Mr. and Mrs. James Ted row left today for Newport where they will celebrate the 4th. Bert Pilkington, Claud Swann and Mark McAllister were among those, who went today to Newport to celebrate. Waiter Corbett, the obliging deputy postmaster, returned Sun- day from a two weeks vacation spent iu Marion county. ' Mrs. M. M. Davis acconopanU d by her son Harry and daughters Mabel and Pauline, expect to leave in a few days for Belknap Springs, where they will spend the sutrmer. W. A. Wella returned Sttur dy from a stay of six months in New Mexico and California. He is improved in health and glad to be at home again. Thursday night instead of to morrow night will be the date for prayer meeting at the Christian church this week, at which time there will be a report from the late state convention of the denomina tion. Mrs. Sarah Moore and daugh ter, Mies Gladys, left Sunday for Portland for a month's stay. They xpect to spend the mouth of Au gust in Corvallis and on the first of September leave for Chicago to re side. Their son and brother Guy is a resident of the latter city. Married Sunday at the home of the bride's father, Samuel White side, Miss Kate Whiteside and George Cooper. The guests num bered fifty and the knot was tied by Rev. Feese. The couple left cn the afternoon train for Portland where they will spend their honey moon. The n;w county officials have filed bonds as follows: M. P. Fur oett, sheriff, $lo,ooo, U. S. Fidelity end Guaranty Co. of Baltimore; W A Buchanan, treasurer, $2o,ooo, W A Bucbaoan, Noel Wilkinson, P. Avery, Thomas Leese, Hugh Her ron and R. L. Buchanan; E.J. Uewton. recorder, $3000, National Surety Co., of New York; T. T. Vincent, clerk, $lo,ooo, National Surety C ., of New York. The miliinf ry eBtab isbment of M. CI fford Gould ha9 bteu sold to Mis? Ivy Barclay for some time coinin-ted with the burioeps. arid to Ms- B rih'la Barclay, of Dayton, Wesbmttn. Tie new owners are -cous"b. Tbp fi-TQ name "will be 'Barclay & Bircluy. Mr. Guld lias been ii thi buniuess in Corval lis, ai-d always succeesfu'ly, for the jpas' jrrs. Uiy N b giuni .g to arrive iu town. Of wo farmers who 1 flrnd to btil jfBlerrfay, vuo propotei to oaK m tit field a' $4, a-d the ollrr at $3 pe ton. S n. ask $6 deliv ered. tiuyc.ttj nay ihu pi ice is not 'likely to be above $5 or $5.50 and that it may drop to 4. 50 delivered. On accouDt of the immense crop, it tie -certain fhe good price i f the last two years will tot prevail. Miss Agnes Wilson, winner of Hhe Oregonian circulation contest, 5eft this morning for Poitland. At" Albany she was j ined by the Leb anon and Albany winners and, to-! gether the three proceeded to Port land where the 38 young ladies are! obe entertained until the 7th when fcbey leave for Yellowstone Park. "While in Portland their beadquar lejra will bb at the Oregon Committee for Oleaning-up Day: General superintendent, Judge VWatters. vCommittee for securing teams, Francisco, J. H. Harris. Committee for cleaning: Mesdames Huston, Wells. J. Wells, Crees, J. R. Smith, Selling, jand Miss Snell. "Messrs. Francisco, Cronk, Robt. Johnson, Chambers, J. Yates, Skelton, Lafferty,. J. Porter, S. N. Wilkins, Bush, Moses, Allen. Ham tnel, Tom Nolan, Harper, Horning Crawford, Lacey, Irwin, McKellips 'Wiles, Whitehorn, Gene Simpson, S. L. Henderson. ' In the Probate Court. John Whitaker, administrator of the estate of Pc.melia Winkle has ffiled his final account in the estate and August 6th has been fixed for final settlement. Ida Burns has been appointed administratrix of the estate of H.E. Barns with a bond fixed at $3,000. A. W. Herbert, R. N. White and W. Kearth have been named ap praisers. 1 E. H. Taylor. Walter K. Taylor, and C. C. Huff have been appotnt- -ed appraisers of the estate of Wil liam Seckler. Have you tried the Economy fruit jar ? Zierolf keeps them. Get yonr Economy fruit jars at Zierolf s. en Cents Per Setting For eggs. Best brown Leghorns. BIDS TO BE OPENED. For Woman's Building at O. A. C July Ilth-Tobe Great Structure. Bids are to be opened July nth for the erection of the Woman's building at the college, and work on the structure is expected to be gin immediately thereafter. Plans and specifications are in the hands of Clerk Crawford at the college, and according to them, the build ing will be far the largest on the grounds. It is to be shaped some what like Agricultural Hall. Its ground plan resembles a huge let ter I, with cross piece not only at each end, but also across the middle Its total lengbtb is 235 feet. Sup posing that it rests the longest way north and south, Fay on the brow of the Hogg hill, at the south end there would be a huge ell running 103 feet east and west by 48 feet north and south. Joining this ell in the middle and running north and south and 48 feet east and west, is a section ot building running 40 feet north and south and 48 feet east and west. The middle cross piece is then en countered and it is 85 feet east and west and 56 feet north and south. In its east end the main entrance is located. Then to the northward comes another stretch of building 40 feet north and south by 48 feet east and west, and then another huge ell ro3 feet by 48 forming the extreme north end of the structure. At the highest point the building is 72 feet high. It will have three Moots and an attic, the first of which contains several class rooms for the household science department, sew ing department rooms, dining hall, kitchen, baths, store rooms, cold storage, bakery, pantry, lavatory, toilets, club dining room, laundry, fuel room and fourteen sleeping rooms. The second floor has 36 single rooms and four suites, libra-1 ry. and parlors. The third floor has 44 sleeping rooms, two suites, infirmary and nurse rooms. There are baths and toilets on each floor, and each single room and suite has stationary washstand, and closets. The building will have its own heat ing plant, fire apparatus and every other modern convenience. The lower portion is to be of Cascade granite and the other stories of pioneer sandstone, the same as Agricultural Hall. The architect ure is very plain, but the whole ap pearance very substantial. The es timated cost i $65,000. At King's Valley. 'iLe annua! pchtH meeting iu the Valley district vvas v ll attended. Frank Plunkett was elected direc tor and John MuCallum, clerk. The district will have no funds this year outside of the state and coun ty levy. The proposition to levy a two-mill tax was voted down by an overwhelming majority. There were two spectacle rmn in the Valley last week, and it seems to be the general impressicn that those that bought glasses of them paid high prices. Jimmy Chambers is suffering with tonsilitis. W. A. Wann, of Portland, repre senting the Mutual Life Insurance Co., has been in the Valley. He found some who were will to take out policies in his company. John Price is able to be around again. . , ,;. Mrs. W. L. Price and Miss Min nie Price bave been suffering with the measles. , Mr. Lunt and Mr. Stroud have sold th:ir frms in the upper,; end of the Valley. The hay crop is very heavy and some of it ready to cut. Uno. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby eiven that the undersigned. administrator ot the estate ot Pamella Winkle, deceased, has filed In the county court oj . the state of Oregon, tor Benton county, his final ac count as suctt administrator 01 saia estate, ana that Monday, the 6th day ot August. 1906, at the hour ot 10 o'clock has been fixed by said court as the time lor hearing ot objections to said re port and the settlement thereof. Administrator of the estate of Pamelia Winkle, iJeceased. Dated June 30, 1006. Notice to Creditors. Vnticn 19 horehv eiven to all Dersons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator ox ine estate 01 tiarvey r.ugHue Burns, deceased, by the county court ot Benton rniHitv. state of Oreeon. AU Dersons having claims against the estate ol the said Harvey Eu gene Burns, deceased, are hereby required to present ine same, w uu mo prupei- vuuuuera, uu ly verified as by law required within six months from the date thereof to the undersigned at her residence at Corvallis, Benton county, Ore gon, or at the omce 01 js. a. urjaon, in uorvaiiis, Org'on. Dated this Sd day of Juiy, 1906. k IDA A. BURNS. Admlnlstra'rix of the estate of Harvey Eugene Burns, deceased. Economy fruit jars at Thatcher & Johnson's Economy fruit jars for sale by P. M. Zierolf. ess is confined is furnished in as meager a fashion as the average jail cell. It is provided with a cot, on which is a matress and ordinary bed clothing; two chairs; a wooden wash stand, with a tin baBln, and a email mirror. Sbe is permitted to retain several articles of toilet, such as combs and hairbrushes and sim ilar articles. TJct'l la?t n'gbt Mrs. Watson bad been accustomed to apartments ia the most fashionable hotels in Port land, Chicago, New York and San Francisco; in other citi'S she lived in equally pretect'ous hotels. Since the beginning of her rela tions with Puter, who is separated from her in the same jail by steel bars acd solid walls of masonry, money has been lavished upon her in legal style. Apparel of the most expensive and modern modes have beea hers in large quantities and jewels bave been showered upon her. New York, June 2g. Harry K. Thaw was arraigned this morning in the criminal court and pleaded not guilty to the in iictment for the murder of Stanford White. Thaw's attorney, former Judge Olcott, for mally rtqueet'd permisbion to with draw the plea by next Tuesday in order that any motions might be made of a different plea entered. The n quest was granted arid the prisoner remanded to the Tombs. For Sale. Registered bulls for sale: one three year -old and two vearlines. Terms reasonable. For further par ticulars inquire of , J. E. Wyatt, Corvallis, Oregon. RATES FOR JULY 4TH On the Corvallis and Eastern R. R. For the 4th of July holidays, a rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip between all stations will be made by the C. & E. Tick ets good going on the 3rd or 4th and for return on or before July 6th. Misses Cheney and Krurnm and Mr. Coffey of the McMinnville Studio have purchased the photo- grapn ousiness ot Mr. famery in this city and will henceforth be known under the firm name of "The Corvallis Studio." Our work has given universal satisfaction in McMinnville and Oregon City and we trust it will do so here. We so licit the patronage of the citizens of Corvallis and vicinity. Our work speaks for itself. Call and see us at Emery's old stand. Our Motto: If you have beauty we'll take it. If you haven't we'll make it. Yours for Photos, Corvallis Studio. G.'R. FAKRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stain i 1 B ir u-.t 8 it Idence 01 ttia earner j- .111 ..1 Seventh at. ""m! 1 i Celebrate the 4th of July in style. Buy your Toggery at Nolan's. Imported Black Percheron Stallion 55296 Potache 40664 Will make the season of 1906 at Abbott's feed barn, Corvallis, Ore. Potache was winner of 1st prize at St. Louis Fair; 1st at American Royal Live Stock Show, Kansas City; 1st at Government Show in France; also International Live Stock show at Chicago 1904. Mares from a distance will be furnished first class pasture. Terms $25 to insure. j ! T. K. Fawcett, Corvallis, Oregon. Wood For Sale. Ash, maple, oak and fir wood at lowest prices. Orders promptly filled. Independent phone 364, three bells. Led-jr Brothers. Mr. T. Mon Foo, an experienced com pounder of Chinese medicines, successor to the late uong vvo long, 01 Aioany, Oregon, is now prepared to laroish Lhi' nese medicine to all. The undersigned recommends him and gnarantees satis faction. ' Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec ond Street, Albany, Oregon. . Jim Westfall. For Rent. A nice house with 7 rooms, bath room all up to date, located well ; Robinson & Stevenson, agents. . tf. Notice. . Notice is hereby given that the partnership exising between R H. Colbert - and S. W. Smith is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Smith retires from' the firm. R. H. Colbert. S. W. Smith. June 5th 1906. The Gem Cigar Store AH Leading Brands of Key West and Domes Cigars. Whist and Poolroom. Jack IMilne, prop. e; B. Borning, The Grocer. K We are not inclined writing advertisements and customers speak for OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION 6. B fiornitig 3 OUR It is not what we can "work off" on a customer that's not our way. But its giving him such good honest values in what he needs, that it brings him back again and again brings his frinds too. That's our way. De ception destroys confidence, integrity wins it. A hearty welcome whether you come to see or buy. ' Here are some of the goods lately received: The Celebrated Charter Oak Ranges, fully guaranteed. New Era Pafnt Co Paints, Oils. Varnish and Var-no-lac, Cou ches, Dining Chairs, Center Tables and many other things. Hollenlierg Picnic Hints tor the Boned chicken, Chicken & liver, Boned turkey, Deviled ham , Veal loaf, Lunch tongue, German lunch sausage, Viennn ? sausage, Vienna sausage and sauer krout t Chipped beef and bacon in glass jars, f Roast and corned beef, Lobsters, Shrimps, 0yster3, Salmon, Sardines, crab and clams, Fresh fruits, cakes and crackers Napkins, many pretty patterns to select from, Paper plates no picnic Hodes' Grocery ISjP HATHAWAY BROS. Blacksmiths, Machinests, Wagonmakers and Horse Shoers All kinds grinding, Oliver chilled plow shares, also all kinds of machine work done in first-class shape. ALL WORK OUR GUARANTEED. Newest arid Latest Up-to-date Machinery Prices so both can live. to spend much time in we prefer to let our goods themselves. jO WAV & Cady. Time! Lunch Basket. baskets complete without paper "plates, AU kinds of pickles and olives in the bulk at SUMMER EXCURSION RATES. Newport, Yaquina Bay, Brcitenbush. Hot Springs From All S. P. and C & E. Points. On and after June 1, 1906. the Southern Pacific, in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern rail road, will have on sale round trip ticket IrOm points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit at low rates, good for return until Octo ber 10, 1906. i Three-dajr rickets to Newport and Yaquina, good going Saturdays and returning Mondays, are alao on sale from all East Side points, Port land to Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West side point?, enabling people to vilt their famil ies and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets from all East Side points, Fort land to Eugene, inclusive, and from all We 3 Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over privileges at Hill City or any point East, enabling tourists to vitit the Santiamand Breltenbush Hot Springs In the Cascade Mountains, which can be reached In one day. Season tickets good for return from all points until Oct. 10. Three-day tickets good going Sat urdays and returning Mondays only. Tickets for Portland and vicinity good for return via. the East or West Side. Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon Springfield branch. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport; on Ysqulnatick eta to Yaquina only. Sunday excursions to New port on the C. & E. will begin June 10th or 17th and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving lba ny at 7:80 a. m.; leaving Corvallis 8 a.m. S. P. trains connect With theO. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C. & E. for Detroit will leave Albany at 1:30 a. m., enabling tourists to the Hot Springs to reach there the same day, Trains from and to Corvallis connect with all East Side trains on the S. P. Full Information as to r ates, time tables, etc., can be obtained on application to J. C. Mayo Gen. Pass. Agt. C. & E. ., Albany; A. L. Craig, G. P. A. S. P. Co., Portland, or to any S. P. or C. & E. agent Bates from CorvallU to Newport, $3.75; To Ycqiiina, 3 25. Three-day rate O om Corvallis to Xewport, $2.50. BANKING. The First Notional B.dkof Corval lis, Oregon, transacts a cfoeral coneervative la-iking 'tismess. Loan money n approval btcu rlty. Drafts bought and sold and money transferred to the principal cities of the United States, Eu rope and foreign countries. I. 0. 0. F. EXCURSION JULY 4TH. To Detroit. Albany kdge No. 4 I. O. O. F. of Albany will give the only excursion out of Albany or Corvallis on July 4th. Train will leave as follows: Corvallis at 6:30 a. m., and Albany at 7:30 a. m. This will be' a great day in the mountains, po not forget to take your lunch baskets well rilled. The public is invited to join the Odd Fellows on this excursion. ji.oo round trip. Tickets for sale at F. M. French's Jewelry Store, Albany and Allen & Woodward's Drug Store, Co:vallis. English Shire Stallion. Imported!i-h Shire stallion 7972 Southill Ranger 18366 will make the season cf 1906 as follows: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs days at Abbott barn Corvallis, - an days and Saturdays at Monroe Frd Mondays at Watkin's place 12, miles south of Corvallis. Southill Ranger is a beautiful dark dapple bay, 17 1-4 hands high and weighs 2150 pounds. Terms: $20 to insure with foal or $25 to insure a living colt. W. C. Belknap, Manager. Go East at reduced rates. The Southern Pacific company announces reduced round trip rates to the East for the season of 1906 as follows: Corvallis to Chicago and return, $73-95- St. Louis, $69.95. Mil waukie, $72.15. St. Paul and Min neapolis, $62.45. Sioux City, Coun cil Bluffs, Omaha, St. Joseph, At chinson, Leavenworth and Kansas City, $62.45. Sale dates June 4, 6,7,23,25. July 2, 3. August 7, 8, 9, Sept., 8, 10. Limit going, 10 days. Return limit 90 days but not af ter Oct. 31st, Notice of Final Settlement. In The Matter of the Estate " William J. Kelly,- deceased J Notice is hereby given that the under signed as administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of William J. Kelly, deceased, has filed his final account as such administrator with the clerk of the county court of the State of Oregon for Benton county and the aaid coutt has fixed Saturday, the 7th day of July, 1906, at the hour of two o'clock in the after noon of said day as the time, and - the countv court room in the court house in Corvallis, Oregon, as the place for hear ing any and all objections to the said ac count and for settlement thereof. Dated, June 8, 1906, M. WlLHELM, Administrator -with the will annexed of the estate of William J. Kelly, deceased. REDUCED , T, K. Irvine, Comma.