The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 06, 1906, Image 3

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Our Great Mid-Summer Sale Will Besri U Gjjl
Saturday, July 7, and Continue 30 Days
A sale which hundreds have taken advantage of in the past, and which gives promise of being greater this month
than ever, as assortments are larger and prices even lower. The unmatchable values of all our past Bargain Sales have
made them of widespread interest; but in this month's offerings we have gathered the most Seasonable Merchandise, and
have made prices that will more firmly and more substantially fasten this store in the minds of the buying public as the
place where now, and at all other times as well, their needs can be most readily and most satisfactorily supplied.
Here are only a few of the sterling bargains offered for the sale. We believe that you will quickly see that we have
taken special pains to offer exceptionally attractive values in the best goods, honestly reduced in price.
Silk Department
20 in. Taffeta Silks, all colors, a yard 42c
27 in. Domestic- Pongee .38c
36 in. Black Taffeta, a good one.. ..' 98c
20 in. Japanese Silks, all colors 22c
$1.00 Fancy Dress Silks, a yard. 76c
50c Silk Organdies, floral designs. 38c
35c Silk Chiffon Dimity .-26c
30c Silk Gauze... 22c
60c Canton Crepes, black, and cream 48c
75c Black and Colored Silk . 58c
50c Satins, all colors 38c
27 in. Rajah Pongee, instead of 85c 65c
36 in. Black Peau de Soie, not 12, but. . .$1.55
Wash Dress Goods
6c Antrim Lawn. 4 l-2c
12 l-2c Voiles.... : 8c
35c Embroidered Mulls 26c
15c Batiste, floral designs 11c
25s Eoliennes 18c
121-2c Dress Ginghams.... 9 l-2c
20c Colored Dotted Swiss. .12 l-2c
50c Crepe de Chine 35c
20c Batiste, wool finish 15c
15c Solid Color Dimities lie
10 pieces Galatea Cloth 14c
25c Florentine, mohair finish 21c
36 in. Red Lion Percales. 11c
All White Goods Reduced
Wool Dress Goods Reduced
Domestic Department
AH Reduced Extra" Specials
1200 yards Mill Ecda Unbleached Muslins, instead
of 8 cents." 6c
20 pieces 36 in. Bleached Muslin 7c
200 yards Mill Ends Bleached Table Linen, 2, 2
and 3 yard lengths; $1.00 'values for. 72c
25 pieces Table Oil Cloth . . : .T .V .19c
250 yards Mill Ends Unbleached Table Linen, 2, 2
and 3 yard lengths; 50c value, a yard 38c
10c Fleeced Back Cheviot Shirtings, a yard 8c
15c Fancy Sateens, floral designs 11c
38 pieces Challies, a yard...,.". 5c
45 pieces Dress Prints, a yard 5c
28 pieces Simpson's Silk Prints 7c
25 pieces Apron Ginghams, a ,7c value. 5c
$1.00 Embroidered White Flannel.... 78c
300 pounds Carpet Warps, all colors, a lb 26c
30 pairs gray and white Cotton Blankets, per pair 85c
Look Over Our Remnant Table,
In the past we have frequently given Clothing Sales that have surprised
the public, but never before have we offered such inducements as we
are now' giving. Our reason for taking this step is we are going out of
Men's Keady-to-Wear Suits and Overcoats. Here are a few of our new
prices on broken lines :
Men's $ 6.00 Suits now - $3.00
Men's 7.50 Suits now - 3.75
Men's 10.50 Suits now - 5.25
Boys' $5.00 Suits, long pants, now - 82.50
Boys' 6.50 Suits, long pants, now - 3.25
Boys' 7.50 Suits, long pants, now - 3.75
Men's Black Clay Frocks, All Sizes
$10.50 Black Frock ;...$6.90 $12.50 Black Frock $8.90
$15.00 Black Frock I... $9.90
AH Overcoats and Raincoats at Closing-Out
Prices. Every Suit in House a Bargain.
Men's and Boys' Furnishings
75c Golf .Shirts at. .... I . 48c
60 doz. Men's Black and Tan Socks, four pairs for : 25c
35c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, at the suit : . 50c
50c and.75c Straw Hats, last season's, each 25c
$1.00 Calf Gloves. .... 75c
50c Boys' Cotton Jerseys ... 38c
$2-00 Men's Corduroy Pants. $1.58
75c Night Shirts... ....... ......... 58c
50c Boys' Cold Laundried Shirts, with collars, each. .. . ............ 35c
25c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, a suit . . . 45c
T i i
. . . . . . -j - - -
All Men's and Boys' Shoes Reduced in Price, except the
W. L Douglas and "American Gentleman."
I ft I
Women's Ready-to-Wear
$15.00 Black Taffeta Shirt Waist Suits. .$10.50
7. 50 White Linen Suits 4.85
2.00 Wash Shirt Waist Suits 135
1.25 Black Sateen Petticoats 98
2.00 Colored Pres de Soie Petticoats. . 1.45
1.00 Wash Petticoats.. .76
2.50 Black Sateen Wrappers 1 68
5. 00 Colored Silk Petticoats 3. 57
50c Shirt Waists (all grades reduced) . .28
75c Gingham Petticoats 54
75c Muslin Night Gowns .54
All Tailor-Made Suits .Half price
20 doz. Swiss Ribbed Summer Vests '
(cheap at 10c) , each 05
50c Summer Corsets. 39
Odd lots R & G. Corsets Half price
Wool Shirt Waists Half price;
AH Dress Skirts Reduced;
50c Short Kimonos $ .28?
$1.25 Long Kimonos .98
$12.50 All-wool Serge Shirt Waist Suits 8.50
10 Children's $1-00 Colored Dresses, 3 to
10 years .76
10 Children's $2.00 Colored Dresses. ... 1.46
All Cloaks, Jackets and Rain Coats from .
last season, half price.
Haberdashery Etc,
100 pieces English Torchon Lace, a yard 5c
75 pieces Cambric Embroideries, at 8c
50 pieces 3 and 3 inch all-silk Taffeta Ribbons.... 10c
4 inch Dresden Ribbons, instead of 35c 22c
5J dcz. Women's Fast Black Hose, h stead of 12c,
a pair '. 9
25 doz. Women's Fast Black Hose, white feet, two
pair at ........ 25c
$1.25 E-nbroidcred Shirt Waist Patterns..... 69c
250 Lisle Gioves, gray, white, tan, black and brown
per pair ." 19a
50c Lisle Gloves, gray, white, tan, black and brown
per pair- .- 38c
15c Pearl Shirt Waist Sets, per set 9c
100 boxes Armour's Oatmeal. Soap, 12 cakes to the
box, per box , 38c
100 Steel Collar Springs, two lor. 5c
Brebant's Best Sewing Needles, two papers for 5c .
New Idea Patterns. ... v 8c
Victor Safety Pins, three dozen for 10c
$1.00 White Parasols ; 68c
500 pairs Shoe Laces, three pahs for 5c
100 German Silver Thimbles, two for. . '. 53
25c Hair Brushes 18c
20 pounds All-Wool Black Yarn, worth $1, per lb... 78c
All Ladies' and Children's Shoes Are
Reduced in Price.