J Gasfti Discount 7- Commencing June 1st and continuing until further notice, we are going to have a Sale, which will give the people of Corvallis and vicinity an opportunity to buy 1st class merchandise cheaper than ever before. Our Prices Knock Out the Catalog House Silk Section Taffeta Bilk in all the latest shades end good quality. Special dis sount, 62c. Corsets , . We have about 100 W...B. Corsets, a d aa we expect to discontinue this line, the entire lot will be offered at epecial discount during this ?ale, 7g cents. ;Kingsbury Hats are sold "round the world because they fit every kind and condition of :men. For $3.00 you get '..the same style same finish Setting for $5.00.' Great .Values in Men's Wear 5 cents Men's fatt Black Hoee lo cents. ' 2 ) " " ' " I5 " 25 " " 22 ' 35 " Summer weight-shirts and drawers 25- ctnts. , 5o ' " 42 75c " GoltShirte.sic. Dress Fabrics We invite an early inspection of our complete lines ot colored and black Dress Fabrics, for spring and summer. The assortment embrace? the best selection from foreign loom?, and the eDtire line is included io the grand discount sale. Wool Fabrics .5o Reduced to .42 75 " 1 l.oo 1-25 2 00 63 .84 .95 1.68 Wash Fabrics .lo Reduced to .o0 15 .20 .25 4o it 11 11 .12 .1623 21 .33 Discount Coupon This coupon entiles Name Address Or any member of the family to a ten per rect. discount on any pa"r o Bo.ts or Shoes in our stor, b"fore July lt. This offer is made to in troduce our up-to-date goole, and must be presented within the specified time. F. L. MILLER, Corvallis, Oregon. 59 loffer. Men's Trousers BeSQre.-aod read the prices careful, and note the great bargain we $2.oo Trousers Now $1.45. 2,51 " " ;i(95. 00 " 2.4S. io " " ,3.65. .5 00 " " 3.85. Sateen Skirts -ll 25 Reduced to q5. 1.50 " " 1.17. . v 2.oo 1 43. 2.5o " " 1 98. .3.00 " " 2.38. : 'We just receiuad a large shipment of these ekirts from the East and have.placed them on eale at special discount. Boys and Young Men's Suits We are over stocked in this depaitnient and must make room for our fall shipment. BOY'S SUITS. $2 50 now goes at . $1 75 3 00 now goes at 2 35 3 50 now goes at 5 85 4 00 now goes at 3 00 5 00 now goes at 3 85 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS. $5 00 now goes at $4. 00 6 00 now goes at 4 80 6 50 now goes at .. 5 00 7 00 now goes at 5 60 7 50 now goes at 6 00 8 50 now goes at 7 00 10 00 now goes at 7 35 Men's Suits Men's Hleb-Grade Fuitc. sinede or dnnhl. throughout and perfect fitting. hi-fi sted, hand-tiilored $12.50 suits at $lo.oo 1350 14.oo 15 00 I6.00 16.5o 17.oo 18o) 11 11 I0.80 11 2o 12.00 12 8j 13.2s I360 14.4o S4 COPYHQfT 4905 KYL-JrEJtoUSE.OFIOmNrirlffl White Lawn Shirt Waists at Bargain Prices .7s now at .55. $l.oo " 82. 1 25 " " I.O5. I.50 " ' " 1.1s- 2.00 " " I.60. 2.50 " " 1.9o. 3.00 " " 2.25. Ladies' Kid Gloves A complete line, all sba3es and slze; I 50 erad t 100 - Domestic Department Wa have no reserve; every th'tag in this 1-p ineu i- iocluJed ir the grand discounut scale. God calioj 2') yr Is f r $1.00. Remember this is a genuine Sale of the entire stock of highf grade Merchandise, Groceries ex cepted as we must cut the stock down and make room for our fall, shipment.