(3) LOCAL LORE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. Sam Hartsock was the guest over Sunday of Salem friends. Frank Thrasher of Portland, was the guest of Corvallis relatives and friends over Sunday. Robert Gilbert returned to De troit Monday after an over Sunday visit with Corvallis friends. Some Corvallisites are going to celebrate at Peoria, where there is to be a barbecue and picnic. Kline's team 16, Oak Grove 10. '"The above score is the result of the baseball game played on the flat, Sunday. To accommodate those who wish to buy, J. M. Nolan & Son's store will be open Tuesday evening July 2nd until 9 o'clock. Men wanted. Saw mill and lumber yard laborers $2.25 per day. Woodsmen $2.25 to $3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lum ber Co., Eugene, Oregon. Fifty four Corvallisites made the trip to Newport and return , on the regular- excursion Sunday. With the advent of the hot days the excursion grows in popularity. Miss Lulu . Gunther has re signed her position as operator in the Bell office, and leaves today for Portland where she will hereafter reside. A large business continues to be done in vetch seed, in spite of the lateness of the season. .Con siderable quantities of old seed are being shipped East and to Canada. L. It. Brooks is looking for an ad ditional carload to finish out an or der for three carloads. The price paid for old seed is $1.85. New seed is contracted at $1.50. A $2,200 residence is .rapidly nearing completion on the L. L. Brooks farm, replacing the home destroyed by fire April 1st of this year. Charles McHenry is the carpenter and Ed Felton, the plast erer. The building is to be equip ped with hot and cold water, bath, toilet and other modern conven iences, and will be an. ideal farm home. x Private letters announce the arrival at Schenectady, .New York, of E. E. Bradley and M.JC. Haw ley of the late graduating class at OAC. An even dozen OAC lada are now with the General Electric Company in that city, ,-and all of them are excellent ' students. A letter says that from the OAC col ony, the General Electric people are learning that there are people west of the Rocky mountains, and th.at all the people from the Far West are not cowboys. Punderson Avery arrived. Fri day evening from a business trip to San Fraucisco. The all important matter in that city just now is, what are the insurance companies going to do? A few are paying dollar for doliar on their policies; but many are quibbling, dodging and offering compromises". Mr. Avery, Gibson, and others bad a policy in the Traders " of Chicago on $10,000 worth of canned salmon and the company offered to pay 60 cents on the dollar. The offer was refused, and a suit will be brought in the hope of forcing the million aire stockholders of the company to pay in full. Lester M. Iceland. Two-story frame dwelling, East Twenty-seventh street between East Pine and East Ash, $2,600. This appears in the list of building permits publish ed by the Portland papers of June 30th. Daniel W. Pritchard, for merly of the 0. A. C. woodworking-department, and Harry Schuet te late resident of this county are the contractors. Mr. Pritchard and Mr. Schuette have been engaged in expert finishing work but have begun conti acting for themselves by erecting a house for Mr. Leland, who was formerly connected with theO. A. C. printing department. Corvallisites are going in va rious directions to celebrate the 4th tomorrow. Four places will draw from the town, towit: Philomath, Salem, Newport and the Cascades. The largest delegation will go eith er to Philomath or to the mountains. Both places are popular with the public. The accessibility of Philo math will probably attract the larg er contingent, though the cheap ex cursion .offered by the Odd Fellows will draw largely to the front. The original supply of . tickets was ex fa austed and a new quota has been ordered. A number of people are leaving this afternoon for Newport, a rate of $2.50 for the round trip, good three days, having been offer ed by the company. The day promises to be quiet enough in Cor vallis. The Cascade train leaves at 6:30. All kinds of Fireworks at Campbell's bakery. Dow Walker spent Saturday in this city, a guest at the M. M. Davis home. Mrs. Clifford Gould and child ren left yesterday to spend a month at the Whitaker farm. W. Gifford Nash of Portland passed through this city Saturday, enroute to Nashvilla, where he ex pects to visit his brothers for some weeks. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. are urged to be present at the reg ular meeting this week, as import ant business is to come before the society. . Mrs. J. E. Brattnober and Miss Oleta Pettigrove of Seattle are vis iting Mrs. H. C. Herron of Irish Bend. Mrs. Charles Everett and chil dren left Monday for Portland. Mr. Everett has been employed there for some time and the family expect to make Portland their home. The building at the northeast corner of Jefferson and Main, has been purchased by Miss Ella John son, the milliner, who occupies it with her establishment. The price paid Mrs. Maud Hemphill, late owner of the property, was between $2,000 and $2,500, the figure not having been made public. At a meeting of the Watters court Saturday, the salary of the county ferryman was reduced to $42 per month. The change from $50 to 42 was because of the occupan cy of the .newly built ferry house which will save the .ferryman $8 to $10 per month. The new cement entrances to the Administration building at the college have been completed, and are very sightly. They are semi circular in form and with their easy steps materially improve appear ances. They are located at the north and south entrances of he Administration building. The eangr that has been con necting consumers with the moun tain water mains has been engaged since yesterday morning in conect ing city sewers with the new sys tem. The work is in response to the request of the city council, which at a meeting Friday night adopted a resolution instructing the water commission tc supply moun tain water for sewer flushing. It is expected that the sewers will all be connected by ... this evening and that the work of supplying consum ers with mountain water will be re sumed at once. ; , f.. . . Sheriff Burnett and Deputy District Attorney Bryson are to go to Seattle to testify in the Mitchell case. They were subpoenaed re- i cently by the defense with the un j derstanding that they would go to j Seattle it telegraphed for. later. The i contingency being dependent on whether or not the admission of their testimony could be secured. Sunday both received word to ap pear at the trial, and both expect to reach Seattle by Thursday morning in time for tne opening of court. Both witnesses were present at ex aminations of Creffield as to his sanity, and also at similar exami nations of many of his victims. Both went also to the Hurt house tt the time of the big excitement over Rollerisin in the spectacular days two or three years ago, when it first broke out ia the community. Those who use the county fer ry now have a new convenience. A telephone has been added to the ap pliances lor rousting the lerryman at the call of duty. It runs from the new lerry house to a box on the east siaeot tne river. instead ot bellowing about and pawing the earth for half an hour or so, with a gentle refrain of wicked cuss words, all a belated traveler has to do now, is to open the telephone box", lift off the receiver and request the ferry man id get out of bed and bring the boat over at once. The new. device is lung saver and possibly more or less of a soul saver. It costs noth ing, arrangments having been made with the Independent people to do free switching forever on that line. FOR FOUR YEARS. Fiscal Operations of Benton County Report of County Clerk at the Close of Watter's Administration Nine Thous and in Warrants now Outstanding. At its closing meeting Saturday, a report of its stewardship was made to the retiring commissioner's court by County Clerk Moses. The report is self explanatory and is as follows: Following is a report of the financial condition of Benton County, State of Oregon, from July 7th, A. D., 1902 to June 30th, A. D., 1906 both inclusive, showing the financial condition of Benton CoUnty, at beginning of the administration oi the present County Court, the condi tion of said County on 1st day 01 July, ot ypars 1903, 1904, 1905, and June 30, 1906, the latter date being the termination of term of this Court. July 7, 1902 to July 1, 1903. I find that on July 6, 1902, 5 p. m., the amount of outstanding County Warrants was $22,966.90, and cash in Treasury applicable to payment County Warrants $1,896.64, said date being the end of the "Woodward" administration, and following table will show the amount of warrants is sued and amount of warrants redeemed annually thereafter on July 1. July 6 1902, Debtor To County warrants outstanding, $22,966.90 July 1, 1903. Debtor To County Warrants issued from July 7, 1902 to July r, r903 inclusive, 27,481.51 Total, 50,448.41 July i, 1003, Credit by Warrants redeemed from July 7, 1902 to July 1, 1903, 48,328.38 July 1, 1903, Debtor, total amount warrants outstanding I further find that on said July 1. 1903, the County Treasurer had on hand money applicable to payment of outstanding .warrants ' leaving cash net Resources, July 1, 1903 to July 1, 1904. outstanding issued July 1, 1903, to 2,120.03 2,374.62 254-59 2,120.03 July 1, 1903, To County Warrants July 1, 1904, To County Warrants July 1, 1904. . Total July 1, 1904, By County Warrants paid July 1, 1904, Total amount warrants outstanding July 1, 1904, On July 1, 1904, the County Treasurer had on hand cash applicable to payment outstanding warrants 6,274.36 July 1, 1904, Credit by net cash Resources, 2,338.70 27,319.12 29. 39- '5 25.503-49 3.935-66 July 1, 1904 to July J, 19o5. 510213.13 39397-23 49610.34 July 1, 1904, Dr. To county warrants outstanding and unpaid, $3935 66 July 1, 190J, Dr. To warrants issued lrom July 1, 1904-July, 1905, ... 29088.81 lotai 33024.47 July 1, 1905, Cr. By warrants redeemed Jul. 1, 1904-Jul. 1,1905 22811.34 July 1, 1905, Dr. lo total amount outstanding warrants 10213 13 On July 1, 190 s, the County Ireasurer had on hands cash applicable to payment county warrants 4714.16 July 1, 1905, Net indebtedness 5438.97 . July 1, 19o5 to June 1, 1906, inclusive. July i, 1905, Dr. To amount warrants outstanding July 1, 1906, Dr, To amount of warrants issued from July 1, . 1905 to June 30, 1906, both inclusive Total July 1, 1906, Cr. By warrants redeemed from Jul. 1, 190s, to June 30, 1906, both inclusive July 1, 1900, lotai amount ot warrants outstanding and unpaid 10542. 15 Of the aboveamount ofwarrants unpaid thesumof $129.51 is on special road funds, of which there is money on hands to pay. I further find that on June 30, 1906, at 5 p. tn. the County Treasurer has cash on hands applicable to pay ment of outstanding county warrants the sum of $877.37 and the road warrants $129.51. 106.81 July 1, 1906, Net indebtedness 9535-27 Included in the items of expenses for year July. 1905, to July 1 1906, is the sum of over $2500.00 special road tax, lor which the County Court has to issue warrants, on such special funds; Lewis and Clark Fair, $1695.60; purchase Poor Farm, $5400.00; Exhibit Court House, $173.91. The following table will show the amount paid in salaries, for care of county poor, elections, bridges, femes, and roads, 39068.19 1903, Salaries of County officers $7184.89. County poor 1840.41 Elections 592.10 Bridges, ferries add roads 13121.74 Lewis and Clark Fair Otherobjects 4742.37 Total Expenditure $27481.51 State of Oregon County of Benton 1904 $8475-99 1962.69 1037.07 11097.27 4746.10 1905 8596.95 1805.27 633.85 Il623-35 713.18 5716.21 1906 8063.15 7726.24 ; 1657.98 13068.51 1695.60 7185.75 $27319,12 $29088.81 $39497-23 s.s. For Sale Stock ranch, 295 acres in Bel knap settlement, 20 miles south west of Corvallis, running water, house, barn and orchard, unlimited outrange, $6 per acre, terms easy. Independent phone . 555, drop r, Bellfountain. Address, A. W. Hawley, R. F. D, 1, Monroe, Ore. T , . . .. . ice ana ice cream delivered on Sunday any part of the city by Corvallis Creamery Co. . fiean the 8 KM You Have Always Bougft I, Victor P. Moses, County Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, hereby certify the foregoing statement to be a true and correct state ment of the financial condition of Benton County, for the years ending July, 1902, 1903, 2904. 1905, and June 30, 1906, as shown by the rec ords in my office, and in my care and custody. Witness my hand and official seal this 30th day of !June. 1906. - , - VICTOR P. MOSES, County Clerk, Benton County.Ore. Our store will be closed Friday July 6th in order to go through stock and arrange for our Great Mid-Summer Sale, Ice and ice cream delivered by the Corvallis Creamery Co. in large or small quantities to any part of the city. A Shoe Lesson! That each you how to vaftke your feet feel a Iicme em bodied in every pair of Ralston Health Shoes When you put on Ralstons you ean feel sure you've done the best for your feet in point ef oth comfort and style. Q Ralston shoes are built on a structural principle worked out from a close study of the foot asnature made it. Did you ?ver notice how the firm, dose-packed sand of a smooth sea beaoh supports and fits every part of the foot? i Ralston Health Shoes fit that way. Come in and try on a pair. KLINE The People's Store. Established J 864. Corvallis, Oregon Newport Will Celebrate The Glorious Fx AND -THE Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Will make special excursion three-day rates from Albany, Corvallis, Phil omath and all points west. Fare for round trip: Albany, Corvallis and Phikmath.. $2.50 Wren, Harris, Blodgett and Summit $2.00 Tickets -will be good going Tuesday July yd, find returning Thursday July 5th, giving three days at the coast. Special attractions have been arranged by the people of Newport, including boat racing, ftot rating, fire works, e pceches, bend concerts, ball, etc. Valuable prizes given fo all contests, t Come and Help tkem Celebrate. Lady crackers Fire Cannon " Torpedos and Bombs. Rizaracker Fireeracker Zip Bum Bah Gun Hodes, Gn Nodes Huh Rah, Rah Rockets J Roman candle Mines . E Pin wheels- Catharine Triangle Etc, Etc. h -nn mi- -1 a Moses Brothers . You will always find us up and coming and our prioas leascmable. For Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and children, bat?, caps underwear, every day and a 1 1 iilf, ladies skirts, mans and boys suits Also a Fine Line of Groceries crockery and everything that is needed in a grocery de partment. Look Out for Moses Bros quick delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you will find there is something domg . . For Sale. Cream separator and five head of milk cows. . Inquire of Frank Skinner, Wren, Benton county. Ices and Creams! We are now prepared to provide the public with Ices Water Ices, creams, Sherberts, and everything in this line.' v Special Fancy Orders For soeial functions solicited. We cater to the whole public and guarantee the best at reasonable prices. : When you want anything in our line remember us. Our own special free delivery to any part of the city large or. smalLJ ; ; Corvallis Creamery Company.