The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 10, 1906, Image 3

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    A Shoe Lesson
That each you how to make your feet feel at home em
bodied in every pair of
Ralston Health Shoes
"When you put on Ralstons
you can feel sure you've done
the best for your feet in point
of fcoth comfort and style.
Ralston shoes are built on a
structural principle -worked
out from a close study of the
foot as' nature made it.
D'.d you sver notice how the firm,
close-packed sand ot a emootn sea
beach supports and fit every part
of the foot? . Raleton Health Shoee
fit that way.
Come in and try on a pair.
The People's Store.
Established 1864. Corvallis, Oregon
Foe advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
For a Fine Line
Guns, Fishing Tackle and
Base Ball Goods go
We carry the Famous Bristol Fishing Rods
Moses Brothers
You will always find' u up and
and our prices j easoaable.
For Boots and Shoes
for Men, Women and children, hat?, caps underwear, every
day and a shim f ladies skirts, mans and boys suits
Also a Fine Line of Groceries
crockery and everything that is needed in a grocery de
partment. .
Look Out for Moses Bros
quick delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you. will find
there is something donig
W. S. Ltnville was the guest
over Sunday of Parker relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Taillandier left
Saturday for Cascadia, where they
expect to spend two weeks.
Miss Eunice Taylor left Satur
day for a few days' visit in Portland.
Walter Lyon, of Independence,
was in town yesterday for a couple
of hours, enroute from Newport.
Mrs. B.' W. Johnson expects to
leave Thursday for a week's visit
in Portland.
Miss Helen I,ewis has returned
from a few days visit with Peoria
Miss Allie Mellen of the Salem
public schools, arrived Saturday
and is a euest at the Ireland farm
north of town.
-Mrs. Andrew Carrick of
Brownsville, arrived Saturday, and
is a euest at the J. W. Crawford
the Corvallis sawmill was
shut down most of last week and
yesterday on account of lack of
logs. Operations are resumed this
Men wanted. Saw ' mill and
lumber yard laborers $2.25 per day
Woodsmen $2.25 to $3. 00. Steady
work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lum
ber Co., Eugene, Oregon.
-J. M. Walsh, late masrer me
chanic, is acting general superin
tendent of the C. & E. since the
death of the late Con Sullivan.
Three carloads ot passengers
is going in daily to Yaquina on the
C. & E. The summer travel to
the coast is fairly begun.
-Sixty-four Corvallisites went
to Newport on the excursion train
Sunday morning. Over 200 per
sons were on board before the sea
side was reached.
-John Buster, of the '04 class
OAC, who has been employed in a
Eugene drug store, spent Saturday
and Sunday visiting Corvallis
friends. - He is enroute to Alsea to
visit his parents. ....-.. JL
Officers of the Rebekahs were
installed last night as follows: N.
G. Lillian Ranney, V. G., Lulu
Spangler, Secretary Mrs.' Clyde
Hayes, financial secretary Mrs. Lee
Henkle, treasurer Mrs. Fannie
A gang of loggers went up the
Willamette Sunday, and yesterday
began gathering together a drive
of logs that is to be brought to
the Corvallis saw mill. The logs
number about 3.000, and they
were cut in the vicinity of Peoria.
I hey will be down the river in a
few days.
Salem Statesman: C. R. Lew
is, of Corvallis, was among those
attending the horticultural society
meeting in this city, and returned
home on the evening's local. Mr.
Lewis is an enthusiastic student of
horticulture, being a graduate of
the agricultural department of Cor
nell University, New York, and
having studied the question elsewhere.
Mrs. H. W. Kaupisch spent
Sunday in Portland.
Mrs. Charles Kohn. of Port
land, is a guest at the Jacobs home.
Miss Florence Adams left Sun
day for a week's visit with Soap
Creek friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McBee
have returned from a visit with
relatives in Washington.
A certain Corvallis man is
absent minded. He telephoned to
his own office the other day and in
quired it he was in
Judge McFadden and E. E.
Wilson left tunday to attend court
at Toledo. Mr. Wilson returned
Phil Metshan, ex-state treas
urer ot Oregon was a Corvauis
visitor yesterday for a few hour .
He was accompanied by James
Cooper, of Independence.
Hiram Fleckinger who makes
his headquarters at the Bay, has
been in Corvallis ad iy or two on
Mrs. R. Graham was on Mon
day a passenger to the ,Bay where
she went to join other members of
the family who are occupying their
cottage on Nye Creek.
B. W. Johnson arrived last
night frotr a business visit to Port
land, j
Miss Lura Campbell, of Al
bany, is the guest of Miss Bessie
"Dorothy, you get your prelty
hair from your mother, don't you?''
"I don't know, but I think I
must have got it from papa. His
is all gone."
Miss Helen Crawford and Mrs.
Ida Callahan expect to leave to mor
row to spend several days at the
Chatauqua session at Gladstone
Park. . '
Hay is arriving in town now
in large lot-. The usually quoted
price is $4.50 to $5 per ton deliv-
i saturaav night aoout 9:5 a
very pretty sight was seen in the
Northeast heavens. A fine long
tailed meteor shot from the east to
the west of the north perhaps go
ing down into the Pacific.
Invitations have been received
in this city tor the marriage of
Joseph Ringo to Miss Maud Grave?,
to take place at Odell, Southern
Oregon. Both were rtembers of
the class that graduated from OAC
in June. . .t
The Independent telephone
people are fast developing their
system in Albany. They are
building there in . the same sub
stantial manner that they built
the Corvallis lines. They have
250 applications for phones already
and expect to have the ?system in
operation with'n 30 days. The
same people are spending immense
sums of money in Portland where
they are building a splendid system.
. An adding, machine is in use at
the assessor s office to make addi
tions on the tax roll. A column
of figures 10 feet and three inches
in length was the unique perform
ance with the machine yesterday
morning. The machine was handled
by Janitor Wells, and it took a lit
tie more than
the job. The
the lengthy column was $485,750.
Since accepting his appoint
ment as United States bank exam
iner, Claud Gatch, of Salem, late
candidate for secretary of state has
been offered a position in a Port
land banking house at a salary of
45,eoo a year, themployers offer
ing to retain him at the salary for a
period of ten years. The position
for reasons, of health and other
wise, was declined and the examin
ership retained in spite of the low
er salary. ,
Farmers are encountering much
trouble in securing help for harvest
ing. They are in town every day
looking for hands and usually with
out finding them. Shoemaker Ray
has temporarily quitted his bench
and gone out to help take care ef
the hay crop.
The erection of a new eight
room house with all modern ap
pointments is soon to be begun by
J. Fred Yates on the northeast
corner of two-thirds of a block re
cently acquired ot Judge McFtd-
den. It is to be occupied when
completed by Mr. and Mrs. Yates.
Another house for rental purposes
is to be built on the rear of the
same bunch of lots. One lot off of
the property was sold this morning
to Prof. Skelton for $450. It ad-
half an hour to do I ioins the present Skelton holdings.
toxai ai ine ena 01 . ,.
a aispaicn in toay s ure
gonian says the lawyers for the
prosecution have given it up that
Mitchell will be acquitted. The
head lines of the dispatches are:
' 'Admits jury will acquit Mitchell ;
State's attorneys now confess de
feat; no testimony in rebuttal;
attempts to break down defense con
sidered useless. Facts cannot' be
denied. O. V. Hurt's exposure of
Creffield's hideous crimes turn
scale in avengers lavor." The dis
patch adds that the case will go to
the jury this afternoon. One of
the lawyers for the state contessed
in an interview that "the state has
been beaten ever since Hurt's testi
mony was given the jury.',
Ubtil Next Fall Local Steam
boat Office Closed Yester
day Morning.
The local office of the steamboat
company in this city was closed
yesterday for the season, and
Agent H. N. Hoffman left by the
afternoon train for Portland, where
he will continue in the employ of
the Oregon 6ity Transportation
Company. The last boat until the
fall rains make a bigger river, left
down yesterday morning with a
small cargo. It was the Pomona,
and she only reached Corvallis af
ter a most difficult trip up, in which
she nearly tore her steam capstan
asunaer in punine nerselt over a
gravel bar. The last trip is a little
later in the season than usual, the
long continued rains have kept the
Willamette at boating stage sev
eral weeks later than is common.
The last trip in 1905 was ' made
June 15th. The river is now. but
10 inches above low water. The
fact that the Pomona draws 16 inch
es of water shows what the task is
of dragging her over the bars at
the present time for upper river
traffic. The chief obstacles to sum
mer navigation are in the river be
tween Independence and Albany.
Whenever a boat can reach Albany
it can also make Corvallis as there
are but few obstructions between
the two latter towns. The Pomona
will make regular trips htreaiter
between Portland and Salem.
Of Lawyers The Mitchell
Trial Corvallis Witnesses.
Ices and Creams!
We are now prepared to provide the public with Ices
'Water Ices, creams, Sherberts, and everything in this line.
... -- 1 .
Special Fancy Orders
For soeial functions solicited. We cater to the whole
public and guarantee the best at reasonable prices. When
you want any thing in our line remember us.
Our own special free delivery to any part of the city
large or small.
Corvallis Creamery Company.
John Stahlbush is a free man.
He only put in a little more than ratrical companies have already
An addition has been made to
Odd Fellows cemetery. It was plat
ted by G. V. Skelton on a survey
made by OAC students, and the
map was filed wi'h the recorder
yesterday. The addition contains
91 lots raising the total number
lots in the cemetery fron 216 to
307. It joins the main cemetery
on the East. .The addition was
made because only a few lots were
left in the main cemetery and these
are not choice.
Hereafter, the Opera House is
to be heated by steam. The fur
nace will be located under the
building, and will be placed in po
sition in the near future. J. M.
Deeds, scenic artist, is nuw at work
on the building, painting a number
of pieces of new scenery. For the
coming season about a dozen the
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received at the office of the
secretary of the State Agricultural College at
Corvallis, Or., until i P. M. July 11., 1906, by the
board ot regents of the State Agricultural Col
lege, tor the erection and completion of a girl's
dormitory building, according to plans and spe
cifications prepared by Charles E. Burggraf,
architect, Albany, Or. All bids must be accom
panied by a certified check of $300 as a guaran
tee that In the event the contract Is awarded
the contractor shall furnish an approved bond
equal to 75 per cent of the amount of the con
tract within ten days after the awarding of the
contract. All bids must be made out upon
blanks for the tame; furnished upon applica
tion to the secretary of the college or the archi
tect. Flans and specifications may be seen at
the office of T. H. Crawford, Corvallis, the Ore
gonian, or the architect, alter July 2, 1906. The
board reserves the right to reject any or all bids
J. K. Wentherford, J. T. Apperson, John D. Daly.
Ice and ice cream delivered on
Sunday any part of the city by
Corvallis Creamery Co.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Famella Winkle,
deceased, has filed in the county court of the
state of Oregon,' for Benton county, his final ac
count as suoh administrator of said ertate, and
that Monday, the 6th day ot August. 1906, at the
hour of 10 o'clock has been fixed by said court
as the time for hearing ot objections to said re
port and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the estate of Famella Winkle,
Dated June 30, 1306. ' '
Notice to Creditors. .
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the undersigned has been duly appointed
administrator ot the estate of Harvey Eugene
Burns, deceased, by the county court ot Benton
county, state of Oregon. All persons having
claims against the estate of the said Harvey Eu
gene Burns, deceased, are hereby required to
Jresent the same, with the proper vouchers, du
y verified as by la w required within six months
from the date thereof to the undersigned at
her residence at Corvallis, Benton county, Ore
gon, or at the office oi E. B. Bryson, in Corvallis,
Dated this 3d day of July, 1OT6.
Admintstra'rlx of the estate of Harvey Eugene
Burns, deceased.
one day in tne city jail. tie was
sent up for five days, it will be re
membered, for carrying a concealed
weapon. He stated at the time
that he wanted to get the new court
! started off right. After serving
about 30 hours of hi sentence, G
W. Smith went security for the
balance of his fine of $10, and John
waset free.
-'At his home, known as the old
Bill Gird place a few miles north
of Monroe, Jesse Watkins is con
fined to his room with a broken
leg. The injury is in the nature of
a crush, sustained by being jammed
between two saw logs. . It is just
above the ankle. The patient was
doing well at last accounts. The
accident happened while the young
man was logging on one of the Wil
lametteMsl rads in the vicinity of
his home.
Eugene Guard: Some two
years ago Dr. McAlister's voice un
accountably failed him till soon be
could speak in but a whisper, and
though he has sought advice -where-ever
relief seemed possible there
has been no improvement. About
a year ago a pimple appeared on
his throat a little to one side of the
middle line of the front, and this
has gradually enlarged till it now
forms a discolored spot something
larger than a dime. After an ex
amination by Dr. Brown the (other
day Br. McAlister received the very
unwelcome intelligence that the
loss of voice was due to a cancer of
whjch the spot showed develop
been booked, and as only the better
class of entertainments will be -admitted,
it is proposed to have the
building changed and improved to
match the business. ,
March 13th,
after climbing to
stone steps at the
court house, fell
slid down the entire flight,
knee was so badly wrenched
Isadore Jacobs
the top of the
entrance to the
backwards and
Sheriff Burnett arrived last
night from Seattle where he went
to be a witness in the Mitchell case.
He was not allowed, however, to
give all.his testimony. After tak
ing the witness stand and answer
ing a few questions, the prosecu
tion interposed objections and
further evidence by the Benton
sheriff was ruled out. ' Mr. Burnett
did' not hear a single person in
Seattle say Mitchell ought to be
convicted, but heard hundreds ex
press the hope that he would " be
promptly acquitted. Unless one or
two men hold out, Sheriff Burnett
believes that' a vetdict will be quick
ly reached. He thinks all" the
jurors -have tveir minds already
made up. They spend most of
their time looking out of the window
and pay no attention whatever to
the wrangling of the lawyers.
the ligaments were torn loose from
the bone. The following day he
was taken to Portland. Saturday he
arrived in Corvallis for the first
time since. The entire period of
his absence was spent in a Portland
hospital, nursing his injured knee,
He is only able now to be about on
crutcnes. tie will ultimately re
cover the use of his limb, but the
process of recovery is slow.
Albert Kemp has under con
struction for Milton Morgan, a 1 5
foot canoe of the Brooks pattern.
This is something new in this lo
cality and local craftsmen will view
with considerable interest its behav
ior in the rapids of the Willamette.
The ribs of the canoe are of half-
inch oak and there are 46 of them.
The sheeting or covering is of
quarter-inch cypress. As is gen
erally known this kind of craft is
propelled by paddles, Indian fash
ion, instead of by oars. There is
some conjecture as to the success of
this mode of propulsion on the
river at this point, but however,
this may be, the. canoe is certainly
a baautiful model.
Portland Market Report. "
Wheat valley 71c '
Flour $3. so to $3.66
Potatoes .50 persack
Eggs Oiegon, 22c doz
Butter 14c per lb
Creamery 1 7 to 21
Wheat 60c
Oats 38c to 40
Flour $1 10
Potatoes $1 per sack
Butter 35 per roll
Creamery 50 per roll
Eggs 20 per doz
Chickens 12 to 15c per lb
Lard 15 c per pound
That the Mitchell trial at Seattle
is the hardest fought legal battle
that has taken place in that city for
years, is a statement of those famil
iar with the facts. The information
comes from Victor Hurt, whoarriv- .
ed from thejaattle ground, after a two
weeks absence.. Four brilliant law
yers are matched in the case, two
for the state and two for the defense,
and progress on both sides is oca
tested and disputed inch by inch
Some of the scenes in the court
room have been dramatic in the ex
treme, particularly when the attor
neys for the defense have intimated,
that the judge is partial to the pros
ecution. Little by little, as they
fought, the attorneys for Mitchell;
have" gained favor with public senti
ment, until now the over crowded!
court room, the people on the street
and apparently the united popula
tion, save the judge and lawyers
for the stati seem unanimous and
pronounced in favor ol MitcbeDF..
Two elderly ladies have administer
ed tongue lashings to Deputy Dist
rict Attorney Miller for his strenu
ousness in endeavoring, to convict
the prisoner. "Are you not. ashamed
of yourself in trying so. hard te
indict that boy who only did) a
brother's duty in trying 'to etefendi
his sisters against a ieDtile " de
manded a gray haired lady of Mil
ler as the lalici was passing fiora
the court room. "Is it by convict
ing innocent boys who fight for
the honor of their sisters that yon
get all your fine clothes," hi-"sed
another gray haired mother to.
Miller the following day as he was
passing through the crowd. "If I
were the judge of this court, I
would clear all that rabble out of
the court room" was the fierce re
mark of the state's lawyer one day
after there had been . a demonstra
The arguments in the case ate
expected to begin today, and if the
jury does not bring in a verdict of
acquital, everybody, even the pros
ecution will be- surprised. T'ohn
Manning, district attorney of Mult
nomah county, who has been at
the trial, expects a verdict f.v;r3ble
to Mitchell.
E. R. Bryson,
Good . for . Stomach Trouble ant
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab.
lets have done me a great deal of good.
says C. Towns, of Rat Portage, Ontario,
Canada. "Being a mild physio the after
effects are not unpleasant, and I can recom
mend them to all who suffer from storaack
disorder." For sale by G laiiani & Wortham
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real estate trans
fers have been filed at the office of
Recorder Newton at the court house
Amna Farra and husband to
Willamette ValleyCompany, 22 feet
on east side of Serond street, block
three, $1.
William Fanton and wf. to J. W
Walters 160 acres, 8 miles south
west of Monroe, $1600.
Independence Nat;onal Bank to
J. W. Walters 160 acres in Alsea,
Clyde W. Miller et al to Marion
C. Winkle and B. W. Winkle 1-2
interest 180 acres 4 miles south of
Corvallis, $660.
United States to Charles ; Odell,
160 acres near Marys Peak. .
Sean the Tha Kind You Have Always Bcc.
Rignatrua f (It SyTT.