The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 03, 1906, Image 3

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    fecial Sale
afurday Jfagu
Mason Fruit Jars, any size, Pints, Quarts or
Half Gallons, per dozen, 6tc
1 dozen to each family.
Extra Kubber Rings, the 10c kind, 5c per doz
Ladies and Boys Hop Picking Gloves 5c a pr,
Mens Hop Picking Gloves 9c a pr.
One pair to each person.
Saturday Only.
Call in Person. No Phone Orders Filled.
Established 1864.
Corvallis, Oregon
The People's Store.
Annual Mid-Summer
'Sale is Now on
Arid for 30 days we will offer Ihe entire stock of dry
goods, boots and shoes, clothinet.c at extra special pri
ces. Space will not permit us fo quote prices on every
article. But following are a few to give you an idea of
some of the special bargains.
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Extra Special
$2 5o Suits at $io oo
14 oo do il so
15 oo dO 12 oo
16 5o do 13 20
18 00 do 14 4.0
Extra Special
$2 so Boys suit at J 1 95
3 00 do 2 25
3 5 do .. 2 85
4 00 do 3 10
4 5o do 345
Extra Special .
$3 00 Ladies Skirts at f 1 75
3 5o do 2 00
4 50 do 2 75
5 5o do 3 60
6 5 do 4 50
Extra Special
$ 75 Ladies waists at .:......$ 40
1 25 do 80
1 50 do 1 00
2 00 do 1 25
Odd lot of waists worth St, 1.50 and
1.75 at 25c
Summer Dress Goods worth 15c, 20c, and 25c, reduced to 10c
at F. L. MILLER'S ?t-
When you see it in our Ad, its so.
P. S.
Moses Brothers
coram sr
You will always find us up and
and oar prices leasonable.
For Boots and Shoes
for Men, Women and children", hate, caps underwear,, every
day and a thhU f ladies skirts, mens and boys suits
Also a Fine Line of Groceries
crockery and everything that is needed in a grocery de
partment. Look Out for Moses Bros
quick delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you will find
there is something donig
Tames Flett and family left
Wednesday for their ranch in the
Buck Creek neighborhood.'
Mrs. E. R. Bryson and child
ren left today for a visit in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John D Hoskins
of Walla Walla are the guests of
Mrs. L. B. Baldwin at Philomath.
Mrs. Hoskins and Mrs. Baldwin
are sisters. Mrs. Hoskms is au
thority for the statement that the
mercury ranged from 91 to 108 for
27 days in Walla Walla this sea
son. "
-Wash Young, formerly of Ben
ton, a twin brother of Jack Young,
has been a Corvalhs visitor for a
day or two. , His home is at Se
attle where both he and Jack have
become weal' by by the growth and
increase of values in the Puget
Sound metropolis. He is returning
from a sojourn in California, to
which state he is shortlv to return
to reside. His new home will be at
Santa Barbara.
It was the proud boast of a
Portland paper the other day that
a four-foot section of a limb from a
plum tree bore '56 well developed
plums." Yesterday thete was ex
hibited in the Times office a limb
of equal length on which there was
159 fine, luscious peach plums.
The branch weighed 14 pounds.
On the four feet cf limb there was
nearly a quarter of a bushel of fruit.
Two plums dropped while the limb
was being brought to the Times of
fice which made the original num
ber 161. The grower was Samuel
State Land Agent Oswald
West left this morning after a hur
ried visit to his hop vard on Kieer
Island. The latter comprises 30
acres and was formerly the Mc-Mahou-Siug
On yard. In the farm
there is 10 acres of land, and a
peach orchard is to bs set out the
coming season. Mr. West went
from Corvallis to Portland in an
swer to a subpoena to appear in the
land fraud cases.
The janitorship at the court
house is still in the air. Elevea
tried and true citizens offer them
selves as candidates for the posi
tion, but up to the present, there is
no chosen one. Wednesday after
noon the position was declared va
cant, but no permanent successor
wa selected. It is understood that
Judge Woodward had one candi
date for the place, and that Com
missioner Smith had another.
Court adjourned without an ap
pointment, and H. H. Glassford
has been placed in temporary
charge. J. D. Wells, former jani
tor, is out and has accepted a posi
tipn as deputy game warden.
There is a swarm of bees in
Tom Vidito's chimney. They set
tled in the place some time aeo.
and the story of the boy who had
some of it, is that there is lots of!
honey on the inside. He ought to
know for he was, when he told the
story, all swollen up with a stung
place, inflicted on kis person by a
bee. The account is that the little
workers can be seen fogging in and
out of the chimney at all hours in
the prosecution of their business in
honey making. Recent accounts
these columns of how similaiiin
swarms of bees have settled in the
chimneys of Rich Irwin and Wm.
Barclay, make the Vidito swarm of
added intefest, and lead tothequery
of, what have the bees in their bon
nets this year.
The cream of any newspaper
tur the
Rev. M. S. Bush will preach
at Oak Ridge Presbyterian church
next Sunday at 3 p m.
Subject at the Church of
Christ Sunday morning, "Where is
your Faith." Evening sermon,
"Christ in Prophecy."
L. W. Van Blaricum has sold
bis interest in the grocery estab
lishment of Pugsley & Van Blari-
com at Philomath to Arthur Pugs
ley and the firm will hereafter be
known as Pugsley & Son. Mr.
Van Blaricum is prospecting for a
business location and may resume
business in Philomath.
Reports that Forrest Smithson,
Fred Wann, Prof. McKellips and
Prof. Taillandies had been fined for
alleged violations of the game law
at Yachats are not true. I. H.
King of Portland, who was camped
near the Wann-Smitbson party was
caught with a deer in hi s possession
and fined $25 and'costs, whtch fine
was paid, and it is probably this
incident that is reponsible for the
rumor involving the Corvallis men.
The hands of the latter have not
yet been bathed in deer blood as
was the case with Mr. King and his
dear blood. The arrest was made
by John Wells of Corvallis, deputy
game warden, and a similar officer
from Eugene. The proceedings
were at Waldport. The total cost
for the violation was $26.50 and
the animal killed w is a tough old
doe at that.
Nat Stewart, formerly of Ben
ton, after 1 2 years service as sheriff
at Santa Barbara, California, is a
candidate for re election, and will
have,, according to a Santa Barbara
paper, little or no opposition. The
term of office is four years, and the
salary about $6,000 a year. Mr.
Stewart, was the son of the late
Kim Stewart, who died in Corvallis
a number of years ago. Sheriff
Stewart is a man of very fine qual
ities and great popularity, as evi
denced by his career as a public
official, in which he has been three
times elected sheriff. He is an oc
casional visitor to his old home in
Benton, having been here three or
four years ago on a hunting expe
dition with P. Avery, R. E. Gib
son and others.
During Great Fire at San
Francisco A Corvallis
A draft that was in the vault of
a San Francisco bank during the
earthquake and through the fire
that followed was displayed on
Main street yesterday. It was a
draft sent by August Fischer
through the First National Bank of
thU city and was in the vault of
the First National of San Francis
co when the latter was burned.
The Frisco bank was located in the
heart of the burned district, and
the fierce that consumed the
building is evidenced by the ap
pearance of the draft. The vault
turned out to be fire proof, but just
a little more heat comparatively
would have fixed things. As it
was the Corvallis draft was badly
discolored and had been heated to
a point where it was practically
charred. Bits of paper detached
from it and rolled between the fing
ers crumbled like rotten chalk. It
was so far damaged that it was
past use, and was sent back to Cor
vallis to the sender to have a dupli
cate issued, which was done. The
remains ot the old dratt will be
kept as a souvenir of the great
Sunday Excursion
on the
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
To Newport and Returm.
Sunday excursions will leave Albany at
7:30, Corvallis 8, Philomath 8:T2, Wt
8:30, Blodget 8:50, Summit 9:0s, Narf
ville 9:35. Eddyville 10, Morrison loa
Elk Cijy 10:30, Toledo 10:55 a. m.
Euery 5ui?day during tb 5uPclrur
Faii) or Sbirj
Season or 3-day tickets good poing or re
turning on Sunday excursions from u
points. Fare for round trip:
Albany, Corvallis, Philomath $1 5O '
Philomath to Chitwood j 00.
Morrison to Storrs 75;
"Toledo, Mill 4 and Oysterville
Numerous attractions, including bad
concert, tnrf bathing, life saving drilW,
boating, fishing ami gathering pretty
water agate.
x x iii- A .
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Haum.
10 to 12 and a to .
Phone, office 83. Residence 35K
Corvallis, OngMk.
n s
Por a Fine Line
After Seven Years is Home
From China A Former
O. A. C. Student.
An Oregon boy who has, at
tained considerable distinction in
the Orient, but who has returned
to his native state to reside, was in
Corvallis a couple of days this week.
He is Prof. E. D. Lyman, lte of
Shanghai, China. Prof. Lyman
was formerly a student at OAC,
where he was a classmate of G. W.
Denman, and a fellow student with
E. E. Wilson and John F. Fulton.
After leaving OAC, he graduated
at Stanford, and after that did
special work in chemistry at the
University of California. He also
served as chemist for a year at a
California beet sugar factory and
later went to Leipsic, Germany,
where he further pursued his stud
ies as chemist. In 1898, he went
to Shanghai, China, and became a
professor of chemistry in the Chin
ese government college. He re
mained in the government educa
tional service of the Chinese em
pire until a few months ago when
he retired on account of ill health
of his family. He expects to locate
permanently in his native s'.ate.
At the time he left China, he had
just been promoted to a position in
the imperial college at Tien Tsin
on a salary of 2,400 ptryear, gold.
According to Prof. Lyman, a
great change is coming over China.
On Corvallis Streets Officer
and Fugitive But no
The Times has not been able to
ascertain the identity of the actors
in the story that follows. The
drama transpired Tuesday night,
and the facts are about thus: A
belated business man opened the
front door and was in the act of
passing into the hall at his board
ing house. At the same moment
an unknown man made a dash to
pass out the door. In the darkness
the stranger stumbled and fell over
a chair, but escaped before the
thunderstricken business man could
gather his wits sufficiently to act.
In the belief that it was a burglar
a hasty telephone call was sent to
Officer Osburn. who was reached
at once. A chase resulted with
the business man and the officer in
hot pursuit, but not fast enough to
make a capture. For a time they
lost the fugitive but presently re
covered the trail by the swift foot
falls as the latter raced madly along
a well known street. " They saw
and recognized him finally as be
leaped the dooryard hedge and dis
appeared in his own back door,
but they won't tell who hei--.
For real good sprinting, the
midnight caller, when once squared
away on a good stretch, is un
questionably a goer, and the night
watch and his unknown partner in
the incident solemnly swear that he
is equally formidable as a high
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Oar.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may bt
eft at Graham & ' --ham's drug atom.
reader, is its advertiemeDts. More! t; - Ulsunci,y wB
l-l 1.3 OV taia i CIUCLC 1U LUC
country. A movement for West
ern education is gathering strength !
thought is expended by their writ- f
ers on advertisements than on any
other stuff in the papet, and many
and many times, there are framed
up in them the keenest, best matter!
of the day. They are the depart
ment of 'he paper that cost money,
which means that there is business
and brains, push and progress be
hind the space these advertise
ments occupy. There is always a
charming interest in every adver
tisement, for they mirror the every
day doings of the men and estab
lishments that are doing the busi
ness of the community.
Albany Herald: Carl Hodes
yes eraay shipped his saloon fix
tures to Portland where he will
j Guns, Fishing Tackle and
1 Base Ball Goods go to
We carry the Famous Bristol Fishfno-
there, and its effect upon conditions
is already observable. It is copy
ing of the plan by which Japan
rose from the sioughs of ignorance
and superstition into a powerful
and progressive nation. Chinese
pupils are studying Western edu
cation in the schools of the empire,
and in the colleges of the United
States, and the colleges of Japan
are literally swai ruing with them.
Tney are taithlul and apt students
and are fast acquiring tbe a: ts and
sciences that made Jaoan so sud
denly great. Tbe growth in this
line is already so nmfced that
Chinese with University educations
are already fast suotf antitjtr the
by operation 4, f 1 American and English educators
compelled to close his i who have until recently been relied
has conducted a snft I
mem colleges, and the promotion of
the imperial educational system.
It is tie conclusion of Prof. Lyman
that within the near future, China
will manifest a progressive develop
ment that will surprise " the world!
. Prof. Lyman left yesterday for
Portland. During his stay in town
he speut much time at the college.
A yr,vtli h.-ic ,.1 m Y i-;i
hereafter conduct a business. Since
June 32 last, whr-n
law be was
saloon, he
drink establishment here in order
to make expenses while looking
about for a new location. This he
has found, hax'ing purchased the
German Caf- at No. 209 First
street in Vonland. He has taken
charge and is now running it and
yesterday his soft drink emporium
in'thi? city wps closed and the fix-
tures an". rooic loaded m n freigb
ca iu ijc supped tj Portland.
Was Submitted to County
Court W ednesday What
it Shows.
The report of Expert Emery, ap
pointed a month ago to examine
the books of county officer, for the
past two years, was submitted at
Wednesday's session of the com
missioners court. It deals with the
books oi the school supeiintendent,
recorder, treasurer, s'ueiiff and
clerk. It reports a difference be
tween the finding of the expert of
$1.25 in the case of the superin
tendent, 50 cents in thu case of the
recorder and $14 in the case of the
clerk, and that these amounts
have been paid bv said officials
to the county. , The findings of the
treasurer and expert agree, but by
the report of the expert Sheriff
Burnett has over paid the county
the sum of $21.21 uiore than he has
collected, and the sad sum is
now due the sheriff from Benton
The report shows that the sher
iff turned over lo tile t.easurer for
1904 the sum of $76,400.17 in tax
collections, and in 1905, $65 11 4 .90.
All told he turned over during the
two years to the treasurer $151,
051.33, which is a very large sum
of money. During bis term the
clerk collected and turned over in
filing fees and recording fees, tax
collections on redeemed property,
and miscellareous fees, the sum of
$2,195.10. " Fcr the same time the
recorder collected and turned over
in fees, $2,430.15, and the superin
tendent, $372-73. besides $273.75
from t'.'.e '"rr 1 r ititute
Veterinar" Surgeons.
Office Winegar & Snows-
Omce Phone Ind 328
" Bell 441
Resident " Ind 389
Zierolf Building.
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton Couafry
Notice of Final Settlements
notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate ot Pamella Winkley
deceai-ed. has filed In the county court ot the
state ol Oregon, for Benton county, his final ac
count as such administrator ot said estate, and
that Monday, the 6th day ot August. 1906, at th
hour ot 10 o'clock has been fixed by said conit
as the time for hearing of objections to said le
port and the settlement thereof.
Administrator Of the estate of Pamelia Winkle.
Dated June 30, 1306.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Hatter or the Estate
James C. Irwin, deceased.
Notlee is hereby eiren that the nnrtrocttmof? ;
as administrator of the statu nt l HIM Tl-iuin
u.,, uoc- moil II 13 lllin. Ml HI Mill I. Klin 1 1I U ,
clerk of the county court of the stale of Oregon,
for Benton county, and the said court has fixed t
Monday the 6th day of Augusl, 13; at the hour. -of
two o'clock in the aiternoon as the time, and 1
the county court room In the court house in Cor vallis,
Orrgon, as the place for; an .
all objections to the said account, aoa lor theu
settltment thereof.
Dated this July 6, 1906
Administrator of thp Aetata OF
K. S. 1EWIN,'.
Jrttkii; rr trivlfic
Tbe Firet National Bank of CorvaT
lis, Oregon, transacts a general
courei vtive lacking tusioess..
L'ia'n motipy o approved sexua
lity. Drafts bought and sold and'
money transfer redto tbe principal
cities of the United States, En
rope and foreign countries.
Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chintse medicine?, successor
tolhelate Honu Ko Tom:, of Albany
Oregon, is new tin-pared to furnish Chi
nese medii iiif to all. The- uru' aligned
recC'iumei.d. him and gnavhntees satis
faction. Call or write hmi at No. "117 West Seo
ond Street, Albany, Oregon.
Tim West fall.
i : t
2 i
Economy Iruit
& Jobnson's.
jc.15 at Thatcher
hfj dulliem
-v.oes reduced
K-r-- for the
at reduced rattt.
Pacific company o
round trip rsites t -
season of 1906 as follows:
Corvallis to Chhago sud. return,
$73-95- St. Loire, 363.5. Mil
wackie, $72.15. Sr. Pattl ard Min
neapolis, $.62.45, Sionx Citv, Couu
cil mu2s, Omaha, St. Jost-li, At
chinson, Leavenworth and Kansas
City, 62.45.
Sale dates June 4, 6, 7, 23, 25.
July 2, 3. August 7, S, 9, Sept.
8, 10. - ... -
Ximit going,. lO'days.-,. ; ,
1 ter Oct. 31SC.