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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1906)
5 pecia1 Sak afurday Mm 4tb Mason Fruit Jars, any size, Pints, Quarts or Half Gallons, per dozen, 6o 1 dozen to each family. Extra Rubber Rings, the 10c kind, 5c per doz Ladies and Boys Hop Picking Gloves 5c a pr. Mens Hop Picking Gloves 9c a pr. One pair to each person. LOCAL LORE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. Saturday Only Call in Person. No Phone , Order s Filled. S. L. KLINE Established 1844. Corvallis, Oregon The People's Store. r v- Our - f Annual Sale Mid-Summer is Now on And for 30 days we will offer the entire stock of dry- goods, boots and shoes, clothing etc at extra special pri ces. Space will not permit us to quote prices on every article. But following are a few to give vou an idea , of some of the special bargains. MENS CLOTHING Extra Special $12 5o Suits at ....$1000 14 00 do il ao 15 00 do : 12 00 16 5o do 13 20 18 00 do 14 40 BOYS SUITS Extra Special , f2 50 Boys suit at (i 95 3 00 do .;. 2 25 3 50 do 2 85 4 00 do 3 10 4 50 do 345 LADIES DRESS SKIRTS Extra Special Si 00 Ladies Skirts at. ......... t 75 3 so do 2 eo 4 50 do 2 75 5 5o do 3 00 6 5 do 4 50 LADIES SHIRTWAISTS Extra Special $ 75 Ladies waists at. $ 40 1 25 do 80 1 50 do 1 00 2 00 do 1 25 Odd lot of waists worth $1, 1.50 and 1.75 at 25c Summer Dress Goods worth 15c, 20c, and 25c, reduced to 10c t F T MTT T TTP'Q Corvallis, Or. P. S. When you see it in our Ad, its so. Moses Brothers coming You will always find us up and and oar prices leasonable. For Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and children, hats, caps underwear, every day and a tLiilf, ladies skirts, mens and boys suits Also a Fine Line of Groceries crockery and everything that is needed in a grocery de partment. Look Out for Moses Bros quick delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you will find there is something donig tin- For a Fine Line Guns, Fishing Tackle and Base Ball Goods go to GU N H ODES" We carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rods. Born, Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, a son. Prof. W. T. Shaw left today for a month's visit with relatives and friends in Minnesota. Mr5. J. A. Spangler left yes terday for a month at Newport, where Miss Lulu has a cottage in readiness. Lester Porterfield, tre well known O. A. C. student passed through town yesterday, en route home from a sojourn of 'several days at Newport. His limb, which was tract urea some time ago is completely recovered and as strong as ever. It has not been determin ed whecher or not he will return tc co lege next month. Albany Herald: On Friday evening at Plainview the Advance thresher owned by Whealdon, Wheeler & Blatchford was burned as the result of a hot box. When the fire was discovered the entire interior of the machine was in flames. The loss is between $700 and' $800. The machine had just started on the second season's run and the loss at this time of the year is a most serious one to the owners. Work was begun this morning on the Taylor brick, the contract for which was awarded to Charles Heckert a few days ago. The con struction of the walls and founda tion .has been sublet to Mr. Ham mellof Albany. The foundation and walls in the rear of the old wooden building that now occupies the site will be built first, after which the old structure will be hauled off to the boneyard.. The cement sidewalk ordi nance has had an electrical effect in securing the construction of new wooden walks. The rush to put in new walks before the cement ordi nance should go into effect has been spectacular, and with the result that the sawmill is overwhelmed with the demand for sidewalk lum ber and cannot fill orders as fast as presented. Yesterday there were orders for 1,000 lineal feet more of sidewalk, than there is sidewalk lumber in the yard. Walks are be ing built alpng unfrequented streets and in obscure places where it is not likely the owner ever thought of building a walk until the cement apparition stalked into his startled presence. . -The Eighth grade graduating exercises of the Alsea public schools occurs at Alsea Grange Hall next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The program and members of the class follow: Music, orchestra; invoca tion, W. D. Risley; salutatory, Jesse Hay den; music, orchestra; class history. Pearl Hayden; recitation, Bonham Tom; class prophecy, Ethel Cathcart; vocal solo, Miss Edr a Buster; valedicto ry, Agnes Hammersley; music, or chestra: presentation oi diplomas. Supt. Denman; music, orchestra. School District No 29: Ethel Cath cart, Pearl Hayden, Jesse Hayden School District No. 42: Agnes Hammersley, Bonham Tom. A team in the delivery line managed to send two vehicles to the repair shop yesterday. The horses which were driven by Young-Lew is, took a spin in the forenoon, and by the time the performance was over, the wagon was out of com mission. Early in the afternoon there was a second performance and another wagon, borrowed from Levi Oren was also sent to the shop for a long line of repair. ; In the latter engagement the horses started near the Ireland grocery store and collided, with a telephone pole near Small's. A wheel was left there and by the time Miller's was reached most of the running gear was on the ground and traveling necessarilv slow with the result that there was a capture in that vi cinity. A vehicle from one of the livery stables was put behind the team and up to the present the way ward horses have . been kept under control. Standing on Main street and looking west on Jefferson, one can observe the effect of obedience to the grass cutting and cleaning or dinances. Beginning at the Gra ham & Wells corner, and extend ing a distance of several blocks westward on both sides of the street everything is tidy and clean, and the whole appearance most pleas ing to the eye. As this stretch of street is, so the whole town would be were there proper observation of the, ordinances passed by the city council. Such observance' would soon cause all the town to become interested in tidiness of appearance, and the result would be a sightli ness of situation that would make Corvallis the' envy of home-seekers and home owners elsewhere. It would make property more sought, and thereby more valuable. Mrs. .H W. Kaupisch left Fri day for a Newport visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Grugett left Sunday for a five days' stay at Lebanon and other Valley towns. Miss Bessie Ireland returned Saturday from a week's stay at Newport. D. Vance of Seattle, was the guest over Sunday of Corvallis friends. Milton W; Smith, a prominent attorney of Portland, accompanied by his daughter, was doing busi ness in town Saturday. Mrs. B. W. Johnson returned Saturday evening from a three weeks' visit in Portland and at Long Beach. v Rev. and Mrs. - Bush, Miss Nellie Marvin and Philip Gerhart returned today from atripto Mary's Peak. Have Dr. Lowe cure your head and eye aches with a pair of his su perior glasses Consult him Aug. the 8th and 9th at Hotel Corvallis. An intormal dance was given at Raymond's hall Friday evening. About twenty-five young people were present. Dr. Bowen Lester left Sunday for Belknap Springs. He will be absent several weeks and expects to rough it. ANALYZING WATER. Many Samples Come to th e College for Test Prison Lard with Tallow Content. A. J. Johnson and family are to leave in a day or two for a camp ing trip to Yachats, to be absent the rest of the month. The new residence of Ells worth Erwin was completed yester day and will be occupied by its owner and family in a day or two Wednesday and Thursday of this week Dr. Lowe the well known oculo-optieian will be at Hotel Cor vallis. Have him test your eyes for glasses. 7 Two hundred and forty excur sioniats made the trip to Newport and return on Sunday s trains Sixty five of them went from Cor vallis. The tide of seaside travel ebbs and flows. One hundred and thir ty five seasiders came out yesterday and four coach loads, jammed full. went in. There has been a big rush at tl t chemical laboratory at the college for several weeks past in the ana lyzation of . waters. Samples of water in use and for proposed use for domestic purposes have been re ceived from cities in all prts ot the state for analysis. The realization hat pure water is an important consideration in life has been made emphatic by events of recent oc curence in the state, and the var ious commuuities are becoming more and more alive to the fact. The lead by Corvallis in the in stallation of a Mountain water sys tem has set other localities to , con sidering the subject, and the con sequence of it all is that a largely increased number of samples of water for analysis is reacning the OAC chemists. Some of the samples prove to be good water and others are discovered to be totally unfit for use, showing that without knowledge of the fact, many a community is consuming water that is a fruitful source of dis ease, Among otner waters recent ly received for analysis was a sam pie from the Eugene water system It was not analyzed because re ceived too long a period alter it was taken from the mains, and also because of the absence of Prof. Pernot, from whom a bacteriologic al analysis in particular was wanted. No fee is charged for the ana lysis of waters, the woik being for the public health, in which res pect the college is giving to the state a valuable service aside from its educational work. A great deal of the work in the chemical and bacteriological laboratories is in the gratis category, and for the public f weal. 1 ne otner day, lara sola Dy a dealer to the state penitentiary was analyzed. It turned out to be part lard and part tallow, and in conse quence was subsequently condema ed by the prison authorities. Sunday Excursion on the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad To Newport and Return. Sunday excursions will leave Albany at 7:30, Corvallis 8, Philomath 8:12, Wren 8:30, Blodpet 8:50, Summit 9:0s Nash ville 9:25. Eddyville 10, Morrison lo:al, Elk Cijy 10:30, Toledo 10:55 a. m. Euery 5uoday durioo$ tb Rummer Hair or Sbii) Season or 3-day tickets good going or re turning on Sunday excursions from all points. Fare for round trip: Albany, Corvallis, Philomath $1 5O Philomath to Ohitwood 1 00 Morrison to Storrs 75 Toledo, Will 4 and Oysterville 50 Numerous attractions, including band concert, tnrf bathing, life saving drills, boating, fishing and gathering pretty water agat?. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg". Honroi 10 to 13 and a to 41. Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 P. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & ham's drug store. -Misses Mabel and Edith Keady left Saturday, for-Sodayille for-rn outing witn Misses Mary and Mar garet Sutherland. wuuam miter, wire and daughters arrived Sunday from two weeks camping trip in Alsea They were with the Denman' s who returned last week. Men wanted. Saw mill and lumberyard laborers $2. 25 per day Woodsmen $2.25 to $3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lum ber Co. Eugene, Or. tr. -. Prof. Tartar's summer school for teachers came to an end Friday, after a five weeks' session. It was very successful, Prof. Tartar being one of the best school men in the Valley. Eighteen teachers took the course. Misses Berthile and Ivy Bar clay gave a dinner party Sunday evening to a number of friends, followed by launching. The guests were, Misses Belle Ranney, Bertha Thrasher, Lillian Ranney. Messrs. Charles Porter, Sam Hartsock, Ralph Pruett, Harry Auld and M. M. Long. "Waiter, bring me some iodo form s.)up, a germ-proof steak, and some sterilized potatoes." ' Yes, tab. What'll you have to drink, sab?" "I guess I'll have some an tiseptic tea. And, by the way, tell the bar-keep to. fix me a listerine cocktail for an appetizer." The painters are rapidly finish ing the new building on Mam street which is to house the electric light office and appliances,1 and the work of wiring the place has be gun. It will be occupied in a day or two. This building was omitted in the enumeration of new struct ures in process of erection, in a list printed in Friday's Times. Along with their good wishes, their friends are receiving a hand some pocket match safe from the real estate firm of J. L. Lewis & Company. It is both substantial and neat, and on the one side is the legend, "This match safe is worth from $5 to $20 to you if you bring me a satisfactory purchaser for a farm." On the other side is this J. L. Lewis- & Co have large and small farms for sale or rent; money to loan on good securities." Tl IT 1-A . . , ivixs. nrama i K.iine, press correspondent ot Ellsworth Corps, No. 7, reports that ", Ex-Governor bamuel R. Van Sant has been ap pointed ; chief . marshall of the big urana Army parade In Mmneapo lis on Wednesday August 15th by commander in Chief Tanner . Mrs, Kline leaves Wednesday to. attend the National Convention W. R. C which meets at Minneapolis during next weex. CONCERNING PAUPERS. DR. E. E. JACKSON Veterinar" Surgeon Office Winesrar & Snows Barn O&ce Phone Ind 328 " " Bell 441 Resident " Ind 389 J. FRED FATES ATTORAb, I -AT-LA W. Zierolf Building. Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County In Benton A Grand Jury's Report Thereon Advised New Arrangements. The grand jury at the April term of the circuit court visited the Benton poor tarm, and made a re port. The report led to th pur chase by the Watter s court of a i farm and to a plan of keeping the paupers thereon. The report in full is as follows: We have made a careful and ex tensive investigation into the con ditions at the poor farm and the treatment received by the inmates thereof, and find as follows: That proper care, nursing, and medical treatment is not furnished the in mates during sickness nor to those unable to care for themselves that the keeper of the farm is accustom ed to give drugs and medicines oth er than simple household remedies to the inmates without proper pre scriptions and does not uniformly obey the instructions of the county L physician with reference to medical treatment of patients who are in mates ot the poor farm. That the sanitary conditions are pocr and cleanliness of person and sunoundings on the part of the inmates is not enforced. That the inmates-are comfortably housed and clothed and that food furnished is sufficient in quality and quantity but that it is not always cleanly nor properly cooked by reason of the fact that the cooking is largely done by an epileptic charge of the county who is not a fit person to perform such services. We recommend that the county officers immediately take steps to enforce a more csreful compliance with the contract for keeping the county charges with relerence to the above matters and that at the expiration of such con tract the same be not renewed with the present keeper of the county charges unless, the above objections have been remedied. "We recommend that the county charges be kept at some place near the county seat if practicable, and we recommend to the careful and favorable consideration of the county court the "purchase of a site and erection of a building for hous-. ing and keeping such charges and the proper furnishing thereof by the county. We fuither recommend that in future contracts the matter of medical treatment and the fur nishing of medicines or drugs to in mates be excluded and not pro vided for therein, and that, proper arrangements be made independent of such contract therefor. PAtjI.Trtjit? Henry ScflHiEKi,B; J. H. Dorsey, A. G. Allen, J. E. Buchanan James Pfotjts, J. G. Horning," ' Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator ot the estate ot Pamella Winkle, deceased, has filed in the county court of the state oi Oregon, lor Benton county, his final ac count as such administrator of said estate, and that Monday, the 6th day ot August. 1906, at the hour ot 10 o'clock has been fixed by said court as the time for heariDg of objections to said re port and the settlement thereof. JOHN WHITAKER, Administrator of the estate of Pamelia Winkle , lieceased. Dated June SO, 1906. Notice of Final Settlements In the Hatter or the Estate 1 of i Jambs 0. Irwin, deceased. j Notice is hereby given that the undresignedr ss administrator of the i state of James C. Irwin, deceased, has filed his final ai count with the elerk of the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, and the aid court has fixed Monday the 6th day of August, 1906, at the hour of two o'clock In the alter noon as the time, and the county court room in the court house in Cor vallis, Oregon, as the place for hearing any and all objections to the said account, and lor the settlement thereof. Dated this July 6, 1906 R. S. IBWIN, Administrator of the estate of James C. Irwin, . dt ceases. BANKING. The FirBt National Bank of Corval iie, Oregon, traopacts a general . confeivative banking business. L-n5 money on approved Pfcu xity. grafts bought and sold and -. money tran6fnrredto the principal citite of the United, Statep, Eu rope and foreign countries. Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com pounder of Chinese medicinen, successor to the late Hong Wo Ton?, of Albany, Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi nese medicine to all. The undersigned rfcraimeLda him and guarantees satis faction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec ond Street, Albany, Oregon. Jim Westfall. G. R. FARE A, Physician & Surgeon, 0;S 1 idstwe i 5 : , It 30a Economy fruit & Johnson's. jars at Thatcher Go East at reduced rates. The Southern Pacific company announces reduced round trip rates to the East for the season of 1906 as follows: Corvallis to Chicago and return, $73.95. St. Louis, $69.95. Mil wankie, $72.15. St. Paul and Min neapolis, $62.45. Sioux City, Coun cil Bluffs, Omaha, St. Joseph, At chinson," Leavenworth and Kansas City, $62.45. Sale dates June 4, 6, 7, 23, 25. July 2, 3: August 7, 8, 9, Sept. 8, 10. ; Limit going, 10 days. Return limit 90 days but not af ter Oct. 31st.