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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
AOaL LOR For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. Bert Pilkington returned yes terday from Eastern Oregon. Dr. L. V. Flint is reported as very ill at the family home in this city. The Coffee Club is to give the last dance of the season tonight in Fireman's hall. Miss Dougherty of Salem is ex pected to arrive Friday for a visit at the Nolan home. Miss Alice Jones returned Sat mday from Wren "where she has been teaching school. f "D,- T7.. 'nr nf Van. couver, Washington, arrived Sat urday for a visit with Corvallis friends. Miss nerttia iwiwaras nmsnes her term ot school at Mt. View to day, and returns to her home at Bsllfountain. Mrs. J. B. Goodman entertains the F. M. S. of the M. E. church Wednesday afternoon at her home on Fourth. Paul Hubbard, the baritone soloist, is to sing tomorrow night at the moving picture show at the M. E. church. Men wanted. Saw mill andl umber yard laborer $2.25 perday. Woodsmen $2.25 to$3.oo. Steady work. Apply to Booth'-Kelly Lum ber Co. , Eugene, Oregon. The L. A. S. of the Methodist church held a tea this afternoon in the church basement from 2:45 to 5 o'clock. The affair was very pleasant. Miss Elsie Keyt left yesterday fot her home at Perrydale, after a few day's visit .with Miss Lulu Turner. ' The eastern mail which has been held up since last Tuesday by the floods along the line of the O.' R. & N. in Eastern Oregon ar rived today. The Jeffersonian Literary so ciety entertained the Pierian society Saturday with a trip to Bellfountain picnic grounds and return. The trip was made in hay wagons and occupied sixteen hours. Mrs. A. D. Morrison of Carl ton, arrived Friday for a visit with her father, W. S. Linville. Dr. Morrison is taking a post-graduate course in a Chicago Medical college. Mrs. Ed Strange and family left Saturday for Seaside to reside. Mr. Strange is installing the old Ccrvallis electric light plant in that city and writes that he expects to have it in operation by June 6th. "uon t vou tnins tnat young man is afflicted , with a swelled head?" "No," answered Miss Cayenne; "he's not afflicted with it; he enjoys it." "What I want." said the young man, "is to get married and have a peaceful quie home." "Well," said Farmer Corntossel, "sometimes it works that way, and then again sometimes it's like join in' a debatin' society." Many Corvallis people attend ed the unveiling ceremonies at I. O. O. F. cemetery Sunday afternoon. I The services at the monument of the late Charles M. Smith and at the grave of Mrs. Leadbetter were very impressively conducted by the W. O. W. and Circle lodges respec tively. Many people from this city will attend the barbecue at Monroe Sat urday. A beef has been donated by the Wilhtlms, and the affair in all respects is to be on a large scale, with many features that interest ev eryone. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carver, of , Fairmount, Minnesota, have just ' moved into an elegant new, home in that city, and the statement is that they are prospering. Mr. Carver is still engaged in the butcher busi , ness. Mrs. Carver was formerly Miss Mary Lilly of CorvaUis, and both art well known here, where many friends will be glad to hear from them. The Araicitia literary society celebrated the close of the year with a picnic at Philomath picnic grounds Saturday. With members of the Sorosis literary society as . guests, the start was made in kay racks shortly after twelve. At the grounds games, hammocks, swings etc had been provided for the pleas ure of tke party, and at six o'clock all did justice to an elaborate and delicious luncheon prepared under the supervision of Mrs. Withy combe. A program followed in whick each member of the Society appeared and at dusk, all : departed homeward declaring the A'mlcitians to be royal entertainers. The Dir ty was chaperoned i by Mj. C. & juc&eiupa, Mt$v B.W. .Johnson 1. Irvine? " H and Mrs. B. Thorn is Bilyen of Portland was among those who came home to vote yesterday. Miss Maud McBee returned Sun day from a several weeks' vis'twith Salem relatives. Mrs. B. Wo!dt .returned to Portland Monday, after a few days' visit with Corvallis iricnus. Miss Maud Mattley left yes terday for Yaquina City, where she is to take charge of a summer school Glenn Goodman, a hardware merchant of Pendleton, is to arrive Friday for a few . days' visit with college friends. Miss Rova Cox returned yester day to her home in Portland, after a visit with Corvallis friends " . F. M. Stokes of last, year's grduatinf-lass arrived last night for a visit witn'Corvallis friends. Reports from the bedside of Miss Isabel Whitby are to the effect that ske is not improved. MissJ. McLennan went to Mt. View yesterday for a few days' visit with Mrnd Mrs. Robert Wylie. Joseph Hecker of Wells spent Saturday and Sunday in this city with his daughter Mrs. Arnold King. . Miss White who has been a student at OAH for the past year left Monday for her home at Klam ath Falls. i After a visit of several weeks with her parents in this city, .Mrs. Claire Gatch Wheeler left Friday for her home in Seattle. , Mrs. W. P. Smith and little son left yesterday for Portland after a visit with her brother Thomas Callahan. "Little Bob" Wilson left Mon day to assume charge temporarily ot the loledo telegraph office, a high compliment to a boy of his years. Miss Pauline Kline's building on Main street, adjoining the Ba zaar, is being iepapered and gener ally repaired, and when completed it will be occupied by the.White music store. - . .. A big Woodman picnic with a superb program at Monroe next Saturday is to attract much atten tion in Benton. Many Corvallisites are planning to go. There is to be a barbecue. Mrs. J. F. Yates entertains a number of young people . this even ing in honor of George'von der Hellen, Archie Van die ve, ' Harry Auld, Otto . Simpson and Dewalt Elrod. - ;---V" Reserved seats for the musical entertainment to be given as the opening event of Commencement week at the opera house, are now on sale at Graham & Wortham's. The pupils of Miss Saothorn will give a piano recital at the South Methodist church at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. Every body invited. William L. Vance who located in Linn county in i860 was tound dead in bed Sunday morning at his Albany home. He was one of Linn's heavy taxpayers. Two danghters, Mrs. Peacock and Miss Lora Vance survive him. The annual teachers' institute of the county begins in the morning at the public school building. There will be an evening session at the Presbyterian church, and other sessions on Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow night Hon. B. F. Mul key delivers the address. For Sale. Cream separator and five head of milk cons. Inquire of Frank Skinner, Wren,: Benton county. Inoculated Red Clover Alsika Rape, Alfalfa, Spelts White clover and Arti chokes. Land plaster, that will double the yield; -; See seed at Wellsher & Gray's store. 1.. y. Brooks. For Rent. Large rooming house. "Tartly furnished. Apply W. S. Whitten. Newport, Ore. A Favorite Remedy For Battles. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy fa-vc r ite with 'Jie mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and pre vents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. It not only enn croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by Graham & Wortham. ice and ice cream delivered on Sunday any part of the city by Corvallis Creamery Co. If you kaev the value of -Chamberlain's Salve yon would never wish 'to be without it. Here are some of the diseases for which tJsspecaJlv.valuaU4r nipples, chapped hands, bum, frost -bttsi,ichilnUini, chronic sore eyes, itcning pi tea, tetter, salt rheum ate fry Bwsm-frWeiwMMi COMMENCEMENT WEEK At O. A C The Program. ' Tuesday, June 7. 8:3s p. m. Opera House Depart ment of Vocal Culture. "On Shi re. and Sea" a diamatic - cantata; music by Arthur C. Sullivan. ; Saturday, June 9. 8:30 p. m. Chapel Debate, Pi' erian and Jeffersonian societies ' for the cup. , Sunday June 10. 10:45- Armory Baccalaurea'e Sermon. Rt. Rev. Frederic W. Keator, D. D. Bishop of Olym- Pia- . ;: : . , . , m . . -; Monday, June 11. 2:30 p. m.- Armory Physical Cul ture Drill, 8:30 p. m. Chapel Organ Recital . with Elocutionary exercises. v " Tuesday, June 12. io:od a. m'. Campus Parade and ; Skirmish drill, Cadet Regi ment. .J--; - :oo p.m. Campus Class Day Exercises. 3:30 p. m. Athletic Field Facul ty-Senior baseball game. 8:30 p. m. Opera House Senior Entertainment. Wednesday, June 13. 10:00 a. jn.' Armory Graduating Exercises. 2:00 p. m. Chapel Meeting of the Alumni. HIGH SCHOOL. Graduates get their Diplomas Commencement Exercises. Flowers everywhere and. in great quantities, - dainty dresses, ribbons and frills, aind a sea of in terested faces was a scene at the opera house Saturday night. The occasion was the high .school grad uating exercises, and there was an unusually large crowd out to hear the fine program that was rendered. The classes were the 8th and 9th grade pupils of Prof. , Cummings and Prof. : Holmes respectively, and each one who had a part in the program acquitted himself with credit.-- Superintendent Denman made an address and presented the diplomas to each class, and Prof. Holmes offered a few remarks. The evening from start to finish was one of interest and pleasure to all concerned. The program was as follow; . Eighth Grade Music. 1 .Overlander' s Orchestra Invocation .Rev. M. 8 Bush Instrumental So. o. Gertrude Nolan Salutatory Harry Belknap Recitation . May bel Far mer Recitation Phyllis Sargeant Vocal solo ..Jean Kent Recitation. . Earl Heckart Recitation Madge Ash by Instrumental solo A .Bertha Wilson Class Prophecy N anna Fitzmaurice Presentation of Diplomas Snpt. G. W. Denman Music -Overlander's Orchestra Ninth Grade Recitation 4 . " O tto Morgan Essay Viola Gardner Instrumental Solo Vera Chambers Recitaiion.: Ruby Fowells Recitation; ...Harry Cady Vocal Solo.:. ..Zeta Johnson Recitation. Dean Knox Recitation Josie Holmes Instrumental So!oClara Baker Recitation I.Helen Rater I Class Prophecy Ama Holmes Vocal Solo Inez Johnson Valedictory. Elsie Rice Presentation of Diplomas Music. Overlander's Orchestra Notice of Guardian's Sale Estate. of Real Xotlee ! herebv given that on6SJirdflV. thesth dnj or June. 190s. at the aour of two o'clock in ine anernoon oi saut day, at tna. .tront door eu toe county court house in the city ot CorvaUis, In Benton countv, state of Oregon, I will efler for aale and sell to the highest bidder tor cash n hand,' all the right, title, Interest and estate of Archibald Johnson. In and to: An undivided ii, Interest in and to the following described real estate. to:wlt: Fractional H X of Bee St; Jioi sec 18; w ot don. land claim ot Cyn thia E.Johnson, and the heirs at law of John Feichter, deceased. Not. No. 3171, claim No. 64; x xacaonat a n oi sec. zs; rracuonai B ox sec. 31; also, beKinninir at the Quarter section corner between sections 19 and 20, and run thence 8. with section line 49.62 chain to claim line of claim No. 64; thence with said claim Une to N W corner ot said claim NO. 64. thenee north as 69 chains to where center Une passes through section 20; thence west 6 IS chains to beglnninK; also, beginning at N W corner of John . Porter donation land claim, and run thence 8. 27 03 chains: thence B. 73 chains to the etate road; thence following along state road N 4 deg. 80 min. E. 37.08 chains ; thence W.7 chains to place of beginning. All of the above situ ate, being and lying In township 18 South, Bang 5 west of the Willamette Meridian in Benton county, uregon. Said sale Is made under and in pursuance of a license and order of sale made by the county court of the state of Oreron tor Rentim on May 10, 190ft, In the matter of tfaft .nurdlcui BU1U ui SUVIUUUV affJUBBun an insane authorizing, licensing and empowering Cynthia . Johnson: as guardian of said Archibald John son, insane, taell the above described real es ate at voJjltoaocUon ta the highest bidder for cash in band, and to dispoee ot the prooaeds la sbe aaonar preaertbad by law. sata May 11. 190s. iiiiirsfisWyis?iwsBMM" A Shoe Trvv. m 1 7 i how (id oi ike your feet feel at home em bodied in every pair of sr. r:: The Established J864. The Gem T All Leading Brands of Key West and - ... , 7- ,.-; " Jack Miune, prop. rout Moses Brothers You will always ind is p and eoming and our prises leaeonable. For Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and children, hats, caps underwear, every day and a shifts, ladies aki-tF, mens ami boys suits Also a Fine Line of Groceries crockery and everything that is needed in a grocery de partment. Look 0t for Moses Bros quick delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you will find there is something donig Ices and Creams! We are now prepared to proyide th public with Ices Water Ices, creams, Sherberts, and very thing in this line. Special Fancy Orders , For soeial functions solicited. : W cater to the public and guarantee the best at teasonable prices, you want anything in our line remember ns. Our own special free deliTery to any part of the large or small,J.5fSrj, .t j??, .i'-.r iV , Lesson! Ralston Health Shoes , When yon put on Ralstons you can feel Bare you've done the best for your feet in point of both comfort and style, j . sRalstqu shoes are built on a structural principle worked out from a close study of the foot as nature made it. D d you ;ver notice how the firm, close-packed sand of a smooth" sea bfach Buppfirta, aod fit every' part nf the foot? 4 Rale ton Health Shoes it that way. Come in and try on a pair. KLINE e'3 Store. ' ; Corvallis, Oregon Cigar. Store Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool'reom. IF YOU ARE 'Going Fishing! i Get your Fishing Tackle at GUN HODES We carry the Famous Bristol Rod. Freshly loaded shells for pigeon . shooting. Repair work done, i whole When cityrr DR. E. E. JACKSON Veterinary Surgeon Office Wiaegar & Snon s Barn O&ce Phone Ind 328 " " .Bell 441 Resident " lad 389 H. S. PEItNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over poetoiBoe. Residence Cor.' ' Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & -. -"ham's drag store. J FRED STATES ATTORXn I -AT-LA W. Zierolf Building, Only Set Abstract Books in Beaton County BANKING. The First National Bank of Corval- lit Oregon, transacts a" general conservative banking business. 3 Loan money on approved seen. '. illy. Drafts bought and sold and money traneferredto the principal cities of the";Unit9d States, Eu rprje and foreign countries. English Shire Stallion. Imported English Shire stallion 7972 aouthiu linger 18300 will Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs-" days at Abbott barn Corvallis, an days and Saturdays at MonroeFrd Mondays at Watkm s place 12, miles south of Corvallis. Southill Ranger is a beautiful dark dapple bay, 17 1-4 hands high and weichs 21 so bounds. Terms: $20 to insure with foal of $25 to insure a living colt. . W. C. Belknap, Manager. A. Bargain. " , 163 acres known as the-Cauthorn nlare. rn Ttar rnad YnllQt h Knlrl at 5 rooms new barn, 50 x 60 ft 30 acres of heavy timber, balance pas ture, running water on place. This is a bargain at $1,600. Ambler & Watters, agents. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanS Bldg. Hourii 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. Phone, office 83. Residence 5S1. Corvallis, Oregon. G. R. FAKRA, Physician & Surgeon, Grilse uj H'.itri i i J 1 J 1 ! i Ideoce 01 . la.iii Seventh st. WILLAMETTE VALLEY Barikino; Company Corvallis, Obecox Responsibility, $S00,ooo Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrant".. Principal Correspondents. 8AM FRANCISCO J PORTLAND f Th lnu SEATTLE 1AOOMA California SEW YORK Meson. .1. (. Morean A Co. CHICAGO National Bank of Tne Repnb- IjONDOM, ENG. N M Rothschilds & Sons CANADA. DatCf Rmitt f Oinuuu Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth", Minneapolis, St. Paul and the East. 2 Trains Daily 2 Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle Pullman First-class sleepibe cars. Pullman Tonrist sleeping cars, Dining cars night and day. Observation and Parlor cars. The Tegular Yellowstone Park B3ute via. Liv ingston and Gardiner, Mont., the government official entrance to the Park, Park season June 1st to September 30th. Bee Europe if. you will but see America flrt. Start right, See Yellowstone Rational Park Nature's greatest wonderland. : : "l ' r ' - - Wonderland The famous Northern Pacific book eaabe had lor the asking or six oents by ... I,.. .. . ' The Boate at the "North Ooart Lsmlted" the univ aiecmo ugoea iioaorn Train rrom jwrt lanoSothSEagt." Mxi-.'.'-.- Vka MakatafflM at PnrtlnH la t 9KK WnrrlanB' wner Third ; A. D Carlton, A tasssBaar agent. Portland, Or,