The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 03, 1906, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
In the triumph of Governor
Cummins for nomination to a third
term In Iowa, there is a significant
illustration of the trend of the time.
He is of the new type of statesman.
He stands for tariff revision and
against rail road and trust aggran
dizement. Opposed to him were
Mr. Roosevelt's secretary of the
treasury, and all the backing that
the stand pat interests could mus
ter. The struggle was as fierce as
tt was decisive, and the reform gov
ernor is an easy and overwhelming
The voterj of Iowa has been
cajoled and duped with twaddle
about "protection" and its blessings
until he has heard finally that as a
result of the system the English
man, the German, the Frenchman
and other foreigner buys American
products a long ways cheaper than
he does, and' that the great big
advance he is compelled to pay is
what enriches the '"protected"
trust baron and keeps him poor.
He has heard that under this sys
tem Russia bought Carnegie ar
mor plate at $249 a ton when our
government was paying $500 to
$700 per ton for exactly the same
article, the facts of which were
actually reported to congress by a
congressional committee, which ad
ded that the outside cost of armor
plate was $200 per ton. Having
heard these and similar transactions
most of the Iowa republicans stood
in with their tariff-revision govern
or, and it is a mighty good sign.
After a long and vain search
with microscope and fine-tooth
comb in Russell Sage's will for a
trace of philanthropy, it has been
concluded that if he ever did a stunt
of that sort he didn't let the left
hand know what the right hand
was doing.
In Self Defense.
Major Hamm, editor and manager of
the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky.,
when he was fiercely attacked, four vears
ago, by Piles, bought a box ot Bncklen's
M&rnica Salve, of which he saye. "It
Jf cured me in fen dajs and no trouble
since." Quickest healer of t urns, Sores,
Cuts & Wounds. 25c at Allen & Wood
ward's drug store.
And hit a Wall The Luck
less Dream of a Corvallisite.
Jesse Spencer had a strange
dream, the other night. He
dreamed that he was offended at a
canine. It was a lowborn, mangy
cur of a dog with no respect for
God or man, and apparently no
desire but to bark and growl at ev
erybody and everything within its
particular horizon. At last its
conduct became unbearable to Jesse
and be determined to kick the un
civil cun He summoned all his
strength and when, according to
his judgment, the canine Was at
exactly the prcper distance and in
a suitable attitude to be well and
scientifically kicked, Jesse let drive.
But it wasn't the ugly cur that
uttered a yell of pain. It was
Jesse. In his sleep, and in his
, wrath, his toe struck, not the dog,
but the bed room wall, and that
too, with an impact that made the
windows rattle. To heighten the
trouble brought on by this nasty
but imaginary sooner of a dorg,
Jesse's toe is badly affected with
ingrowing nail, and of course, that
spot hit the wall the hardest.
The tee is gently handled now,
and as a precaution against future
accidents Jesse ties a pair of brass
knuckles on it at night time,
and sees to it that his wife is safely
out of the room in case of a recur
rence of the dream of the ornery
dorg and his effort to kick it.
Kotice is heieby given that the count? cour
ol Benton county, will receive bids for painting
, the roof and tower ot the court house with one
good coat of "Princes Metallic Fire Proof Baint
mixed with pure Unseed 0)1." Also, for patnt
lng the clock 011 the tower; all according to spe
cifications now on file with the county clerk.
Fainter to f uiiiish all paints, tools, and neces
sary staging ana ropes that mtiy be required for
that purpose. All work to he done In a first
class, workman-like manner to be approved by
W. E. Paul. Bids to be opened at the next reg
ular term of tho county court, September 5, 1906,
at 2 P. M.
The couit reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
... C. ui.ti e;t:k.
For County Poor County
Court will Sell or Rent
New County Farm.
At the April term of circuit court
for Benton county, the grand jury
made a report recommending the
purchase by the county of a farm
near Corvallis, to be used as the
county poor farm. The recommend
ation was unanimously made by
the jury, and in accordance there
with, the county court purchased
160 acres formerly known as the
iWells & Mackay hop yard, 2 1-2
miles from Corvallis. ; The price
paid was $35 per acre, ,. At this
week's meeting, the commissioners
court authorized the county judge
to receive ordeis for the sale or rent
of the farm at his discretion and to
make investigation with a view to
purchasing a smaller tract.
The order of the court, is as fol
lows: "On July 11, 1906. the pres
ent county court went out to said
farm and made personal examina
tion of the Lnd and its buildings,
and among other things to consider
its adaptability to the purpose for
which it was intended when pur
chased. "Now, having fully considered
this matter, this court does not con
sider it advisable or for the best in
terest of Benton county to expend
of the county funds an additional
amount necessary to erect suitable
buildings and make such other im
provements as would be necessary
to prepare the place for a comfort
able home for our county charges.
The court further considers that a
small tract of good land suitable
for gardening as better adapted to
this purpose. Therefore, it is or
dered that the county judge be, and
he i9 hereby authorized to receive
offers to purchase or to rent said
farm and to report the same to this
court at its next regular term."
About Ordinances That are In-
Operative A Woman's
The Times has been commended
by a number of people for an ar
tide in Tuesday's issue relative to
certain city ordinances to which no
attention is paid. ' Among others
who have mentioned the matter is
a lady who called the office up by
phone and after expressing appre
ciation of the article said: "We
have been thinking all along of
building a home ;n thiscity, and at
one time had about determined to
do so; but with cess pools main
tained on many blocks where there
are sewers and water and with oth
er nuisances Deing maintained in
complete defiance of city laws, we
have simply delayed building to see
whether city affairs will take a turn
for the better." There is no doubt
in the world but the growth
and progress of the town is in a
measure retarded by the very con
ditions to which this Corvallis
woman alludes. Among the or
dinances that are very largely
inoperative are these: Requir
ing grass to be cut in the streets;
prohibiting gates from swinging
over sidewalks; prohibiting use of
barbed wire within the city limits;
prohibiting cess pools and requiring
water closets to be connected with
sewers where laterals .have been
For Brick Building on Main
Street Charles Heckert
gets the Job.
The contract was awarded Wed
nesday for the erection of a twe
story brick building- on the site
now occupied bv the Centennial
meat market, between the White- j
horn acd Masonic buildings. The
structure is to be 100 feet deep, ex
tending from the street to the alley
in the rear, and will be 23 feet wide
in the clear. It is to be built by
the Taylor heirs, and will
cost $4,000 in addition to the two
side walls to which the builders
have hitherto acquired the right to
attach. The rear wall and a sec
tion ot 20 feet from the alley to the
Whitehorn wail, besides the front,
roof, floors and inside finishing is
all that will have to be built. Thi
contract was awarded to Charles
Heckert at something over $3,800,
the only other bidder being aa Al
bany manA Wet k will begin as
soon as the contract is S'gned,
which w.llbe in a day or two. The
old building will be used while the
rear walls are being constructed,
after which it will be removed.
The new structure will bs occupied
by the present meat market below,
and the front roomj on the upper
floor bv a tenant who is said t
have alreiwlv eiKyasrrd -.ihem.
List of Warrants Ordered Paid
zX August Term of the
County Court.
The following bills were allowed
by the Benton county court at the
August session iqo6.
E. Bennett physician attend
co poor 5 00
W. R. Dixon wood 34 00
W. G. Emery expert Co
books 150 00
V. P. Moses posting present
ownership books 56 00
J. D. Wells janitor - 40 00
M. P. Fruit, sal ferryman 44 00
Benton Co. L,. Co lumber 5 88
Mrs. D. Hugglns care poor 93 00
C. Whitney road work 10 50
E. Ef Switzer 20 oo
Wellsher & Gray sup for poor 6 00
M. P. Morgan stationary 3 00
Corvallis Water Co water for
one year 100 so
Grant Elgin road sup. 65
R. E.'Pugh road work 6 35
B. F. Ellsworth bridge wk 17 50
John Webster " 11 25
William Webster " 11 25
George Allen road work 1 1 25
F. X,. McFadden wit fees 9 00
Pete Whitaker " 2 00
M. P. Burnett care insane 3 00
Vidito Bros, livery hire 5 00
Cervallis Times printing 14 60
Corvallis Gazette stat & print 4 50
T. H. Davis stationery 14 00
P. S. T. & T. phones 8 35
Glass &Prudhomme station' y 10 75
Corvallis Mill Co. lumber 1 1 1 16
City of Corvallis light 7 50
Corvallis Water Works water 19 50
B. F. Ellsworth bridge work 6 09
A. Wood rd sup
4 30
16 66
11 00
38 88
7 00
9 00
'4 50
6 2!
Warren Norton bridge wk
F. Hill road work
A Cadwalader "
G. H. Harris bridge lumber
R. D. Ewing road work
C. I. Cadwalader '
Independent Tel. Co. phone
W. L. VanAlstyne rd. wk
G. W. Smith examination rds. 24 00
T. D. Hufft bridge, lumber 39 05
A. B. Senger plumbing ferry
nouse 00
Corvallis Water Works tap
ping court house & ferry 11 00
G. K. Winters piling for
Quivey bridge
Peter Rickard com & Co. wk
R. H. Colbert ferry & road
Geo. Harris bridge lumber
C Lillard rd work
46 00
19 80
9 25
10 28
3 00
T. T. Vincent.
Thirteen Houses Under Con
struction now, not Count
ing two Bricks.
Twelve houses are in process of
construction in Corvallis and sub
urbs, an J wotk is to begin atonceon
a 13th, This does not take into
account the two bricks, for one of
which excavation is already in
progress, while work will begin in
a day or two on the other. The
thirteen mentioned are residences,
and nearly all of them are of the
best ever built in Corvallis. AmoDg
them are, J. H. Harris, residence
cost, $2,500; A. P. Johnson, $2,500
T. H. Crawford, $1,800; J. F.
Yates, $2,500; Charles Johnson,
$1,500; Dr. Cathey, $1,600; Mrs.
Houck, $800: Ellsworth Erwin,
$1,300; Norton Adams, $1,000; un
known house near C. & E. depot,
another in Jobs addition, and still
another on 9th street. The 13th
house is an expensive one to be
built by S. L. Kline and on which !
Work begins in a day or two. The!
above buildings in addition to the 1
two pricks, all under construction
at one time, make a very good
showing. Drouth may have its
drawbacks, but it hasn't stopped,
the growth of Corvallis.
Hoase to Eotise Canvass.
Representatives of: the Pacific
States Telephone and Telegraph
Company have started a house to
house canvass among the farmers
of this county, offering an extreme
ly low rental for instruments to be
used in connection with the central
offices of the Company throughout
the county.
For .c8 1-3 cents a month the
subscriber is given free switch
ing with all the other sub
scribers connectinrr with his
central exchange. Under this rate
it would appear that no rural resi
dent need be without a telephone
and its attendant advantages, es
pecially as every assurance is given
of prompt and efficient service.
Mr. G. B. Hibbard is in charge
of the canvass in this county and
he states that he may be seen at the
central office of the Company in
Albany, or will visit any communi
ty or organization of farmers iner
I '-'"phone !na'.i-r..
Don't Pass ap the Newest Fad.
Letterposte Photos.
A choice of twelve styles.
Twelve Photos of your self done
in novel style.
Come in and ask about them.
The Corvallis Studio.
Remember Nolan's Mid-Summer
Sales will close Saturday evening,
Aug. nth at 9 o'clock.
Hop Growers!
One hundred dollars will buy 4
Franklin Hop Baler. For sale at
F anklin Iron Works,
Corvallis, Ore.
Hop Pickers Wanted.
100 hundred hop pickers wanted
in September to pick the crop on
the Island Home Hop yard on Ki
ger8 Island.
Good camp ground; no loose
stock to bother you; plenty of
shade and good water; free pasture
for your horse and cow.
We hope to have all our old pick
ers with us again this year. Price
and conditions same as last year.
Oswald West.
The Manufacturer's Piano Co.
of Portland will have an expert pi
ano tuner in Corvallis September
1st. Leave orders at Hotel Cor
vallis. Ind. phone 34, Bell, 731.
Women and girls over 16 years
to work in shirt factory. Good
wages, steady work, Oregon City,
Woolen Mills, Oregon City, Or.
. For Sale
Eleven 2-year olds and 3 yearlings,
grade Herefords. W. H. Dean,
Monroe, Oregon.
Phone Bellfountain Exchange.
Kor Sale.
Three piece Mahogany Marble top bed
room suit; good box Heater; 2 burner
oil stove. Bargain if taken soon.
S. L. Kline's Residence.
For Sale.
House 6 rooms and barn. 3 lots in Jobs
House 7 rooms, barn, 4 lots near the
House 7 rooms, barn, 12 lots in Wil
kins Addition.
Inquire of S. H. Moore, Ind. phone,
71a, or any ci tne real estate men .
A. Bargain.
163 acres known as the Cauthorn
place on Peak road must be sold at
once. 30 acres in crop. House of
5 rooms, new barn, 50 x 60 ft. 30
acres of heavy timber, balance pas
ture, running water on place. This
is a bargain at $1,600.
Ambler & Watters, agents.
that expect to sell their Vetch seed,
please drop me a card stating how much
they expect to have. I huy and sell all
the year round.
. L. L. Brooks.
Well Drilling.
J. E. Sloper is prepared to sink wells
through quick sand and gravel. Rock
drilling a specialty. Inquire of J. R,
Smith & Co., or address J. E.h Sloper,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Barber School.
I will open the school about Sept. 1st
and will teach everything in the barber
trade in eight -weeks. Easy terms.
Write for further information.
, George VV. Plaster,
Corvallis, Ore.
E. R. Bryson,
E. E. W!LS4.;N, .
A Habit to En Encouraged.
The mother who has acquired the habit
of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough lieiiiedy, saves herself a great
amount of uneasiness :uid anxiety. Coughs,
30M3 and croup, to which children are sus
septible, are quickly cured by its use. It
counteracts any tendency of a cold to result
in pneumonia, and if given as Koon as the
first symptoms of cronp appear, it will pre
vent the attack. This remedy contains
nothing injurious and mothers gi re it to lit
tle ones with a f?oUnv; f -perfect wovs'jv.
Look much cooler during the warm weather when
wearing a neat shirt waist set and costume to match.
We have sets of all kinds in Sterling and gold filled pat
terns, the latest in Carmen and Signet bracelets of plain
and chased, gold filled and sterling designs.
The Jeweler and Optician,
Hand Cream
Hand Cream Seperators sold on $5 months pay
ments. Several different makes. Write your name
and address below and send to Independence Creamery
Independence, Oregon; for particulars and information
about the dairy industry.
Name Address
You may bend, you may twist,
You may turn as you will,
But the shape and the smartness
Will cling to them ttill.
This means Cohn Block ready made suits.
A few Summer Snits left at 20 percent discount to
close them out. Sold by
Dealer in all Mens Furnishings.
Corvallis, Oregon.
. Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given that the
superintendent of Benton county,
will hold the regular examination
of applicants for state and county
papers at Corvallis, as follows:
For State Papers:
Commencing Wednesday, Aug
ust 8, at 9 o'clock a. m., and con
tinuing until Saturday, August n,
at 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
spelling, physical geography,
reading, psychology.
Thursday Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar,
bookkeeping, physjes, civil gov
ernment. Friday Physiology, geography,
mental arithmetic, composition,
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English litera
ture, schoel law.
For County Papers:
Commencing Wednesday, Aug
ust 8, at 9 'clock a. m. and con
tinuing until Friday, August 10,
at 4 o'clock p. m.
First, Second and Third Grade
Wednesday Penmanship, history.
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar,
Friday Geography, mental arith
metic, school law, civil govern
ment. Primary Certificates:
Wednesday Penmanship, orthog
raphy, arithmetic, reading.
Thursday Art of questioning,
theory of teaching, physiology.
Dated at Corvallis, . Oregon, July
28, 1906.
Geo. W. Denman.
County Superintendent.
Buy your harvesting outfits at
Nolan's. Large stock. Right
Banking Company
Corvallis, Okbgon.
Responsibility, $1C00CC
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Boys County, City and School
Warra&U. -
Principal orres?e!t!et$.
The Bank o
NEW TORK Messrs. J. jp. Morrao Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. "
LONDON, UNO. N M Kof hwnllds It Sous
Newport, Yaqoina Bay, Breitenbush
Hot Springs From All S. P. and
C & E. Points.
On and after Jnne 1, 1906, tne Southern Pselfle,
In connection with the CorvaUls & Eastern rail
road, will have on sale round trip tickets from
points on their lines to Newport, Yaqoina and
Detroit at low rates, good for return until Octo
ber 10, 1906.
Three-day tickets to Newport and Yaqulna,
good going Saturdays and returning Mondays,
are also on sale trom aU East Side points. Fort
land to Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West
side points, enabling people to visit their famil
ies and spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all East Side points, Port
and to Eugene, inclusive, and from all Wes
Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very
low rates, with stop-over privileges at Mill City
or any point East, enabling tourists to visit the
Santlam and Breitenbush Hot Springs In the
Cascade Mountains, which can be reached In
one day.
Season tickets good for return from all points
until Oct. 10. Three-day tickets good going Sat
urdays and returning Mondays only. Tickets
for Portland and vicini'y good for return via.
the East or West Side. Tickets from Eugene
and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon
SpringfleM branch. Baggage ou Newport tickets
checked through to Newport; on Yaqulna tick
ets to Yaqulna only. Sunday excursions to New
port on the C.iE. will begin June 10th or 17th
and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving Alba
ny at 7:30 a. m.; leaving Corvallis 8 a. m .
S. P. trains connect With theO. & E. at Albany
and Corvallis for Yaquiria and Newport. Trains
on the C. & E. for Detroit will leave Albany at
7:30 a. m., enabling tourists to the Hot Springs
to reach there the same day, Trains from and
to CorvaUls connect with all East Side trains on
the S. P.
Full Information as to r atcs, time tables, etc.,
can be obtained on application to J. C Mayo
Gen. Pass. Agt. C. & E. R.t Albany; A. L. Craig.
G. P. A. S. P. Co., Portland, or te any S. P. or O.
& E. agent.
Rates from Corvallis to Newport, $ ..75;
To Yaqulna, $3 23.
Three-day rate lrom Corvallis to Newport, $2.50.
In the circuit court in the state of Oregon, for
Beiiton county.
Catherine Bcehringer, Pluin'.iiT, . 1
Oregon and California Railroad !Co.,
and Union Trust Coinpuny. Defl's. J
To Union Trust Company, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are
herebv summered end ierjnired to Hppearand
antwer tht- complxlnt of the plalutlil tu tue
above entitled bUit. in the above entitled
court, now oh file In thi' '.fflce of
the clt-ik of aula couit on or beiore thH litst day
of the time preset ibei in thf- order fr publica
tion ot this summon), inndu by tbe rniu.ty j'jdge
of Bi nton county, stnteoi Oieg n (wnk-li order
is hertl.. after r.lerred t") t., wi': August 31,
1908, unci ynu are hereby notified th: t It you fail
to at pear and Mi. cue to - saM ci mplaint us
herein rrquired, for w.nt r-hfrenf the pltuntiCT
will rtpifiy to the above entitled o.. ur: lor the re
lief deun.nied in her Bairt :omp au t, to-wlt:
that the defendent O. & R. H. Co make a
deei to plxintlil Cunvi y ng lite i. W. quarter of
N. W. quarter of swton -ja. Tow nip 13 S.,
K. 6 W., in ent-n county- tj-eon: trjHt. defend
ant Union Trutit Company In i:: aaid deed,
at'd that if defendants ivtus'' ro mrke ucb deed
then that the decree of the above entitled
court stand in lien the-co'.
This summons is publish od 111 th Corvallis
Times newspaper once a week for succes-.
stve and consecutive weeks. bef.l;;iiing with
the issue July 20, 19 w . i en-lnur with
the issue of Augupl :.l. lititf. tu pursuane.o
of the directions contehieei t;i an order
made by the Hon. !, Woo-lward, eo'tnty
jude of Benton couttiy, Oreffou. .dated July
16, 1906. Date of fit st i-ublictittou hereof ia July
20, 190(i.
E. K. VTT.S0N'.