The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 14, 1906, Image 3

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    Buy $1 Worth and
! 9 a
- Portrait Coupon.
- Gunn our Artist
f Makes Portraits
. . ...., , -
for 87 cts.
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.. .
An Offer Never Equalled in this
City Before!
We have eDgaged Prof W. E. Gunn, a celebrated por
trait artist late of Chicago, to work for us a limited time
Wecan.asa result of special arrangement make
thi3 unequalled offer to our friends and customers.
You purchase $1 worth of goods. We give
you a coupon. This coupon and 87c to cover
cost of material used, pays for bust a crayOD
All work guaranteed. The artist will be at work in our
window in a few davs. Get vour couDon now and avoid
the rush as this is a limited offer and will be good for
four weeks from date the artist begins work.
Special Sale
Saturday, Aug 18th. One day Only
Mason Fruit Jars.
Pints 50c per dozen
Quarts.. 62c per dozen
Half Gallons ...83c per dozen ,
Come early and stay all day. '-. Get as many dozen as you require
Established 1864.
Corvallis, Oregon
The People's Store.
is Now on
And for 30 days we will offer the en'ire 6tock of dry
goods, boots and shoes,' clothing etc at extra special pri
ces. Space will not permit us to quote prices on every
article. But following are a few to give you an idea of
jome of the special bargains.
Extra Special
$12 5o Suits at $io oo
14 oo do il so
15 oo dO '. 12 oo
16 5o do , 13 20
18 oo do ' 14 40
Extra Special
$2 50 Boys Fuit
3 00
3 5
4 00
4 50
do .
. 2 25
. 2 85
. 3 10
3 45
Extra Special
$3 00. Ladies Skirts at $1 75
3 50 do 2 eo
4 50 do 2 75
3 5o
4 SO
5 5o
6 50
Extra Special
75 Ladies waists at $ 40
1 25 do
1 50 do
2 00 do
Odd lot of waists worth $i,
1.75 at 25c
1 00
Summer Dress Goods worth 15c, 20c, and 25c, reduced to 10c
Corvallis, Or.
When you see it in our Ad, its so.
Moses Brothers
You will always find us up and coming
and our prices leasonable.
For Boots and Shoes
for Men, Women and children, hats, caps underwear, every
day and a fhiiie , ladies skirts, mens and boys suits
Also a Fine Line of Groceries
crockery and everything that is needed in a grocery de
partment. Look Out for Moses Bros
quick delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you will find
there is something donis ,
Where is Prof. Gunn?
Df. and Mrs. Harper left yes
terday for Newport, to be absent
ten days.
Mrs. S. I. Kline arrived at
Minneapolis Sunday afternoon to
attend the national meeting of the
W. R.' C. .
W. C. Schriber leaves Tues
day for Areata, California, to build
W. E. Dunham s residence at that
Mrs. A. C. Schriber and sn
Earl leave Monday evening for
Smith field, Illinois, for an indefin
ite stay. .
Men wanted. Saw mill and
lumber vard laborers$2.25 per day.
Woodsmen $2.23 103.00. Steady
work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lnm
ber Co. Eugene, Or. tf.
Among the bay bound passen
eers Saturday were Mrs. o. in
Wilkins, Mrs. F. I,. Miller, Miss
Frances Gellally, Miss Mertie Har
rington. Max Miller, Sam Kerr,
James Rieb, Prof. Kent. Steven
Hamer, John Allen and John
The Mangas house next door
south of Mrs. Cauthorn's home on
Third street has been purchased by
Mrs. ChrissiDger for $6co. The
deal . was made by Robinson &
Stevenson. The same firm sold
the Charles Pearse house to T. D.
Campbell last week.
Excavations were begun yes-
terdav for the new residence S. I.
Kline is to build on the corner
north acro-s the street from the
Presbyterian church. Mr. Kline is
building the structure as a perma
nent home, and the (Sort will be to
make all the appointments com
plete. There will be a seven foot
basement of which three feet will
be below the surface. Surmount
ing the basement will be one
storv in which all the rooms
of the house will be located
A handsome roof with ornamental
windows in it will add to the ele
vation and heighten the sightliness
of the building. It will cost about
As the boat pulled up to the
dock at Yaquina bunday evening
with the excursionists on board
there was a sudden splash and the
cry of "man overboard. After a
little wait in which the crowd was
breathless with suspense, the wa
ters parted and a head appeared
above the surface. The eyes
glanced around for the hat which
was drifting away, and spouting
water as he went, tlie swimmer
started for it. He handled himself
with perfect ease, and after recover
ing his hat, swam back to the scow
and was pulled on board. It was
Henry Hout. the popular cutter
in the Hout & Jones meat market
of Corvallis.
-Construction of the Woman's
building at the college is tempora
rily held up. Secretary of State
Dunbar declines to issue warrants
for the $65,000 appropriation for
the building unless the contract
cost of the structure shall be within
the appropriation. The building
committee has funds from other
sources to pay the excess of cost,
and on that account maintains that
the secretary should issue the war
rant. The opinion of the attorney
general has been sought, and on
the question of what it may be, the
building program will depend. If
it shall be against the view of the
secretary, the committee will go
ahead oa the present plan. If it be
against the committee's contention,
a cheaper plan or cheaper material
will have to be resorted to so that
the cost will ccme within the ap
-Here is what the Boise City
News says about the candidacy of
E. L. Bryan for circuit judge in
one of the Idaho districts. ' Ed
L. Bryan, who has been nominated
by the Democrats for judge of the
Seventh district, is a member of the
law firm of Coxe & Bryan of Pay
ette. He was born in western Ore
gon and graduated in the business
and reporter's courses at Philomath
College, Oregon, and later graduat
ed from the academic course. At
the age of seventeen he began
teaching in the schools of Oregon,
and followed teaching and report
ing for a number of years. At the
age of 19 he was made a member of
the board or teachers examiners
and served four years. At 25 he
wa.s elected superintendent of
schools of Benton county, Oregon,
and at the expiration of his term
took up the practice of law and has
followed it ever since. He is a
lawyer of ability and has a reputa
tion as an orator. He was appoint
ed by Judge Smith to defend Har
ry Orchard at the last term of the
district court held in Canyon coun
Prof. Gunn? Gunn? Gunn?
Mrs. John Rickard left Mon
day for a visit with Eugene friends.
Mrs. Chailes Chipman return
ed Saturday from a week's visit
with Philomath friends.
C. R. Caves left Monday for
his home in Kings Valley.
Mr and Ma Fred Clark ar
rived Friday from a month's visit
with their son at Baker City.
President Gatch left yesterday
to spend the remainder of his vaca
tion at the Nye Creek cottage.
Miss Rosalie Greffoz of Port
land, passed through Corvallis Sat
urday enroute to Newport for a
week's stay.
waiter oneasgreen, manager
of the Western Union telegraph
office of Oregon City, arrived Fri
day to relieve Ernest M iller of the
local office, who is taking his vacation.
Who is Prof. Gunn?
Miss Minnie Woldt of 'Port!.
land, arrived today, and is the
guest of Miss Edna Thrasher.
- -
Miss Lillie McBec of Spring
field, is a guest at the J. R. Smith
Misses Mamie Cauthorn and
Hettie Lilly left today for a stay at
Sunday Excursion
on the
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
To Newport and Return--
Sunday excursions will leave Albany
7:30, Corvallis 8, Philomath 8:ia, Wb
8:30, Blodpet 8.-50, Summit 9:0s, Naoi
ville 9:25. E ldyville 10, Morrison M&S,
Elk Cny 10:30, Toledo 10:55 a. m.
Eusry 5uoday during tb 5UIlair
Season or t-dav tickets pood coins fir ic
Cities nOW On Water Wagon I turning on Sunday excursions fro at&
points, f are lor rouna mp:
Might get wet by Litigation ... 0orvalli. Philomatn fi &
Philomath to Chitwood 1
Morrison to Storrs 7S
Toledo, Mill 4 and Oysterville so-
Will They?
Thirty seven potatoes display
ed at the real estate office of Robin
son & Stevenson came from a sin
gle hill. They weigh 14 pounds,
and were grewn by Rev. P. A.
Moses in Corvallis.
Case knife green beans in pods
eight and one half inches in length
grown on his home place across
Marys river were brought into Cor
vallis a day or two ago by I,ee
Halite Wilkins who has been
attending a business college in
Portland since June arrived Friday
evening and left again Saturday for
Newport. After a week at the
coast he expects to return to Port
Monroe Cameron left today for
Portland, after a business visit
since Sunday in town. He is now
in the real estate business in Port
land, and is reputed to be making
good money. He says he does not
expect to again engage in the har
ness business.
Chester Mason is at the busi
ness end of a divorce suit. The
case was brought up in Baker coun
ty by his wife. He also attained
notoriety in Salem the other day
for a misdemeanor.
The funeral ot the late An
drew Hart, who died in Job's ad
dition last Monday, occurred from
the family home Sunday afternoon.
The service was conducted by Rev.
Simpson late pastor of the Episco
pal church. The burial service
was by Corvallis lodge of Free
Masons. A son from Toledo, Ohio
was among those who mourned at
the bier.
Esther Mitchell, who killed her
brother at Seattle is sick. - At first
it was believed that her malady was
typhoid fever, but yesterday's dis
patches state that she is better and
that the former typhoid fever the
ory is probably wrong. Maud
Hurt Creffield has been put in the
same cell with her during Miss
Mitchell's illness. A dispatch an
nounces that tbe women will be
brought to trial next month for the
shooting of Cieorge Mitchell.
A certain Benton county horse
is in litigation. le was attached
by the sheriff on a debt owed by J.
E. Hawkins to Mr. Howell. After
seiving the papers, the officer left
the animal at the place and soon
after arrival in Corvallis learned
that parties had started the animal
in the diiection of Philomath and
that tbey were trying to get him
out of the county. Officer Wells
left at once and reached Philomath
in time to intercept the party and
secure the horse. Hawkins now
claims that he is not the owner of
the animal. The matter will prob
ably be the occasion of a heariag'in
the justice court.
How liquor was freely sold by
the glass on the Newport excursion
train Sunday has been a source of
gossip. Two demijohns of whisk
ey, various kinds ot wines and oth
er drinks are declared to have been
the stock in trade of a young boy
who is alleged to have hailed from
Stayton, Marion county, and who
retailed his wares without stint on
the train. He is described as per
haps 17 years of age. It is related
that his sales on the train were
made in, every county, and since he
passed through three dry counties
the fines and -imprisonment that
could have been piled up against
him if any one had been on hand
to gather evidence would be enough
to bankrupt an ordinary capitalist.
His operations were in effect a trav
eling saloon.
Corvallis local optionists have
their eves on the Oregon courts.
A new measure passed by the initi
ative at tbe late election provides
that cities may by popular vote
amend their own charters. The
anti-optionists claim this measure
removes the jurisdiction of the lo-
al option law, and gives to any
town the right to regulate its liquor
business. Coquille City did not go
dry but the county did as a whole,
and now the town has gone to
court with the contention that it
can by the new charter amendment
measure, control its own liqnor
business, and not be dry even
though Cooi county has so voted
The litigation will go through the
supreme court of course. Anti-op
tionists everywhere are hoping for
a decision that Coquille may run its
own business, local option in Coos
to the contrary notwithstanding
Optionists everywhere are hoping
to the contrary, and there you are
Corvallis optionists figure it out
that if Coquille' s contention should
be upheld by the supreme court,
Albany would revolute and reverse
the decision of last June when Lion
county went dry, carrying Albany,
much against the latter's wish,
along with it, and with the outcome
that a great and very dry drouth is
now prevalent in the sister town
down the Willamette. Corvallis of
course wouldn't go wet even if the
Coquille idea should be sustained
Every precinct in the town but one
went dry, and it went wet but by
four. It was number four or the
south precinct. Numbers one. two
and three went dry by a total of 94,
giving a net majority for drouth of
90. The vote two years before was
156. With Albany dry, Corvallis
is much dryer, and that is why .lo
cal optionists say they do not want
to see the courts annul the local op
tion law on the Coquille City pre
tence. It is not likely that there
will be such an outcome.
Numerous attractions, including mm
concert, tnrf bathing, life saving drill),.
boating, fishing and gathering pretty
water agat.
Physician & Surgbon
Office, room 14, B&nK Bldg. Bowtt
10 to la and a to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 3S1.
Corvallis, Ortfoav.
Physician & Surgeoaa
Office over poatomce. Besidence Gut-
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 19
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may
eft at Graham & -ham's drag star,
Veterinar" Surgeon..
Office Winegat & Snovrs Bar
Office Phone Ind 328
" " Bell 441
Resident " Ind 389
Zierolf Building.
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
Tbe End of the World
of troubles that robbed E H Wolfe of
Bear Grove, la. of all usefulness, came
when he begun taking Electric Bitters.
He writes: ' Two ears ago Ridney trou
ble caused me great suffering, which I
would never have snrvived had I nottak
eu Flectric Bitters. Tbey also enred nae
of General Debility." Sure cure for alS
Stomach. Liver and Kidney complaints.
Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness ana
Weakness or bodily decline. Price 5c
Guaranteed by Allen $ Woodward, drug,
And Imprisonment-For Monk
eying with Water Pipes '
or Mains,
At the regular meeting of the
city council on Monday evening, '
all members of the council were
present except Councilmen Wiles
and Francisco.
Ordinances were passed for sew
ers through the Zierolf . and Kline
block, the ice factory block and the
Rickard-Allen blocks.
An ordinance was also pased
granting Ma3ror Johnson certain
privileges in the construction of his
new building.
Among other ordinances passed
was one of impoitance which pro
vides tbat it shall be unlawful for
any person or persons to attach or
detach from any water main or
service pipe through which water
is fupplied by the city to water con
sumers without first having ob
tained the written consent of the
superintendent of the water com
Violations of any of the provis
ions of this ordinance subjects such
person or persons violating the
same to a fine of not less than five
dollars nor more than twenty dol
lars, or imprisonment in the citv
jail for not less than three days t or
moie than twenty five days.
G. A. Covell, president of the
council, drove in from his summer
camp in order to preside at . the
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that on tbe 2Sth day of
juiy, jwio, ine uwereignea was amy confirmed
and appointed executor of the last will anrl tan.
tament and estate ol Zelle Dodele, deceased, by
by the county court the state ol Oregon for Ben
ton county. All persons having claims against
said estate are required to present the same du
ly verified to me at my home near Wells, In
Benton county : Oregon, or at the law office of
E. Holgate In Corvallis, Oregon, within six
munius irum mis aaie.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., this 31 day of August,
190S - .
Ga'vcston'a Sea WaliT
uiaK.t?s uie nnw fl cor in rhar ri br na A
the higher nplan Js. E W Goodloe, wh
resides on Dutton S.. in Wmco, Tx.
needs no sea wall for pafetv. He writes
"I have us-d Dr. King's New Discoverv
for consumption the past fie years
it keeps mn well and safe. Before that -time
I had a cangh which for years bad "
been growing worse. Now it?s- pone."" '
Cnres chronic Coughs, La Grippe, .Croup
Whooping Cough and prevents Pneniao-.
ilia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle
guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug:
store. Price 50 and 1.00 Trial bottle
The First National Bank of Certain
lis, Oregon, transacts a generai
coEfervative tanking hustDes-i.-Loan
money tn approved pteu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and!
money traDfferredto tbe principal
Cttifg of the United Statep, En
rope aH f reign countries.
Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese mt-dicines, successor
to the late Honu Wo Tony, of Albany,
Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medii ine to all. The undersigned
reccmmei da him and guarantees satis
faction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, Alnany, Oregon.
Jim Westfall.
(. K. FAHRA,
Physician & Surgeon,
Barber School. .
I will open the school about Sept. 1st
and will teach everything in the barber
trade in eight weeks. Easy terms.
Write for further information.
George W. Plaster,
Corvallis, Ore.
O Bis
5 i:c
. I 1 11
Economy fruit
& Johnson's.
jars at Thatcher
Go East
at reduced raffs. Tbe Southern
Pacific- omj any anooui ces t educed
round ttip iaU& to Lc East lot the
season of 1906 as follows:
Corva li t. I huo rd return,.
$73-95- St. Icu's, ?69.95. Mil
waukie $72 15. Si 1 aui aid Min
neapolis 62. 15. Slt'UxOl, CoiHi
cil Bluff , Omaha i.Jos.h, At
chinson. L-avt n worth ana Kansas
City, $62 45-
Saleoate- June 4, 6. 7, 23, 25..
July 2, 3, Angn t 7, 8. 9, Sept.
8, 10.
; Limi jont?t lods.
Rettvu twi 1 yo d.tis Lv.t rot af
ter Oct. jim; -