The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 31, 1906, Image 2

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Corvallis Times
In the greeting accorded William
J. Bryan last night in New York
City there is a testimonial such as
las seldom, if ever, before been ex
tended a private citizen. The
home coming of General Grant in
1880 was attended with great popu
lar demonstration, but he was an
ex-president of the United States,
and a military hero. A magnifi
cent ovation was given Admiral
Dewey in New York City a few
vears aeo, but he was a conquering
hero returning home from a tran
scendent naval victory. Mr. Bry
an is only a private citizen. He
has held no high office to bring
him distinction; he has emerged a
iero from no wars nor battles. His
only title to the acclaim of his coun-.
trymen is that he is an American,
that he is uncompromisingly devot
ed to the right, and that he has a
brilliant and amiable personality.
The applauding thousands that
cheered him at Madison Square last
night paid homage, "3 not to an offi
cial, not to military or naval spirit,
not to fortune, not to name, but to
manhood. They applauded be
cause they have come to know that
Mr. Bryan is one national figure
who hears the cry from the cot of
the humble as well as from the
mansion ot the rich, that he is one
statesman who is not tethered to
the" rich or great but knows and
feels the needs of the masses and
that his ambition is not for self, but
for the uplift and easement of the
lowly and the betterment of all his
That such is the cuiding motive
in Mr. Bryan, the observer long
ago discerned. That long in ad
vance of others of his countrymen
he thought out and proposed poli
cies for the general betterment of
American society i made remark
ably manifest by the adoption of
many of these polices by a presi
dent politically opposed to Mr.
Bryan. For years the Nebraskan
stood alone in the advocacy of re.
medial measures and the reward he
received at the time was to have
obloquy and contumely heaped up
on him from all sides. He is the
man who walked ahead and blazed
the way ior the LaFollettes, the
Cummins, the Folks and the Roose
velts, and it was to his powerful
appeals for correctives more than to
. any other influence that the forces
have been set in motion to draw an
unwilling congress and to lead pub
lic officials in high places toward
better laws and a purer citizenship.
It is the very adoption of his ideas
by opponents and their incorpora
tion into public policies that have
caused his countrymen to recognize
the true greatness of Mr. Bryan
and to call forth their unrestricted
Two defeats for the presidency
would have remanded any other
man to fathomless and resurrection
less oblivion. Though he suffered
two such defeats, Mr. Bryan last
night in New York City stood in as
illustrisus a position before the
country and the world as ever iell
to the lot of mortal. For a private
citizen to be the recipient of the
New York ovation is as enviable a
distinction as to be the president ot
the nation and it doubtless is quite
as gratifying to the great Common
Of C & E. to Newport
Franchise Granted Through
Main Street of Seaside
The initial step has been taken
for the building of an extension of
the C. & E. raflroad from Yaquina
to Newport. Tuesday night the
city council of that town granted
a franchise for extending its tracks
through the main street of New
port and to maintain depots to the
southward and westward of the
Abbey House. The franchise in
cludes the use of the street for a
double track, and extends for a
period of 99 years. Officers of the
company and attorneys were pres
ent during the session of the coun
cil, which lasted from Tuesday eve
ning at 7:30 to 1:30 Wednesday
morning. The franchise ordinance
was read, section by section, and
adopted accordingly, discussions
occurring over many of the provis
ions. One requirement is that the
extension must be completed within
a year, or the franchise will lapse.
Among those who were present at
the meeting of the council in behalf
of the company were Judge W. .
McFadden of Corvallis, J. K.
Weatherford of Albany, General
Manager Talbot, General Superin
tendent Walsh and Bridge Superin
tendent Stevens. They all went
over on a special train Tuesday and
returned in the same way immedi
ately after adjournment of the
council, leaching Corvallis at five
o'clock Wednesday morning.
The provision that the extension
must be completed within a year,
probably means that the company
will build into Newport during the
winter. If done, it means a large
ly increased summer travel as well
as more winter travel to Newport.
If, instead of the tedious transfer to
the boat, requiring, sometimes an
hour or more to reach Newport, the
run down can be made on a train
in fifteen minutes, the popularity of
Newport as a seaside resort will be
immensely enhanced, and the reve
I nues of the railroad in the passen
ger line be correspondingly increas
ed. It is said that the extension will
cost $100,000. As projected, the
line will probably , cross - the mud
flats to McLane's point and thence
skirt the bay to Newport. A. great
deal of bnlkbead work;, will be nec
essary it is said irom Olsonville to
enter Newport proper.
And a Marriage Bureau Var
ied Bill of Fare at a big
hop Yard. s
It is to be a varied bill of fare
this year at the big 400-acre hop
yard of Krebs Brothers near Inde
pendence, according to the Portland
Journal." .
"Clear the floor of the evange
lists! Bring on the fiddlers!"
This may be the cry at Krebs
Brothers immense hopyards at In
dependence when the picking gets
into full swing next week. !
The hop men have provided a
dance hall for their pickers and
some time ago they announced that
they would welcome preachers,
promising them such trade in mar
riages as should turn up. The of
fer was not without result. B. D.
Ellsworth, Methodist, and W. S.
Hoffman, Baptist, have declared
their intention to hold services at
the yards. When the weather is
fine they probably will preach out
of doors but on rainy nights the
dance hall will be available.
Preaching will last from 7 till 8 and
then the dance will start.
A marriage bureau will be a new
feature this year. Those who pat
ronize the institution need not be
married by either of the evangelists
but naturally the preachers on the
ground will be given preference by
people who belong to no denomina
tion. '
"We've got a river right near by
too," said a representative of Krebs
Brothers today. and thai may
help for baptisms. You can find
all the comforts of home in the
Coast Leader
State Fair
Salem Sept 10-1506
(Open Day and Night)
The west is a promising
live stock district. This ex
hibition will be one - of great
WILL PAY IT BACK. vaiae to
Holding: Religious Serviees
There At Southern Pacific
' Depot.
They are holding religious ser
vices in a railroad coach at the
Southern Pacific station. The ex
tra long car that stands near the
depot building is the one in use for
the purpose. It is built and oper
ated for this use, and is called a
chapel car. Though circuses, the
atrical companies and other travel
ing organizations have often ap
peared here in their own special
cars, this is a novelty in religious
work. It is neatly fitted up with a
pulpit and seats and has a capacity
of 100. . It is equipped with an or
gan, phonograph and other appli
ances incidental to religious work.
It is in the charge of Rev. and Mrs.
Hermiston of San Francisco, and is
sent out by the American Baptist
JPublication Society.
Religious services are held each
evening at 730 except Saturday,
and are of but an hour's duration.
The Sunday services are to be in
the local Baptist church, and will
occupy both the morning and even
ing hour. Those who have seen
the chapel car describe it as very
convenient and comfortable and is a
literal church on wheels.
Tax Money Already Collected
Levy for Road Purposes
was not Legal.
A special tax of five mills, levied
in district number 17 for the im
provement of the roads therein, has
been abandoned. The district is
known as West Willamette and
Doke Gray is the supervisor. The
farms of Peter Rickard, Manly
Currier, Punderson Avery, and
others are included in the district.
The tax was voted by a consider
able majority of the taxpayers, but
it subsequently developed that the
proceedings were irregular. It
would, if all had been collected,
have yielded a revenue of $882, and
thereby hangs tbe tale. A number
of residents declined to pay the tax,
and of course could not be forced to
do so. Of the $882, that the tax
would have returned, $675 was act
ually paid, $70 of it comingfrorrf
the O. & C. railroad company. It
is understood that an order has al
ready been prepared, and that at the
coming term of the county court,
action will be taken for refunding
the tax money to those who paid
it, the $70 to the railroad included.
11 ' ' '
' -
New Goods! New Goods!
A car of new goods willar
rive this week for the fall
trade consisting of
Bed Room Suites, Hotel Dressers, Kitchen
Treasures, Student Tables, Dining Ta
bles Center Tables, Dining Chairs, Rock
ers, Couche s, Couch Covers, Portiers Etc, Etc.
We are therefore enabled to show you the largest stock of
general House Furnishings even displayed in Corvallis.
We are also receiving in this shipment a large supply of new
patterns of wall paper, several rolls of new
Ingrain Carpet, New Air Tight Hea
ters, Granite and Tinware.
Donate a little ot your valuable time to the
examination ot pur goods and prices. Don't go to bed and dream
of coming tomorrow or nextiweek but come today. 4
Come select your goods while stock is full, bring your neighbor.
1- JfCfc5
Our Stock
Our stock is fine, large and new
In every line complete,
Its just the stock my friesnd if
Want goods that can't be beat.
Thetime to Buy
If you ars wise you'll come today
While bargainb still abound,
There's bargnins for you any
way When'er you come around.
The Hustling Furniture Dealers.
"For the Cook Stove"
The telephone in the office of the
Corvallis saw mill rang, and, tak
ing down the receiver, Ed Strong,
the proprietor, answered, with the
following uncertain result:
"Hello," in a female voice; "is
this the sawmill ?"
"Have you dry slab wood?"
"Yes, we have nice , dry wood."
"Please send me two loads."
' 'AH right; who is it for ?"
"It's for the cook stove."
"Ah, yes who who, who "
But she had hung up, and where
to send the wood was ' the question
Edward couldn't solve. And it is
unanswered yet, except that it's
"for the cook stove" and that is
why they are laughing at the boss,
down at the mill. -
breeders and pur
chasers. The entire stock
loving West will be at Salem
Come and see the
Display of
Also a Grand
Display of '
Racing Evonts Daily
Special Railroad Rates
Correspondence Solicited
W. H. DowliDg, President.
Frank W. Durbini Secy.
Hop Growers
One hundred dollars will buy a
Franklin Hop Baler. For sale at
F anklin Iron Works,
Corvallis, Ore.
Economy fruit
& Johnson's.
jars at Thatcher
Galveston's Ssa Wall.
makes life now as safe in that city as on
the higher uplands. E W Goodloe, -who
resides on Dutton 8., in Waco, Tex.,
needs no sea wall for safety. - He writes :
"I have used Dr. King's New Discovery
for consumption tbe past five years and
it keeps me well snd safe. Before that
time I had a caugh which for years had
been growing worse. Now it's gone."
Cqres chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Cronp
Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumo
nia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle
guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug
store. Price 50u and 1.00 Trial bottle
The First National Bank of Corval
lis, Oregorj, transacts a general
conservative banking business.
Loans money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
money transferredto the principal
Qilies of the United States, Eu
rope and foreign countries.
Job Printing
is the Best
Newport, Yaquina Bay Breitenbtiiih
Hot Springs From All S. P. and
C & E. Points.
On and after June 1, 1906. the Southern Pacific,
in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern rail
road, will have on sale round trip tickets from
points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and
Detroit at low rates, good for return until Octo
ber 10,1906.
Three-day tickets to Newport and Yaquina,
I good going Saturdays and returning Mondays,
are also on sale from all East Side points, Port
land to Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West
side points, enabliDg people to visit their famil
ies and spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all East Side points, Poit-
and to Eugene, inclusive, and from all Was
Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very
low rates, with stop-over privileges at. Mill City
or any point East, enabling tourists to visit the
Santiamand Breitenbush Hot Springs, in the
Cascade Mountains, which can be reached in
, one day. . . . ,
Season tickets good for return from all points
until Oct. 10. Three-day tickets good going Sat
urdays and returning Mondays only. -Tickets
for Portland and vicinliy good for return via.
the East or West Side. Tickets from Eugete
and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon
Springfleld branch. Baggage on Newport tickets
checked through to Newport; on Yaquina tick
ets to Yaquina only. Sunday excursions to New
port on the 0. & E. will begin June 10!h or 17th
and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving Alba
ny at 7:30 a. m.; leaving Corvallis 8 a. m: -S.
P. trains connect With theO. & E. at Albany
and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains
on the C. & E. for Detroit will leave Albany at
7:30 a. m., enabling tourists to the Hot Springs
to reach there the same day. Trains from and
to Corvallis connect with all East Side trains oil
the 8. P.
Full Information as to r ates, time tables, etc,,
can be obtained on application to J. C. Mayo
Gen. Pass. Agt. C. & E. R., Albany; A. L. Craig,
G. P. A. S. P. Co., Portland, or te any S, P. or 0.
& E. agent.
Rates from Corvalll. to Newport, $3.75;
To Yaquina, $3.25.
Three-day rate from Corvallis to Newport, $.W.
There is one guaranteed Specialty that occupies a
position of particular merit among goods of its class
because of the care and specialization which enter into
the manufacture of the entire product. The name is
Packard Shoes
. A. K. RUSS
Dealer in all Mens Furnishings.
Insurance That Insures.
German American of New York
Possible S. F. Loss. Surplus to Policy Holders.
$2,700,000. Over $7,924,674.
In addition to the above the Company has the legal
reserve carried for all other outstanding policies and
claims. Choose your company. Select only such as
can meet another large fire now and pay 100. cents
on tne -dollar. The German American can do it.
Resident Agents.
-iib un
uii nn nn 'nn hh uu nti-
For a Fine Line
I Guns, Fishing Tackle and
We carry trie Famous Bristol Fishing Rods.
Base Ball Goods go to