The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 31, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XIX.-N0. 3
b.f. nnmatau.
and Proprietoc
- a
Offerings for July!
Great reductions made in all our departments on the
price of every article. Big stock from -which
to make your selections.
A Lot of childrens shoes sizes
1 1-2 to 2 1-2 at 50c.
A big lot of boys clothing,
ially low price.
All Summer dress goods goes at a big discount. See
our offerings and get prices.
No Prizes go with our
Chase & Santjorn High Grade
In fact nothins goes with our coffee but cream, supar and
Sole agent for
Chase & Sanborn Hish Grade
New Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. ;
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,
Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In feet anything the sportsman need can
be found at my store.
Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Sho p.
All Work Guaranteed.
Ind. Phone 126.
If you are looking for some real good bargains .in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you oveY the country. ,
. r ' Real Estate, Loan arid Insurance
' ; Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon: :.
age 4 to 10 years at spec-
Corvallis, Oregon.
Day of Execution Sit on 12th of
September Will Appeal fo
. Governor for Clemency A ";.
Leper in a Box Car.
Auburn, July 24. Adolpb Web
er is to be barged at Folsom be
tween the hours of 11 a. m. and 1
p. m. September i2, 1906. Weber
was brought into court at 9 a. m.
today and the time foreentence was
fixed at 11 o'clock. At that hour
the courtroom was packed. Weber
was clean shaven, bis hair was trim
med and be looked much, better
than when he was laet in court. He
showed no symptoms of excitement
except a slight twitching of the
mouth. He was accompanied by
bis attorney, F. P. Tuttle. District
Attorney Robinson made a formal
request that the sentence be sus
pended. The remittitur, which ar
rived this morning, was ieadbythe
clerk. The court said that if the
defendant had any legal cause to
show why judgment of court should
not be carried out he ehould state
Webtr's attorney, F. P. Tuttle,
made a request to the court to al
low as much time as possible before
date of execution, as they wish to
appeal to the governor for clemen
cy and it would take time for the
attorneys to prepare and forward
to the governor the petition and for
him to examine the matters pre
setted. Attorney G. W. Hamilton
of ,the prpsecution and the dhtrict
attorney addressed the court, ex
premising as being in favor of a reas
onable , lime being - allowed.-- -The
court then ueked Weber to stand
up aod formally sentenced him to
be banged by the warden of the
sate penitentiary at Fohom on
September 12 th at about the neon
hour. Sheriff Keen a and Deputies
Deppndener and Lozano started at
noon to take Weber to Folsom in a
Philadelphia, July 22. George
Roesett, th Syrian leper, who is
trying to reach New York in a Bal
timore and Ohio freight car, in the
hope 01 getting refuge and treat
ment on North Brother Island, ar
rived in this city today and to
night tbe Philadelphia health an
tnoruies ordered the railroad to re
turn him whence he came. The
unfort unite man is now travelling
south 10 the lonely box car attach
ed to a night freight train.' ' He is a
white elephant on the hands of the
railroad people, and they do not
know whether they will be able to
turn him over to tbe authorities in
Baltimore or take him to Elkins,
w. V., where he began hia jour
Tbe freight car ;n which the Syr
ian was riding arrived in the Balti
more and Obvt freight yard, in the
Southwestern pait of the city, in
the forenocn. Hid pretence was
known to the train crew and they
to m pread the news in the neigh-
ocnoi'd. A Email crowd gathered
about tbe car and, frarinz that
some one might touch the leper, a
detail of police was Bent for aod tbe
car was placed under guard wbi'e
it remained hre. Before the train
It ft the health authorities tacked on
the car large quarantine placards
bearing the word "Lepers."
Rosseit is twenty-two years old,
and says he came to this country
four years ago with his wife. Un
til last Wednesday he lived at Elkins,
W. Va. He arrived in Brunswick,
Md., yesterday. He begged for
food and drink and extended a roll
of bills in payment. He was in
structed to sit 00 a pile of ties in
the railroad yard. He did eo, and
food and drink was brought to him,
after which he was put aboard the
freight car by the police and start
ed north. K - r
Eugene,. July " 8. The state
board of health, through Bacteriol
ogist Ralph Matson, has declared
the water supply of Eagene unsani
tary, and will take steps to enforce
filtration of all water need for drink
ing and domestic purposes. --The
typhoid fever epidemic which swept
the valley town last spring was di
rectly traceable to the polluted wa
ter and now that it i? : discovered
that the water is ttill - Impure,- the
health board is determined to take
no chances of a lepetition of the
fever. - ' ' 5 "
It is alleged by the city authori-
tiea that the water is filtered before
being used, but this is found to be
doubtful. Many are even drinking
it without boiling, and the; health
board greatly fears sickness as a re
sult of such carelessness.
St. Joseph, Mich.. Julv 21. Mrs
Sarah Eliza Jane Lemon, a widow.
aged seventy, has married Leonard
Kreigh, a farmer boy, eighteen
years old. The latter says he is
counting on at least thirty years
of continued marital happiness.
wneo tne neighbors learned that
the lad was paying attentions to a
woman old enough to be his grand
mother, they remonstrated without
He jilted his maiden ' sweetheart
and proposed to Sarah Eliza Jane
Lemon. He was accepted, and the
wedding ceremony was immediat -
ly performed. - The bride, white-
naired, bent with age, but clear-
eyed and smiling, was gowned in a
black-silk dress, which she wore on
her first wedding day, in I854.
"1 am happy," declared young
Kreigh, after the marriage ceremo
ny was performed." "I have found
my ideal wife, and I propose that
our life will be one of continual
Portland, July 27. Telegram:
Martin G. Hoge, city attorney of
01 Medford, and Henry W. Miller,
and Frank, E. Klncart will come
before Judge William H. Hunt for
sentence tomorrow morning. Chas.
Nickell,. editor of tbe Southern Or
egonian and former United States
commissioner at Medford, will ap
pear for sentence Monday morning,
August 6. the meantime,
may appear later for sentence, if he
desires more time. Nickell was al
lowed to go rn his present boni of
$4000 until appearance foreentence.
Hoge andmckelt' were both
fouad guilty as charged in a verdict
returned into tbe United States cir
cuit court at 17 minutes past mid
night. Both are recommended to
the mere v of tbe court. Five bal
lots were taken before both defend
ants had been voted guilty. The
first ballot was on Hoge and stood
ten for conviction, one for acquittal
and one blank. On the second bal
lot there were I2 votes for con vie
Three ballots were taken on Nick
ell. The first two were ten for con
viction and two for acquittal. A
compromise was then msda on the
ground that he be recommended for
leniency, and all 12 voted for con
viction on that ground .
A peculiar feiture of the caBewae
that tbe question of mercy and
sympathy did not enter ioto the ju
ry's deliberations over Hoge's guilt
or innocence.
The maximum penalty which
may be inflicted upon Hogs and
Nickell is imprisonment for two
years and a fine of $10,000, in the
discretion of the court. The mini
mum is 30 days' imprisonment and
$100 fine. .
Martin G. Hoge is now in tbe
county jail.
Tbe offense for which Hoge and
Nickell stand convicted is conspir
acy to suborn perjury in procuring
numerous residents of Medford,
Placer and Ashland to make timber
filings on J government land, in
which they made oath that they
Were not taking the lands for tbe
n or benefit ot any oae except
lUcuictlves, when in fact they were
taking them for a bogus company
called the "fimmetsburg" ,of JNew
Zealand, which Miller fraudulently
pretended to represent.
Miller and Kincart both pleaded
guilty to changing government wit
ness trees and were sentenced to
pay a fine.
Judge O'Diy wai allowed 10
days in which to file a motion for a
new trial and arrest of judgment in
Nickell'e case.
Galveston's Sea Wall.
makes life now as safe ia that city as on
tbe higher uplands. W Goodloe, who
resides on Dutton 8., in Waco, Tex.,
needs no Bea wall for safety. He writes :
"I have used Dr. King's New Discovery
for consumption tbe past five years and
it keeps me well and safe. - Before that
time I had a caugh which for years ' had
been growing worse. Now it's gone."
Cares chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Croup
Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumo ,
ma. Pleasant to take. Every bottle
guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug
store. Price 50u and 1.00 . Trial bottle
Have you tried the Economy
fruit jar? Zierolf keeps them.
Has Bought an Oregon Home-
Miller Will Spend His Sum
mers on Ranch Near Siue-
law and Winters
California.. -
Portland, July 28. Portland
Oregonian: Attired in the same
style of drees that has accompanied
his fame throughout the country,
and with his fatherly manners that
have made him a favorite with eve
ry one, Joaquin Millerj? the venerable
poet and prose writer of Oregon and
California: arrived in Portland last
evening en route to the East, where
be will publish his latest book,
"For Love Is All; in All. Love."
Mr. Miller is staving at the Im
perial hotel.
some time ago the poet purchas
ed a tract of land near Siuslaw,
where in the future, he intends to
make his residence and build anoth
er house which he can call home.
"I will spend my summers on
my Oregon Farm," he said laet
night, ehortly after his arrival,
"and my winters at my place
in California near Fruitvale. My
latest purchase is a beautiful place,
and ha? enchanting surroundings.
I shall spend my days fishing and
hunting and riding over the moun
tains which lead to tha sea beyond."
' : Mr. Miller eays he is feeling bet
ter than he ever did in his life, in
spite of bis 64 years. '
"I feel so good at times,' 'hc con
tinued, "that I am tempted to fight
the first big, strapping fellow I
meet, just to amuse the crowd, and
myselt as well."
"I love to look back to tbe dajs
of old, during the 60V, when I was
a county judge in Eastern Oregon
by dayiight and foupht Indians at
night," he declared. "T.mes were
different in those days. We did
not have the modern implements of
war, nor the libraries to study law
that the present age has produced
About all I possessed then was an
old law bjok and two six-shooters.
That was down near Canyon City."
Speaking of the early days re
minded Mr. Miller that his two firet
books, "Specimens" and"Joaquin,"
were published in Portland by Geo.
Himes, now secretary of tbe His
torical Society.
This is Mr: Millers first visit to
Portland since last year, when he
was the guest of the Exposition on
Miller day." "Think of it!" he
exclaimed, "there was cne day that
was truly mine. And howlappre
cia'ed it. And how I look back
acd think about the great honor
bestowed upon me by the citizens
of Portland and Oregon. How a
man' loves to be loved. D you re
member what Browning says: 'and
a man isn't loved every day.' Eve
ry time I recall my day at the Fair
it brings to my mind Browning s
qUGtatio". And I think of the lc
casitn often. It was a great honor
and 1 shall never forget it."
As' Mr. Miller talks his great
mind aot?, and now and then he
will bring out something amusing,
followed almost instantly with pa
thos. ' He always refers to himself
in the lighter vein. He likes to
talk about bis homee, his writings,
his talks with others and how he
passes tbe time away.
I have wiitten tio much al
ready," he said, wben questioned
about whether he bad undereaken
any new books. Then he related
how he writes, how he has written
and how he will always write,
am methodical in my writings.
can t nelp but write," tne gray-
haired white-whiskered poet said
"I am an early riser and invariably
do my work in the morning. J
never write with my clothes on
Tne work is done just as 1 arise
from my bed. I take my coffee first
and follow it with a cigar. Ihen
sit down for an hour or so, or just
as I feel like it. Some days I will
write something every morning for
a week. Then, perhaps, the notion
will leave me and I will not touch
the pen for a day or two or contin
ue to write every other day and so
Mr. Miller still uses the old-style
quill pen.
The plates of all of Joaquin Mil
ler's works, with the exception of
"Memories in Rhyme," were de-
stroyed in the San Francisco fire
They were all in readiness to go on
the press, and, were " a total lossi
The book which was to have contain
ed all of theauthor's writings would
have covered six hundred pages. ,
-. Mr. Miller wbb asked which
home he considered the best tbe
one in Oregon or the other near
Fruitvale, in Redwtoi Canyon.
Tears came to tbe old man's eyes
as he thought a moment. . -"My
other home," be said, mean-i
ing the one in California, ''has nev
er seemed the same since mother
died. I can never tbir k of it with
out thinking of her. I wrote many
of my bett woiks there, but after
the death 'of my mother . it just
seemed that I ju t couldn't, stay
there any longer. I came up to Or
egon, purchased some land, -and
shall spend the summers there lor
the rest of my life."
Mr. Miller will remain here until
today or tomorrow, when he leaves'
for New York and Boston on busi
ness in connection with publica
tion of his new book. He consid
ers "For .Love is All In All,
Love," one of his best works. The
"City Beautiful," though, he still
regards as his masterpiece.
New York, July 25. Some of
Harry Thaw's lawyers have mao
it known that he will positively
to trial for killing Stanford White.
and that there will be no proceed
ings in the criminal courts looking
to an examination into his mental
condition. Furthermore, it was
said that the trial would begin on
October I5. Tbe prosecution has
assured . Thaw's lawyers that the
district attorney will certainly not
apply for a commission to examine
Thaw, and that should an informal
request be made by representatives
of his mother fer Bucb action, it will
not be acceded to. Thaw's pres
ent lawyers were hired to stave off
insanity proceedings and to get a
trial for their client.
From the fact that the firm re
tained bv Thaw's mother is stiL
working on tbe case and is gather
ing evidence to show that Thaw is
insane, there has been a lot of spec
ulation as to what move is to be
made by them. With the announce
ment yesterday that they would
have no standing in criminal pro
ceedings as counsel for Mrs. Wil
liam Thaw, there came a report
that application would be made
shortly to the civil courts for the
appointment of a lunacy commis
sion. While Mrs. William lnaw
would not be recognized in any
ciinoinal proceedings of this kind,
and ou such an application, backed
up by affidavits of experts declar
ing Thaw insane, a supreme court
judge nrght order Thaw's trial be
fore such a commission. The situ
ation will be an entirely covel one,
no such application ever having
been made before in the supreme
court, in the case of a person-who
was facing trial on a criminal charge.
Washington, Pa., July 2I. Phil
ip Kodney, ot Lentreville, this
county,, a prominent business man,
discovered recently that bis wife
had been taking spending money
out of his trousers pockets while
he slept. He remonstrated with
ber, but tbe wifely pilfering con
tinued, and terious quarrels follow
ed. Last night Roiney, determined
to break up bis wife's practice, put
a small but strong rat trap in his
money pocket, with the jaws to
ward the opening.
He was awakeced shortly after
midnight by his wife's screams, and,
jumping out of bed, discovered her
band tightly wtnged in the jaws of
the steel trap.
The woman begged to be released
but Rodney allowed ber to suffer
for a while before freeing her. Her
hand was badly lacerated.
Mrs. Rodney left her husband to
day and took up ber residence with
her parents. She says she will nev
er live longer with him.
In Sslf Defense.
Major Hamm, editor and manager of
the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky..
when he wbb fiercely attacked, four years
ago, by Piles, bonght a box of Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, of which he says. "It
cured me in ten days and no trouble
since." Quickest healer of burns, Sores,
Cuts & Wounds. 25c at Allen & Wood
ward's drug store.
For Sale.
House 6 rooms and barn, 3 lots in Jobs
House 7 rooms, barn, 4 lots near the
House 7 rooms, barn, 12 lots in Wil
kins Addition.
Inquire of S. H. Moore, Ind. phone,
713, or any of the real estate men .