The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 08, 1906, Image 3

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For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Miss Ethel Greer is suffering
with a severe attack of mrasles.
Pern Edwards andL. N. Ed
wards of Bellfougtain wre in town
yesterday on business and pleasure.
John Howard is expected from
Sweet Home Sunday on a visit to
Corvallis relatives and friends.
Miss Ether; Pierce was expect
ed to arrive today -from Hillsboro,
for a Commencement visit with
Ed Smith, who has spent a
month's vacation in Corvallis for
his health, leaves tomorrow for
Men wanted. Saw mill audi
umber yard laborer $2.25 per day.
Woodsmen $2.23 to$3.oo. Steady
work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lum
ber Co. , Eugene, Oregon.
Eugene Shelby, assistant sup
erintendent of Wells Fargo, and in
charge of the company's lines in
Oregon, spent the forenoon in Cor
vallis. leaving on the Westside for
Jim Lewis went to Portland
Monday, taking down with him 10
head of draft and driving horses
to be sold on arrival in that market.
The animals were all gathered up
in the vicinity of Corvallis at prices
said to have been in th skies.
S. L- Kline left Tuesday ' for
San Francisco where he goes to
sell his residence and such of the
furniture as he will not bring to
Corvallis. He expects to be absent
two weeks. ; He is making prepar
tion to begin the erection of a new
residence at the corner of Jefferson
and Fourth. , 1
-The house and one lot on the
northeast corner of the block in
which E. F. Bryant lives, changed
hands Wednesday. The buyer
was C. H. Harrison, and the price
$1,100. The seller was W. P.
Minor, and the deal was made by
Stevenson, Robinson & Berman.
The house was newly built last
'.year. .
:Many Corvallisites are going
tomorrow to the Monroe picnic and
barbecue. The programme and
exercises are under direction ot the
Modern Woodmen and includes ad
dresses by J. K. Simmons of Port-
land, and G. W. Dennan, besides a
literary programme by the schools
of the vicinity. Other exercises
will be a drill contest by Modern
Woodmen and sports of all kinds,
including a baseball game and a
dance in the evening.
In College chapel tomorrow
night the last of the inter society
debates for the year will be held,
the contestants being the Jefferson
ians and the Pierians. The society
honors of the year and , the Gatch
cup hang in the balance, and there
is every likelihood that a big crowd
will be present. The question is,
"Resolved, that Suffrage in the
United States be Restricted by an
Educational Qualification." The
Jeffersonians nave the affirmative
The United Artisans had
big time in their hall Wednesday
evening. Besides the initiation of
several candidates, there was an
election of officers and a banquet.
The officers are: P. M. A.; Mrs.
. Tillie Reed; M. A H. H. Cronise;
Supt., Mrs. Ellen Mundy: Inspct.,
Mrs. Arnold King; Sec", Miss Eva
Starr: Treas.. Frank Hubler; Sen
ior Conductor. Miss Ella King:
Junior Conductor, Mrs. Frank.
Strong; M. C, Guy Clark;
Commanders, Maud Harper
Fred Coooer.
Eugene Guard: A rush be
tween the students of th'e second
and third fUors of the dormitory
at the State University came off
last night. Pillows were used as
weapons, and the dormitory this
morning in places looked as if some
old woman had been plucking geese
theie, besides there was other pil
low stuffing in evidence. A rather
serious accident marred the other
wise sportive event. Dell McCarty
a second floor man, was pushed in
to a window, the broken glass cut
ting two of the tendons of his right
arm making a ga?h of six inches.
Eighteen stitches had to be taken
in closing the wound.-
Tuesday evening at 8:30 in the
opera house, the 0. A. C. seniors
give their annual entertainment,
which will be a farce entitled, "Af
ter the Storm Comes a Calm."
Those in the cast are, Arthur Bou
quet. Grover Cate, H. C. Getz,
Minnie Phillips, Myrtle Harring
ton and Alice Edwards. In addi
tion to the. farce there will be solos,
quartettes and monologues, and
Rosenstein's orchestra, to furnish
music. Judging from the program
the entertainment will be the best
given by a senior class ' for many
Miss Eva Staats of Airlie is the
guest of Corvallis friends.
Born, Thursday at Soap Creek
to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, a
son. ;,'
Miss Carrie Byerly, '04, is a
guest at the home ot-W. F. Whit
by near Grange Hall.
Mis. M. B. Nichols and daugh
ter of Chicago are guests at the
C. I. Starr home. Mrs. Nichols
and Mrs. Starr are sisters.
Mrs. William Washburn of
Brownsville arrived Thursday for a
visit with her daughter, , Mrs. Jo
seph Sith.
Mrs. A. Comotoa. , mother of
. " tB
james iietr, wno is ui ai me-
home of her son in this city is not
improved. ' ,: ' ' "
Jhn Wkhycombe returned last
night from a visit of several days
with his parents in Portland.
Master Mechanic J. T. Walsh of
the Corvallis & Eastern has been
appointed acting superintendent, to
succeed the late Con Sullivan. ;
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Edwards
leave next week for Eastern Ore
gon to spend the summer with the
former's relatives.
Mrs. L. It- Porter accompanied
by her infant sen Roderick arrived
last evening for a two weeks' visit
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Harley L. Hall, who made a
popular race for recorder but went
down before the 350 republican ma
jority in the county, has accepted a
position m Robert Huston s hard
ware store.'"' ;l 1 '
Evangelist B. E. Yontz of Des
Moines, Iowa, who has been hold
ing a meeting at Woodburn is vis
iting at the home of T. S. Hand
saker. Subject of sermon at the M. E.
church, South, Sunday at 8 p. m.
' Christ: the Way, th Truth, the
Life." No service at 11 a. m. on
account of che annual sermn at the
college. .
Harry Trinwith, of Eureka,
Cal. , was shaking hands with old
friends in this city yesterday. He
was formerly auditor on the Oregon
Pacific with headquarters at Cor
vallis. ' j,
Presbyterian church M. S.
Bush, pastor: No morning serv
ice. C.-E. meeting, 7 p. m. Evening-service
at 8. Sermon to the
graduating classes of the public
schools, "The City of Enoch." j
Mrs. A.. L. Knisely and Mrs.
C. M. McKellips gave an "after
noon" Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. Knisely on College Hill.
Their goests numbered fifty ladies,
and included the wives of the OAC
faculty and other friends.
Mr. James Taylor yesterday
received from the K. O. T. M.
lodge a check for, 1 2,000, the
amoant of the insurance policy car
ried in tie order by her late hus
band. The fact of such prompt
payment speaks well for the order.
There was a large audience at
the piano recital given by the pu
pils of Miss Mamie Cauthorn at the
M. E. church, South, Wednesday
evening. The various numbers
were well received and the pupils
deserve credit for their performance.
United Evangelical church.
Sunday school in' the. morning as
usual but ! nr. preaching service on
account of the Baccalaureate servicfe
at the college. Regular services in
the evening. Subject."Either This
or Upon This." C. T. Hurd.
On account of services at the
Armory, the Sunday school of the
j Chrissiah "church will meet at 9
! o'clock next Sunday. The C. E.
will meet as usual at 7 p. in;'-. Rec
ognition services for the members
who belong to the senior
class will be held. At 8 p. m. Pas
tor T, S. Handsaker will preach,
subject ; ' 'Putting Christ upon His
Throne." .' !
. There will be no services at
the Congregational church Sunday
morning it .- being Baccalaureate
(Sunday at the college. Judior En
deavor at 3: Senior Endeavor at 7;
vesper service and sermon, 8. Sub
ject, "The Man for the Times."
The Sunday school picnic has been
postponed. There will be no serv
ice at Plymouth Sunday.
The south end of Benton is
vieing with all other sections in
road building. Rich Irwin and J.
S. Watkins have recently built
half mile of grade at their own ex
pense. Another donation of con
sequence is $50 in cash contributed
by Major Bruce to be expended in
gravel for the roads in the vicinity.
The money and labor expended on
the public road increases the value
usefulness and the salability of the
farmland adds to the comfort,
convenience and happiness of - the
owner. That is a fact that cannot
be rubbed out, and all that a farm
er expends on the roads comes back
to him maay fold. . ,. .
- -i-Miss Carrie Danneman arrived j
Thursday from Clem, to attend
After ajten days' vistin this city,
Miss Una Stewart left yesterday for ,
her Prinevilie home.
Miss Rollis of Portland is a
Commencement guest of Miss Ed
na Osburn
Clifford Benson, a popular
former OAC student, arrived yes
terday from Roseburg, to spend
Commencement week with Cor
vallis lriends.
A piano recital is to be given
in the Methodist church on Friday
of next week by Mrs. Marshall, an
Eastern pianiste, residing tempor
arily, for reasons of health at Oak-
I,inn county.
j Doctors Pernot, Cathey and
Bennett attended a session . of the
Central Willamette Valley Medical
Society in Albany, Wednesday ev
ening.' 1
Miss Etta Carter '04, came ov
er from Albany yesterday tojattend
the funeral of her former classmate
Miss Isabel Whitby. ; . :
' Miss Anna Steidl who ' has
spent the past six months in Cor
vallis, leaves tomorrow for her
home in St. Paul, Minn. ' During
her stay here, Miss Steidl has made
many friends, who' regret her de
parture. Announcements have been re
ceived in this city of the graduating
exercises of the Nurses Training
School of the Good Samaritan Hos
pital, of Portland, of which class
Miss' Florence Wicks is a member.
Miss Kathryn Olson, a former 0 C
student also graduates with Miss
"Personality Abreast the World"
is the' subject of the evening ser
mon at the Methodist church Sun
day. The address will be in honor
of the; graduating class at the col-lege.p-,There
will be no ; service in
the ' morning on account of the
Baccalaureate sermon at the Ar
mory.' :,, :
On June 6th at the home of the
bride's parents in this city, at 3
o'clock, M. E. Gragg and Miss
Ruby Jackson were united in mar
riage, Rev. McLain of Philomath,
officiating. Both are well known
and fespected young people of the
county and many . join in wishing
the young couple a pleasant and
prosperous future.
- I Woodmen Picnic.
r Stiver. Camp No. 7,352 M. W. of
A. will have their 9th annual pic
nic, June 'qth at Ridder's Grove
near Saver.
- For Sale.
Registered bulls for sale; one
three year old and two yearlings.
Terms reasonable. For further par
ticulars inquire of
J. E. Wyatt,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Vocal Lesions, t
Mrs. Harold Strong is prepared
to give lessons in singingi Special
rates for the summer. Residence
on Third street between, Harrison
and Tyler.
Imported Black Percheron Stallion
55296 Potache 40064
Will make the season of 1906 at
Abbott's feed bam, Corvallis, Ore.
Potache was winner of 1st prize
at St. Louis Fair; 1st at American
Royal Live Stock Show, Kansas
City; 1st at Government Show in
France; also International Live
Stock show at Chicago 1904.
Mares from a distance will be
furnished first class pasture. Terms
$25 to insure. .
: T. K. Fawcett,
- ' y Corvallis, Oregon.
Ice Cream at Campbell's bakery
and confectionery.
, . Auction.
At my farm 12 miles south of
Corvallis at 10 o'clock a. m. Thurs
day June 14, 1906, I will offer for
sale the following personal proper
ty: 1 black mare, weight about 1,
600 lbs; 1 gray mare, weight about
1,200 lbs: 14 head cows and heif
ers; 100 head of sheep; 16 head of
hogs; .2' farm . wagons; 4 walking
plows; 1 gang plow; i two horse
grain drill; 1 cultivator and seeder;
2 drag harrows; 1 Victor stock
scales. Terms; All sums under
$10, cash. All sums over $10, six
months without interest on approv
ed security. No side bidders.
: ; ( John Rickard.
A. L. Stevenson, auctioneer.- j ,
Use Yellow Dent corn for plant
ing. It is the best. Get it at Zie
rolfs.-"i- fY". Yti' . Y. :
-Distilled water ' used ia Canap-
A Shoe Lesson!
That etch you how to make your feet feel at hone em-
bodied in every pair of A
The People's Store.
Established 1864.
The Gem Cigar Store I
All Leading: Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Peoljrocm. j
Jack Milne, prop. j
Wj-'U-kr l-rT TTT-n v y- ' crS3-.v
Moses Brothers
You will always find s up and coming
', and our prices leasonable.
For Boots and Shoes
for. Men, Women and children, hat?, caps underwear, every
day and a sloiU, ladies skir-tp, mens and boys suits
Also a Fine Line of Groceries
crockeiy, andjeyerything that is needed in a grocery de
partment. , , :V1 t;J: ,
i ": Look Out for Moses Bros
quick delivery wagon. ; Listen for the bell and you will find
there is something donig
ces and
We are now prepared id provide the public with Ices
Water Ices, creams, Sherberts, and everything in this line.
i Special 1 Fancy, Orders
For soeial functions solicited. We eater to the whole
public and guarantee the test at reae enable prices. When
you want anything in our line remember us.
Our own special free delivery to any part f the ity
large or small
yallis Creamery , Company
Ralston Health Shoes
When yogi put on Ralstons
you can feel sure you've done
the best for your feet in point
of both comfort and style, j
Rtlst on shoes are built on a
structural principle worked
out from aNclose study of the
foot as nature made it.
D d you sver notice how the firm,
close-packed sand of a smooth sea
bpach supports and fitp every part
of the foot? Ralston Health Sboee
fit that way.
Come in and try on a pair.
Corvallis. Oregon
if you are
Going Fishing
- . Get your Fishing Jackie af
We tarry the Famous Bristol Rod.
Freshly loaded shells for pigeon
J shooting. Repair toork doffe.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office Winegar & Snows Barn
'Office'Phorie Ind 328
H "1 j " ; Bell 441
'Hesident ," '' Ind 389
H. S. PERNOT, ;,
Physician & Surgeon
Office over Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Houra 10 to
12 a.m., 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be
eftt Graham .& . fiam's drug etore.
-. i i i 1 i : 1 n. s . - v.
Zierolf Building.
Qoty Set Abstract Books in Benton County
The First National Bank of Corvai
lii, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative tanking business!.
Loan mouey on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
money transferredto the principal
cities of the United States, Enj
lope and foreign countries. j
English Shire Stallion.
Imported English Shire stallion-
7972 Southill Ranger 18366 will
make the season of 1906 as follow:
luesaays, Wednesdays and Thurs
days at Abbott barn Corvallis, aq-
days and Saturdays at Monroe Fr$
Mondays at Watkin's place iz,
miles south of Corvallis.
Southill Ranger is a beautiful
dark dapple bay, 17 1-4 hands hig i
and weighs 2150 pounds. .
Terms: $20 to insure with foal qf
$35 to insure a living colt. i
W. C. Belknap, j
Manager, j
A. Bargain. j
163 acres known as the Cauthorn
place on Peak road must be sold at
once. ' 30 acres in crop. . -jHouse Of
5 rooms, new barn, 50 x 60 ft."; 30
acres of heavy timber, balance pas
ture, running water on place. This
Ambler & Watters, agents-
Physician & Surgeon - '
6ffie, room 14, BanK BIdg. Hoarst
, 10 to 12 and a to 4. . '
' Phone, office 83.
. Residence 361.
Physician & SurReonU
11- I -ICXfz s
'Seventh n. e l i; .
Banking Company
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Boys Couaty, City and School ,
Principe Cs5?r2sp3adet;!$.
SEATTLH f .-Klifmn,
NEW VORK-SIewn. .. i'. jworsr ill $Z IK). - 1
CHICAGO Natioua.) iUxuli. at The iiepuli-
LOMDOM, ENG. Jf 2t Kotltscfcade Sodd
CAN AD .4 . L'uiep Bant nf
Northern Pacific.
2 Daily Trains 2
Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul
and the East.
2 Trains Daily 2
Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan
sas City St. Louis and East,
- 4, -i
Four dally trains between Jortlaud ami Seattle
Pullman Fir.-tcir- sV epilif; curs Pullman-
Tourist sleep1;; 2 rnr?;, Dli.itiijtatsuigUtauj dav'
Observation au.. l-u.Ior ci-s.
The reeular v,
ineston and Ori;
official enirau. c
. '-. Tirv 1; Ti t-1 -. VI I'. T iV-
Park season J unc "St ti September 23h.
8e Earope ?f yon tvIH but sea America fl 5'.
S-Hrt right, tco I'fcilGwsloucj Katiunal rik
Hure'B greatest wcudorioud.
Wonderland The famous Northern Pacific
took can be had for the asking or six cents by
Vie Kovte ot the "North Coart Lsmlted" the
Only Electric Lighted Modarn Train trom Port
bud to Ue East.
' .; ' .- - ' ' -' -.
9b ticket office at Portland Is at 36S Morrison
kmet, corner Third; -A. d -Carlton, AaaUtant
tlBflJoat PawMBfer Xfau Portland. Or,