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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
4 V J LOCAL1 LORE. iNEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. , MUa Nellie Marvlo leaves San- day for a two weeks' vacation at her faotne at Peoria. Mrs. M. P. Burnett arrived Wednesday from a two months' vis it with her mother at Baker City. Hallie Wiikins, of this city, has entered the tennis tournament in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J F. Fulton and children left Thureday morning for jo. ten days' visit at Cascadiu. B. W. Lacy returned Wednes day from a three weeks' vacation in Southern Oregon. Mr. aDd Mrs. R. L- "Whitehead and Mids Marjorie Richards left Wednesday ior Newport." Dr. H. S. Ptmot and family re at Yachats. Tbey expect to le tarn the first of the week. County Recorder E. J. Newton is spending the ne k on his farm. Deputy W. A. Buchanan has chbrge of the office. Mrs. R. D. Burgees and little child have been gueeta this week at the Farra home. There will be service at tbe 'Catholic church next Sunday at 10 m. Mrs. B. A. Catbey and daugh ter are expected to arrive tomoriov from an Eastern visit of two months. Mr. aEd Mrs. A. W. Herbert xpeot to leave eaily next week for n outing at Newport. They are to be accompanied by their daugh ters, Mrs. Ralph B llings, of AsL &and, and Miss Bessie Herbert. Mis3 Esther Simmons, a for mer teacher in the public schools of ihie city, is a gueBt of Dr Margaret Saell. M s' Simmons has be n teach'nj for tbe past two years in Ca!i'om'a. j of I P I Mr. and Mr?. E. J Kltson, FowiS, l.avp bem vis-iting Pn f. O.. B uebrak" at Philomath durirg thepi't wttk. Mr. Kitson has .been -oea2ed in mercantile bue:-! me?t in -E .-stero O egon two jear, but'is now pro pecting fur a loja- Von in tbe Willamette valley. '! If an ordinance ped Mor.dv I tfiieht shall ba eisraed bv the mav.r. most of the ci.Wnlfc.! Wtafter I'the strain was .stopped, ;-aying, 1ae built in Corvallis will have ( be! built of cement. The limits tor each walks are so ex'ended by the ordinance that about 5O blocks are added to tbe cement district. Tbe new dittrict runs from the south ide of Washington to tbe north eide of Van Buren and as far west as the wet side of Ninth. A team cf four horses and wag oo had right of way on Main street "for few seconds this , forenoon. The 'horses took fright at the street leprrnkler aud in the first jump dumped the driver. Tbeyjrsn down Hiin and out on Monroe, turning At the old Evangelical church cor ner southward, where one of the horses fell under the wagon and tbe unad flight abruptly ended. Both ihind te t got between tbe f pokes of i front wheel, while the gearing of. the wagon rested on bis body. Some Hime was required in extrlcatlrg Mm and his squealing while tbe operation was in progress made tbe job senfational. The damage 10 torses and vehicle was only nomi nal. Tap outfit belong to C. L rrrox?!. , The following ral estate trans "fers have been filed for record: Cu rie Blain and husbaoa to J T ni iS A Lasselle, five acres near Alba ny,l(J; T. Whitehorn and wife to Lillian L Taylor, 1-2 interest in 'south wall of Whitehorn building, l$55Q; W A Wells and wife to Orria ALosier, two lots in block 3, Ave ry and Wells addition, $125; Cora A Hartley to Sophia Hartley, two lots in block 19, $1; Charles S Campbell and wife to Maryett Campbell, three lots in block ten, iDixon s addition, $150; H A and Lulu Rust to Mitchell Malechi, 80 acres near Philomath, $2500; Jacnb Tevebaugh and wife to A- j Smith and wife, 42 acres one mile east cf Philomath, $3,000; Philomath Col lege to United Brethren church, Radical, lot 66 in block 17. Philo math, $650. Farmers. that expect to sell their Vetch seed, please drop me a card stating how much hey expect to have. I buy and sell all the year round. L. L. Brooks. Wanted. ' Women and girls over. 16 years to work in shirt factory. , Good wages, steady work, Oregon City, Woolen Mills, Oregon City, Or. communion ser Sunday at 3.00 vice at , Plymouth lovelock. Travis McDevitt arrived Tues day from a few days rest at New port Beach. ! .- ir o r. tM.: 1 -1 j 1 f 1 ttt - j j r month's stay at Newport. Service at the M. E. church. South, Sunday morning and even ing. Subject of sermon at 1 1 , a. m., "The Voyage of Life " At 8 p. m., "The Great Physician." Reports of hay yields show this season's crop to have been im mense. E. J. Harrington sold $50 worth of $&y at $5 per ton off ot three acres of vetch. Oscar Gus tafson got 70 odd tons off of 19 acres of vetch. The construction of a barn, 42 x 56 and 36 feet high has just been completed on the Oscar Gustafson place, in the suburbs of town. Mountain water has been taken to the same place through 1,050 feet of galvanized pipe, supplied by the owner. , - Spraying for Codling Moth was in progress in the George Arm strong apple orchard yesterday. It is a power sprayer and its use is being watched with interest by lo cal orchardists. Mr. Armstrong makes a specialty of raising good apples, having taken several prizes onf apple exhibits at the state fair. (Two Coos bay men were in town yesterday, getting signers to a petition asking the government to further improve Coos bay harbor. They were Peter Loggie, president, and Carl Albright, traveling repre sentative of the North Bend cham ber of commerce. They expect heavy woik to begin soon on the railroad that U to be built fro ai Marsh field to Drain. The distance is 82 miles. Harriman has set aside four millions for the project. The survey is completed, and 46 miles of the right of way secured. If is believed that the contracts for tbe work have been let. On the out trip of the mid week excursion over the C. & E. to Newport Wednesday, one of the coaches got on fire, and a delay of 20 minutes was occasioned while tbe bLze was being extinguished. The stop of the train was in the vi cinity of Nashville, and the pas;en gers swarmed from the coshes while the wait was on. The origin of the-fire was supposed to have been a cigar carelessly dropped by a smoker. . An old lady passenger de?laied on subject of smok- eraaon men wnen sne neara wny -eVae . n WU1 sraoKe- no mat ter what tbe v bu n. A wli'lecity block was burned the other day by a boy with a c'garette." For Sale Eleven a-year olds and 3 yearlings, grade Hereford. W. H. Dean, Monroe, Oregon. Pbone Bellfauntain Exchange. A. Bargain. 1 63" acres known as the Canthorn place on Peak road must be sold at once. 30 acres in crop. House of 5 rooms new barn, 50 x 60 ft. 30 acres of heavy timber, balance pas ture, running water on place. This is a bargain at $1,600. ( Ambler & Watters, agents. E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law, E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, an Act passed by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, entitled "An act to appropri ate money for the payment of expen ses of the maintenance, repairs, lm- nrovements. eauimnent and current expenses of the insane asylum, peni-J tentiary, reform, deaf mute and blind j schools, university, agricultural col lege and normal schools, and other current expense of the state, and de claring an emergency;" filed in the office of the- Secretary of. State Febru ary 22, 1905, was thereafter by. petition duly filed with the Secretary of State, referred to the people of the State of Oregon to be voted upon at the gen eral election held on the 4th day of June, 1906, and WHEREAS, on the 25th day of June, 190G, the Secretary of State in my presence as Governo of the State of Oregon did canvas3 the votes given for and against the approval of said law, and , WHEREAS, it was ascertained upon said canvass that 43,913 votes were cast for approval of said law, , and 26,753 were cast against the approval thereof, and that there was an affirma tive majority of the votes cast at said election in favor of said law NOW, THEREFORE, I, George E. Chamberlain, as Governor of the State of Oregon, in obedience to Section 9 of an Act entitled "An act making ef fective the initiative and referendum petitions of Section 1 of Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Ore gon, and regulating elections there under and providing penalties for vio lations of the provisions of this act," approved February 24, 1903; do here- There will be by make and issue this proclamation to the people of the State ot Oregon, and do announce and declare the votes cast for and against the approval of said act hereinbefore referred to be as hereinbefore stated, and that said law duly received for its approval an af firmative majority of the total number of votes cast thereon and entitled to be counted under the provisions of law and that said law shall be and is in full force and effect as the law of the State of Oregon from the date of this proclamation. Done at the Capitol at Salem this 25th day of June A. D. 1906. GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Governor of Oregon. By the Governor: I. F. DUNBAR, (Seal) Secretary of State. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, there was submitted to the electors of the State at the last election as required by the law an initiative petition proposing an amend ment to Sections 1 and 2 of Article XVII of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, to be designated as Section 1 of said Article XVII, providing a method of amending the Constitution and applying the referendum to all laws affecting constitutional conven tions and amendments, and WHEREAS, on the 25th day of June, 1906, the Secretary of State in my presence as Governor of the State of Oregon did canvass the votes given for and against said proposed' amend ment to the Constitution, and WHEREAS, it was ascertained and determined upon such canvass that there were 47,661 votes cast therefor, and 18,751 votes against the same, and that said proposed amendment receiv ed an affirmative majority of the total number of effective votes cast thereon and entitled to be counted under the provisions of the law, NOW, THEREFORE, I, George E. Chamberlain, as Governor of the State of Oregon, in obedience to and by vir tue of the power and authority vested in me by law, do hereby make and issue this proclamation to the people of the State of Oregon, and do an nounce and declare that the whole number of votes cast in the State of Oregon at said election for and against said proposed amendment was as herein-before stated, and that said proposed amendment received an af firmative majority of the total number of votes cast thereon and entitled to be counted under the provisions of the law, and that said amendment hereinbefore mentioned shall be and is in full force and effect as a part of the Constitution of the State of Oregon from the date of this procla mation. Done at the Capitol at Salem this 25th day of June, A. D. 1906. GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Governor of Oregon. By the Governor: I. F. DUNBAR, (Seal) Secretary of State. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, there was submitted to the electors of the State at the last general election asrequired by law an initiative petition for "A law to provide additional rev enue for State purposes; to levy a li cense on the gross earnings of sleep ing car companies, refrigerator car companies, and oil companies; defin ing a sleeping car company, a refrig erator car company, and an oil com pany within the meaning of this act; defining the manner of ascertaining the amount of such gross receipts; providing a penalty for violating the provisions of this act;" and WHEREAS, on the 25th ' day of June, 1906 the Secretary of the State in my presence as Governor' of the State of Oregon did canvass the votes given for and against said law, and . WHEREAS, it was ascertained and determined upon such canvass that there were 69,635 votes cast for said proposed law, and 6.441 votes against the same, and that said law received an affirmative majority of the total number of effective votes cast thereon and entitled to be counted under the provisions of law. NOW, THEREFORE, I, George E. Chamberlain, as Governor of th State of Oregon, In obedience to and by vu tue of the power and authority vested in me by law, do hereby make' and issue this proclamation to the people of the State of Oregon, and do an nounce and declare that the whole number of votes cast in the State of Oregon at said election for and against said proposed law as was hereinbefore stated, and that said proposed law re ceived an affirmative majority of the total number of votes cast thereon and entitled to be counted under the provisions of law, and that said law hereinbefore mentioned shall be and is in ful force and effect as the law of the State of Oregon from the date of this proclamation. Done at the Capitol at Salem this 25th day of June. A. D, 1906. GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Governor of Oregon. By the Governor: - , I. F. DUNBAR, (Seal) Secretary of State. Sunday Excursion on the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad To Newport and Return. Sunday excursions will leave' Albany at 7:30, Corvallis 8, Philomath 8:12, Wren 8:30, Blodget 8:5, Summit 9:05, Nash ville 9:25. Eddyville 10, Morrison io:2l. Elk Cijy 10:30, Toledo 10:55 a. m. Euery 5upday durirr;( tb 5urmer Iaip or Sl?ir; Season or 3-day tickets good oiDg or re turning on Sunday excursions from all points. Fare for round trip: Albany, Corvallis, Philomath Jr. 50 Philomath to Chitwood 1 00 Morrison to Storrs 75 Toledo, Mill 4 and Oysterville 50 Numerous attractions, including band concert, turf bathing, life saving drills, boating, fishing and gathering pretty water agate. j The Gem Cigar Store All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool room. I - . Jack Milne, prop. e. b. The Grocer. We are not inclined to spend much time in writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods and customers speak for themselves. OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION A HOT The hot weather is here and a stampede to the beach the mDuniain? and the cool summer resorts is now on. We are the fellows you want to see to secure your outfit from. We have on hand Tents, for sale or rent, Camp Stoves, Camp Stools, Folding Cots, Folding Chaks, Ham mocks and Granite Goods especially for oamping. While you are in, suppose you look at those chairs in our north window. They are something entirely new, nothing like them ever shown in this city. Yours for I Picnic Hints tor the Boned chicken, Chicken & liver, Boned turkey, Deviled ham, Veal loaf, Lunch tongue, German lunch sausage, Viennu sausage, Vienna sausage and sauer krout Chipped beef and bacon in glass jars, Roast and corned beef, Lobsters, Shrimps, Oyster3, Salmon, Sardines, crab and clams, Fresh fruits, cakes and crackers, Napkins, many pretty patterns to select lrom, Paper plates no picnic baskets complete without, paper plates. All kinds of pickles and olives in the bulk at Hodes' Grocery saojT HATHAWAY BROS. Blacksmiths, Machinests, Wagonmakers and Horse Shoers All kinds grinding, Oliver chilled plow share?, also all kinds of machine work ALL WORK OUR GUARANTEED. Newest and ,Latest Up-to-date Machinery Prices so botH can live. horning TlflE a Cool Tims I Cafly. Time! Lunch Basket. done in first-class shape. B. A. GATHEY Physician & Surgbon Office, room 14, Bank Bldtf. Honrst IO to ta and a to . Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postomce. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be eft at Graham & -ham's drug store. DR. E. E. JACKSON Veterinary Surgeon Office Winegat & Snows Barn Office Phone Ind 328 " " Bell 441 Resident " Ind 389 J. FRED FATES ATTORNh l-AT-LA W. Zierolf Building. Qnly Set Abstract Boob In Benton County Notice of Final Settlement. Nonce Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Pamella Winkle, deceased, has filed In the county court ot the state ol Oregon, tor Benton county, his final ac count as such administrator of said estate, and that Monday, the 6th day ot August. 1906, at the hoar ot 10 o'clock has been fixed by eaid court as the time for hearing of objections to said re port and the settlement thereof. . M , , JOHN WHITAKER, Administrator of the estate of Famelia Winkle, Deceased. Dated June 30, 1906. Notice of Final Settlement. In the Matter of the Estate 1 of S James 0. Irwin, deceased. ) Notice is hereby given that the undreslgned as adraliils-rHtnr of the state of James C. Irwin, deceased, has filed hi final ai count with the clerk of the county court of the state ot Oregon, for Benton county, and the mli court has fixed Monday the 6ih day of Aueust, 1906. at the hour of two o'clock in the alter noon as ine time, and the county court room in the court house in Cor vallis, Oregon, as the pliice for heariDg any and all objections to the said account, ani for the settlement thereof. Dated this July 6, 1906 E. S. IEW1N, Administrator ot the estate of James C. Irwin, dtcvased. BANKING. The First National Bark of C- rval lis, Orpgon, tranpantB h efneral coneervattva I asking 1 e si cess. Loan mooev on approved' secu rity. Drafts hon'ght and sold and money transfer red to the principal cifci-8 of the United States, Ea iooe and foreign couotript. 51 Cents Per - Setting Forage. Bet-t brown ghorne. T- R. T'rino. Co'vallip. Mr. J. Mori Foo, an experienced com- i ' ponnder of Chinese medicines, successor totnelace tione wo ion?, of Albany, Oregon, ia now prppared to furnish Chi nese medicine to all. The undersigned recommends .him and guarantees satis faction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec ond Street, Albany, Oregon. Jim Westfall. English Shirs Stallion. Imported English Shire stallion 7972 Sonthill Ranger 18366 S will make the season of 1906 as follows: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs days at Abbo:t barn Corvallis, an days and Saturdays at Monroe Frd Mondays at Watkin's place 12, miles" south of Corvallis. Southill Ranger is a beautiful dark dapple bay, 17 1-4 hands high and weighs 2150 pounds. Terms: $20 to insure with foal or $25 to insure a living colt. W. C. Belknap, Manager. Go East at reduced rates. The Southern Pacific company announces reduced round trip rates to the East for the season of 1906 as follows: " Corvallis to Chicago and return, $73-95- St. Louis, $69.95. Mil waukie, $72.15. St. Paul and Min neapolis, $62.45. Sioux City, Coun cil Bluffs, Omaha, St. Joseph, At chinson, Leavenworth and Kansas City, $62.45. Sale dates June 4, 6. 7, 23, 25. July 2, 3. August 7, 8, 9, Sept. 8, 10. Limit going, 10 days. Return limit 90 days but not af ter Oct. 31st. Notice of Final Settlement. In The Malic; of the Estate ") of William J. Kelly, deceased J Notice is hereby given that the under signed as administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of William J. Kelly, deceased, has filed his final account as ench administrator with the clerk of the county court of the State of Oregon for , Benton county and the eaid coutt has fixed Saturday, the 7th day of July, 19O6, at the hour of two o'clock in the after noon of said day as the time, and the county conrt room in the conrt house in Corvallis, Oregon, as the place for hear ing any and all objections to the said ac count and for settlement thereof. Dated, Jnne 8, 1906, M. Wii.heim, Administrator -with the -will annexed of the estate of William J. Kelly, deceased.