The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 03, 1906, Image 1

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    MOT iSICA V2tW UB'CMJA c'..
Vol. XIX.-Nk3
. . . - ud Proprietor -
WjTW I I . . H.
Our store has many bargains in Odds and
Ends, and lots of Staple Goods just the
things to look after this month L
If you meed a misses shoe, size 1 to 2 see our
line for Fifty cents.1" .
All our Spring Wash Fabrics at a big
sacrifice in former price
Sewing Machines, Trunks,
Valices, Window Shades,
: Carpets, xjineolum,
I Matting and Rugs,
. , Many other articles
That we are now offering that will pay to investigate.
Call and See
, No Prizea go .with our,
Chase i Santa
In fact nothine goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
bole agent. for ; .,; ..--.. 'j ,-t-
New Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition.
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,
Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman need can
'be found at my stpre.
Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop.
All Work Guaranteed.
M . M
Ind. Phone 126.
Coryallis, Oregon.
Siilore Join Soldiers Repulsing Loy
alists .Who Attempt to Capture
Seized Forts Infantry for
Czar but Artillery De
r . eerts to Rebels.
Jlelaingfors, Finland, July 3I.
The most s-rious outbreak, in the
.Russian empire since the dissolu
tion of the douma occurred-todny
I when tte garrison at Sveaborg,. the
fortress which guards the - entrance
to the rberbor of this city, mutinied
and seiztd the foit. , The soldiers
ashore and the sailors in the fltet
are affected. r O'der troops were
called out to quell the mutineers
and a fight ensued between the two
factions in which the loyalists were
defeated with a loss of 5OO ! m n.
Fighting continues; one of the war
ships bombarding' the fortress. !- '
The mutineers - were joined by
the artillery and the sailorson most
of the ships m the fleet in the bar
bor. The infantry remained loy
al, but the sailors refused to fire on
the soldiers, who now control the
When the f arrieon mutinied this
morning the artillery men ashore
were prevailed upon to join the mu
tineers. The older troops were called
out to quell the- mutiny, but volleys
from the artillery: killed or wound
ed .sUUi -'Utfter8 and famines -are
fleeing from tbe fortrees to this city
and the soldiers are deserting to
the revolutionists.
Daring , the battle between : the
mutineers and the loyalists the of
ficers of the fleet attempted to bom
bard the- fortress. r This-attempt
was futile on most of the warships,
for the sailors, promptly mutinied,
placing the fi et at the disposals of
the insurrectionists.
Privates of tbe-Finnish R--d
Guards, who are of social dtmocrat-
ic faith, and proc aimed a general
strike and labor agitators have btm
S"ntin baste to the provinces and are
no woiking among tbe people stir
ring them 10 an uprising.
Stores have been seized by he
mutineers and the fortrees is stock
ed for a lengthy engagement. Their
apparent plait is to be prepared for
a siege if Dtceeeary. Their position
is considered practically impregna
ble 10 long a9 tbe sympathy of the
sailors remains - with them, and
tbey ate f-afe from serious attack
from the harbor. : '" '
Sveasborg is entirely in the hands
of the mutineers, who now have in
their posstet ion every kind of ar
Horrible ecenes occurred during
the fierce fighting. Tbe heaviest
artillery was used during the con
fliot. - -
Colonel Nataroff was bayoneted,
He begged lor transportation to the
hospital, promising forgiveness in
exchange. In6'ead he was ttoced
and thrown tbe water with
stone tied around his neck. .
. . If you are looking for, some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you - wish, also
showing you over, the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Matthias arrived at 6.40 o'clock to
night from Louisville in charge of
a deputy sheriff Bd ' company of
militia from Hopklnsville. The lo
cal military met the train and the
prisoner was marched to the court
house.'. Several attempts were made
to get the negro and twice ' be was
in the possession of the mob, but
the soldiers finally succeeded, in
forcing their way with their prison
er, into the courthouse, where the
negro's trial was at once begun-. .
There were rumors tonight that
another negro in jail from' Hick
man county, charged with a simi
lar offense, was to be lynched, but
it is understood that he was spirit
ed away. ' - , K
On Thursday last Matthias bru
tally outraged a telephone girl While
the latter wa9 on' her ' wayr htfaie.
The inhuman brute made .'good a
temporary escape, but was captured
near raducab, tak n to that place
and later taken to Louis vi le. '
Matthias, when arramged, was
asked if he had anything to say.
He replied:; :
M want some one to pray for
mB." . ;
W. S. Fox, a local attorney, was
appointed to defend the negro. To
tbe question, "Guilty or not guil
ty?" Matthias replied "Guilty."
The jury was ordered to its room
and, after being out 20 minutes, re
turned a verdict of guilty and fixed
the punishment at death. Matthi
as was removed to the jail and in a
few minutes placed on the scaffold
and executed.
It was the most dramatic legal
execution that ever, occurred in
Kentucky, and while supposed to
be private, was witnessed by nearly
Chicago, Aug. 1. Board of trade
men nave taken great interest in
the Thaw case and in the sbsence
of other excitement have made
book on the outcome of ' the ' trial.
Liberal odds are given on acquittal,
conviction or. disagreement of the
jury and the sentence in case of con
viction. A number or bets were
placed to day at the following odds:
Disagreement, 1 to 6.
Acquittil, 3 to 5.
Guilty, 2 to 1.
Death penalty, 10 to 1.
Life imprisonment, 5 to 1.
' Short imprisonment, 7 to 8.
A number of email bets were reg
istered, which shows that the grain
brokers do not cara to take much
risk en the problem of a man's life
and death. Tbe long odds are not
inviting and many if tbe wagers
were on short quotations, indicat
ing that a mViority are of the opin
ion that be will be acquitted or that
the jury will disagree. .
New York, July 3I. At least
two transcontinental iices promise
to inaugurate a novelty within a
month which will not only be a
boom to actors and actresses but to
tbe general traveling pubiio-as
well. This novelty will be a theatre
car. 1
Impressed by a hearty reception
given stage folk, who on several oc
casions while crossing the middle
west and Rockies have entertained
paseeogers with scenes from vari
ous plays, arrangements are being
made whereby certain transconti
nental trains will carry coaches in
which stage, curtains and facilities
for actors will be installed.
Tbe players who appear will get
minimum rates, or perhaps free
passage and certain charges will be
made for admission to the thea
tre car for performances.
Enterprise, Or., Aug. 1. . In
spite or the fact that Wallowa coun
ty went dry in the June election it
is expected that saloons will be op
ened again socn. - By the initiative
proceedings under the lawa of Ore
gon tbe voters ef the state rasped 1
law in June giving the power to in-
coruorated . cities and towns of
amending their own charters. It
is now argued by the liqucr men
that under this law a city or town
may amend its charter and grant
license to sell liquor and that the
saloon may do business under such
license without being subject to
Mayfield, Ky.. July 31. The
hanging of Allen Matthias, the ne
gro who criminally assaulted Miss
Ethel . McClaio last Wedneeday
night, took place at 8 o'clock to
night in a legal manner in the yard
of the county jail. Fully 10,000
people were on the scene, but only
a few hundred could see the execu
tion. The fence bad been torn
down by the enraged citizens, while
the trial was going on.
It was only 50 minutes after - the
time the jury was sworn in that
, the negro was pronounced dead.
SK Louis, July 3I. A special to
lie P s-.-D.-paton from Mound
Cay, ili., eajs. negroes are gather
ing there, anticipating an attack on
the rail by whites to lynch bam Mc
Donald, who kill d Homar Morris
during a picnic near Ulin, Situr
day. Threats by whites have caus
ed much excitement, and a bloody
clash' is probable if the latter
tempt to mob McDonald. An at
tempt at lynching was made
when officers brought McDonald to
the county jail here from Perks,
The mob was foiled by deputies,
who placed the negro in a vehicle
and drove into the country until
the excitement had cooled down.
Courtroom Crowded with morbid-
Minded Men and Women
Girl Has Portland Friends.
Oiher News.
Seattle, July 21. Smiling ; at
news just, brought here that her two
brothers, Fred and . Perry Mitchell,
would befriend her at her trial. Es
ther Mitchell stood before Superior
Judge Griffin this morning and en
tered a plea of not guilty to the in-
tormation which charges , ber with
murder ia the first degree for, kill
ing her brother, : George Mitchell.
A few minutes before she was ord
ered by Prosecuting Attorney Mac
intosh to enter berplea, her counsel
A. J. Clark, of Portland, told her
that her brothers would aid her to
the best .of their ability.
ine tired and haggard look on
the girl's face was at once replaced
by a look of pleasure and still smil
ing she entered her, plea, uttering
the words ''not guilty" in a sharp,
clear voice.
Long beiore 9:30 o'clock, the time
set for her arraignment, the court
room of department No. 5 was
crowed, with . morbid-minded . men
and women. ' A laree number of
women were present to see the girl
who had killed her brother who bad
taken another's life to protect her
virtue. The majority of women
spectators were young and t few
well-known young women gaily
dressed were present to gratify their
morbid desires by gaz'ng at tbe un
fortunate murderess.
Wnen Eether Mitchell entered
the - courtroom a whisper spread
through the room. Women craned
forward in their seats to catch a
g'impse of her form, and men and
women cot so fortunate as to have
obtained a seat pushed and strug
gled to gain a better view of her.
If the girl was aware of the curious
eyes focused upen her she did not
ebow it. With a quick step and
ber eves fixed vacantly she took
her seat. Not once ia the hour she
S8t there did she change her posi
tion or show any attention to tbe
crowd that was staring at her.
As eodo as Esther Mitchell had
entered her plea her lawyer, A. E
Clark, demanded a separate trial
for her. The court ordered it grant
ed and it rests with Prosecuting At
torney Macintosh to determine
whether Mrs. Crefficld or Esther
Mitchell shall first face the jury.
A. E. Clarke,' who represented
the girl in court, declares that he
was retained .to defend ber by Port-i
land friends of the girl. He refused,
however to divulge the name of the .
persons, saying that he would do it
at a later day. Lawyer Clarke de
clares that Perry and Fred Mitchell j
Will come to Seattle to attend thai
trial of their sister and will do all,
they can to save herefrom suffering,
the penalty of the law.
Mr. ' Clarke said: "Perry nd-'
Fred Mitchell tell me ther have
nothing but kindly feelings for their 3
untortunate eister."
...New Yorkk Aug. L Yielding to.
the persuasion of her son, J Harry
Thaw, Mrs. William Thaw today
dispensed with the set vices; of thet
firm of Black, Olcott Gruber & Bo-1
nynge, whom she had retained to
conduct the defense of the young'
man on the charge of murdering
Stanford .White. - Following afamr j
ly counil held last night at the rer-,j
denee of her daughter, Mrs.: Carne-.
gie, at Roslyn, L. I., at which Mrs,'
Harry Thaw was present, Mrs.
William Thaw this afternoon sent
the following letter to her counsels
After fully considering the qaes- i
tion I have decided that, my son's ,
position is the right one. ", Will you ,
therefore kindly deliver to Messre.,;.
Hartridge & Peabody, ', No. 14
Broadway, all documents,, letters, '
notes, memoranda, data and all pa
pers you have . for me, land a full;,
statement of your account..
Thanking you for yburcoorteous -attention
to my wishes during the .
past two weeks,, I remain, etc.
' Atlanta, Ga., July 21. Floyd
Carmichael, a negro about 22 years
old, who was Identified by Miss
Annie Poole, of Lakewood, a sub
urb of Atlanta, as the man who as
saulted her early today, was shot ,
in front of the Poole residence in
sight of his victim this afternoon
by a posse which had captured him.
After he had been "hot there -werr
cries of "burn him," but the coun
ty police, arriving at this time, pre
vented euch action
About 10 o'clock this morning,
while returning from a visit to a
neighbor, Miss Poole, who is I5
years old, was attacked by the ne
gro and choked until unconscious.
When the alarm was given, a posee
quickly formed, "but it was not un
til late in tbe afternoon that th
negro was captured and brought
into Miss Pool's presence. She
identified him, a volley of shots
rang out and the negro fell fatally
Two members of the posss, W.
E. Johnson and T. M. Poole, were
accidentally hit by stray bullets.
Johnson was shot through the arm
Continued on page 4.
- Galveston's Sea Wall.
makes life now as safe in that city as on
the higher uplands. E W Goodloe, who
resides on Dutton B in Waco, Tex
needs no sea wall for safety. He writes
"I have used Dr. King's New : Discovery
for consumption the past five years and
it keeps me well and safe- T Before that
time I had a caugh which for years had
been growing worse. Now it's- gone.'.'
Cares chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Croup
Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumo
niaV Pleasant to take. . Every bottle
guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug
store. Price 50c and 1.00 Trial bottle
free. ,
Made from tPure Grape Crezsn of Tartar
In baking powder Royal is the standard, the
powder of highest reputation ; found by the
United States Government tests of greatest
strength and purity.
It renders the food more healthful and palat
able and is most economical in practical use.
Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to
buy alum powders because they are ' cheap."
Yet some of the cheapest made powders are sold
to consumers at the highest price.
Housekeepers should stop and think. Is it
not better to buy the Royal and take no chances
the powder whose goodness and honesty are never
questioned? ; . .... ..; ,
Is it economy to spoil your digestion, by an
alum-phosphate or other adultered powder to
save a few pennies ?