f 2 1 LOCAL LORE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. and re- F the East- Portland. church, South, at n a. m., "An Intercessory Prayer of St. Paul." At 8 p. m., "Regeneration." Died, at Summit, Sunday June io, little Wilbur Carltcn, aged 7 years. For the past three years the lad had been an invalid, being con fined to his bed most of the time. C. A. Bareinger on Indepen dent rural phone line has 45 goats and 20 kids for sale at ruling prices. They can be seen at the Bareinger farm 9 miles s. w. of this city Private news is to the effet that they had a pretty stiff earth quake shock in San Francisco the other night. The tremors shook things up so vigorously that many people were badly frightened. . Presbyterian church. Subject of sermon at 11 a. m., "The Mind of God." C. E. meeting with spe cial program 7 p. m. Children's service at 8 with illustrated sermon and chalk talk, subject, "The Inn keeper and the Spies." A party of Corvallisites leaves tomorrow for the East. . They are Mr. and Mrs.. J. H. Moore, who go to the vicinity of Peoria, Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Taylor who go to Independence, Missouri. All will be absent two or three months. The notice of the chief of 00- lice that gates must not be swung . outward over the sidewalk and that barbed wire must not be used in fences in the city limits, appears ! elsewhere. The measures alluded ., to in the notice are provided for in new ordinances passed by the city council, and Chief I,ane gives not ice that they must be observed or the penalty will be applied. The German Lutheran congre gations f Corvallis and Albany will hold their aanual Missionary Festi- val next Sunday at Albany. Ger man preaching at 10 a. m. by Rev. H. C. Ebeling of Forest Grove, and English preaching at 2 p. m. by Rev. W. H, Behrens, of Portland. ' All are welcome. A carload of furniture from S. L. Kline's San Francisco home arrived Wednesday. It will be stored until the completion of the new residence Mr. Kline is to erect at te corner of Jefferson and Fourth. Mr. Kline went to San Francisco two weeks ago to sell his house there. He is expected home in a few days. ' Suit has been begun in the cir cuit court against Melinda D. Starr :' for the collection of the sum of $1, 000. The plaintiff is J. T. Bridges. . formerlv one of the land officials at Roseburg. Bridges holds a note executed in 1903 against Mrs. Gar- linghouse, mother of the defendant for money alleged to have been ad vanced by plaintiff. About a year ago Mrs. Garlinghouse died and Mfs Starr, her daughter, became administratrix of the estate. The claim was presented by Bridges but was disallowed by the administra trix, and the suit is the result. The 64th birthday of Mrs. H. F. Fischer was celebrated -with a surprise and tea given by her daughters, Mrs. Klger and Mrs Elgin at the family home Tuesday. - The afternoon was very pleasantly spent, and many congratulations were showered upon the guest of honor. The guests present were, Mrs. P. Avery, Mrs. M. E. Lee, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Wiles, Mrs. Ki ger, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Ann Smith, ' Mrs. Berchtold, Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs. withycombe. An informal test of the powers of the new water system for fire purposes was made by Fire Chief tferry yesterday afternoon. A sev en; eighths inch and an inch nozzle were used on a hose attached to the fire plug at the Graham &"Wells corner. A solid stream sfater was inrown trom the middle of Main to the alley and more a dis- tnnrp of TAn rm fav mritr. 1.1. v w ow yg iLil Liic vwind blowing strenuously the water was lifted to a height of. 20 feet of more over a fifty foot telephone poie. ini pressure, according to tne water gauge is 77 pounds. The pressure stood at 75 pounds while tne test was in progress. A em I Miss Agnes Wilson and Mrs. Mary Bryson spent Wednesday af ternoon in Albany. Miss Alice Jones entertained a few friends informally Tuesday evening in honor ot Miss Bess Yates of Vancouver. Rev. and Mrs. Rexroad visited at the McCausland home Thursday. Rev. Rexroad is principal of the Harrisburg schools. The Kline baseball team is to play a game on the flat Sunday af ternoon with a picked team 01 old veterans, who played star ball in the recent gone.by. Caleb Davis and daughter, Miss Bertha, have gone to the farm three miles west of town where they will spend the summer. . Miles Belden, who has been in Corvallis for a day or two, leaves today, in company with Arthur Bouquet, for the , Bohemia mines. After a few days visit with Cor vallis friends Miss Edna Buster left yesterday to spend the summer with her parents in Alsea. She was ac companied by Miss Mertie Harring ton. Tuesday evening Mr3. Taylor Porter gave a Flinch party in hon or of her neice Miss Maud Banks of Denver, Colorado. Her guests numbered twenty. On the way to Corvallis Wed nesday, Walter Kiser lost a purse containing $46. On the way home the same evening, after leaving an advertisement with the Times for it, he found his purse with the mon ey all safe. iidwin K.ose is visiting tor a day or two at home. He has been absent from Corvallis seven months partly in Eastern Oregon and partly in Portland, having been engaged most of the time as a carpenter. He is to leave in a day or two for Carl ton to work on a big Methodist church building for the erection of which Newt Adams and G. H Carl of Corvallis have the contract Harold Strong 'received Wed nesday evening the notification that he had been admitted to the prac tice of law by the Oregon supreme court. With other applicants, he took the examination at Salem on the 15th inst. His knowledge of law was secured in a course at Stanford which . institution he has been attending . for the past four years, and from which he will re ceive his degree of I. 1,. D. in Au gust. More than half the wool clip in Benton is said to have been sold. All of the big lots but three or four have passed into the hands of buy ers. Among the lots unsold are those of T. W. B. Smith, Dock McBee and Roy Rickard. Twenty three cents is said to be the best price obtainable in Corvallis now, with Cotswold one to three cents kslow that. A 70,000 pound pool sold at McMinnville a few days ago at 23 5 8. The pool is the largest formed this year in the Willamette Valley. MaDy ot the big lots were sold at 25 with delivery to be made subsequent to the sale. -The funeral of the late H. E. Burns, who was killed in a railroad accident at Los Angeles last week, occurred from the home of E. W. Strong yesterday afternoon. Many friends of the family were in atten dance, and there were many gifts of flowers. The service was con ducted by Rev. Vincent and the in terment was in Newton cemetery. The deceased was 46 years of age, and was a man of very high char acter. The survivors are the wife and son. . Later accounts of the accident are to the effect that Mr. Burns was on his bicycle in the sta tion yard. A growth of eucalyptus trees obscured from view a train that was approaching swiftly from the direction that Mr. Burns was going. All unaware until it was too late, the wheelman pursued his course until struck by the speeding locomotive. Live kicks, but all to no avail, are registered against the insurance companies by those who insure. The advance of 2$ percent in the rates, on account of the San Fran cisco earthquake, to be applied to all new policies as they are written is the occasion of the dissatisfaction. Those who have it to pay say Ore gon is not in the siesmic zone and that her people ought not to be mulcted by millionaire insurance men now to make up for losses the companies have sustained byrea son . of earthquakes in California The injustice of the new rates is as patent as can be, but how to" avoid them is a query difficult to answer. It might be a good thing for Ore gon capitalists to start their own in surance company on the old rate basis. They would be very sure to do the business, and the business would be very sure to be profitable, provided the policies were written in Oregon where there are no earth quakes, blizzards, cyclones or other cataclysms. Local news on first page. A late shipment into Portland was a train load of beef cattle from California. The doctor's daughter Papa, can you fix dolly? I operated on her and all her utensils are coming out. -V "Do you think the widow will break his will?" "Won't be nec essary. She did that long before she became a widow. Mrs. J. Scott of Albany, was the guest of Corvallis relatives this week. ;. . "' Paul Johnson, late publisher of the Argus at Albany, has fled the state, leaving his creditors and his family behind. Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Moses left today to spend the summer with their daughter,' Mrs. W. D. Jenks at Tangent. Miss Paseey A fortune teller has told me where I should find my future husband. Mrs. Stipulate Goodness! Give me her address at once! Perhaps she could tell me where my present one is. A picked team of players went over to Brownsville yesterday to take part in the base ball tourna ment in progress there, the occasion being the annual picnic of the Pio neers. Among those in the team is Long Brothers, Claude Swaun and Floyd Huff. New cement steps are being placed at the north and south en trances of the administration build ing at the college. Bach set of steps is in the form of a half circle, the radius being eleven feet. They are built of cement and will be very substantial. The work is being done by John Bier & Son. Farmers are beginning to make the annual inquiry as to the price of binding twine. , If the weather is right they will commence to buy it early next month. Local dealers say the price will be about the same as last year. - Then Stan dard went at about 12 1-2 and Clo ver Leaf in the neighborhood of 14. The figures here named are not au thoritative. There is to be a meeting to night of the Water Committee at which the accounts in rffie "construc tion of the water works will be cast up, and a balance figured out. The work is completed so far as origin al construction Is concerned, and all that remains are odds and ends, such as would naturally be incident al to a new building, a new machine or anything else newly construct ed. The work of connecting con sumers is expected to begin to morrow. The rates fixed by the Water Committee far household use are the same as have been in vogue with the old Water Company there is neither toilet or Whfr rate is $1 per month. Toilet is 50 cents and bath 25 cents extra. The rate for lawn sprinkling is $3 to $5 for the season, according to thenum ber of lots irrigated. It is expect ed that these rates will remain in .vogue until the Commission shall be able to make them lower. The question of reduction will depend of course upon the number of con sumers and the aggregate revenue. If no accident happens at the C. & E. station in the near future, persons in the habit of being about tkere will be agreeably dissapoint ed. Intense rivalry has sprung up among the news boys to be first down town with the evening papers and to facilitate matter? they board the arriving train while it is yet in motion. There are a number of them, and their struggles to b; first up trie steps ot the car, with the train still moving swiftly, is a scary spectacle. A harrowing fear of some mother's boy under the cruel car wheel possesses some bf the old er people who are wont to look on when the train comes in each even ing. A strenuous city ordinance prohibits the boarding of a train while it is in motion. Those who have seen it, say the reservoir of the Mountain water system is a thing of beauty. The cement lining is now covered with a coating of black ' asphalt, and the effect when the big tank is filled with clear mountain water is a deep blue characteristic 01 a clear sky. The stand pipe in the center of the water rises eight feet above the sur face and spouts water like a foun tain. A party of business men went out yesterday to see the thing perform, and returned enthusiastic as to the;work. The engineer in charge of the construction of the McMinnville water system was in town tne otner day, and- alter a vis it to it, he declared the Corvallis reservoir to be the most perfect ar rangement of the kind he had ever seen. The reservoif- is now com pleted and full of water. Its ca pacity is 250,000 gallons. President Gatch is at Newport. He ie accompanied by hie grandson. Yesterday was the longest day in the year. Joseph Pa'tereon came out from Newport Thursday to consult a dentist. Mr. Chester Prrebstel ba been confined to her bed for the past three weeks with illness. Mi-sea Luta and Ctaricoa Briegs of Atchison, Kansas, arrived Sun day for a two week's visit with their cousin Mrs. A. L. Koieely. The two-story residence of J. II. Harris is being pcslei to com pletion od lots near the Southern Pacific ttition. It is to contain eight large rooms, and will be a huuie f the first cluss. Its cost will be about $2,ooo. Mr. Goldeon is the builder.- Congregational church: Morn ing eermon, "The Larger Life for Every Ooe Its Source, lis G'owtb, I's Perioanene." Evening sermon, "The Plare of TJlun in the Plan of redemp'ioD." There will be ser vice at Plymouth at 3 o'clock. In the probate court R R Long has petitioned for letters of admin istration in tbe estate of Fred Long, who died in Lane county in Decem ber. The value of the estate is $1550 and the father, John Lorg, is the sole hsir. The lig rewepapers col time to boom Governor Cbambeilain for national politics. But the governor with fine appreciation of his etate and the people of bis etate, says he would rather be governor of Oregon and that his highest ambition is to give the state the best adminis tration it ever had. Thursday afternoon, a party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. McKel lips. Misses Mabel Withycombe and Mary Nolan, F. L. Kent and John McDougal, left this city in a row boat with Albany as their destina tion. Their only stop was at Hub ville, where a delicious luncheon was eaten. They returned on the 8:15 train anxious to repeat the trip. Thursday afternoon the Ladies Whist Club met for the last time this season at the home of Mies Eda Jacobs. The parlors were lit erally banked with magnificent roses, the air being heavily laden with their fragrance. After two hours "Tof progressive whist, a dainty luncheon for which the Jacobs home is famous, was enjoyed by the twen ty ladies present. Beeides the mem bers of the club, the guests were: Mrs. M. E. Lee, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. B. F. Irvine and the MisseB : Briggs of Atchison, Kansas. The Corvallis players wrn a pame of base ball at the Btj- ns ville picnic yesterday and are play ing again this afternoon. They also won the relay race. Tie team is, Cooper, catcher; Huff, Pitcher; Os car Long, let base; Swann, 2d base; 5 Jones, 3d base: M M Lone, ehoit bath, theBstP Bujeu, uouieter aoa onracK, outfielders. Tbe crowd at tbe pic nic is said to be enormous. Lost. Last Wednesday, a point lace handkerchief on" college grounds or in college armory. Finder will please leave at Kline's store. BANKING. The First National Bank of Corval lis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved Pfcu rity. Drafts bought and sold and mosey transferredto the principal 4ties of the United States. Eu- ropetmd foreign countries. English Shire Stallion. Imported English Shire stallion 7972 Southill Ranger 18366 will make the season of 1906 as follows Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs days at Abbott barn Corvallis, an days and Saturdavs at Monroe Frd Mondays at Watkin's place 12, miles south of Corvallis. Southill Ranger is a beautiful dark dapple bay, 17 1-4 hands high an weighs 2150 pounds. Terms: $20 to insure with foal or $25 to insure a living colt. W. C. Belknap, Manager. DR, E. E. JACKSON Veterinary Surgeon : OlSce Winegar & Snows ; Barn Office Phone Ind 328 " " Bell 44,1 Resident " Ind 389 J. FRED STATES ATTORbb, I -AT-LAW. Zierolf Building. - Odfy Set Abstract Books in Benton County A Shoe That each you how 4o nnke your feet feel at home em bodied in ery pair of S. L. KLINE The People's Store. Established 1864. The Gem Oioar Store All Leading Brands of Key West and Doaaeettc Cigars. Whist and Pool'room. Jack Mjune, Lady crackers Tire " Rizaracker Fwacker Zip Bum Bah Gun Nodes, Gmo Hades Cannon " Torpedos and Huh Rah, Bonabs. Moses Brother; You will always find and our prices easonable. For Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and children, "hatp. caps underwear, every day and a i iitf. ladies skirts, mns and boys suits Also a Fine Line of Groceries - crockeiy and everything that is needed in a grocery de partment. . Look Out for Moses Bros, quiek delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you will find there is something donig Ices and Creams We are now prepared to provide the public with Ices Water Ices, creams, Sherberts, and everything in this line. Special Fancy Orders For soeial mictions solicited. We cater to the public and guarantee the best at reasonable prices, you, want anything in our line remember us." ' -Our own special free delivery to any part of the large or small.1! , Corvallis Creamery Company, Lesson! Rdkton Health Shoes u - Wbep yoi. put on Ralston a yu can feel sure you've done Ctebest for your feet in point of both comfort and style. ;j Salston shoes are built on a structural principle worked mmt from a close study of the loot as' nature made it. D'd you ?ver notice how the firm, eiose-packed sand of a smooth sea beaeb supports and fits every part of the footxRalston Health Shoea fit that way. Come in and try on a pair. Corvallis, Oregon jrir- T Rockets Roman candle Mines Pin wheels Catharme Triangle Et,c, Etc. Rah s up and coming whole When city