The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 10, 1906, Image 4

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Profepsor Berch'o'd is attend
"Itig tre Ctatauqua eessitmf at
Aland. . ..'
Mayor A. J. Johnson arrived
tsaoday from a bimneps trip to
ros. Salem Journal.
Mrs. E R. Bryaon arrived this
morning from a brief visit at Eo-
A Eon arrived at the home tf
Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles E. Hout, to.
dap. ' .1 .,
'Of. Withycombe and A . L
nrsei havo returned from a tour
af Eastern OregoD, wbprfltbey have
ham conducting farmer s institutes.
Mr. and Mr?. Joseph' Garrow
4ve purchased a home in East
SPjrtlaad, and will move to the me
3copolis to reside.
-"Tlois dog, madam, would re
tJskzho at 20." "I would like him
feat I am afraid my husband might
6ject," "Madam,- you can
nzaather husband much easier thaa
dog like that."
The Times Las received an in-
vn3rfa nf nAttr Ivna funca atirt : ia ra r.
4ec than ever prepared to do plain
xd ornamental job work at lowtst
tes. Call, pbonv or mail your
ocdersand they will receive prompt
The council met last night, and
was busy with routine business un
til a late hour. Among other busi
ness transacted was the openipg of
street a distanae of two blr cka
--adjoining the residence property of
-Judge McFdddeD. :
For over twenty years, says the
.Albany Democrat, one of the sons
aBev. 'Van Winkle, of Hileey,
"fma been in Willamette Uoivereity,
-the fifth, Charles, uow being a stu
dent there, during that time the
university ntver being without a
Wta W.ukle. ,
jii iv. x!vbod arrived inu
wiornin? fro ai Seattle. He went
4here as a witness in the Mitchell
' ntd4 tmt like revtral oifci-r Witi-s-
tor thrt defeLS1, his testiao -y
sas not admit: rd. After a few
-q-fjop otj.jCiifD9 were made
St Vbe court rulrd . the evidence
j'out. It 's Mr. Brysoo'f iuopresfetoi'
iha' fre will be an arqniital.
wo dollars and tix'y r.onU s'
' luswd for the wool on a cheep i a v ry
.iut ehowi: g. That, hovrtv r, isj
Vhliv. Marv B irclov'fi hv'Vf'
:'iX95 hep did fo tVir owner th h
-sa.o. i a wool was Bold Te-ter
day and it went to A. Wilhelm &
'Socs at Monroe at 26 cents a pound.
T hatband averaged 10 pounds' per
bead, and the total revenu9 from
tbem in wool was $6C9 60. ';
: The work of excavating for the
'aw oailding Mayor Johnson is , u
"JjoCdfrt the corner , of Main and
Madison 'is to begin in a few days.
Toe pla&snd specifications are all
rpaHv. Anil ti finntrant will ennn
p be let. There Is a prospect that
Pianeer 6tone instead of briok will
S9 tieed in the walls. The building
H 4ff4s-be si-eam heated throughout with
Abasement and every other modern
'"convenience, with a janitor, to look
aiier unisjre. l oere win be two wg
fessrnesB rooms -on the .first door
ad offices on the second.
Mesdames Minnie, and Mira
vWf alft, ViTei ot W. T. and Homer
Wyatt, respectively, the former of
Caley Alberts, the latter ot Bell
vfriew. Or., nro visiting rpltivesand
Iir4eotlB4Lt Philomath. Mr. Mln
mie VyM; will return to her Can-
dian booM-io about a forlcigfct
:"She reports that by reason of recent
cepious rains, crop c'ooditione, ste
.-raceuragmj io the king's domin
ion. -Prof. W..T. Wyatt for several
; -years taught in the public schools
Benton county, and was for four
:yars -president of the college of
Pfeilomath. He expects to return
to the -.Willamette Valley to live
3ist as soon a he cin ariange bus
iness matters across the boundary
For Sale
A. male Poland Umna pig one
ryear old. Can be, seen at my place
two miles south of this city.
Samuel Whitesides.
The Farmers.
"Rates offered by us are li.oo per
-year where the farmer uses his own
telephone. Farmers not owning
-telephones can purchase from us at
"$8,50 -each, or $5.00 per year where
-we furnish the telephone.
You can be connected with 2oo,'
- aoo Local and Long Distance Tele:
Farther information at any of our
.-ng5ces. ,
JPacific States Telephone & Tele-
. .graph Co.
For Revival of Rollerism
What They did to Levens,
when Creffield got tar and
"If there were to be a revival of
Holy Rollerism, I would be the
natural leader; but I do not intend
to take any further interest in that
faith. I do not know what others
intend to do, but if they wish to
practice that doctrine any more,
they will have to float in their own
That was the statement of Maud
Hurt Creffield, made to her father
in Seattle before Mr Hurt left there.
It was brought out by a report in
circulation there to the effect that
an effort is to be made to get
former Creffield followers together
for the purpose of continuing wor
ship in that faith.' The report had
wide publicity, and according to it,
Levins, a former Corvallis man and
former member of Creffield's fol
lowers wrote letters inviting all the
Rollers to assemble at a point , in
British Columbia, where he could
take up the leadership and resume
Roler orgies.
It turns out however, that the
only letter written by Sevens was
to Maud Hurt at Seattle, and that
the letter was not an invitation to
her to go to British Columbia, bnt
an ordinary epistle, such as any
person similarly situated would
write. The writer added : incident
al to other things, . that if Mrs.
Creffield was in need of assistance
that he would be glad to serve her
as far as possible.
That was the only lettei , written
by Levens, and that is all there is
to a concerted movement for a Rol
ler revival. None of the faith in
Corvallis have received letters from
Levens or from others on the sub
ject. The Seeley, girls, former
members of the Corvallis Rollers
are now at the place where Levens
lives, and that is supposed to have
given rise to the report.
The incident recalls a little in
cident in the carder of Levens.1 He
and a man named Campbell were
with the others in the house across
the Willamette, the night Brooks
and Creffield were . tarred and
feathered. With Creffield and
Brooks, they were brought by the
vigilantts across ths Willamette to
the place of operatiops. They were
commanded along with the bogus
prophets to s'rip, and like theirt
chiers were quick to obey. , There
was but little falteiing or. hesitation
when oiders were given that night;
After tar nd .feathers had been
applied in bjuiiful t refusion to
Creffield and Jstuoks the vigilantes
turned to Campbell and Levens.
On the top of the head of each a
gob of tar was poured , and in it
feathers were stuck, giving the
men the appearance of Indian chiefs
With these and a little daubing in
another place or two, Levens and
Campbell were let off. '. Nobody
ever saw either of them afterward
in Corvallis. They got away with
great dispatch, and the late letter
from Levens, is the first heard of
him since by the general public.
Levens worked around Corvallis
for some time, having been at one
time engaged in logging. Campbell
worked some with him in the latter
employment. Campbell was a bald-
headed man and the tar on the top
of his pate is said to have given
him a dashing appearance, f
Maud Hart's declaration that she
has done with Rollerism, and a
similar announcement by Frank
Hurt makes it pretty likely that
there will be no more of that wretch
ed practice. In fact, when George
Mitchell pulled the trigger of his
revolver in front of a Seattle drug
store on that late eventful morning
he laid low the incarnation of Rol;
lerism, and provided for its oblivion
tor all ot wnich, the public owes
him thanks. .
Liame Bacfc.
This ai'ment is usnally caused by rhenma
iism of the muscles and may be cured by
iipplying Chamberlain'" Pain Balm two or
tliree.times a day and rubbing the porls
vigorously at eaca application. If this does
not aftbrd" relief bind on a piece of flannel
3lightly-d3Kipened with Pain Balm, and quick
relief is almost sure to follow.,. For sale by
Graham & Wortham.
A situation to do general house
work bv an experienced and cap
able woman. Enquire at Times
office. 1
For Sale
Stock ranch, 295 acres in Bel
knap settlement, 20 miles south
west of Corvallis, running water,
house, barn and orchard, unlimited
outrange. $6 per acre, terms easy.
Independent phone 555, drop t,
Bellfountain. Address,
A. W. Hawley, R. F. D, 1,
Monroe, Ore.
Continued from page 1. '
my plan, though, insisting it was
for him to remove the man by God's
Mr. Bildwin in conclusion, eaid
that Crtffield once sent bim word
that God would tnrte him unless
he cave up bis daughter to the Ho
ly Rollers. He also addtd that the
girl aseumad the Holy Roller garb,
a thin wrapper.
: W. T. Gardner, of Portland, su
perintendent of the home of the
Boys' and Girls' Aid society, testi
fled regardirg the confinement of
Miss Esther Mitchell to that insti
tution. She was sent there because
of her Holy Roller pi actices. George
Mitchell, ber brother, came to htm
one day and sa'd Creffield was
planning to abduct the girl from
the home. He asked that special
care be taken of her.
Later, Frank Hurt, one of Cref
fiela's lollowers, was seen hanging
about the society's grounds. Wit
ness said that he was informed that
Creffield .had selected Esther to be
theme the; of a new saviour, who
was to be sent into the world, by
God,' and. that it was for this reason
he had attempted to secure her re
lease, i .
" Mary J. Graham, matron of the
society, gave' similar testimony.
Sae said Esther was incorrigible in
her Holy Roller practices, insisting
upon rolling upoa the floor . and
praying until late in the night.
Witness feared to .have the girl
about, fearing she might be seized
with a hallucination that God had
commanded her to kill some of the
children or keepers. Witness add
ed that Mrs. Starr was also detail
.( d by Creffield to . abdnct Esther,
but was iTtventtd from accomplish
ing tbatend. ; ; - .., j
Mr. Starr came to the Lome sev
eral time?, until she was finally
threatened with arrest if she ever
showed up again. ' !.
It is generally believed b re that
the jury ia prepared at this moment
to acquit Mitchell. Close observa
tion of the jurors during the court
sessions reveala plainly that the fre
quent arguments cf the state over
minor legal technicalities is irritat
ing t them. J
Dayisville, Ky., July 7. A for
mer classmate and roommate of
Ha ry Kendall Thaw, while both
atlendirgth9 uoivereity at Wons
ttr, 0., is in business here. . He
says: : " , .
. ' It would be a shame to execute
Harry Thaw for killing White. He
ha never been altogether sound
mfntslly.- 'Crazy Harry,' a9 the
co lige boys called him, was always,
doim? the unexpected, and if some
ut.Ujual act was perpetrated around
the campus or in the college, town,
the usual exclamation was: , "Why
don't soiLe one muzzle that crazy
Harry Thaw.? He was never known
X i prepare a lesson, and if any of
1 1.' ' r . T .
lie iriiowa iaiiea at leciisiino nia
failure wa dubbed. a 'Thaw flunk.'
, "One of the favorite pastimes was
to buy the liberty of old Ch!i
Conrad's saloon and poolroi m t
Webster from 9 P. M. until morn
ing for the exclusive use of bimelf
and . his boon companions. He
would deposit from $100 t $200
with old Charlie to cover the ex
penses of the orgie and any; possi
ble damages,; another $25 making
the town marshal deaf and bliud to
an unusual commotion. ' . i
"Harry lik-d mo because I re
scued him from . a pair of town
thugs, who had assaulted him .be
cause he bad refused them: mooev.
He invited me to share bis apart
ments, which I did lor a time, but
bis eccentricities prevented my do
ing collfg" work, and I fond if I
ps pec 1 ea 10 aouaie, ds in g a senior
I would bav.ti t change my qoar
ters, which I dU. rvj, ;
' "The Tbi" timilv all seemed to
treat Harry with affectionate toler
ation, just p a webki,!og, mentally
or physically, wculd", be treated.
He' t-bould have hpi-'n - restrained
from bis wild eijvironments years
ago. but as it is it di sn't seem like
ly Thaw will ever go to the chair, if
the insanity experts ; report' as bis
mental condition warrants. '
Notice to Creditors. ;
Notice Is hereby Eiven that the nndersiened
has been duly appointed by the county court of
the state ot Oregon for the county of Benton, ad
ministrator ot the estate of William Seckler, de
ceased. All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present the same
to meproperly verified, ns by law required, at
the office of J. F. Yates, Corvallis, Oregon, with
in six months from the date hereof.
. Dated this 19th day of June, 1906.
Administrator of the estate of William Seckler,
ieeeasea. n; , . . -
One Dollar Saved Represents Tea
. Dollars Karnetl. v.
The average man Joes not save to exceed
ten per cent, of his earnings. He must spend
nine dollars in living' expenses for every
dollar saved. That being the case he can
not be too ' careful about unnecessary. ex
penses. - Very often a-few cents properly in
vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will
save several dollars outlay later on. It is
the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. - It coats
but a few cents, end a bottle ofit in the house
often saves a doctors bill of several dollars.
For sale by Graham & Wortham.
The Gem Cioar Store
T All Leading Brands of Key West and
Jack Milne, prop. ,
The Grocer.
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
. A. . ' 1 r
B Horning
The hot weather is here and a stampede to the beach
the mouniains and the cool summer resorts is now on.
We are the fellows you want to see to secure your outfit
from. We have on hand Tents, for sale or rent, Camp
Stoves, Camp Stools, Folding Cots, Folding Chaws, Ham
mocks and Granite Goods especially for oamping. While
you are in, suppose you look' at those chairs in our north
window. They are something entirely new, nothing like
them ever shown in this city.
: Yours for a
Hints tor; the
Boned chicken, Chicken & liver, Boned
. turkey, Deviled ham. Veal loaf, Lunch
tongue, German lunch sausage, ViennB ; ,
sausage, Vienna sausage and sauer krout
Chipped beef and bacon in glass jars,
Roast and corned beef. Lobsters, Bhrimps, ;
T Oysters, Salmon, Sardines, crab and
clams, Fresh fruits, cakes and crackers,
j . Napkins, many pretty patterns to
' select from, Paper plates no picnic
baskets complete without paper
.; plates. All kinds of pickles.
and olives . in the bulk at
t Blacksmiths, Machinests, Wagonmakers and Horse Shoers
- All kinds grinding;'1 Oliver chilled 'plow ; shares, also
all kinds of machine work done in first-class shape.
" ' Newest and Latest Up-to-date Machinery
Prices so ;both can live. .
Domestic Cigars. Whist and PoalTroom.
Cool Time . v , ,
I Cady.
Lunch Basket .
- Physician & Surgeon
Offlo, rom 14, BanK Bldrf. Honm
lO to ia and a to .'
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregoa.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 io
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may e
eft at Graham & ham's drug store.
VeterinaV" Surgeon
O&ce Winegat & Snows Barn
O&ce Phone Ind 328
" " Bell 441
Resident " Ind 389
A TTOR&t, I -A T-LA W.
Zierolf Buildirig.
Qoiy Set Abstract Books in Benton County
For Sale.
Registered bulls for sale; one
tbree year old and two yearlings.
Terms reasonable. For further par
ticulars inquire of
J. E. Wyatt,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement. .
In the Matter of the Estate )
of 5
James 0. Irwin, deceased. )
Notice is hereby given that the undreslgned
as admlula rHtnr of ihe tate of James C. Irwin,
deceased, has filed hu final n ci-nnt with the
clerk of the countjr conn uf the stale of Oregon,
for Benton county, t.n1 the ci'urt has fixed
Monday the 6ih day of aujum, 10C6. at the hour
of two o'clock in the aiieinKin as i tie time, and
the county court room in tn- court house lnOor
vallls, Orrgou, as the pUce for bearing any and
all objections to the said account, anl lor the
settlement thereof.
Dated this July 6, 1906
R. S. IRW1X,
Administrator of the estate of James C. Irwin,
deceased. , .
The First National BnV of Cnrva
lip, Orpeon, trancsots a ((neral
coit-ei vntiv t a k t n if t usiLtss.
Lown-1 monfty uu approvtd eecu
rity. Drafts bought, and sold and
mptiey trant-ffrr.dto the principal
oBUsof the Uoited States, Eu
toft and foreign countripp. ,
50 Cents Per Setting
Forgp. Beet browu gborne.
T. P. 1'virip. Corvallio.
Mr. J. Mori Foo, an experienced com
pounder of (Jhint-se medicine?, successor
to the late Hon:; Wo Tontr, of Albany,
Oregon, ia now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medicine to 1. The undersigned
recommeudd tiim and guarantees satis
faction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, Albanv, Oregon.
. , ; Jim Westfall. ,
! English Shire Stallion. ::
; Imported: English Shire stallion
7972 Southill Ranger 18366 will
make the season of 1906 as follows:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs
days at Abbo:t barn Corvallis, an
days and Saturdays at Monroe Frd
Mondays at Watkin's place 12,
miles south of Corvallis.
Southill Ranger is a beautiful
dark dapple bay, 17 1-4 hands high
and weighs 2150 pounds.
' Terms: $20 to insure with foal or
$25 to insure a living colt. .
W. C. Belknap.
f Go East
at reduced rates. ; The Southern
Pacific company announces reduced
round trip rates to the East for the
season of 1906 as follows:
Corvallis to Chicago and return,
$73-95- St.. Louis, $69.95. Mil--waukie,
$72.15. St. Paul and Min
neapolis, $62.45. Sioux City, Coun
cil Bluffs, Omaha,. St. Joseph, At
chinson, Leavenworth and Kansas
City, $62.45.
Sale dates June 4, 6. 7, 23, 25.
July 2, 3. : August 7, 8, 9, Sept.
8, 10. N
Limit going, 10 days.
Return limit 90 days but not af
ter Oct. 31st.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In The Mter of the Estate )
William J. Kelly, deceased J
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed as administrator with the will an
nexed of the estate of William J. Kelly,
deceased. . has filed his final account as
snch administrator with the clerk of the
county court of the State of Oregon for
Benton county and the said coutt has
fixed Saturday, the 7th day of July, 19O6,
at the hour oC two o'clock in the after
noon of said day as the time, and the
countv court room in the court house in
Corvallis, Oregon, as the place for bear
ing any and all objections to the said a
count and for settlement thereof.
Dated, June 8, 1906,
Administrator with the will annexed of
the estate of Williara J. Kelly, deceased.