Corvallis Times CORVALLIS, OREGON, ""TUESDAY EVENING AUG. H, 1906. PENALTIES HEEDED. The reports are that seventy square miles of timber has been destroyed by the fires now raging along the head waters of the north Santiam. On the burned area a few days ago there stood possibly a billion and a half to more than two billions of feet of the finest timber in the world, and tbe resultant property loss aggregates millions of dollars. By what act of careless ness this enormous destruction of prbperty was occassioned will never perhaps, be known. That it was carelessness ot the grossest .and most criminal character is undoubt ed. Some hunter, some camper, some careless smoker unguardedly touched the flame and launched the conflagration. Time was when forests were looked upon as a vast waste, so abundant and so unsought as to be valueless, and to this idea is often due the fact that careless fires are lighted which later fan in. to wasteful and wanton destruction The timber on this new burned area was more thanusually valuable because a railroadalready linked it with civilized life and made it a part of building operations when ever it should be required. Its loss is shameful because, little by little, the world's supply of timber is be' ing exhausted. It calls loiidly for every violation of the laws for sav ing the timber to' be punished, fully and freely. Careless people who so to the woods should be taught by law to be careful. MELDRDM'S VACATION. Henry Meldrum, ex-surveyor general of Oregon, to party of land fraud friends. "Well, boys; I'm on belore long tor a trip. I m go ing up to McNeil's Island to a kind of resort they have over there, I'll soon learn tbe ropes so that when Hermann, Brownell and the rest of you boys arrive, I can shsw you a good time." With two aeronauts dead yes terday, one the day before and s usual grist of about three a week it will ce seen that tnose who go ballooning are about as ill balanced mentally as the average Chicago professor. A law to prevent bal looning and another to prohibit tbe professors from talking would be a blessing to the public. FLOYD WILLIAMS. More News from the O. A, C. Lieutenant Was Sent North of Manila. Another little scrap of news has been received from Lieut. Floyd Williams, and which bears some what on tee question of whether or not he was in command of the con stabulary at the time his friend, Lieut. Worswick and a dozen pri vates were killed. The informa tion comes in a private letter from Mrs. Williams at Manila to a friend in this city. The letter says that July 9th Lieut. Williams left Ma nila with the company of constab ulary of which he is in command, and went 40 miles north to subdue a bunch of Ladrones who had brok en out and were giving trouble. The letter is dated July 10th and says: ' 'He (Lieut. Williams) left at seven o'clock yesterday morning for the Bosque to be gone indefi nitely. The Ladrones are giving troub'e about 40 miles north of Manila' at a place called Malolos, and he has gone up there with his company to try and capture the leader, Filippe Salvador and his men. They had a fight up there yesterday and I haven't heard any particulars yet, but I do not think he was in it." : In another place the letter says: 'Vigan Ilocos Sur, Philippine Is lands is our station, but the com pany that Lieut. Williams was made commander of has headquar ters here in Manila at present." As the letter indicates, Lieut. Wil liams left for the north of Manila a little more than two weeks before the fight on the island of Leyte, which is several hundred miles south of Manila. He went north on the 9th, and the Leyte fight oc curred on the 24th of July. Unless Lieut. Williams was suddenly re called and sent southward, he was not in command at the Leyte fight in which - Lieut. Worswick was killed. NEWPORT GOSSIP. Fancy Prices for Nye Greek Lots Will Railroad go to Newport? A big lamp in the prices of .Nye Creek town lots is one of the things they talk about over at the New port beach. Saturday, a man was offered $500 for a lot that he bought last February for $100. In another case, a woman bought two lots last summer, and built a fairly good cottage on one of them, ,. and the other day sold the other " lot , for enough to pay for the cottage and lot on which it stands, so that the holdings she had left cost her noth ing. A single corner lot in a good locality brought an offer of $600 last week, and the offer was refus ed. The owner has one of the best if not the very best cottage on the Creek and can now sell his sur plus lots for enough to pay him back for all he spent in the pur chase of his lots and the erection of his house last year. The boom is attended with numerous transactions and the erection of a great many cottages. A new hotel is project ed far the locality, and it will be ready for guests next season. It will be owned and conducted by Mr. Damon who has a large and popular boarding house there this year. If the confidence in real es tate values means anything, the future of the Newport beach as a summer resort is assured. It is common belief that the C. & E. will be extended to Newport by another season. Perhaps it is the general fitness of the thing that has most to do with the opinion. That Is where the railroad should have gone in the beginning, and where it doubtless would have gane , but for the visionary plans of Col, Hogg, to build a city at Yaquina and grow wealthy by sale of hill side lots. One authority says the line can be built through for $25, 000, though that seems a low es' timate. Guy Talbot, the new gen' eral manager of the road, accom panied by Jack Mayo and some of the other officials, went over the proposed line recently. It is known that Mr. Talbot said afterward that " The plan presents no engineering difficulties." It is known that the late Con Sullivan pleaded hard with the authoritiesjof the road to make the extension long ago. It is said that he offered to take the usual operating force of the road, using no extra expense for extra men, within two years o pu' the exten sion through without cent of cost to the owner-, except f .r such ma terial as would be rtquiredo. His offer was 1 ever accepted." The manifold advantages to re sult from the extension to thrust themselves into the minds of ev ery man, woman and child that vis its the locality. The ; tiresome, dangerous, tedious ' transfer from the train to the boat, even with a small crowd is en awful drawback. Many and many a time in the out ing season, the train could be in Newport before the transfer boat leaves its dock at Yaquina. . The little launches that leave the dock after the arrival ot the train reach Newport so far ahead of the big boat that passengers have time to eat snpper and get settled for the evening before te big boat arrives. When the business men in Portland and elsewhere look over the hor izon to see what place to go for an outing, the varied and manifold attractions at Newport appeal to him; but it is doubtless true that many a time he thinks of the bun glesome and tedious transfer at the other end of the line, and selects some other spot. The managers of the transier boat do everything pos sible for the comfort of passengers. Every courtesy is shown the travel er, but the traffic in the summer time is simply enormous and such facilities as can be afforded are en tirely inadequate for the rapid trans it requirements of these days of swift going and coming. The claim is that there are 8,000 people at Newpoit. No crowd so great has ever been there before. Every hotel, every lodging house every cottage is full, and there are hundreds of tents and campers. The tent city extends as far to the northward as Jump-off-Joe. Seven coach loads or nearly 400 people went in on Saturday's train. Eight coaches carrying 655 f people went in on Sunday's excursion. Four coaches jammed to the doors went in yesterday, and today's train was equally as well patronized. Sundays excursion train out consisted of a double header and there were ten coaches all filled, and many per sons standing. It was the banner excursion of this season of banner crowds. The day however, was one illy suited to the occasion. There was a heavy fog throughout the morning which at noon broke into a drizzling rain, audit pre vailed until evtbiug. It was wet enough to penetrate the overcoats of the men, and accordingly played havoc with the white dresses. white shoes and white stockings of the many who went to the seaside in that attire. The -' bedrawled plumage of poultry in a v rainstorm never exniDiiea more undoubted symptoms of total.wreck than 'did many of the gay and feetive- girls who ventured to the Coast that day in fair weather attire.1 It is en tirely probable that manva on of them took the train for the return trip wet to the skin. It was im possible to go on the beaches and the time was spent in . . standing- under porches and umbrellas and in hueeineas close as rassihle to friendly walls. CONCESSIONS MADE. For use of Sidewalk for A. J. Johnson Brick What They are. Mayor Johnson has been granted by the city council the right to have special use of a portion of the sidewalk adjacent to the new brick he is to build. The ordinance says: It is ordained "that A. J. Johnson is hereby granted the priv ilege of using a section ot the side walk along the south side of lot 12 in block 5 adjacent to the building line and three feet six inches wide, commencing at a point 10 feet from the west property line and ex tending easterly. 20 feet as a space for the erection of a basement stair way and to erect and maintain such stairway within said space. Also the right to use a section of side walk along the westside and ad jacent to the property line of said lot three feet six inches wide and 24 feet long commencing ten feet north of the corner of the property line on said block and extending north for an area space 15 feet long and a space tor stairway entrance. "Also the right and privilege of using a section of the sidewalk out side of the property line of said lot and inside a line drawn from the outside line of said basement stair way space to the outside line of said area plat, running so as to pass not tc exceed eighteenjinches inside the corner of the property line, said line at no place to pass more than three feet six inches out side the property line as space for a circular step approach; also the right and privilege of erecting and maintaining suitable railings about such basement stairway space and area plat and of placing and main' taining a glass surface in the side walk within said area plat. The privilege is hereby granted of con structing the sidewalk along the souta of said lot, 10 leet wide." REDUCED SUMMER EXCURSION RATES. Newport, Yaquina Bay, Breitenbush Hot Springs From All S. P. and C & E. Points. Ob and after June 1, 1906, the Southern Pacific, in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern rail road, will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Kewport, Yaquina and Detroit at low rates, good tor return until Octo ber 10, 1906. Three day tickets to Kewport and Yaquina, good going Saturdays and returning Mondays, are also on sale from all East Side points. Fort land to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West side point?, enabling people tofcit their famil ies and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets from all East Side points, Port and to Eugene, inclusive, and from all Wes Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates, with stop over privileges at Mill City or any point East, enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Breitenbush Hot Springs in tbe Cascade Mountains, which can be reached In one day. Season tickets good for return from all points until Oct. 10. Three-day tickets good going Sat urdays and returning Mondays only. Tickets for Portland and vicinity good lor return via. the East or West Side. Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon Springfield branch. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport ; on Yaquina tick ets to Yaquina only. Sunday excursions to New port on the C. & E. will begin June 10th or 17th and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving Alba ny at 7:80 a. m.; leaving Corvallis 8a.m. S. P. trains connect With theO. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C. & E. tor Detroit will leave Albany at 7:30 a. m., enabling tourists to the Hot Springs to reach there the same day. Trains from and to Corvallis connect with all East Side trains on the S. P. Full Information as to rates, time tables, etc., can be obtained on application to J. C. Mayo Gen. Pass. Agt. C. & E. K., Albany; A. L. Craig, G. P- A. 8. P. Co, Portland, or ta any S. P. or 0. & E. agent. j Rates from CorvaUU to Newport, 13.75; ' To Yaquina, $3.25. Three-day rate from Corvallis to Newport, S2.B0. In Self Defense. Major Hamm, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when he was fiercely attacked, four vears ago, by Piles, bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he says. "It cured me in ten days and no trouble Bince." Quickest healer of burns, Sores, Cots & Wounds. 25c at Allen & Wood ward's drug store. WANTED. WANTED 50 cars of oats and wheat. Will imp from nearest K. K. station, get the prices of others, then get mine. Send eample of grain. I keep all kinds of farm seeds. Yonrs for business, L. L. Brooks, Corvallis, Or. FOR S ALE. FOR SALE Two good cows, both will be fiesh in September, one a register ed Jersey. One .fine Hackney year ling colt. One pony cart; all at a bar gain if taken soon. J. A. Gilkey, Col lege Hill, Corvallis. FOR SALE. Six horse engine and 12 horse boiler in good repair, and cream ery fixtures, to be sold separately or as a wnoie, ana at a Daagain. George Tav lor. Independent phone 407. for Sale. Three piece Mahogany Marble top bed reomsuit; good box' Heater; 2 burner oil stove. Bargain if taken soon. S. L. Kline's Residence. - ' For Sale. House 6 rooms and burn. 1 lots in Tnhs Addition. House 7 rooms, barn, a lots nur the College. House 7 rooms, b&rn. 11 lots In Wil. kins Addition. Inquire of S. H. Moore, Ind. phone, 713, or any of the real estate men . OTHER ADS. Well Drilling. T. It. Slonflr ia nrpnarerl tn ainlr vnOla r- 1 - x r - . . .-.u throufih auick sand and ' crravel. Root drilling a specialty. Inquire of J. R. smitn & uo., or address j. is. sioper, Corvallis, Oregon. Hop Pickers Wanted, 100 hundred hop pickers wanted in September to pick the crop on the Island Home Hop yard on Ki ger8 Island. Good camp ground; no loose stock to bother you; plenty of shade and good water; free pasture for your horse and cow. We hope to have all our old pick ers with us again this year. Price and conditions same as last year. Oswald West. Hop Growers! One hundred dollars will buy a Franklin Hop Baler. For sale at F -anklin Iron Works, Corvallis, Ore. Don't Pass up the Newest Fad. Letterposte Photos. A choice of twelve styles. Twelve Photos of your self done in novel style. Come in and ask about them. The Corvallis Studio. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, Helcena Wright bas been appointed administra trix ot the estate of Thomas J. Wright, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present tbe same, duly Verified as by law required, at the office of J, F. Yates within six monthB trom the date of this notice. Dated at Corvallis, Or., Aug. 14, 1900. MELOENA WBIGHT. Administratrix of the estate ot Thomas J. Wright, deceased. Times, Job Printing is the Best AND Piles of Remnants have accumulated during our late sale, the decks must be cleared before our New Fall Stock arrives. There are Remnants of Wool Dress Goods, Wash Goods, White Goods, Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Muslins, Sheetings, Silks, Velvets, Embroideries, Ribbons, .Laces, Table Linens, Towelings, Etc. Etc. All go regardless of Value. Broken Lines Mens and Mens Suits at half price. Come at once and get the cream of oar last royal bar gains for the season. A There is one guaranteed Specialty that occupies a position of particular merit among goods of its class because of the care and specialization which enter into the manufacture of the entire product. The name is Packard Shoes A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Mens Furnishings. Corvallis, Oregon. Insurance That Insures. German American of New York Possible S. F. Loss. $2,700,000. In addition to the above the Company has the legal reserve carried for all other outstanding policies and claims. Choose your company. Select only such as can meet another large fire now and pay 100 cents on tne dollar. The German American can do it. AMBLER & WATTERS, Resident Agents. For a Fine Line I Guns, Fishing Tackle and I Base B I GUN HODES'. We carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rods. Women s Shoes and Boys and Surplus to Policy Holders. Over $7,924,674. -nn "till nu- tin- B S Ball Goods go to1