The Hit Of The SeasonOur Artist's Work The crowds watching him work in our window tea- tify to the interest being taken. No such work of art has ever been on exhibition in the city before. Many well-known local faces are now to be seen, giving satisfaction to the most critical. Don't fail to see them. : : . : : : For the benefit of those not yet familiar with this exceptional offer, we again announce the following: You purchase $1 worth of goods in any depart ment and get a coupon. One coupon and 87c gets you A Bust Crayon Portrait. All work guaranteed. Come and see where you can save over $1 on this one article. Offer good 'til Sept 9. The Artist will Finish all Work Before leaving the City. For advertisements in this column the rate of J5 cents per line will be charged. SpeGial Sale Saturday Sept 1 1906 Of Boys and Young Mens three-piece suits vest coat, and pants all sizes from 13 to 18, and 32 to 36, ranging in price from $4 to $12.50, that we of fer for this Sale at half price. Established 1864. f $4 00 Suit for $2 00 5 00 Suit for 2 50 600 Suit for 3 00 And so on up Parents are invited to take advantage of these sales, as wew o inaugur ate the fall sales bv giving you extra inducements. The People's Store. KLINE Corvallis, Oregon LOCAL LORE. FOR CORVALLIS. L. The "Palmer Garment" CloaksSkirtsRaincoats For Women, Misses and Children 1906 Fall and Winter 1907 R. H. Kaltz, the piano tuner, will be at Hotel Corvallis j next week. M. E. church, South, Sunday school at io a. m. The regular church services will be resumed morning and evening. J. A. Elli son, pastor. E. T. Harrington has two three months- old pigs that cost him $50. They came from a well known breeder at Spokane and ar rived Wednesday. They are Big Boned Poland China, and are de scendants of p. pen of swine that took 20 prizes at the Lewis and Clark fair. They are probably the best bred hogs in the county. A sale of the Burt Lacy resi dence property took place Wednes day. It was purchased by J. Sen- ger, who paid $2,500 for it. Mr and Mrs. Senger leave tomoroow for a three weeks' visit with rela tives near San Fraacisco, after which they return to Corvallis and occupy their new home. The Cal- norma visit will be to a home which Mr. Senger has not seen for 30 years. The Salem Journal says cards have been scattered throughout the valley, sent out from Independence to attract people there for hoppick ing, which bear the expressions: "Plenty of booze and a h 1 of a time. What do parents think of such a place for permitting their boys and girls to go to pick hops. The Journal rises up and protests, declaring "it will keep away de cent families and is a slander on the intelligence of the people." The following real estate trans fers have boen filed at the court house: M D Allen to T W Walters 158 acres, east of Monroe, $2,000; State of Oregon to Howard Morley, 449 acres. $562; Sam King to Lillie J. King, two lots in block 18. Si; J B Smith and wife to H F. Martin and wife, 39 acres near Albany, $1750; Charles Evans and wife to Thomas Warren, 80 acres in Alsea, $613; MP Burnett, sheriff, to M P Totten, tract in Alsea, $613; A D Perkins to T K Weatherford, 160 acres N E of Monroe, $1,000. At her home on Eighth street yesterday, a lawn party was given by Mrs. W A. Wells in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kirkpatrick and their son, of San I'rancisco Sixteen friends and relatives of th Wiles family were present, and : feature was that each was required to render the first reciratton given as a child in the public schools, years ago. Those present were: Mesdames H. F. Fischer. Ann Smith, Johu Hayes, E. H. Taylor, John Smith, Lillse Taylor, S. N. Wilkins, Annette Jacobs, Minnie Lee. Rose Selling, Charles Kohn, Fied tterchtold and Walter Wiles. weigh- The Fall Season is right at hand and if you have been ing the merits of different lines the time of decision is now. We will show you the "Palmer Garment' line the most stylish garment you can find. We are not only showing the best styles but in addition, the beet workmanship and quality of the "Palmer Gae hent'' are unexcelled. - We Ask You to call on us whether us pleasure to show you buy or not, it will give THE "PALMER GARMENT" F. L MILLER Sole Agent. Corvallis, Or. A Full Line of Groceries, Crockery and General Merchandise VICTOR P. MOSES . 1 "'"''' . ' Special attention given to Phone Orders and City Trade Eggs and Chickens always bought at highest market price. Give me a trial order. Quick delivery. A new Postoffice It will Eclipse Every Office in the Valley. Corvallis is to have a new post- office. It will be of such character as to cause the bosom of every Cor- vallisite to swell with pride, and the eye of every stranger within our gates to dilate with admiration. It will eclipse any postoffice of its class in Oregon. In the matter of conveniences, lights and fittings it will be the equal of any postoffice in the country. The old boxes and furniture now in use will be re manded to some other less fortun ate town than is Corvallis, and in stead there will be new boxes of the most modern design, framed in Oak, hung in the richest fashion and in every respect of rich and elegant finish. The floor of the lobby, will be of tile. Instead of two windows as now, there will be half a dozen, one for general deliv- ery, one for stamps, one for regis try, one for. carriers and one for money orders. , The plan is to have the establishment . perfectly adapted to the carrier system, which will come in the near future. Corvallis people have not dreaded of it, but if the business of the office grows in the future as it is growing now, delivery by carriers will be institut ed within three years, certainly not later than four. A growth like that of last year, would make it certain in three. For the quarter ending July 30th, the receipts of the office showed an increase of 20 per cent. It is growth that is quietly going on while people are sleeping, and seems scheduled to go on in the future. The new postoffice is to be locat ed in a building according to the following specifications, taken from the Portland Journal of last Wed nesdav: For Corvallis the depart ment accepted the proposal of Arch' le J. Johnson to lease new quarters for the postoffice on the north side of Madison street, between First and Second streets, for a term of five years from November 1, 1906, in eluding complete equipment of heat, light, safe and water Mr. Johnson is out cf town, and the foregoing facts from the Journ al are all that is known relative to the" contract between him and the government. That he is to furn ish the postoffice fittings and that they are to cost $4,000 is pretty definitely understood. That the office will be removed to the new place early in November certainly not later than' December 1st, is ful ly expected. That when the new modern office is finally in service it will be a place to which all Corval lisites will show the stranger with pride and satisfaction, is certain. When to the splendid college build ings and grounds, the first-class court house and grounds, the very creditable city hall, Hotel rvalhs, fine bank buildings and the splend id mountain water system is added a modern postoffice, Corvallis One of the most glaring exhi bitions of cussedness that ever transpired in this town is the re moval of flowers and plants from the gardens at the city hall. In most instances they are palled up by the roots and carried away. They were put there by public spir ited persons for the beautification of the town, and, after the dilapi dation that had surrounded the hall for years, it would seem that there would have been none mean enough to undo what had been done. Hell isn't hot enough for the skunks or skuskesses that do it. The place is watched now and all the penal ties cf the law will be summarily dealt out in case of a capture. It is of some in erest to add, that cer tain parties are suspected. NEW ADS TODAY. FOR SALE. A good heating stove, cheap. Applv to Mrs. Fitzmaurice, 8th St. Wuestefeldt block. FOR SALE. 20 head of horses and mules from 2 to 4 years old. Four miles s. w. of Albany 011 Oakyille road. B. L.Taylor, KFD 3. FOR SALE CHEAP. Cart and harness. Hollenberg & Cady. FOR SALE A good buggy at a bar gain. Independent phone 238. Cor vallis. Mrs. Annette Jacobs. Sunday Excursion on the Corvalis & Eastern Railroad To Newport and Return. Sunday excursions will leave tlbany aft 7:30, Corvallis 8, Philomath 8:12, Wraa 8:30, Blodget 8:50, Summit 9:0s, Nash, ville 9:25. Eddy ville 10, Morrison lo$ Elk Cijy 10:30, Toledo 10:55 a. m. Euery Juoday duriijn tb upinor F(aiQ or Sbin Season or 3-day tickets good tiding o re turning on Sunday excursions irons sk points. Fare for round trip: Albany, Corvallis. Philomath $1 s Philomath to Chitwood o Morrison to Storrs 7S Toledo, Mill 4 and Oysterville Numerous attractions, including bM& concert, turf bathing, life saving drtttti beating, fishing aod gathering ptctty water agats. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bld Hsvcau IO to 13 and a to . Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oreg& WANTED. Hop Pickers. Who desire to pick hops in the Island Home Hop yard will please leave their names at Thatcher & Johnson's store or address John Feller, Corvallis, Ore. Oswald West. DR. E. E. JACKSON VeterinarT Surgeon & Dentist O&ce 1011 Main st Ind 204 Residence 1220 4th st Ind 382L. WANTED 50 cars of oats and wheat. Will ship from nearest B. B. station, get the prices of others, then get mine, Send sample of grain.' I keep all kinds ot farm seeds. Yours tor business, L. L. Brooks, Corvallis, Or. FOR SALE. Kline's private fire department wzs completed yesterday, and there was a test. From the alley back of the store, a stream was thrown from a two inch hose through a five-eighths nozzle across the walk on the other side of the block, a distance ot lull 120 ieet. ihe efficacy of three such streams in or about the store in case of a blaze would, it will be seen, be .very eat. The wonder is that other establishments do not make similar provisions for fighting fire. ; The County board of Equaliza tion has been in session all week. In all, riot more than three dozen taxpayers have appeared to raise a kick against their taxes. There are something like 2.000 taxpayers in tne county, and the most of them are saving tt-eir vials of wrath to uncork at taxpaying time to the sheriff, who has nothing to do with the fixing of the taxes. Of the two or three dozen who have ap peared before the board, only a few have asked for their assess ments to be lowered, and not one demanded a raise. A reduction of $245 was made in Judge Wood ward's assessment, and a slight re duction was made for Fred Bu chanan. The two railroads that traverse Benton county pay taxes this year almost double that of former years. The valuation per mile has been practically doubled by Assessor Davis. The C. & E. which has 36 miles of track in Benton is assessed at $4,000 a mile on its track and $205 a mile for rolling stock. The total valuation of its property in the county is $160,000. It was $85, 000 last year. The Southern Pa cific pays on a valuation of $104,' 000, its track being valued at $8,- 000 per mile and its rolling stock at $480. Its mileage in the county is 12 miles. Neither railroad has so far had its officials before the county board of equalization, pro testing against the new assessment will be a town to for none of them. take a back seat BUGGY FOR SALE. Splendid, nearly new top buggy, with pole. Also young Tersey-Holstein cow, trash this tall Inquire of Milton P. Morgan, Inde pendent phone 3O0. PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at auction at my farm one mile south of Monroe, on Saturday, bept. 8, at 10 a. m; the fol lowing described property: 200 Goats, .' 50heep, 4--wo year old Colts, 2 Clydesdale Mares, 1 Roadster, 2 Ter sey Cows, 1 Jersey Heifer, 2 Hogs, 10 dozen Urown L,egnorn Wens. 1 new disc plow, 1 drag harrow, 1 spring tooth harrow, 1 disc harrow, 1 walkng plow. 1 set harness, 1 farm wagon, hack, 1 buggy, hay rope, new barrel churn, cook stove, household furnitnre and other articles. Terms cash in hand. John Coffee. J. FRED STATES ATTORhu l-AT-LAW Zierolf Building. Only Set Abstract Books in Benton CoaaOp G. R. FARRA, Physician & Surgeom, OS:e i id sacs 1 Seventh . 11 I t 1 5 irai-.t 3 -tit :r .j? Ii lit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t i FOR SALE OR TRADE. No 1 clean cheat seed. Phone 51 Mt. View line. Joseph Bryant. AFTER THREE YEARS. Widow Discovered Part of Land She Bought in Ben ton Belonged to Rail rdad. Interest attaches to the case of Mrs. Alvina Robinson and the ex perience she has had with a farm she purchased in Benton county. Three years ago she arrived from the East and bought a place on the Peak road a dozen or fifteen miles westward horn Corvallis. There was 30 acres of land under cultiva tion and comfortable farm buildings on the ranch. Not lone ago. as a result of a survey, she discovered that 15 acres or one-h?lf of her cul tivated land was on a quaiter'own- ed by the railroad company. Of equal importance to her was the discovery made at the same time that the farm, building were also on the railroad section. , It was all a most unwelcome discovery for out in that country 15 acres of tillable land is a good part of a farm and thelo6Softhe 15 acres that is on the railroad section means much to her. She is a widowed lady and of most excellent character; She sup posed when she made the purchase that all that was inside the fence was to become hers. This week she was before the county board of equalization asking for a reduction of her assessment on the eround that she had been the past three years paying on land that did. not belong to her, the whole property, build ings and railroad land having ; also been included in this year's assess ment. Her petition was granted by the board. . For Sale 1 offer my entire poultry out fit and business consisting of 200 fowls, three incubators, one bone grinder, one grit urinder, one rlover cutter. Cheap it taken toon, S. H. Moore, Corval lis, Ore. RFD 3. Ind. phone 713. FOR SALE Two good cows, both will be fiesh in September, one a register ed Jersey. Oae fiae Htckney year ling colt. One pony cart; all at a bar gain if taken soon. J. A. Gil key, Col lege Hill, Corvallis. FOR SALE. Six horse engine and 12 borse boiler in aood repair, and cream ery fixture", to he sold separately or as a u hole, and at a bxagain . George Tav lor. Independent phone 497. Kor Sale. Three piece Mahogany Marble top ed room suit; good box Heater; 2 burner oil stove. Bargain if taken soon. S. L. Kline's Residence. For Sale. House 6 rooms and barn. 3 lots in Jobs Addition. House 7 rooms, barn, 4 lots near the College. . House 7 rooms, brn, 12 lots in Wil kins Addition. Inquire of S. H. Moore, Ind. phone, 713, or any of the real estate men . H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cos. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 1 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may b eft at Graham & t'- 'ham's drug etoie. Go East at reduced rates. The Southexsi Pacific company announces redncerl round trip rates to ihe E-st lor the -season of 1906 as follows: Corvallis to Chicago and return, $73-95- St. Louis, $69.95. waukie, $72.15. St. Paul and Man- -neapolis, $62.45. SiotxCity, Cotn -cil Bluffs, Omaha, Bu Joseph, At- -chinson, Leavenworth and Kansas City, $62.45. Sale dates June 4, 6. 7, 23, 25; . July 2, 3. August 7,8, 9, SepU. 8, 10. Limit going, 10 days. Return limit 90 days but not af ter Oct. 31st. Well Drilling. J. E. Sloper is prepared to sink wells through qnick sand and gravel. Rock drilling a specialty. Inquire of J: R. Smith & Co., or address J. E. Sloper, C01 voi lis, OrffcO'i. The End of the World of troubles that robbed E H Wolfe ot Bear Grove, la, of all usefulness, came when he began taking -Electric Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago Ridney trou ble caused me great suffering, which I would never have snrvived bad I not tak en Flectric Bitters. They also cured me of General Debility." Sure cure for all Stomach. Liver and Kidney complaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness and Weakness or bodily decline.- Price 60c. Guaranteed by Allen & Woodward, drug, gists. ' - Mr. J. Mon Foo, ' an experienced com pounder of Chinese medicines, successor to the late Hong Wo Tohg, of Albany, Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi nese medicine to all. ' The undersigned recommends him and guarantees satis faction, s Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec ond Street, Albany, Oregon. Jim Westfall. Cory a His & Eastern RAILROAD TIME CARD 33 Trains From and to Yaquina No 1 Leaves Yaquina 6.55 a. n Leaves Corvallis 10.45 a. m Arrives Albb.nv... 11:40:1.01 No 2 Leaves Albany i2;iop. ra. Leaves Corvallis. i:05 P- 10 Arrives Yaquina 5 :oo p. m TRAINS TO AXD FROM DETROIT no 3 ; . Leaves Albany for Detroit. . 7:30 a. im Arrive Detroit 12:30 p. m No 4 Leaves Detroit. . . 1:00 p. ta Arrive Albany 5:55 p. m TRAINS FOR CORVALLIS No 8 Leaves Albany 7:05 a. m Arrives Corvallis 8:33 a, m, No 10 Leaves Albany 3:50 p. n Arrive Corvallis 4:30 p. m No 6 Leaves Albany 7:35 p. xa Arrives Coivallis 8:15 p. i TRAINS FOR ALBANY No 5 Leaves Corvallis -6:30 a. n Arrive Albany 7 10 a. n No 9 . : Leaves Ccrvallis 1:30 p. m Arriyea Albny 2:10 p. m No 7 ' Leaves Cor val. is 6:00 p. m Arrive Albany 6:40 p. m No 11 " Leave CotoIHb t 1 -oo a. Di Arrive A Ibau y 1 1 .42 a. m No 12 j Leaves Albap y 12:45 p m Arrives Con allis j .33 p. m A 11 the ') conprc wuh S"U'hpyn Pacific con 1 pa n tinii u bu th at Aibanj end Corvcfiii hs h. II a trains for Detroit giving dir( Service to Newport at.d ad jacent beachrs, as well as Breitenbusb Hot Springs For funlit-r information applv t '' v J. (J. MaYO, G.11 Agt B. H. Bol-f Ht A tuny, H. H. CitU(. ittcl loading.