The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 03, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XIX-No. 3
b.f. rnrm Kite
and Proprietor
llnor.s it pay
f y
When you want anything in the line of
Clothing, come and see our line get prices.
TWe balance oar quality and prices defy
competition. Our clothing sales has made
big strides in the past few years and this has
justified a big increase in our buying. Never
before has our store received such a big ship
ment as xbis spring we have clothing Nob
by clothing for sale. Investigate. '
- v. :y r
Corvallis, - Oregon
Great Line Mens fine Shoes.
No Prizes go with our
Ctel Sanborn Hill Grade
In fact nothing; goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
fcole agent for
Chase & Sanborn Higb Grade
New Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. ,
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,
Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman need can
1 be found at my store.
Bicycles and Guns for rent. 3 General Repair Shop.
All Work Guaranteed.
M. M
Ind. Phone 126.
Corvalli s, Oregon .
Mostly New York People on Board
r Coaches Literally Smashed
to Pieces by Accident
Salisbury, Englrnd, July 3.
Driving at a mad pace over the
London Southwestern railway, the
American Line .Express, carrying
43 of the steamer, New York's pas
sengers from Plymouth to London,
plunged from the track juBt after
passing the station here at 1.571 o'
clock this morning,, and mangied
to death in its wreckage 23 passen
gers, who sailed from New York
June 23, and four, of the trainmen.
Besides those to whom death
came speedily, a dozen persons
were seriously injured.
In one part of the coach the Sen-
tell family from New York were
traveling together, of whom only
Edward W. Sentell was found alive
three hours after the accident. Some crowded
water was hauded him through a
hole in the wreck and he was soon
removed to the infirmary, bleeding
from a scalp wound, and with his
left leg badly fractured. Those who
were killed of the family were Mrs.
. W. Sentell, Miss Blanche M.
Sentell, Charles E. Sentell, Miss
Gertrude M. Sentell, all of New
York City.
Throughout the wild plunging of
the engine, Driver Robins, whether
alive or dead, remained in his cab.
Hours afterward bis charred body
was found grilled over the fire box.
The first coach went over the engine
and Cireened forward until it was
hurled against, the parapet of the
bridge and smashed into fragments.
billing or maiming almost every oc
cupant. Oae man was shot through
the window, cleared the parapet
end fell to bis death to the street
The second coach lurched for
ward and rollei toward a stationa
ry train and . practically destroyed
itself before its wild flight was ended.
The third coach dashed forward
with the res', left the rails and en
countered some obstruction, over
turned and collapsed.
Ia the carriages huddled in wreck
age almost under the wheels of the
upturned engine death had been
bueieet. Here nine men and five
women were taken out dead soon
after the accident. The driver and
fireman were dead in their cab.
These were all taken to the waiting
room and several of the injured
were given first aid and dispatched
to the infirmary, which fortunately
was not far distant. Edward W.
Sentell is doing as well as could be
When an opening was made into
the etond carriage a terrible
sight was revealed. At one end of
a compartment several bodies were
jammed together in an almost un
recognizable mass.
for which he had been especi
selected by God. He believed he
was the only man living who pos
sessed the power to rid the world
of this man who had brought ruin
and disgrace, not only upon the
people Mitchell loved best but upon
others whom he knew of and of
whom be was fond. This belief
which he had expressed to a num
ber ot people and which all argu
ment failed to dispossess him of,
bad been with him most of the time
before he finally accomplished what
he felt to1 be his solemn duty, and
even when lying delirious with ill
ness in the Portland hospital he
babbled of his fear that Esther
Mitchell would meet the fate which
Creffield had in store for her.
p This and other evidence tending
to show that Mitchell was tempo
rarily insane was placed before the
jury thiff morning by Attorney Si
las M. Shipley when the defense
outlined: , the case. Mr. Shipley
spoke for two hours and a quarter.
He deslared the testimony of the
state's witnesses that at the time of
his arrest Mitchell was cool and col
lected was correct and that his con
duct was of an insane mind.
For fear that the court will not
admit much of the evidence touch
ing upon Creffield's religious fanat
icism the attorney for the defense
it all into hiB opening
statement so as to get it before the
jury. very minute act ot Cret-
field s was outlined to the jury in
the opening statement of the- de
fense. Nothing that could possibly
sway tne emotion ot. the jury was
left out.:
Washington, June 30. Prompt
ly at 10 o'clock tonight, Vice-Piesi
dent Fairbanks in the senate and
Speaker Cannon in the hoos9 de
clared the final adjournment of the
first session of the Ffty-mnth con
gresB. ;
For the first time congress ad
journed en the day which closed
the fiscal year. Other sessions had
adiourned before and some after
June SO, but the Fifty-ninth con
gresa epded its first cession on the
day when the government strikes
its balances and closes its books.
Startling Stories of White's Career
Are Developing Which Turn
Public Sympathy in Favor
of Prisoner.
New York. June 26. His nerves
unstrung, a nervous wreck, Harry
Kendall Thaw, multi-millionaire,
member of a . leading family of
Pittsburg, brother of the countess
of Yarmouth, still wearing his be
draggled evening clothes, was ar
raigned thiB morning for the mur
der of Stanford White, a prom i
cent architect, whom he shot to
death last night during the per
formance of the musical extrava
ganza "Ma m'eelle Champagne" at
the Madison square roof garden.
Thaw was remanded to appear be
fore the coroner. White's attention
to Mrs. Thaw, formerly Evelyn Nes
bit, a celebrated stage beauty and
artists' model, are believed to be
the cause of the tragedy.
The proceedings before the coro
ner were brief. Oa the affidavit of
Patrolman Debs that Thaw said to
him "I shot him," Thaw was held
without bail and sent to the Tombs.
Assistant District Attorneys Knott
and Turnbull are conducting the
prosecution. At the Tombs Thaw
found that the police had procured
him a business suit from his apart
ments. He quickly changed and
was taken to his cell where he con
ferred with his counsel.
- If you are looking for some real' good bargains" in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, -Oregon.
Seattle, Wash., July 2. Nervous
ly inUrlaciDg his toil-knotted fing
ers and his lips until they showed
white in a vain effort to repress the
volume oi feeling which surged in
his breast, George 1 Mitchell this
afternoon . watched and listened
while his sister Esther told on lb
witness stand her connection with
"Joshua" Creffield and his band oi
Holy Roller fanatics.
. It was to save this sister from be
iag totally ruined by the man who
held her in the hollow of his hand
and al together responsive to his
false teachings that this young far
mer boy took the law into his own
hands and placed .himself in jeop
ardy because he loved her.
That his sister has no apprecia
tion of this great love in which she
is held by her brother and decry s
hia act of taking the life of the man
who would have destroyed her, was
evidenced by her attitude. Her
brother may pay the extreme pen
alty which the law enacts for the
crime of murder and she would
never mourn him. She does, how
ever, mourn ''Joshua". Creffield and
every bit of evidence she gave for
the defense was drawn from her by
great effort on the part of the attor
neys who are trying to secure free
dom for Mitchell.
George Mitchell in taking the life
of Creffield on the morning of May
7 believed he was performing an act
Washington, D. C, June 30.
The Oegon delegation, in the ses
sion of congress just closed, while
handicapped by unfortunate circum
stances, has been singularly success
ful, and legislation secured for Ore'
gon interests will compare favoia
bly with that obtained by other
state delegations.
In the house there has been
much forbearance and charity
shown Oregon on account of the
naturally weakened condition of
the Btate'a representation, and in
all matters in which Oregon is in
terested every effort has been made
to give the state a fair and square
In the senate there was no strong
er delegation trom tne west or
northwest than Fulton and Gearin
These two senators worked in har
mony and without jealousy or riv
airy for the interests of their state
and ll is unfortunate for Oregon
that they are not to continue to
work side by side during the six
tieth congress. Coming late in the
session and observing Btrictly the
tradition of the senate that a new
senator shall not take a speaking
part in the proceedings, Gearin has
made no addresses in the senate, al
though urged at various times to
do so by those knowing his ability
a3 a speaker. ' -:
U iiiie net doing any talking,
Senator Gearin bas applied him
self industriously to work for hiB
state, and in conjunction with Sen
ator s uuon has accomplished cca
terial results. Senator Fulton's
work during the session had
scope of both national and state in
terests. Conspicuous in the former
was his participation with marked
success in the railway rate discus
sion, wnere ne earned a high posi
tion among tne legal lights of th
senate. Service of a more distinc
tive state character resulted through
the efforts combined with Senator
Gearin's in the generous appropria
tions for Oregon, considering that
this is election year, when the watch
dogs growl at every treasury gate
The 400,000 for continuing work at
the mouth of the Columbia was
prominent achievement in this line,
the Klamath Indian appropriation
of $537,000 being a good second,
and $120,000 for state buildings
being not a despicable third.
latter and a party of friends were,
sitting at a table. As Thaw and
his wife passed, White sneerlngly
glanced at Evelyn Neeblt Thaw,
saying loud enough for all sitting
near him to hear:
"There she goes. She's any body 'a
property. She's only a "
Thaw was at White' elbow at this
time. Leaning over the table Thaw
shook his finger in White's face.
"Yon , I'll get you for those
words," he eaid.
Later White and his fr'ends left
the table at which they had been
sitting and walked through the din
ing room to the terrace, where they
sat In the open air drinking. As
White passed Thaw's table he tap
ped Mrs Thaw familiarly upon the
shoulder and said something to her
which no one else heard. The sirl
shuddered and turned pale. A few
hours later Thaw shot White at the
roof garden.
Seattle, June 28. Another day
of weary wrangling on the part of
the attorneys for the state and those
who are defending George Mitchell,
charged with the murder of Franz
Edmond Creffield, the holy roller
prophet," baa passed and as yet the
I2 men who will try the case has
not been eecared. There were five
peremptory challenges exercised
this forenoon, the defense using
three and the state two. It is be
lieved that a jury acceptable to both
sides will be secured by at least to
morrow forenoon.
House for Rent. - -"
Enquire at Allen's drug store.
Ne w York, June 27. Why Thaw
should have lived for over a year
in apparent happiness with his
chorous girl brida and then sud
denly within less than a month dis
cover that Stanford White had ru
ined his home, is probably explain
ed by Mrs. Thaw's statement to
Harry Bradere, a close personal
friend of her husband, she eaid
"Harry did just right. He did
anoDieact. ine world 6houia oe
rid of such men as White. I tried
to get away irom White and per
suade him to cease persecuting me.
For a time I thought I haa succeed
ed, but whenever I came within his
reach I was sure to be annoyed by
him. I loved Harry and wished to
get entirely away from everything
that reminded me of my stage life,
It was cruel of White to continue
hiB efforts to eee me."
Same interesting disclosures of
White's private life have followed
hia murder. Ote development of
today may have a particularly close
bearing on the tragedy. The police
nave learned that White was ss
eaulted and beaten last Wednesday
night ia front of a New York thea
tre by a young woman who used an
umbrella over his head. The young
woman was accompanied by a man
who held White's arms while she
belabored him. When a crowd be
gan to gather the man let go ot
White's arms and the latter made
off. The woman was bustled into
a waiting hansom. She was said
to be in the theatrical profession.
No attempt so far ha been made to
identify White's assailant as Mrs.
White was 5"2 years oil an emi
nent in his profession, but found
plenty of time for the gay life of
the tenderloin. -Id the tower of
Madison Square garden he had
bachelor apartments and ft was
there that he and his actress friends
held high revels. He perhaps was
one of the best known and prodigal
examples of New York's men about
In connection with Harry Thaw's
direct charge that White ruined
Evelyn Nesbit while she was a
youDg girl and then deserted her,
a few extracts from the Sun are of
interest. The sun says:
"It is rumored, and generally be
lieved, that on eeveral occasions
when complaint was made against
Stanford. White the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children
attempted to gather evidence to
warrant the asking of his arrest up
on charges of debauching 13 and
14-year-old girls, but the society al
ways maintained it could not get
enough evidence to warrant action."
The Morning Telegraph tells of
a significant incident in the Cafe
Mar'in which apparently precipi
tated the killing of White. The
Portland, June 28. Evening
Journal: Mrs. Emma L. Watson.
the former mistress and accomplice
of S. A. D. Puter, and who was
convicted in December, 19o4, with
other membera of the Oregon land
fraud gang, arrived this morning
from San Francisco in custody of a
United States officer. Later in the
day she was formally surrendered
to the court.
The bringing of Mrs. Weston
here was brought about by her
bondsmen, Ben Sweet and L. F.
Puter, the latter being a brother of
the king of the land fraud opera
tors. The instigation came from
Sweet, who became apprehensive
that the woman would jump her
bail and that he woyld have to pay
the fiddler. Sweet is a wealthy
timb r man with whom Puter for
merly had large dealings. The wo
man was out under $6,000 bonds,
one surety of $2,000 being required
immediately after her conviction
and the one of $4,000 being requir
ed subsequent to that time, on the
occasion ol later indictments.
- Mrs. Weston left Portland some
what over a year ago, going first to
British Columbia with Puter, who
was also out on bail. She traveled
east with her companion, but later
returned to the coast and waa
thought to have been in San Fran
cisco at the time of Puter's arrest
in Boston. It was through shad
owing her that the secret service
men finally learned of the where
abouts of Puter after his sensation
al escape in BoBton, and through
Puter's attempt to meet her that
his arrest in San Francisco several
weeks ago was accomplished.
Mrs. Watson evidently was at
sea regarding the nature of the pro
ceedings, when she was brought be
fore District Judge Wolverton this
morning. Alter being lormerly sur
rendered by Ben Sweet and L. F.
Puter through their attorneys, J. N.
Djlpb, the woman made a state
ment to the court, declaring that
ebe saw no reason why she should
be brought here; that she had al
ways been ready to appear upon
due notice. She was not represent
ed by an attorney.
Unless Mrs. Watson can procure
bondsmen she will have to go to
jail. She will probably derive lit
tle comtort from the fact that while
there she will be housed in the same
building with her former compan
ion. Mrs. Watson took an active
part in the land frauds, having
forged many of the names of spuri
ous entrymen.
Her first night in prison was
spent wearily. She slept only for
a few hours, it is said. Fortunate
ly for her she is the only woman
captive in the county jail and she
has been granted a mocking sem
blance of liberty by being allowed
access .to all parts of the ward.
She haa made no unusual , re
quests since s deputy United States
marshal gave her into the custody
of the jailer. She has asked for no
feather beds and haa been appar
ently content with the food that has
been given her. '
The cell in which the adventur-
continued on page 4 " .