The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 29, 1906, Image 1

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    Vol. XIX.-No. 3
B.F. IRVTHB Editor
and Proprietor
1 mfflmmiramnrmwimiramwmmmK
The Gkm Cigar Store I
All Leading Brands of Key Wast and Domes Cigars. Whist and Poolroom.!
Jack IVIilne, prop. j
When you want anything . in the line of
Clothing, come and see our line, get prices.
TWe balance oar quality and prices defy
competition. .Our clothing sales has made
big strides in the past few years and this has
justified a big increase iD our buying. Never
before has our store received such a big ship
ment as this spring we have clothing Nob
by clothing for sale. Investigate.
Giai iUrigjyij) Fine Shoes.
n .1
up mm
No Frizes go with our
unase mmm
In fact nnthine gflfis with our coffee but cream, sugar and
, dole, agent for
Sheared Sheep Several Ma
chines in use in Benton.
. The shearing of sheep by machin
ery is largely coming into vogue in
Eastern Oregon, according to the
dispatches. Of 560,000 pounds of
wool sheared in Harney county,
most of it, a telegram says, was ta
ken off by machine. Several ma
chines are use in Benton, county
this season, and areaid to be econ
omical for the purpose. The ar
rangement is simple, with nothing
new or startling about it. The cut-
tine is done on exactly , the same
principle that a barber - cuts hair
with a pair of clippers. In the case
of the sheep, the power s supplied
to the operator of the clippers.
while in the hair cutting process
the barber's hand is the seat of the
motive power. In the first, a big
wheel with a crank to it is fitted
with 'cogs that operate on a smaller
wheel, which in turn moves a pli
able shaft which in turn is attached
to the clippers. One man turns
the crank and the other applies the
clippers to the sheep. Shearing by
the method, after a little practice
is said to be considerably swifter,
and far more humanitarian. By it
the sheep's hide is very rarely
broken, although the wool may be
clipped off much .closer. A dozen
of the machines are in use in this
county. Originally, they, were
designed for goat shearing, but they
are fast passing into use in the
wool industry. In Eastern Oregon
electric power or other power is
used,' and a dozen to 20 pairs of
clippers are operated with the re
sult that huge bands of' sheep are
sheared in a cbmparativly short
Ciiase i Saoborn High Grade
New Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition.
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,;
Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman, need, can
be found at my store.
Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop.
All Work Guaranteed. .
Ind. Phone 126.
Corvallis, Oregon.
For.. Rent.
Large rooming house. Partly
furnished. Apply W. S. Whitten.
Newport, Ore.
For Sale.
Registered bulls,, for sale; one
three year old and two yearlings.
Terms reasonable. For further par
ticulars inquire of
J. E. Wyattf
Corvallis, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice 1b hereby Etvan that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by tne county coart-of
the ttB of Ore eon for the county of Bentom adi
minlstrator of tne estate of William Becklexde-
ceesed. All persona having claims agunnua
Mtnta urn hpiehv mralred te Dreeent the same
to me. properly verified, ns by law required at
the office of J. v. Yates, corvauis, uregon, ma
In Fix months from the date hereof. ..
Dated this 19th day of June, 1904.
Administrator of the estate of William Secler,
Deoeaseu. :
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanS . Bldg. . Hpursi
io to la and a to .
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
What Lawyer Morris Said
About it Since; the Case
Went to Trial.
There is deep concern in Corval
lis over the outcome of the Mitchell
trial, now in progress at Seattle. I
Tidings from the court room are gen
erally looked upon a encouraging.
It has for instance, been observed
in a great many cases where tales
men have been interrogated on the
subject during the examination by
the attorneys, they have almost in
variably declared it to- be their
opinion that Mitchell did right in
killing Creaeld. This means that
the knowledge of Creffleld's teach
ings has become widely dissemin
ated, and in the state of Washing
ton his doings are looked upon with
disfavor. It is known here also
that the attorneys for the defense
are not in any sense ' discouraged
with the outlook. In a letter writ
ten Wednesday evening to a friend
in this city, Mr. Morris, senior
counsel for Mitchell, said that up to
that time, the case had gone pretty
mucn along tne lines He nad ex
pected, and. that he had every hope
of an outcome favorable to his client
He added that the prosecution was
making a strong fight to secure a
conviction, and that the defense
was tneetiBg the assault with equal
vigor, and that he felt reasonably
certPin that those struggling in be;
half of the Mitchell boy would hold
their own in a legal battle.
All Monday, TuesdayWednes
day and Thursday, was spent in se
curing a jury. On the subject, of
jury; Mr. Morris stated in his letter
that he was very well satisfied, al
though most of the rulings of the
court in the process of selecting
them. had been adverse- to the con
tentions of the defense. It is. es
timated now that the trial will oc
cupy the . greater.- part ot next
week. Copies of the Seattle papers
received in Corvallis teem with ac
counts of the trial, to which large
space is given up to pictures, in
cidents and other details of the pro
The discouraging feature of the
trial is the attitude of Esther
Mitchell and Mrs. Starr, sisters of
thejdefen4ant. They are apparent
ly, still junder the Creffield influence
and claim to have a revelation that
u is ijroa s win mat mey oo not
give testimony to aid their brother,
whom they, insist, should suffer the
fall fenaltit of the law. If Mitchell
goes jfokfra gallows it will be be
cause A&the fanatical testimony of
m&owa sisters. Mrs. Starr went
tOjSeattlerletermined to aid her
brother; but after an interview with
her sister? Esther, changed her
"j Tfte jury was secured last night
and the 'taking of evidence is in
progres& today. The witnesses for
the prosecution are, Maud Hurt,
two policemen, two doctors, and a
Seattle newspaper ' reporter - v It is
expected that their testimony will
all be in today, and that the evi
dence for the defense will begin to
morrow and continue for several
Monmouth State Normal School.
June 27 to Aug. 7th and Aug. 13 to Sept. 7th. First six weeks devoted
to special preparation for County and State Exams. Last four weeks a '
continuation of Normal instruction and special attention to Fihnary Me
thods with model pupil classes.
Faculty of over Twenty Instructors
Regular Normal Faculty assisted by noted college and . public school educators.
Tuition 1st Term $7,52nd i5.:
For catalog, summer school cicular or other information write Pres. E. D. Resaler,
Monmouth, Oregon.
Remember Blackledge is Here
We have just received 45 Mai
lable Iron Beds, all prices, from E
$2 90 up. One thousand yards !
Matting, just in. New wall
Paoer fust received. Lower F
than any house in Benton county
The new folding Go-Carts are
For-'FlDM, W3)ivvrk, etc.
We don't have time to change our ads every week, but
we sell goods to beat the band.
Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish-
ing Goods 4 rooms full. Acme Washer.
Remember Blackledge is Here
The 4th of July'
jWUltSOor,beier.e.C; Have you bought that, suit yet?
i no.t it. will;pay you to look our, stock over, We can
save y ou, money as we are closing out all summer sujts
at 20 per cent discount. .. . . . .
We also carry a complete line of Mens Furnish
at prices that are right.
A. K
- , Oregon.
j If you are looking for some real good bargains' in
Stockr Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for "our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan andJusurajiQe.;,
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Office over postoEee. Residence Cor
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft "at Graham & v--ham,s drug store.
Sunday Excursion
on the
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
To Newport and Return.
Sunday excursions will leave Albany at
7:30, Corvallis 8, Philomath 8:12, Wren
8:30, Blodget 8:50, Summit 9:05, Nash
ville 9:25. Eddyville 10, Morrison 10:21,
Elk Cijy 10:30, Toledo 10:55 a. m.
Euery Jjuoday duriri$ tb Summer
j ! ' ' Hair; or Stym
6eagQa or-3-day tickets good going or re
turning, on Sunday, excureicgia,.froin all
points. Fare, for round trip: "
Albany, Corvallis, Philomath $1 5O
Philomath to Chitwood 1 00
Morrison to Storrs 75
Toledo, Mill 4 and Oysterville 50
Numerous, attractions,; ..including., band
concert, burf bathing, life 'saving drills,
boating, fishing and gathering pretty
water agate.
bids wanted:
Notice is hereby given that tbe clerk
of school district No. 9 Benton couuty,
will receive bids to paint the old school
building: roof, one coat, and body of
buuaing, two coats, work and materials
to be first class. Give cost of labor, also
contract price lor la tor and materials.
The board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids, and no bid will be re
ceived after 9 a. m. July iOth. Specifi
cations can oe seen at tne omce ot Ulerk
Buchanan, in the Court house. .
Veterinary Surgeon
QfBce Winegar & Snows Barn
j OSce-Phone Ind 328
Resident. "
Bell 441'
Ind. 389
Hand Cream Separators.
Hand Cream Seperators sold on $5 months pay
ments. Several different makes. Write yourjjname
and address below and send to Independence Creamery
Independence, Oregon; for particulars and; information
about the dairy industry.
. Name Address
Zierolf Building.
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
The Grocer. If
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.