The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 05, 1906, Image 4

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Horse Show a very Successful
Event Planning Another
Next Year.
The Corvallis Horse Show Fri
day and Saturday in the extent of
its success was a surprise to even
its most enthusiastic advocates. It
brought together a finer ot of
horses than arc ever seen in one
group in Benton county.. Every
character of equine was represented
and the whole exhibition good
enough to call out enthusiastic
commendation from visitors who
were in attendance. Among the
latter many were amazed at the
character of the horses taat were a
mongthe entries.
There was a good crowd in at
tendance oa botn days. On each
.day a parade took place at 10:30
o'clock. r or several blocks during
the parades the pavements on both
sides of Main street were lined with
people. The success of the show
was so complete that there is a gen
eral desire lor a similar show next
year on a broader scale, proposing
probably to include all kinds of
.livestock in the list. Tie awards
at the show were as follows:
Saddle Horses:
1st premium,
2nd "
-Single Drivers:
1st premium,
Double Drivers:
1st premium,
Dick Kiger.
S. K. Hartsock.
W. O. Trine.
Dick Kiger.
C. H. Murphy.
T. J. Allen.
Fred Buchanan.
Claud Buchanan.
Draft Teams:
1st premium, R. Skipton.
and " H. S. Pittman.
3rd " C. G. Davis.
Brood Mares Grade Dr&ft:
1st premium, C. G. Davis.
2nd " R. H. Gellatly.
3rd " H. S. Pittman.
Brood Mares Roadsters;
1st premium, J. H. Simpson.
2nd " Ed Schoel.
1 st premium,
S. K. Hartsock.
Standard Trottirg Horses:
1st premium, Jesse Brown.
2nd . " W. C, Metcalf.
Three-year old:
.it premium, Cbas Small.
'Iwii year old :
1 st j remium, 1. . J. Johnson.
1st pren.u'.m,
T. K. Fawcett.,
Frantz Bros.
Peter Whitaker.
1 st premium, Mark Hulbejit.
'English Shire:
it premium, W. C. Belknap.
Gride Draft:
' Four-year old:
1st premium, A. R. Locke.
Two-year old:
ust premium, C. G. Davis.
2nd " G. V. Cooper.
One year old:
1st premium, D. F. Surge.
2nd " Sol King.
3rd II. S. Pittman.
Suckling colts:
1st premium, Geo. Brown. .
2nd " R. H. Gellatly.
3rd " Estel Wilson.
Three-year old:
1st premium, Ed Schoel.
Two-year old:
1st premium, II. Schoel.
jud " Ed Schoel.
One-year old:
1st premium, J. II. Simpson,
oucl Jersc Brown.
3rd " I-M Schoel.
Suckling colts:
;st premium, J. II. Simpson.
Mi. J. Mou Foo, an experieued
compounder of Chiuese medicines,
successor to the late Hong Wo
Tong, of Albany, Oregon, is now
prepured to furnish Chinese medi
cine to all. The undersigned rec
ommends him and guarantees satis
faction. Call or write him at No. 117
West Second Street, Albany, Ore.
Jim Westfall.
Hbtict is hereby given that the
partnership exising between R. H.
Colbert and S. W. Smith is this
day dissolved by mutual consent.
Mr. Smith retires from the firm.
R. H. ColbetJ.
S. W. Smith.
June 5th. 1906.
Superintendent of the C. & E.
dies Suddenly Saturday.
Con Sullivan, the well known
superintendent ol the Corvallis &
Eastern, died suddenly in his Al
bany home Saturday morning.
Concerning his death, the Demo
crat says:
"Yesterday he made the trip to
the front on the road. Daring the
evening he complained of feeling
badly, About three o'clock, Mrs.
Sullivan, whose rcom was adjoin
ing, heard him making a noise
which seemed uunatural, and hasten
ing to the room, found him lying
over the foot board in a prostrate
condition. He died soon after.
Dr. Davis was called bat too late
for assistance. His death was
evidently from heart trouble, with
a complication of troubles. He was
49 years of age.
Con Sullivan was born in Ireland
coming to the United States when
about fifteen years of age, settling
in Iowa, where he was connected
with the construction work on the
North Western for several years,
then going to the Chicago, Mil
waukee and St- Paul in the same
line of work About twenty years
ago he came . to the Northwest,
working on the Sound for a few
years. In 1889 or 1890, he began
working for the Oregon Pacific as
superintendent of track construc
tion, having charge of the work
when it reached Albany. When
A B. Hammond bought the road
in 1894 he was tnrde superintend
ent filling the position until his
death in an fficient manner.
The funeral occurred at Albany
today. He was for several years
a familiar figure on the streets of
Corvallis, during the time when the
C & E. headquarters was located
in this city. He was during a part
of that time roadmaster and super
intendent of bridges but later was
made general superintendent of the
road. He was an able executive
officer tnd a most kindly and in
teresting man. He had many
friends in Corvallis who heard Sat
urday morning of his sudden death
of heart disease with pangs of
keenest regret.
Whereas it has pleased the Su
preme Ruler of the Univorse to re
move from our midst our late broth
er, James C. Taylor, and whereas,
it is but just that a fitting recog
nition of his many virtues should
be had, and therefore be it
Resolved by Corvallis Tent No.
11, of Corvallis, Oregon, that while
we bow with humble submission to
will of our Heavenly Father, we do
not m.)urn the le-s for our brother
who has been taken from us.
Resolved, that in the death of
Sir Knight James C. Taylor, this
Tent has lost a faithful member,
the family a devoted companion
and loving father, and thecommun
it3 an upright citizen, who was ev
er ready to proffer the hand of aid
and the voice of sympathy to the
needy and distressed.
Resolved, that these resolutions
be spread upon the records of this
tent, to the bereaved family of our
deceased brother and to each of the
newspapers of this city.
. W. L. Sharp.
Lee Henkle.
H. C. Mangtjs.
Woodmen Picnic.
Stiver Camp No. 7,352 M. W. of
A. will have their 9th annual pic
nic, June qth at Ridder's Grove
near Suver.
New Allovers at the Bazaar.
Vocal Lesions.
Mrs. Harold Strong is Drepared
to give lessons in singing. Special
rates for the summer. Residence
011 Third street between Harrison
and Tyler.
For Sale.
Registered bulls lor sale: one
three year old and two yearlings.
Terms reasonable. For further par
ticulars inquire of
J. E. Wyatt,
Corvallis, Oregon.
common Colds are the Cause of Man;
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have trained a national
reputation as analysts of the cause of various
diseases, claim tbat it catching cola coma m
avoided a lone list of dangerous ailment-
would never be heard of. Everyone knowt
that pneumonia and consumption originate
from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis,
and all throat and tune trouble are aggra
vated and rendered more serious by each
fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take
chances when yon have a cold. Chamber
lain's Cough Itemed; will cure it before
these diseases develop. This remedy con
tains no opium, morphine or other harmful
drug, and has thirty years of reputation back
of it, gained by it cures under every cendi
tioa. Far sal ir Graham & Worthuo.
And Developed a Beard While
yet in the Beginning of
his Teens
" Late information concerning the
boy whoe abnormal growth puz -zled
the doctors, is totheeffect that
his condition is unchanged. The
case was reported by the Times
last fall. At that time the boy
lived with his parents a short dis
tance from the Corvallis ferry iu
Linn county. The family name is
Miller, The grandfather of the
lad still resides in Corvallis, but the
parents have sold their Linn coun
ty farm and removed to Oregon
The boy, it will be remembered
is but 13 years of age, and last
summer suddenly began to make
extraordinary growth. Within a:
few months be attained the stature
and weight of a man. His voice
changed, becoming heavy, like that
of a man, and a heavy" beard began
to make its' appearance. Along
with these unnatural developments
came the unfortunate fact that his
mind was affected. It also became
impossible for him to stand. He
was taken to Portland, where he
was studied by all the physicians
of that city. There was nothing
like it recorded in the medical
books. For 10 days they studied
the case and then gave it up as not
to be accounted for and as beyond
the power of their profession to
remedy. The boy ..-was brought
home, and sometime later, the fami
ly removed to Oregon City. .
The boy is stiil confined to his
bed. He is unable to walk and is
eery weak. His mind is however
somewhat improved. He can read
and write, and do some of the
stunts in arithmetic that he used
to do before this peculiar trouble
came on, .What the outcome of
the case will be, cannot be fore
st) ado ired.
Bellfountain Picnic Scene of
Pioneer's Passing James
The pleasure of the Blllnuntain
picnic Saturday was mewhat
marred by the sudden death on the
grounds, of Jatnes Edwards an
Oregon pioneer of 1853, who had
come to the scene in apparently
in good health. Mr. Edwards was
taken with a sinking spell, and
lived but a brief time. The funer
al occurred Sunday afternoon at
o'clock at Bellfountain, being
conducted by Rev. M. M. Waltz,
assisted by E. H. Belknap. In
terment was in the Bellfountain
James Edwards was born in
Pennsylvania. May 2nd, 1817, and
was aged 89 years. When ten
years old he went with his mother
and brothers to Ohio, and in De
cember 1844 he was united in mar
riage to Miss Mary Lcngsworth,
In 1853 the family came across the
plains to Oregon with the United
Brethren colony, of which Rev. 1 .
J. Conner was leader. For some
years the Edwards family lived
iu Alsea, but for 44 years previous
to his death, the deceased had re
sided at the old place near Bell
fountain. Mrs. Edwards died 21
years ago. Six children survive,
among these being Joseph and Lee
Edwards so well known in all parts
of this county.
Mr. Edwards was well and wide
ly known throught this part of Ore
gon. He was a man of upright
character, and was respected by
2$ For S3le.
Household furniture, consisting
of bed ro6m suite, bookcase, dining
table and other goods. Inquire of
W. H. Robinson.
Ninth and Monroe sts. Corvallis.
To buy a team from 1050 to 110O lbs.,
mares preferred. Also, h. light wagon,
harness and a good cow. For further
information apply at limes office.
Sharpen Up.
All kinds of grinding and sharp
ening done at M. M. Long's repair
Give the Corvallis Creamery Co.
trial on ice and ice cream.
Uood for : Stomach Trouble and
) Constipation.
"Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tab
lets have done me a great deal of good,"
3a va C. Towns, of Eat Porta ee. Ontario,
Canada, "Being a mild physic the after
effects are not unpleasant, ana I can recom
mend them to all who sutler trom stomacs
disorder." For sale by Graham & Wortham
Oak wood, stove lengths,
at Saw Mill Co. .
Newport, Yaqtiina Bay, Breitenbush
Hot Springs From AH S. P. and
C & E Points.
On and after June 1, 1906, int Southern Pacific,
In connection with the Corvallis & Eastern rail
road, -will have on sale round trip tickets from
points on their Unes to Newport, Yaqnlna and
Detroit hi low rates, good for latum until Octo
fcsr 10. io&
Three day tickets to Hewpcrt and Toqutna,
good going Saturdays and returuing Moudays,
are also on sale ltom aU East Side points. P.,rr- )
land to Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West i
side point., enabling people U. vL-i: thelt famil- j
ies and spet;d Scnday at the seaside. '
Season tickets from all East Side points, Port
land to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West
Side points, are also cn sale to Detroit at very
low rates, with stop-over privileges at Mill City
or any poin t East, enabling tourists to Tit it the
Santlam and Breltenhush Hot Springs in the
Cascade Mountains, which can be In
one day:
Season tickets good for return from all points
until Oct. 10. Three-day tickets good going Sat
urdays and returning Mondays only. Tickets
for Portland and vicinity good tor return via.
the East or West Side. Tickets from Eugene
and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon
Springfield branch. Baggage 00 Newport tickets
checked through to Newport; on Yaqnlna tick
eta to Yaqnlna only. Sunday excursions to New
port on the 0. & E. will begin June 10th or 17th
and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving Alba.
ny at 7 :30 a. m. ; leaving O01 vallis 8 a. m .
S. P. bains connect With theO. & E. at Albany
and Corvallis for Yaquiua and Newport. Trains
on the C. & E. tor Detroit will leave Albany at
7:30 a. m., enabling tourists to the Hot Springs
to reach there the same day, Trains from and
to Corvallis connect with all East Side trains on
the S. P.
Full Information as to r ah s, time tables, etc.,
can be obtained on application to J. C. Mayo,
Gen. Pass. Agt. C. & E. K., Albany; A. L. Craig,
G. P. A. S. P. Co., Portland, or to any S, P. or 0.
& E. agent.
Bates from Corvallia to Newport, $3.75;
To Ysqulna, $3 25.
Three-day rate fi om Corvallis to Newport, S2.50.
Profit by This an-i Find Safeguard
Ag inst Many Ills.
Nothing is more important to Corvallia
than the good health of her people. How
can they fill their place in this busy
town unless they are well?
No one trouble if responsible fur more
nervous ills, sleeplessness, general debil
ity, weakness, backaches, rheutnniic
pains, even ill-temper and peevUhness,
than indigestion.
Fortunately a combination of reme
dies, called Mi-o-na stomach tablets, has
beeu discovered that absolutely cures in
digestion and restores to health and
strength the whole digestive st stem. The
use (if Mi-o-na is a safeguard against ma
ny ills. ; it acts directly upon the gas,tric
tUnds, res-tores perfect action to the di
iretitive ij,.ns aids tbe assimilation of
food, anrt ru strengthens the whole ii
nesiivB system that you can eat anything
at any time without fear of indigestion.
Jat one Utile tablet out of a jO cent
hox of Mi-o-na b- fore meals for a few
days, and you will. soon regain perfect
health and strength, and be able to eal
anything digestible with on t fear of stom
ach difficulties.
So reliable is Mi-o-na in curing all
forms of stomach weakness and troubles
that Graham & Wells give a signed guar
antee tha' the remedy will cost nothing
unless it cures. Mi-o-na sells for 50 cents
and is invaluable to any one who suffers
with indigestion, nervousness or week
What kind of corn is best for
Oregon? Yellow Dent. Who has
it? Zierolf.
Go East
at reduced rates. The Southern
Pacific company announces reduced
round .trip rates to the East lor the
season of 1906 as follows:
Corvallis to Chicago and return,
$73-95- St. Louis, $69.95. Mil
waukee, $72.15. St. Paul and Min
neapolis, $62.45. Sioux City, Coun
cil Bluffs, Omaha, St. Joseph, At
chinson, Leavenworth and Kansas
City, $62.45. "
Sale dates June 4, 6, 7,23,25.
July 2, 3. August 7, 8, 9, Sept.
8, 10.
Limit going, 10 days.
Return limit 90 days bu: not af
ter Oct. 31st,
Sawm:U fcr Sale. ,
I will sell my mill property located
4 1-2 miles southwest of Philomath, Or
egon, conf.i8tirj; of 160 acres all good
second and old growth fir, excepting 12
acres tihich are under cultivation. House
barn, mill, and outbnildiugs all new.
Mill was put in two years ago, 35 horse,
water and steam power combined, 44
and 50 in. saws, edger. plainer, saw-dnst
and slab conveyers, large water tank
and tower, all complete and in perfect
running order, capacity 10,000 feet per
day, worth $3,000, will take $1,500 if
taken soon. Call on or address
tf. 309, Second St., Portland, Or.
Ice and ice cream delivered by
the Corvallis Creamery Co. in large
or small quantities to any part of
the city.
50 Cents Per Setting
For egge. Beet brown Leghorns.
J. B. Irvine, Corvallia.
Cool Clothing
f or JShrm leather
Closing Out
Hints tor the
Boned chicken. Chicken & liver. Boned
turkey, Deviled ham, Veal loaf, Lunch
tongue, German lunch sausage, Vienna,
sausage, Vienna sausage and sauer krout
Chipped beef and bacon in glass jars,
Roast and corned beef. Lobsters, Shrimps,
Oysters, Salmon, Sardines, crab and
clams, Fresh fruits, cakes and crackers,
Napkins, many pretty patterns to
select from, Paper plates no picnic
buckets complete without paper
plates. All kinds of pickles
and olives , in the bulk at
Hodes' Grocery fggp
Blacksmiths, Machinests, Wagonmakers and Horse Shoers
All kinds grinding, Oliver
all kinds of machine work done in first-class shape.
Newest and Latest Up-to-date Machinery
Prices, so both can live.
Slear tbat looks
cool and feels
Handsome, stylish
two piece suits that
bare tbe tone of refine
ment tbat stamps '
them as btgb class
Our stock is complete
wttb garments tbat you
will appreciate and enjoy
during tbe Btrmmcr
Call and examine tbe
different styles and
patterns: they're
correct in every detail
You should see them
For th rexti30 days we will elope
out nil cf tbeie machires at $7. 00;
regular price $9. on. The Ojean
Wave is a standard machine and
one of the most pnbstantial made
washers on tbe market.
Nw .is your opportunity to pet
an up-to-date waphing machine for
a little money.
Lunch Basket.
chilled plow share3, also