r"' ' J as I fit If TO Vol . XlX -No. 3 CORVALLIS, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, 1906. B.F. rsvnra man And Proprietor - - Notice ol Final Settlement.' In the Mattel ot tile Estate ) . of Louisa Irwin, deceased. ) .'- " Kotlce is hereby given that the undersigned as executor of the last will and testament of Loula Irwin, deceusad, has filed Ms final ac count as such executor with the clerk of the county court of the state of Oiegon, for Benton county, and the said court has fixed Saturday, the 8th dyof September, 1906, at the hour of two o'clock in the alter noon as the time, and the county com t room in the court house in Cor vallis Oregon, aa the place for healing any and all objections to the bald account, and for the settlement thereof. Dated this August 10, 1906. R. S. IRWIN, Executor of the last will and testament of Lou isa Irwin, deceased. Summons. In the circuit court In the state of Oregon, for Benton county. Catherine Boehringer, Plaintiff, " Oregon and California Railroad '.Co., I and Union Trust Company. Dell's. J To Union Trust Company, the above named de fendant: In the name of the stnte of Oregon you are hereby summoned and leqnlred to appear and answer the compUlnt of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit, la the above entitled court, now on file In the office of the cleikof said couit on or before the last da r of the time prescribed in the order for pabllca lion of this summons made by the county jadge of Benton county, state of Oiegon (which order is herein after referred to) to wit: August 81, 1906, and you are hereby notified that if you fail - to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court lor the re lief demanded in her said comp'aiut, to-wit: that the defendent O. & C. R. K. Co. make, a deed to plaintiff conveying the N. W. quarter of N. W. quarter of Section 29, Township 13 8., R.tW., in Benton county, Oregon; that defend ant Union Trust Company join in said deed, and that if defendants ret use to make such deed then that the decree of the above entitled conrt stand in lieu thereof. This summons is published in the Corvallis Times newspaper once a week for six succes sive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the Issue July 20, 1906 and ending with tne issue of August ol, 1906. in pursuance of the directions contained In an order made by the Hon. K. Woodward, county Judge of Benton county, Oregon, dated July 16, 1906. Date of first publication hereof is July 20, 1906, E. E. WILSON, Plaintiffs Attorney, Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the nndersigned, Melcena Wright haa been appointed admuuStra trlx of the estate of Thomas J. Wright, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified as by la w required, at the office of J, F. Yates wi.hin six mouths from the date of this no' lee. Dated at Corvallis, Or., Aug. 14, MOT.. MELCENA WK1GHT. Administratrix of the tsiaie ot Thomas J Wright, deceased. Remember Nolan's Rummage and Remnant Sale close Friday , Aug. 31st at 6 o clock p. m. Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul and the East. 2 Trains i Daily 2 Denver, Li q coin, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, Four daily train between Portland and Seattle Pullman First-class sleeping cars. Pullman Tourist sleeping cars, Dining cars night and day. Observation and Parlor cars. The regular Yellowstone Part B-mte via. Liv ingston and Gardiner, Mont., tne government official entrance to the Park. Park season June 1st to September 20th. Bee Europe If you will but see America first. Start right See Yellowstone National Park Nature's greatest wonderland. Wonderland Ths famous Northern Pacific book can be had foe the asking- or six cents by mail. . The Ronte of the "North Coart Lsmited" the Only Electric Lighted Modnrn Train from Port land to the East. The ticket office at Portland la at 255 Morrison Street, corner Third; A. n. Carlton, Assistant "General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, E. R. Bryson, Attorneu-At-Law, WILLAMETTE VALLEY Banking Company OSVALUS, ObXGOK Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Buy County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND (the Bank o SEATTLE r California TAOOMA J ' NEW TORE Messrs. ,T. p. Morsran A Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub lic. LONDON, ENG. N 91 Rothschilds & Hons CANADA. IT nice W-wk of OanadM ODDS AND ENDS FOR AUGUST. Our store has many bargains in Odds and Ends, and lots of Staple Goods just the things to look after this month........ Iff you need a misses shoe, size 1 to 2 see our lime for Fiffty cents. All our Spring Wash Fabrics at a big sacrifice in former price Sewing Machines, Trunks, Varices, Window Shades, Carpets, xjineolum, Matting and Rugs, Many other articles That we are now offering that will ay to investigate. Call and See Corvallis, No Prizes Chase & Sanborn High Grade COFFEE In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and SATISFACTION P. M. ZIEROLF. Sole agent for Chase fc Sanborn High Grade COFFEE New Sporting Goods Store. A new and complete line consisting of Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. Fishing Tackle, Base .Ball Supplies, Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries In fact anything the sportsman need can be found at my store.. Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop. All Work Guaranteed. M. M. Ind. Phone 126. HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. AMBLER 6c WAITERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. I I Oregon go with our LONG'S Corvallis, Oregon. SNAKE BIT IT AND MAN TRIED WHISKEY ON HIS DOG WITH SUC CESSFUL RESULTS. Literature Sent Oat by Democratic Congressional Committee Charg es That Roosevelt is Play - in g Double With Peo ple and Trusts. New Haven. Aug. I9. When nnn of fisnrop N. 'Rir'h'e nnnn Anna I D "f" 'at Eist Hampton, encountered yes terday a red-eyed adder, one of the most poisonous snakes found here about, and the enake fastened hie fangs in the dog's leg, Rich mourn ed and thought hip dog was done for. But having himself tried suc cessfully the whiskey antidote for snakebites, Rich thought it might work with equal success on the dog. He rushed the wounded animal home and poured whiskey down him until the dog exhibited a lord ly jag. The 1 g swelled to huge proportions, but Rich announced to day that the swelling had subsided and the favorite dog was on the road to recovery both from the jag and the snakebite. Washington, Aug. 22. Taedem ocratic Congressional campaign inaugurated tonight a vitriolic personal attack cn the president of the United States that makes the philippics of Tillman in his wildest moments as tame as one of the Rollo Btcries by comparison. This attack inveeting the present contest for control of the 60th congress with a previously unthought-of bitterness was promulgated through what is probably oneof tbe most remarkable pieces of literature ever emanating from a national political committee. "A faker," "four flusber," "the deepest scheming politician in the country," "in collusion with the trusts." These are some of the quali ies attributed to President Roosevelt by Coarles A Edwards, secretary of the democratic con- cretS:onal committee daring the last few eampaiges and at present serving in (be same capacity, in a statement issued this evening from tbe committee headquarters in this city. Mr. Edwards formerly was Washington correspondent for a Texas newspaper. President Roosevelt's v ejection of himself into the congressional campaign by means of his letter to Representative Jamea Watson, of Indiana, the republican whip of the Houee, has brought oat the demo cratic attack upon him. The state ment prepared and issued by Mr. Edwarda follow in part: "President Roosevelt is attempt ing to dominate this congressional fight. Hislettir to Congressman James E. Watson of Indiana has proved tbe assertion. He tells tbe country through this Utter to Mr. Watson that the republicans must do in this campaign to ' win the House. "Tbe chief thing in the letter to Mr. WatEon from lbs President of the United States is not that Mr. Watson amounts to a thing in the world, but his declaration that the tariff question mast be relegated to the rear and await republican re vision in their own time and od- ' r i unity, thus continuing to sub- re tne interests 01 tne larin-iea monopolies that grow fat on the people's pocketbooks. "The thing for which Mr. Presi dent Roosevelt is pluming himself most in this letter for which be lakes greatest credit consists of octopus-chasing and trust-busting. There are two brands of trust-busting, the chasing of octopuses and the butting of trusts that are odius and the chasing of octo puses and tbe busting of trusts that are popular. As yet Mr. President Roosevelt has only undertaken the first of those: he has not yet assail ed a popular monopoly. ".Now there is an octopus in this land of ours the head devil ofi the whole layout, namely the tariff oc topus. This is a very popular oc topus. It can muster au immense majority in either wing of the 59th congress It is the octopus Colonel Bryan is anxious to smite, hip and thigh, and it was narrated around that Colonel Roosevelt bad a rod in pickle for it that was to be burst under the monsters belly in the closing boars of the late momentu oua season; but, like General Beau regard at Shiloc; the yresident ap pears to have argued that it was glory enough : for one session, for the whole country was applauding his exploits in behalf of democratic policies. Not one thing has he re commended, and not one thing was done by his republican 59th con gress, first session, that did notem inat e from democratic brains or was not stolen from democratic platforms. "Mr. President Roosevelt brags about tbe first eeesion of the s9th congress passing a generous naval bill, carrying on tbe idea that there mutt be a big navy in order to maintain the Monroe doctrine and other things. It did. It paseed a bill carrying an appropriation for millions of dollars in tbe interest of the armor-plate trust, a few days ago an independent, anti-trust armor plate company made bids for those steel vessels, and Mr. Roosevelt's secretary of the navy refused to give the contract to the lowest bid der .(the anti-truet bidder), and compelled them to divide with the trusts. "If there is any one thing that ought to convince the people of this country that the president of tbe United States, with his full knowl edge of the transaction, is trying to play honest and consistent with tne in in tne interest ot an econom ical, just, conservative' acd decent government, that transaction ought to dissipate it. It shows him to be in collusion with every trust man agement in the United States. "President Roosevelt already has got the republican buck ague con cerning the complexion of the next House of representatives. He is simply a badly scared man, and he knows what a democratic House means for him and bis rotten ad ministration. That's why he is getting so busy in this fight for the iiouse. lie would ratner nave a republican House that would pass tbe same old resolutiocs reiusing to investigate the postoffice depart ment and tbe other departments of the government than tell tbe truth and bave a congress that would in vestigate and let tbe country bave the truth. The people ot tbe coun try democrats end republicans alike seem to have got it stuck in to their crop that Me. Roosevelt is infallible and can do no wrong; that be is working honestly and consistently in their interests, when the real truth is tbat he is a fakir and four-floeher and the deepest scheming politican in all the country." St. Petersburg, Aug. . 25. Four revolutionists arrived at M. Stoly- pin s villa on Aptikaresy Island at 3:20 p. m. today io a coach. Iwo of them were die sed in tbe uniform of gendarmes, the third was dressed as a driver acd was on the box of tbe coach acd the fourth man was in private clothes. Two of the men entered tbe villa under the pretext of making an im portant report to the premier, but were not permitted to enter nis 0. fice. - Then one of the men thiew a bomb into tbe reception room arid a teirible explosion followed. Tbe bouse was nearly destroyed. The man who threw tbe .tomb was killed, but the premier who wa in his office wss unirjured. H'.s daughter is eaid to have bad both ner legs broken end tbe premier s 3-jear-old son wss severely wound ed. Firemen who arrived on the scene immediately atter tbe explosion found a horrible scene. Many mu tilaled corpses and a large number of wounded and lacerated persons were lyirig around tbe plot where the bomb exploded. Among those killed were General Zameatim, who during the war with Tacan was chief of communication. Syracuse, Aug. 18. Thomas Ma- loney. a clerk in a drugstore, was so surprised today at the appear ance in the store of bis sister, whom he believed to have been killed in the San Francisco earthquake and fire, that be grabbed un a tumbler of benzine and gulped down its con tents. A doctor used a stomach pump, and in a couple of hours Ma loney was ame to welcome bis sis ter. A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic attacks of billiousness and babitnal constipation was a mystery that Dr King's New Life Pills solved for me," writes John N Pleas ant, of Magnolia, Ind. Tbe only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satis faction to everybody or money refunded Only 25c at Allen & Woodward's drug store. MULE FOUND IT GOLD MINE; SO AT LEAST A COURT DECISION DE CLARES. Notable Attentions Shon Bryan at Paris Murder Relics Sold in a Church Girl Threw Chemicals in Rival's . Eyts. Spokane, Wash., Aug. 23. The death of O. O. Peck, a millionaire mine owner, in this city recalls the fact tbat a donkey was declared by Judge Norman Buck, of the Su preme court of Idaho, to have shar ed in the discovery of the $15,000, 000 Bunker Hill and Sullivan mine and thereby secured for its owner a one-third interest in this famous property. "From the evider.ee of witnesses," the court's opinion reads, "this court is of the opinion that tbe Bunker Hill mine was discovered by Peck's jackass, Phil O'Rourke and N. S. Kellogg. As plaintiff owns tbe jackass be is entitled to one-third interest in the Bunker Hill claim and a one-fourth interest in tbe Sullivan." . There is much more to the opin ion, but this ebows that the learned jurist credited tbe donkey with a full share in the discovery. Fur thermore, Peck thereby obtained a tille which he subsequently sold for a fortune tbat enabled him to spend the remainder of his days in afflu ence. Stranger than any story in tbe annals of mining is that of the dis covery of the famous mine in the neart ot tne (Jotur d Alene moun tains in Central Idaho. Kellogg was a prospector, who bad been grubstaked by Cooper and Peck, 01 this city. One day be visited tbe latter and exhibited a specimen of ore that be bad found in the vicini ty of what now constitutes the Ban ker Hill and Sullivan mine. Peck pronounced the ore worthless and de clined to continue the partnership. Kellogg fell in with O'Rourke, a Colorado miner, who pronounced the ore valuable and joined Kellogg in a second expedition. This time Harry Baer and Jacob Goetz, of Spokane, grubstaked the pair. The two men chanced upon tbe Burro, which was owned by Peck, but had been turned out to forage fur itself until its owner had further need of its services. Kellogg and O'Rourke impressed it into service as a pack animaJ, without notify ing Peck. Within a month thej bad discover-d the gieitest mine the Coeur d'Alenes has ever re vealed. When Peck discovered tbat his burro bad foimed one of the party he brought suit to bave bis interest established and the cturt sustained his contention. Parif, Aug. 23. Mr. Bryan has come and gone. No American who has been in Paris attracted so much attention, or occaeicned rroie com ment. Tbe interest tbat tbe French population tcok in bis visit was re matkable. Although be bad tele graphed a week before for rooms at the Hotel Continental, the only ac commcdatioos available fur him were three little rooms on tbe third floor, wholly inadequate for a party of six. "This is like camping cut," said Mr. Bryan to bis secretary. The distinguished traveler was obliged t3 bava bis bedroom transformed into a study and reception room, where he passed much time dictat ing telegrams and receiving visitors, wbile Mrs. Bryan drove about tbe city and visied tbe great storee. Wh n Mr. Brian's presence be came known all visiting and lesi dent America swooped down upon the hotel. The clerks say that never had any visitor such stacks of mail and telegrams, ncr w as ever any one so much asked for at the desk. Mr. Bryan received numerous letters begging him to stay a week so that the American colony, irre spective of politics, might organize a dlnter and hear him talk. He confessed tbat be was tempted to break bis plans in view of the cor diality of the request", but said that it was necessary ior him to keep to his programme, as important cor respondence was following by scheduled stages. Besides be was most anxious to take the opportun ity to see Spain, especially Grena- Continued on page 4. -'