The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 07, 1906, Image 1

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    "3T AITD SEMI.'
Vol . XIX.-NO. 3
B.F. IBTIKS Idltor
and Proprietor
Our store has many bargains in Odds and
Ends, and lots of Staple Goods just the
things to look after this month
Iff you need a misses shoe, size 1 to 2 see our
line' for Fifty cents. r
All our Spring Wash Fabrics at a big
sacrifice in former price .
Sewing Machines, Trunks,
Valicee, Window Shades,
, Carpets, uineolum,
Matting and Rugs,
Many other articles
That we are now offering that will ay to investigate.
Call and. See
No Prizes go
Cliase & S
In fact nothins goes with our coffee but cream, supar and
sole agent for
Cbase & Sanborn
New Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
""ac .
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, ' ' '
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,- .
Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In f set anything the sportsman need can
.be found at my store.
Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop.
All Work Guaranteed.
M. M.
Ind. Phone 126.
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock,' Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for "our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information ygu wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance 5
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon;
with our
anboro Hicb Grade
Higo Grade
Corvallis, Oregon.
TION, t.c
A Summary of the Causes, Com
pared A General Strike .is .
Called at Capital Mutin
eers Executed in Num
bers Oiher News. 1
Ruler Louis XVI.
Ciuses Poverty of the people,
high taxes, no voice in the govern
ment, oppression by the nobility
and church.
Third estate, representing the low
est classes, organized , under royal
edict, but the rights Were curtailed.
Necar, minister of finance, looked
upon to regenerate france, dismiss
ed by the king.
Louia, XVI i retires with royal
family to Versailles, just outside cf
Paris. . .
Masses called on Louis XVI to
save them from poverty by . nobili
ity, pressing him to safety and were
turned down. -
Mutinies and outbreaks of Paris
guards and imperial troops.
Uprising of peasants and burn
ing of nobles' estates.
Ruler Nicholas II. ,
Causes Poverty of w orki n g m en ,
excessive taxation, little voice in
the government, oppression by the
grand dukes, bureaucracy and holy
synod. : -
Douma," representing ih peasants
and wrrking men, demands more
Prince ... Mirsky , for me r . minister
of the interior,--who sogg-'Sted ma
ny reforms, discredited. M. Witte
resigns. .
Nicholas II rt tires with the rojal
family to Tearskoe-selo and Peter
hoff, a few milt s from St. Peters
burg. People appear to czar to redress
their wrongs acd dcuma is dissolv
ed. Mutinies of soldiers and sailors.
Strikes of laboring men and seiz
urejand destruction of large estates.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 4. "How
are the roads for motoring io Sar -tov
Province?" was the remarkable
questipu the emperor put to Prince
Lvoff, who Baw bim duriog the ne
gotiations with Premier Stolypin,
looking to the prince's enteii. g a
reorganized ministry. .The prince
says the zr interrupted, bim in
the midBi of explanations cf the ex
treme gravity of the Russiao, situa
tion with the inquiry about the
chance for Bport. . Later the empe
ror said he was certain ; the army
was loyal to Lim. The prince's
ttiry is co isidered most remarkable.
The following is nlmoBt under the
cz-it's no-e:
General revolutiqrary strike, is
called; 66,000 workman areout and
more going.
'Mutinies of supposed loyal troopB
have jast been suppressed at Svea
boig aod Kronstadt, chave broken
out at Warsaw, and possibly have
beea renewed at Kronstadt.
Peasant bands arem the march
in scores of interior districts, burn
ing, pillaging aod murdering.
Hundreds of nihil sts are waitii a
their chance to throw a bomb at
their "Little Father."
Bandits and train robbers are
St. Petersburg, Aug 3. Though
the mutineers at Sveaborg and
Kronstadt have been suppressed,
the government's troubles have on
ly begun. Premier Stolypin has
resigned, a general strike in St. Pe
tersburg has been detlartd to go in
Lip" effect tomorrow, mutinies cf gar-
fisons in -various t ana ot the em
pire are reported; while burning
and destroying of nobles' estates by
peasants continue.
Stolypin has ne to Pterhcff
presumably to tender his reeigua
tion. 1
It is officially tnnounced this
morning, confirming the report ot
Stolypin's defeat at Camaralla, that
the lepo'rt that the non-bureaucrat:
io. elements will enter the cabinet
is untrue..-. .. . ... $ .
: .The emperor has flatly .refused
to accept the conditions to- which
Premier Stolypin agreed in: his ne
gotiations with Count Heydon, Al
exander Guchkoff, Pr'.nce Nichu'as
Lvoff, Paul Vinogradoff and Sena
tor Koni for the reorganization of
the cabinet.
It is thought the emperor purpo
ses to take the final etep of turning
the country over to military dicta
torship. The drum-head court-martial
was resumed at Kronstadt this
morning. It is presumed that
more executions of mutineers are in
progress. Guards of the regiments
marched into the city all night.
They had been at summer camp,
the government having removed
them upon the belief that the peo
ple bad sccepted the dissolution of
the douma.
The mutiny on the cruiser Pam
pat Azova started when a student
disguised as a sailor , boarded the
ebip. Officers ordered bis arrest.
The sailors prevented it, shooting
four officers. The others , escaped
in a small, boat, which the mutineers
sank by a shot, the officers swim
ming ashore.. The mutineers . ord
ered the crew of a torpedo boat to
join the mutiny, but the : crew re
lumed and steamed away..
Artillerymen at the summer camp
at Rem bertoff,; near Warsaw, have
mutinied.;; The infantry and Cos
sacks have, been ordered to quell
the mutiny.
Portland. Aug. 3. Portland Jour
nal: J.N." Campball, of 27s Fifth
street, Portland, baa received a let
ter from W; J. Bryan, dated at the
Hotel Cecil, London, July 10, in
which Mr. Bryan, expresses grati
fication over the political situation
and sends congratulations to Gov
ernor Chamberlain on his re elec
tion. Mr. Bryan states that he had
the pleasure . of ' meeting Senator
Gearin while the litter was in Lon
don ' on his tour of Europe with
Charles Sweeny, the .Spokane mil
lion are.
Letters from London received by
The Journal state .that Mr. Bryan
has made a remarkably favorably
imp rrteiou-"upon the Euglish'and
has been lionized socially by aris
tosracy and commoners. "He has
been kept busy with numerous "in
vitations and bas been on the go
most of the time. It is said that no
American sii ca the time Daniel
Webster paid his memorable visit
to the Euglish capital has had as
many honors showered upon him
or been as favorably received.
"This is due largely to the fact
that Mr. Bryan may bs the next
president of the United S ates,
though the great commoner's com
manding intellect' and lovable per
sonality bring hearty welcome
wherever he goes. His Innate dig
nity, democracy and courtesy have
stamped him in British eyes as the
ideal American." , ; , s
. At the interparliamentary un
ion's peace conference Mr. Bryan
was a commanding . figure, indeed,
played the leading roll. He has
been in frequent consultation with
the leaders of the present govern
ment and members of te cabinet,
while labor leaders like John Burns
have had many talks with him.
. Mr. Bryan's visit reached its eo
cial and official culmination when
King Edward paid him the unusu
al honor of receiving bim in private
audience at Buckingham palace,
where he was , most cordially wel
comed by the monarch. ;
Ambassador Reid went to , Mr.
Br) an with one ot the king's equer
rieB and cotified the Nebraskan that
his majesty desired to meet bim
privately before be entered; the
throne rcom to' receive the other
id- uijhts 01 tne council. . ?
Mr. Bryan was escorted by Mr.
Reid and the equerry and enured
the small audience room. Mr. Reid
preeeuted the Nebraskan to the
king, who Bhook hands waimly.
The king and Mr. Bryan chatted
for twenty minutes.
Mr. Bryan said concerning the
"My visit to King Edward was
pnrMy social. . I chatted same 20
minutes with his majesty. ' This
was my . first meeting with him.
When I was in London three years
ago the king was absent from the
town, so 1 bad no chance to meet
him. . ,
1 must say m majesty was. ex
iremely agreeable. We discussed a
number of subjects, but the princi
pal questions we talked about were
the subjects which were debated
during the interparliamentary con
ference. His majesty expressed
the warmest sympathy with theob
jects and purposes of the confer
ence, which are, of course, peace."
Seattle. Aug. 3. E...A. Gage,
son ot former Secretary of the
Continued on page 4.
Officers Powerlees to Save Women
and Children Men Fight For
the Poesession of Boats
With Knives Other
' News.
Cartagena,. Spain,. Aug. 5. A
terrible . marine disaster . occurred
last evening off Cape Palos. The
Italian steamship Sirio, from Genoa
for Barcelona. Cadiz, Montevideo
and Buenos Ayres with about 800
passengers on board, was wrecked
off Hormigas .Island. Three hun
dred, immigrants, .most of them
Italians and Spaniards, were drown
ed.. The "captain of the steamer
committed suicide. The remainder
of the passengers and the officers
and crew got away in the ship's
boats. A number of fishermen who
nude, attempts at rescue were
Tne Sirio e truck a reef of rocks
and sank soon afterwards, ettrn
first. .' !' ' . .'
The Madrid correspondent of the
Daily Telegraph describes the Sirio
disaster as one of the worst on
record. The Italian 'emigrants,
with knives -in their hands, and
without regard Li women or chil
dren, fought with the greatest bru
tality for the possession of lifebuoys
and boats. Many were killed or
wounded . including eeveral mem
bers of the crew who were attacked
by the emigrants.
When the captain saw that the
vessel wa? lost and that the emi
grants had captured the boat be
committed suicide by shooting with
a revolver. The other officers then
lost their beads and there was no
bedy to direct the work of rescue.
Eye witLeseea describe the awful
brutality on board. ror half an
hour the emigrants were masters
of the situation. They completely
overcame the crew by sheer force of
numbers and this in spite of the of
ficers who tried to save the women
and children first.
One report states even, the cor
respondent continues, that a group
of emigrants approached one of the
ship a boats which already was full
and which was about to be launch
ed, aod dislodged the people, kill
ing Eeveral with their knives. Ju?t
as they were about to occupy tte
boat themselves another body ot
armed emigrants came up and a
neice fight for the possession of the
lifeboat .followed.
Many of the survivors brought
ashope were seriously wounded, and
a number sustained fractured limts.
S)me of the irjured subsequently
A fleet of trawlers providentially
happening to be only about 100
yards away when the Sirio. struck.
Notwithstanding the great danger,
the skippers of these boats came at
once to the,je-cue.: The survivors
of the Sirio praise the conduct rf
the captains of the trawleis Jovtn
Miguel, and Vicenta Llicano. The
former steamed c oje to the side of
the sinking ship and took off. 300
The crew of this trawler endeav
ored to eheer off, fearing that their
boat woa'd be sunk, whereupon
the captain drew, his revolver, lev
eled it at his men eni shouted: "As
long as it is possible to take off
another passtnger you will not
The deck of the Joven Miguel
became sd crowded with the terror
stricken surviors of the Sirio that
the skipper was obliged, in order to
prevent his boat from capsizing, to
force them down tne no;d at tne
point of his revolver.
Dallas, Ore , Aug. 1. The pre
liminary trial of j. H. Flower for
alleged assault on the 7-year-old
daughter of James Ross. wa3 held
before Justice Holnian. . The: evl
dence was not considered sufficient
to bold the prisoner and he was
discharged, after which he disap
peared. A mob soon formed and
started , for his house, but Sheriff
Grant prevailed on the leaders to
withhold their action until mid
night, provided Grant would have
Flower out of town , by that time,
which he did, and he was sent away
never to return to Dallas. ,
.This morning Flower's office is
clnosed ad the town is quiet. The
mob was orderly and sober, but de
termined.' Roes v harangued: 1 he
crowd before his stable to the effect
that justice bad not been done.
The sheriff evidently saved the day
and prevented a crime. Flower
proved an alibi to the satisfaction
of the court, but not to the mob.
Chicaao. Tulv VJ Exasneraled
at the slowness of a Halstead street
car and fearful of missincr the fan.
eral train on which the body ot her
mend was being carried to Mount
Olivet for interment. . Mrs. S. M.
Chldester. of Everzretn Park, nuah-
ed the moormao off the car, took
the controller kenelf and turned on
full speed until she, reached the
railroad station at Fortv ninth and
Halstead street?. Then she stonned
the car and jumped off and climbed
a sand embankment and caught
her traio." , . ' -
In- this flieht Mrs. Chidester
knocked thr wagons off the track
and injured two men. ,
"1 asked the motorman to hurry
UP. but he laughed and nointed to
the sign which forbids passengers
to talK to motorrnen," she said.
"Then I pushed him aside and he
fell off. I ran the car for eioht
blocks. The conductor did not in
terfere until I was ready to leave at
the station."
Ocean City, N. J., July 3I.
The closing exercises of the South
Jersey camp meeting at South Sei
ville, was marked last night . by a
bonfire of tobacco and cigars.
A. M.' Woolston, a storekeeper,
of Fishing Creek, attended the holi
ness meetings and . experienced
"new light" on the sale of tobacco.
Sending word to his wife, who was
attending the store, to nail up a
sign, "no moie tobacco sold here,"
he had his stock brought to the
meeting and soaked with kerosene.
He himself applied the mater,
while the Rev. E. A. Wells, ot Er
ma, led the campers in the hymn
"The Datfrist Idol of My Heart."
Springdale, Wash., Aug. & A.
soutbbouDd passenger train on the
Spokane Falls & Northern miracu
lously escaped destruction near
here yesterday by the prompt work
of Operator Cline, of Springdale.
Fourteen cars of eawlogs escaped
from a freight and went wild on a
down grade toward Valley, ten
miles away, and a passenger train
from the north was stopped at the
latter place just as it wa? having,
the operator -having less than two
minutes to spare.
Sixteen loaded gravel cars with
set bre.ks were run out to meet the
runaway at the gravel' pit. The
3O cars were smashed - to kindling
- -J . flc- J-1: J (iA 1 -
auu irawu v. as uciajcu 4 uuuis.
No one was killed or injured, but
had the runaways met the passen
ger train the loea of life would have
been appalling.
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 4. Nel
lie Jones, Long B:ach stenographer,
saved up $100 in gold. She hid
her treasure in a eack of sugar.'
Yesterday Mrs. Sumney, a neighbor.
called at the Jones household and
during Nellie's absence borrowed
some of the sugar to complete some
jim she wa? making. The gold;
went into the near-sighted neigh
bor's dish and found its way into
the blackhfiry jam.
When Nellii Joce returned from
work she saw the disturbed condi
tion of the ugar eack and bscame
alarmed. Papa Jones came in and
confessed to his generoei'y, and a
feverish etsrjh resulted in the re
covery of the gold in the bottom of
the aUcnished neighbor's jam jar.
The End of the World
of troubles that robbed E H Wolfe of
Bear Grove, la, of all usefulness, came
when he began taking Electric Bitters.
He writes: "Two years ago Ridney trou
ble caused me great suffering, which I
would never have survived had I not tak
en Flectric Bitters. They also cared me
of General Debility." Sure cure tor all
Stomach. Liver and Kidney complaints,
Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness and
Weakness or bodily decline. Price 5oc
Guaranteed by Allen & Woodward, drug,
Galveston's Sea Wall.
makes life now as safe in that city as on
the higher uplands. E W Goodloe, who
resides on Dutton S., in Waco, Tex.,
needs no sea wall for safety. He writes :
"I have used Dr. King's New Discovery
for consumption the past five years and
it keeps me well and safe.- Before that
time I had a caugh which for years had
been growing worse. Now it's gone.'.'
Cares chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Croup
Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumo
nia. Pleasant to take. - Every bottle
guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug
store. Price 50c and Ji.oo Trial bottle