHED REVOLUTIONISTS TRAPPED AND BADLY WHIPPED IN BATTLE AT HAVANA. Hftzelton, Pa., Sept. 1. Health officer Bonner, of this city, was ap proached on the street by a stranger who said that he had decided to get married, and asked the officer to recommend some one to him. Dou you prefer a blonde or brunette?" aeked the of3cer,J "I don't know what that nieans," the man said, "but I want one that kin bake." ThatkiDd," the rffher said, "were all taken." 1 thee Winsted, Cone, Sept. 1. A man identified as John A. Johnson at tempted to enter the home or Ar thur B Wellman, manager of the Torrington Ice company io Tor- ringtOD, last night. Mrs. Wellman, who was alone with her daughter, ran outside when she eaw the man and seized the garden hose. As the man grab bed ner she turned the stream of water into his face until he finally released his hold, drenched to the skin. The daughter in the meantime bad gone to alarm neighbors, and the man was captured a short dis tance from the hi use. Silem, Or., Sept. 7. The first gang of convicts to be used for farm labor from the prison was sent out today to Koeedale where tbey will help harvest a prune crop for J. W. Hunt. There were 13 men in the gang, one of them serving es cook for the rest. Ihere was a shortage of help in the Rosedale district and Hunt applied for a gang from the prison.' The men were sent out up on an agreement that Hunt shall pay the same wages that are paid to free men and the ft to will take its pay in prunes and pears to be used in feeding state prisoners dur ing the coming year. Seattle, Sept. 7. Superior Judge Frazer this morning set S ptember 24 as the date on which the trial of Esther Mitchell, charged with mur der ing hf r brother, George Mitch ell, will begin. Tbe date of the tri al ol.Mrs. Maud .Creffield, who is charged jointly with the Mitchell girl, has not been Fet as yet. The charge against both women grew out of the shooting of Franz Joseph Creffield, the Holy Roller leader, by G;orge Mitchell in. this city laBt May. Mrs. Cieffield is the wife of the Holy Roller leader. Fighting Now in Progress in Many Parts of Island Palma Refuses "All Attempts at Compro mise Only Hope for Peace Lies in In vention. Havana, Sept. 8. Trapped and badly whipped in a battle almost within sound of the palace in this city, the insurgents in this province are scattered and demoralized. Col. Asbert, who commanded the in surgents, is among the seriously wounded. The list of dead is said to be very large. So far as known the fight grew out of a misunder standing on the part of tbe insur gents. They had been told that an armistice bad been declared and were coming into Havana when they were met outside the city by a de tachment of rurales and a fierce fight endued. For more than an hour the rebels stood their ground, but at last they were forced to retire, taking their wounded with them and leavicg many dead behind. Colonel Asbert, although desperately woundeo, made his escape. Later in the day when Been at the palace, President Palma said: "The fiercest fighting that has been from tbe beginning of the war took place today, yet the news papers printed a report that a truce bad been officially proclaimed. As this false news was first spread by apparent friends of the government, I consider it an act of treachery. "I have never said or done any thing which could be interpreted a recognition of the belligerency i f rebels. When General Menocai aeked permission of me to see th rebels, to induce them to mak peace without granting them any thing contrary to the dignity of the government, I consented, but not with the idea of stopping the war lor a moment. "If General Menecal succeeds in bringing about a compromise be tween tbe political parties the gov ernment will be glad. But it will not take any part in a compromise. I consider tbe publication of the news of a truce as a dastardly trick designed to promote yesterdayV battles at Cienfuegos and in the province of Pinar del Rio." News comes from f inar del Rio that aa aim red train sent against General Pino Guerra has been forc ed to turn back. The commander seems to have learned that a freight train ahead bad been stopped by an armed force and be lost no time in tak'u g to the woods, in spite of the fact that' he had two machine guns he made no effort to teBt the strength of tbe.rebels. Encouraged by tbeir success the insurgents are now threatening to blow more bridges and are assuming tbe offensive in every direction. According to a jeport from Geu- eral Montalvo, the battle near Ci enfuegos yesterday went on till mgbt. Then both sides withdrew to their positions. Over 20 were killed and many were wounded on both t-ides. Tee loyalists at right received reinforcements from the city. The rebels were commanded by Guzman and Portola. Tbe loy alists were in command of Valle and Gaines. Tnis is tbeir thirden cbunter icce Wednesday. The Cienfuegos Correspbndencia says that Guzman declares he will take particular care to destroy the property of the Americans in order to force intervention by the United States. He said to leading Spanish merchants who visited his camp that Spaniards would be respected, for he had no hope that Spain would induce the United States to assume any attitude. Salem, Or., Sept. -7. F. M. Mc Elfresh, superintendent of the large Wallace orchard near this city, committed suicide this evening by Notice to Creditors. Ia the Matter ot the Estate of FRi'.D Lonq, deceased. ) Kotlce is hereby given to all persons concern ed that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator ot the estate of said Fred Long, deceased, by the county court of Benton county, state ot Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate of Fred Long, deceased, are hereby required to present the same, with the prope r vouchers, duly verified as by law requir ed, within six months from the date hereof, to the undersigned at his residence In Summit pre cinct,, Benton county, Oregon, or at the law of fice ot K. E. Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon. Dated this 7th day of September, vm. j , ... K.K.LONG, - Administrator of the estate of Fred Long, 1 diseased. . .. . Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 4. Ewald Conrad, alias Baron Santos von Dobrowski-Donnesmark, who, it is alleged, deserted bis American wife at Paris, taking with him $8, ooo worth of her jewels and some money and who was arrested , Au gust 23 on a churge of robbery but discharged because he was not cul pable nnder German law, baa again been arrested, accused of burglary. Sacramento, CaL.Sept. 7. Gov ernor Pardee, at the request of At- Continued on page 4.,-r, I