The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 31, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. X1X.-NO. 3
b.v. nivnni Koitoc
and Proprietor
Jfrr? . ;
Notice of Final Settlement.
Sn the Matter ol the Estate )
Locisa Irwin, deceased. )
Kotlce 18 hereby given that the undersigned
as executor of the last will and testament of
Louisa Irwin, deceased, has filed his final ac
count as such executor with the clerk of the
county court of the state of Oiegon, for Benton
county, and the said court has fixed Saturday,
the 8th day of September, 1906. at the hour of
two o'clock in the afternoon as the time, and
the county court room In the court house In Cor
vallis Oregon, as the place for heating any and
all objections to the said account, and for the
settlement thereof.
Dated this, August 10, 1906.
Executor of the last will and testament of Lou
isa Irwin, deceased.
In the circuit court In the state of Oregon, for
Benton county.
Catherine Boehringer, Plaintiff, 1
Oregon and California Railroad '.Co., I .
and Union Trust Company. .Deft's. J
To Union Trust Company, the above named de
In the name of the state of Oregon you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintlft in the
above entitled suit. In the above entitled
court, now on file .In the office of
the cleik of said court on or before the last day
of the time prescribed in the order for publica
tion of this summons made by the county judge
of Benton ceunty, stale of Oregon (which order
Is hereinafter relerred to) to wit: August 31,
1906. and vou are hereby notified that If you fail
In appear and answer the said complaint as
nerein requirea, lor want mureui. bue pmiuim
will apply to the above entitled court lor the re
lief demanded in her said comp.aiut, to-wit:
that the defendant O. & C. R. K. Co. make a
deed to plaintlH conveying the N. W. qunrter of
N. W. quarter of Section 29, Township IS S.,
K. 6 W., in Benton county. Oregon; that defend-'
ant Union Trust Company join in said deed,
and that if defendants refuse to make sucb deed
then that the decree of the above entitled
court stand in lieu thereof.
This summons is published In the Corvallls
Times newspaper once a week for six succes
sive and consecutive weeks, beginning with
the Issue July 20, 1906 and ending with
tne Issue of August 31, 1906. in pursuance
of the directions contained In an order
wade by the Hon. if. Woodward, county
Judge of Benton county, Oregon, dated July
16, 1906. Date of first publication hereof is 3 uly
20, 1906.
i . E. E. WILSON,
Plaintiffs Attorney,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
Melcena Wright has been appointed administra
trix of the estate of Thomas J. Wright, deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to pr'-sent the same, duly
verified as by law required, at the office of J, F.
Yates wiihiu six months from the dete of this
Dated at Corvallls, Or.. Aug. 14, 1906.
Administratrix of the estate of Thomas J.
Wright, deceased.
Remember Nolau's Rummage
and Remadnt Sale clo;-e Friday,
Aug, 31st at 6 o'clock p. m.
Northern Pacific.
2 Daily Trains 2
Duluth, Minneapolis, cjt. Paul
and the Emsl.
2 Trains i Daily 2
Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan
sas City St. Louis and East,
Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle
Pullman First-class sleeping cars, Pullman
Tourist sleeping cars, Dining cars night and day,
Observation and Parlor cars.
The regular Yellowstone Park B-ute via. Liv
ingston and Gardiner, Mont., the government
official entrance to the Park.
. Park season June 1st to September 20th.
See Europe If yon will but see America first.
8tart right See Yellowstone National Park
Nature's greatest wonderland.
Wonderland Th3 famous Northern Pacific
book can be had for the asking or six cents by
The Route of the "North Coart Lsmited" the
Only Electric Lighted Modern Train from Port
land to the East.
The ticket office at Portland is at 255 Morrison
street, corner Third; A. D. Carlton, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or,
E. R. Bryson,
Banking Company
orvallis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County. City and School
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND (.The Ban o
SEATTLE , f California
HEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds Bona
CANADA, TJalcn Hank of Canada
Our store has many bargains in Odds and
Ends, and lots of Staple Goods just the
things to look after this month ...
If youi meed a mraisses shoe, size to 2J see our
line for Fifty cents.
All our Spring Wash Fabrics at a big
sacrifice in former price
Sewing Machines, Trunks,
Valices, Window Shades,
Carpets, xiineolum,
Matting and Rugs,
Many other articles
That we are now offering that -will ay to investigate.
Call aed See
, No Prizes go with our . .
Cbase & Sanborn Higb Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Chase & Sanborn Higb Grade
New Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of-
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. ,
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,
Knives, Eazors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman need can
be found at my store.
Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop.
All Work Guaranteed.
M. M
Ind. Phone 126. '
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Body Hacked With Axe Youth
Hoped to Get Sam of Money
Murderer Carries Body
Away in a Wheel
i barrow.
Spokane, Aug. 28. Spokane was
I shocked by the revolting murder of
'James F. Sloane, a pioneer mer
idian t and former member ot the
Kloane-raine (Grocery company.
Sidney Sloane. hia 17 year old eon,
is held at the police station. The
body was found in an alley near
the Sloane home on Sixth avenue
about 6 o'clock this morning by a
woman, wno teiepbqned to tne po
Tbe body showed that a coward
ly murder had been committed
there were numberless gashes on
the head which appeared to have
been inflicted with a batcbet. One
gash extended nearly from ear to
ear and tbere were a number of
three-cornered wounds on the skull
The-murderer evidently struck a
dozen or more blows and after kill
ing the merchant, the murderer
placed bis body in a wheelbarrow
and took it through the streets to
an alley at the rear of the house. A
trail of blood plaiuly showed the
path of the thug and his victim
The body was thrown against a pile
of rocks.
Shortly after the body was found
tbe police took Sidney Sloane into
custody. He appeared to be una
ware of the crime until 7 o'clock
and when informed eeemed com
pletely upset. He said he would
go immediately to a ranch 16 miles
from the city and inform bis moth
er, who was tbere. He was taken
into custody about ten o clock and
Lconfest?ed be had. killed his father.
The coi.fest-ion was made tr Chief
Wa'ler and dtective McDermott
At first he told a etcry that he
bad made arrangements with a man
named Riley at Sheridan, Wyom
iner. to come on here and kill his
father. They planned to secure
$500 be knew bis father carried and
divide it. He stra'ed Riley came
Apparently the parent bad fallen
asltep in his chair while reading
some after a light luncheon of bread
and milk. The boy carefully stuff
ed tbe keyholes with cotton to stifle
tbe sound from other occupants of
the bouee, then - goiog down tbe
back stairs sgain, he got an axe
from a neighbor's woodpile and,
returning stealthily, he cut his fath
er almost to pieces while be slept.
It was necessary to hide tbe crime
and the boy decided to build up
the appearance of a highway mur
der. Sneaking down stairs again,
he found a wheelbarrow "filled with
apples in a neighbor's yard. Emp
tying the apples, bebrcugbt it to tbe
stairway and, carrying his father's
body down to it, he wheeled the
remains for nearly two blocks at
midnight through the street in the
business district . Then he tossed
hie father's body into the rear of a
Returning home, tbe patricide
put tbe barrow in the neighbor's
yard, refilled it with the apples and
put tbe axe on tne woodpile. G
ina ip ptairs, he found the room
Joukmg Lke a shambles. He wash
ed the floor, scrubbed down the
bloody stairway, bid the rugs and
at breakfast time was found calmly
sprinkling the yard and inquiring
casually why his father had not
come home at night.
The police suspected him from
his inability to conjure up the sem
blance of real grief when told that
the body had been found. He was
arrestea ana soon orose aown, con
fessing. Another tale he told was
that he did it to get the money, and
he showed $50 which he took from
the corpse. Another story was that
the two quarreled over the mother
The police suspect that Young
Sloane naa older accomplices, in
eluding a woman. He is also" 8us
pected of being the burglar who
robbed two stores in the block where
his father was long engaged in bus
iness. He is also suspected of be
ing a partner of the borglar who
was shot and killed a few weeks
ago while breaking into Staples'
candy store.
The boy later declared that he
alone killed his father, but said it
was in the heat of passion, his fath
er having attacked him when "intoxicated.
The purport of the confession is
that, denied money with which to
purchase a suit of clothes, the boy
deliberately planned his father's
death. He had learned that his
father had $500 on hiB person and
wanted it. The boy had always
been pampered and given money.
The boy's Bupply of money had
been curtailed recently on account
of reverses. He is a great spender,
not vicious, but weak, and is known
as a petty thief.
The blow is a hard one for the
mo'her, who is delicate and has
had troubles on account of her hus
band's love for drink. Their funds
have been dissipated by her hus
band in the last two years. The
wife managed a big grocery house
until recently sold. The wife ia on
a ranch 16 miles out of Spokane.
The murderer moved in the best
set among the yonnger people.
Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 26.
A sea turtle with a shell six, feet
wide and with a head . as large as
a man's, is reported to be despoil
ing Lake's Bay, back of this city,
of fish.
John Bevins, a bay men, who has
always held a good reputation for
sobriety and truth, a member of
the Baptist church, is authority for
the story. He says over a bushel
of oysters are growing on its shell
and be believes the turtle is at least
400 years old. Its open mouth, he
says, was wide and deep enough to
have torn the side out of his clam
boat. Sportsmen who went after
the turtle this afternoon failed to
see it. .
New York City, N. Y., Aug. 29.
Craft of ever ,T conceivable kind,
from the palatial private yacht to
the little tug boat, went down the
bay today to meat the North Ger
man Lloyd liner Princess Irene,
having on board William J. Bryan
and his party. The boats carried
hundreds of democrats anxious to
greet their idol as the waves of the
Atlantic brought him into view.
From the time the steamship ties
up to her pief in Hoboken - until
Mr. Bryan lands at the Butery to
morrow the leader will keep in
strict seclusion. He probably will
spend the night on beard the yacht
of his friend, Mr. Galtra, of St.
Louis, where he will confer with
those who lave closest relations
with him.
New York, Aug. 3O. Between
crowds of countless thousands that
lined both sides of Broadway from
the Battery to Central Park, Wil
liam J. Bryan made his entry into
New York late this aftfrooon after
an absence from tbe country of
nearly a year. Even those whose
political faith held them aloof from
tbe popular demonstration were
bound to admit that it was a "tri
umphal" entry, the like of which
tbe metropolis had not scene since
the return of Admiral Dewey after
his victory at Manila bay.
Wiosted, Conn., Aug. 26. C.
G. Aldricb, of Boston, and D. S.
Mcore, both busicess men, have
each sued Calvin B. Humphrey,
a prosperous farmer of Colebrook,
for $2,ooo damages. Humphrey's
bank account and property here
were attached this afternoon for
Last May as Aldrich and Moore
were ridiog in the former's auto
through Colebrook River, Hum
phrey rushed into the road with an
ox whip and commanded them to
stop, as a friend s horee was afraid
of th" machine.
They paid no attention to the
signal and as the autoists sped by
Humphrey gave them the lash of
the ox whip on their beads, and
when they returned and sought an
explanation .he slapped and choked
Moore, who, in tha complaint said
ne sutterea great pain and was
greatly humiliated.
Humphrey eays that if he hadn't
jumped from in front of tbe on com
ing ''devil's wagon" as quickly as
ne aid ne would have been run
over. He is glad the suit has been
brought and will fight to the last
ditch, be says, to eee whether the
"automobile hog" can monopolize
the country roads.
A Mystery Solved. ' .
"How to keep off periodic attacks of
billi.0ue.ne3s' and habitjal constipation
was .a mystery that Dr King's New life
Pills solved for me," writes John N Fleas
ant, of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills
that are guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction to everybody or money refunded
Only 25c at Allen & Woodward's drag
store. ,
Health Officials Discover Where
the Bakers Get Material for "
Cooking Strong Smells
Predominate Other .
Chicago, Aug. 28. Health offi
cials today brought to light a fac
tory where eggs which antedate
even tbe oldest chorus girl are "re
processed," mixed, deoderizedv
ground, pulverized and Bifted and
finally eold to bakeis all over the
land,, and even to one great trans
Atlantio steamship line, for cooking
purposes. To keep out the inquis
itive and to keep in the Bmells,
which are something fierce, the fac
tory is a vast system of trapdoors,
secret passages, and the business is
such that goods are never shipped
in the name of the purchaser, but
to his initials only.
Admission to the third floor shown
two small girls at work breaking
evil-Bmelling eggs into cans. The
stench is powerful, from this point
to the end of the investigation. Tbe
eggs which are used for food are
supposed to have been carefully
culled by a "candler." Those
which are called beyond eating go
into another recept. cle to make:
tanning oil. The mess of "broken
eggs," which tbe "inspectors" have
labeled unwholesome, is dumped
into a separator and the shells are
extracted. Tbe liquid goes to the
fourth floor.
Tbe loft ia fitted up with a con
denser. Eight rolls, three feet by
four or five, and each cut so aa to
give all the surface possible, are in
constant mot'on. Vats of eggs are
raised so that the rolls are covered,
and air at a temperature of 104 de
grees is forced over tbe mass. The
eggs stick to tbe rolls and are dried
out. This product is ecraped loose,
eifttd and sold to bakers. '
Tbe man in charge tf the rolls
never calls for sn egg shampoo at
the barber shop. It is not necessa
ry. Today he carelessly rubbed his
fingers through his hair shortly af
ter reaching into the liquid to pie
vent its clogging the rolls.
Goods have bfeo shipped to "N.
B., St. Joseph. Mo.;" "F. Schmidt,
Atlanta,. Ga.," and "H. M. R.,
Philadelphia." Oth r goods have
been shipped to Texas and Port
land, Or., as well as to a tran At
lantic steanjrhip line. It takes four
dozen eggs to make a pound of the
"repiocessed" material. Chief Mur
rav has other plants under surveil
lance. The product ot the one dis
covered teday will be soaked in
kerosene tomoriow.
Newark, N. J., Aug. 28 Wil
liam Hocb, propri' tor of a saloon,
was killed by electricity in his bar'
room by a shoek from an incandes
cent lamp while preparing to close
his place last night. Hoch mounted
a chair to reach tbe switch of an
electric light over the bar, As his
hand came into contsct with the
button he doubled up, pitched for
ward across the bar and rolbd to
the floor dead.
A witness ot tbe accident explain'
ed the manner of Hoch's death to
the police, and to illustrate the oc
currence mount ei tbe chair and
touched the ?anie switch. He re
ceived a shock that felled him
Eenseless to tbe floor, and a physi
cian bad difficulty ia reviving him.
Washington, Aug. 26 When
the president and bis family went
to Oy6tar Bay a pet parrot, of which
Mr. Roosevelt ia fond, was turned
over to a dealer to be cared for. It
was several years ago that the par
rot was introduced into the Roose
velt household. He grew very fond
of the president's eldest daughter,
and his voice, shouting "Alice, Al
ice, Alice," frequently was heard
ringing through the hallways.
With the marriage of Miss Roose
velt to Representative Longworth
1 the parrot seemed to lose interest
m life. His jubilant voice changed
to a dull croak, and the familiar
cry of "Alice" changed to a color
less echo. The bird no longer flap
ped his wings, nor did his shrill
cries ring through the bouse.
Then came the departure of Mrs.
Longworth for Europe. The par
Continued on page 4.